Sephiroth X Reader - Do You L...

By Derpofthecentury

2K 54 36

The long awaited sequel to the original story, in which the reader turns out not to be as innocent as everyon... More

Le Sequel

2K 54 36
By Derpofthecentury

A/N: What everyone's been waiting for! I'm mixed about it, and I almost feels like it needs another sequel to be complete. But ah well. Hope everyone enjoys it!

     Genesis yawned and stretched, cracking his sore joints. He had gotten back from an exhasting mission in Wutai last night, and still had to work the following day. At least the pay as a First-Class SOLDIER was good. Otherwise, he would probably just stay at his apartment.

"Genesis." The auburn-haired man turned around to see who had called his name. He saw Sephiroth striding towards him at an almost alarming rate.

"Hello, Sephiroth. Does Lazard intend for me to break all the bones in my body, again?"

"No." The silverette chuckled, "You're free of Wutai torture today. I have something else to discuss with you."

"Yes?" Genesis responded sleepily.

"I think that you thought my punishment for losing the bet a week back was very funny." Sephiroth's usual blank expression turned into a menacing scowl.

"It wasn't funny, I will admit, rather, hilarious. I lost my voice the next day and I couldn't sleep on my sides for days." Genesis snickered, "Zack and Angeal also complained of similar side effects."

"Absolutely charming. Can you tell me what this is?" The general handed something over to the commander, which Genesis held up closer to his face for examination.

"Some kind of recorder, most likely for audio." Genesis handed it back to Sephiroth, "Why?"

"Do you know what is on it?" An unsettling smile spread across Sephiroth's features.

"Of course not."

"A recording of you reciting LOVELESS, in the shower." The general chuckled darkly.

"Should I be more concerned with the fact that you broke into my home or the fact that you recorded me while I was showering?" Genesis grimaced.

"You should really learn to keep your windows locked."

"And I'm supposed to be disgusted beyond the fact that you broke into my house, why?"

"Because with very little effort, I can hook this up to the speaker system and blast throughout the entire ShinRa building, and everyone may start thinking a little differently about your infatuation with that book of yours."

Genesis gave Sephiroth a nasty look, but then remembered that he didn't have much to fear, in fact, he had the upper hand.

"That reminds me, I wanted to show you this." Genesis fished his item of destruction out of his pocket.

"A USB drive?"

"Yes, it just so happens to contain the full, video recording of you talking to _____ about 'big swords'. There's a very important meeting later today, it would be a very simple task to hijack and play my video instead. And, you would humiliated in front of more than just those in the ShinRa building." Genesis smirked from ear to ear. Sephiroth's revenge train hit a penny on the track and completely derailed. He had no idea that Genesis had recorded last week's escapades.

"Well, Commander, a good day to you." The General briskly walked past Genesis, going to who-knows-where.

"Ahh, life is sweet." The Auburn-haired man hummed, strolling down the hallway. Quite enjoying his brief spell of invulnerability.


"Ack! Zack, what did I tell you about surprise hugs?" _____ squeaked as Zack squeezed her tightly.

"Sorry, you were just looking a little down, so I thought that a hug might cheer you up. You're not thinking about what happened between you and Sephiroth, are you?" The spiky-haired second asked his friend, ruffling her hair.

"Yes, I just still can't figure out what he was trying to say." She managed through a giggle as Zack messed with her [H/C] locks.

"Soooo, are you going to the ShinRa meeting tonight?"

"I kinda have to, all ShinRa personal and SOLDIERS have to attend."

"What do you think it's about?" 

"Probably just another silly ceremony for the general and all of his great achievements in Wutai." _____ rolled her eyes dramatically, recalling all of the countless parades, awards ceremonies, and a vast array of other ways ShinRa had managed to congratulate Sephiroth. She hoped the person that had to organize all of those events was getting paid well.

"I don't think they're that silly." Zack chimed in, "Well, maybe if I got an award, they'd be a little less tiring."

"That's just because you want to be recognized, Zack." _____ gently poked his cheek with her index finger. This caused Zack to balloon his cheeks out with air like a puffer fish.

The Second-Class female couldn't help but find this hilarious and burst out into laughter.

"Geez, it wasn't that funny." The spiky-haired second chortled, nudging her in the ribs.

"But, I mean, you really do look a bit like a puffer fish when you do that! Complete with spines that penetrate anything it comes into contact with!"

Zack suddenly felt the blood rush to his cheeks.

"What are you two up to now?" Angeal eyed both of his apprentices suspiciously, leaning an arm on Zack, using his height to an advantage. Given that _____ and Zack could be quite the troublemakers, Angeal's suspicious were not without cause.

"Nothing much, just talking about Zack the Puffer Fish." She giggled. Angeal gave Zack a look of confused amusement. The Second-Class shrugged and chuckled himself.

"Come along now Zack, you have training to do. And _____, make sure to stay out of trouble. Especially when it comes to Zack, you probably shouldn't trust a word he says."

"Hey!" The blue-eyed Second pouted, all _____ could really do was giggle and wave goodbye to her friends.


