Broken Mirror » Loki

By JckSparrow

99.1K 548 105

"Eventually the truth will be revealed, whether you like it or not." [THOR THE DARK WORLD] More

01; Hammer Wielding Idiot

00; Aether

1.4K 65 14
By JckSparrow





"Ow! Shit. Darcy, what the hell?" I hissed in pain, rubbing my elbow. I looked over to Darcy, who was staring at me with wide eyes. "You could have just tapped my shoulder, not throw me off the chair. Bloody hell." I mutter under my breath, picking up my school notes.

"Have you seen Jane?" Darcy questioned, helping me to my feet.

I shook my head in response. "No. She's on that date with that guy. David or Richard something." I said. Darcy took something from her pocket, revealing some weird electronic device thing that was continuously beeping. 

I looked at Darcy blankly. "Darcy, I'm a medical student. I don't know why it's beeping nor do I care."

"Oh yeah." Darcy muttered. "The machine is doing the exact same thing it was doing in New Mexico. The readings are the same." Darcy explained, showing me the scientific readings. Which to me, looked like doodles.

"Still don't get the point why you are showing me this, so I'll just nod and agree." I say to her. Darcy shot me a little glare. "Jane wouldn't care about these readings. Plus, it is probably just a false reading like last time, Darcy. Let Jane move on. I don't need her obsessing over that idiot again."

Darcy looked to me and gave me the look.

"Darcy. I mean it, don't give me that look because it will not make me give in this time." I argue, looking away from Darcy. The look was Darcy's way of making people give in.

Basically, a slightly creepier version of the 'puppy dog eye' look.

"Please. Come on Em, you know this could be your chance to see something awesome." Darcy exclaimed with excitement. When Jane, Erik and Darcy came to London, I heard all about New Mexico.

From what Darcy described as a big Transformer that made everything explode to the famous Thor.

Oh what a guy.

"Fine, but I don't want Jane to get over excited about that guy again. Hero or not, he's a dick." I sighed. Darcy grinned, grabbing her car keys and pulling me out of the door.

The Factory

"Richard seems nice." I spoke up, looking to Jane as we followed Darcy and Ian the Intern into the abandoned factory. "Yeah." Jane said softly. "Why are you here?" Jane asked curiously. 

"Darcy dragged me here. She said there would something I couldn't miss." I answered. "Also I'm the muscle, remember?" I nudged Jane slightly making her crack a small smile. 

As kids, our Dad would also make the joke that I was the 'muscle' of the two. Even though I'm only two inches taller than Jane. 

A shadow startled the group. "I am not getting stabbed in the name of science." Darcy said with a not so quiet voice. She held up her hands in surrender and called out, "It's okay, we're Americans." 

Jane looked to Darcy with a raised brow. "Is that supposed to make them like us?" She questioned. 

Three kids soon stepped out. I let out a relieved sigh, my nerves going away. 

"Are you the police?" The little girl, clearly the most confident of the three, stepped forward. I looked at the kids. They seemed startled and worried. 

"No,"Jane reassured them. "We're scientists. Well I am and my sister is a Doctor." 

"We just found it," One of the boys said suddenly. 

My curiousity was spiking at this comment as well as the police one. What were these kids hiding and so afraid we'd take away from them? 

The kids soon lead us to this room with a lorry inside of it. I was just curious of how the hell it got inside there in the first place. 

One of the boys walked over to the lorry, touching the bottom part of it. The lorry soon began to lift up into the air slowly and spin around. 

"Holy shit..." I mutter, stepping closer to the lorry. I looked to the little boy and looked back to Darcy. "Holy shit." I said louder. 

"Language." Jane smiled to me. 

I rolled my eyes in response and followed the kids to a flight of stairs. One of the kids leant over the barrier and dropped a bottle. The bottle suddenly disappeared but reappeared over and over again. 

"This is some timey-wimey crap going on here." I voiced looking to Jane. She was fascinated by this discovery, but I was more on the 'oh god I don't understand anything'  side of things. Being only a simple minded medical student I didn't understand anything that was going on. 

I glanced up to the other side of the stairs. I saw a figure standing extremely still behind the little girl. I felt my hair stand on end, my hands beginning to shake. 

"Hello Emilie." A voice gently whispered into my ear. 

I jumped slightly. I looked to Jane to find she wasn't there.

"Hey, Miss daydream?" Darcy poked my cheek. "Jane went to figure out where the beeping was coming from." Darcy said. "She's been a while. We should go find her." 

"I'll go find her." I say to Darcy. "I've always been good at finding people." 

"Emilie. Oh Emilie." 

I turned around, trying to figure out where this voice was coming from. "Look jackass, this isn't funny!" I called out, trying to sound more confident than sad. "You've had your fun." I say, continuing to look around to find Jane. I dialled her number and waited her her to pick up. 

"Sweet little Emilie." This voice echoed in the corridor. I began to pick up the pace. I soon found myself running from nothing. The voice stopped. 

I looked down to see the weird machine thing that Darcy showed me this morning. I frowned slightly, picking it up. I followed the beeping sound to find myself at this long dark corridor. 

"If creepy twins want me to play with them, I'm so blaming Darcy." I mutter to myself as I walked slowly to the end of the corridor. 

I stopped, feeling the hairs at the back of my neck stand on end. Suddenly, I felt something harshly grabbed my ankle. I fell to the ground, hitting my head in contact. I let out a loud scream, trying to get away from whatever was yanking at my ankles. 

My vision began to blur with tears, begging that this was only a weird nightmare. I felt myself landing roughly on my side. I let out a pained gasp, holding my ribs. "Shit," I hissed in pain. "Let's three ribs broken." I muttered. 

"Emmy?" I heard Jane call out. I slowly struggling to stand up. Jane grabbed onto my hand and hugged me. "How did you get here?" Jane questioned. 

"Something grabbed my ankle while I was trying to find you." I let out a shaky breath. "I don't understand what's going on. I don't know what's happening." I felt the panic rise in my stomach. 

"Just breathe, Em. It'll be okay. I found something." Jane said, leading me to this strange large stone column. I looked in-between the column to see this odd red liquid floating around. "I like it wanted us to find it." 

"It's like alien liquid, Jane." I look to my older sister, who was examining it. She slowly placed her hand towards it but I slapped it away. "Are you insane?!" I exclaim loudly. "What the hell is wrong with you?" 

"I need to take a sample." Jane argued. 

"Hello, is someone in there?" I say, tapping Jane's forehead. "Nobody in the history of ever has stuck their hand in something and gotten a good result from it." 

Jane ignored me, placing her hand closer to the gap. I felt myself internally screaming at Jane's idiotic action. 

Suddenly, the liquid leapt towards Jane. I grabbed her hand and yanked her away from it. The columns slammed shut violently causing both of us to stumble back. 

I felt the room spin, losing my balance. I hit the ground. My eyes fluttered open seeing the same figure standing over me, my ears ringing. 

"Eventually the truth will be revealed, whether you like it or not."   

Then everything went black.

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