After Zack and Angeal were a good distance away from _____, Zack looked over his shoulder and whispered, "Hey, Angeal, can I tell you something?"

"What is it?" Angeal replied, raising an eyebrow at the fact that Zack was whispering about something when they were alone.

"It's about _____. I know the whole 'Zack the Puffer Fish' sounded innocent, but, the way she worded it before you came wasn't quite as innocent." He nervously tittered.

"I'm sure it wasn't that bad."

"'Complete with spines that penetrate anything it comes into contact with?'" Zack chuckled. Angeal's face went blank, processing what Zack just said.

"I see where you're coming from."

"I know she didn't mean to make it sound, ya'know, like, that. But, I'm worried that maybe after what happened with Sephiroth, that she acquired a skill from it." Zack scratched his head, looking to Angeal, for at least, something.

"I'm sure it'll just wear off." Angeal chuckled, ruffling Zack's hair, leading him into the training room. Zack, on the other hand, couldn't be so sure.


_____ sat down in the auditorium next to Zack, elbowing him in the ribs, causing him to chuckle.

"What ridiculous things do you think they will have to do to make this one better than the last?" Zack whispered.

"I don't know, I have doubts that they would try to launch fireworks inside the building." Both of them got a good laugh out of _____'s remark.

"Shhhh! It's starting!" Zack whispered back as the lights in the auditorm dimmed. The band started playing an epic anthem as the spotlight shone on the podium with Lazard standing front and center.

"If I could have your attention, please. As you already know, the war in Wutai continues. Though it has been a difficult struggle, we have made great progress. We gather here today to recognize those who have made our dreams a reality. As the SOLDIER executive, I present to you, Sephiroth."

"Yeah, for like, the, ten billionth time." Zack snorted.

Applause was basically mandatory as the silver-haired general was presented to the crowd in an unnecessarily dramatic fashion. The curtain was pulled back, revealing him with a new medal adorning his outlandish SOLDIER uniform. He seemed a little more, on edge than usual. While Sephiroth was far from being a social butterfly, he did enjoy the attention. Which _____, found odd.

"Hey, do you think that Seph's a little off key today?" _____ whispered to Zack.

"Yeah, he looks kind worried."

"Our General himself decided to recognize two other individuals who have done an outstanding job in Wutai. I also present to you, Genesis Rhapsodos and Angeal Hewley."

Zack and _____'s jaws dropped to the floor as Genesis and Angeal were also revealed from behind the curtain with equally shiny medals also hanging from their uniforms. This instantly sparked a conversation between _____ and Zack.

"Do you really think Sephiroth pointed Angeal and Genesis out to Lazard?" _____ asked.

"I don't know. I mean, they've recieved medals before, but I don't remember was ever involved with them receiving them." Zack answered.

It was then that it clicked in his head. Genesis was obviously enjoying his power trip, perhaps a little too much. Zack knew that it would probably end up getting to his auburn-haired head. But, maybe that would be interesting to watch unfold. However, he knew that he couldn't tell _____ about anything because, she didn't need to know about what was behind the whole fiasco.

"Who knows, maybe Sephiroth was in a good mood today." Zack chimed in.


After the ceremony was over, and Zack and ____ had parted ways for the night, Zack couldn't help but pry. He scampered up to Genesis and Angeal. Not surprisingly, Sephiroth was no where in sight.

"I have a feeling that there's a conspiracy going on here...And I think it has to do with the two of you getting those awards." Zack slyly commented.

"Well, the general did exhibit his undying generosity today." Genesis rolled his medal between his fingers, "And Angeal and I were more than happy to accept it."

"Seriously!? How long do you think you'll be able to well, manipulate Sephiroth."

"I have a feeling that it isn't going to last much longer, but, that's just a hunch." Angeal chuckled.


_____ laid in her bed, staring up at her apartment cieling. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't push what Sephiroth had told her that one day to the back of her mind. It all just seemed to linger with her. Maybe, it was some cryptic code. It couldn't possibly be some kind of metaphor, let alone a euphemism-



It was early in the morning, but, duty calls. Genesis, Sephiroth, and Angeal were awaiting their deployment to Wutai, and Zack was simply hanging around until they left. They were all chatting amongst themselves, except for Sephiroth, who had learned to avoid Genesis at all cost.

Suddenly, _____ came onto the scene. And did hell have no fury like a woman. It was obvious that she was angry, and _____ was never angry. For someone so calm and collected, she looked like she could strangle someone.

"Sephiroth!" She barked, gaining the general's attention. He too, was also startled by _____'s change in character. She walked right up to him, but remained there, glaring at him furiously.

"Y-You pervert!" _____ yelled at him, raising her hand and striking him clear across the cheek. All four of them fell silent as _____ stormed off down the hallway. Sephiroth raised his hand to feel the stinging, red hand print that ____ had left on his cheek.

"Oh man, it looks like _____ wasn't as innocent as we thought." Zack tittered, watching the general intently.

"Well, she did figure things out pretty quickly. Aside from the fact that Sephiroth wasn't really behind things..." Angeal replied, "And I'm not sure if she should find out."

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