A Tragedy Away (h.s. fan fict...

By TheOfficialMsSmith

766 17 13

Meet Delia Mendrode: Quiet, shy, weird, NYU student majoring in criminal justice, graduated top of her class ... More

Chapter Two
Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifthteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty -Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty -Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter 49
⚡️Chapter 50⚡️
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Five The Finale Part Two!

Chapter Fifty Four FINALE PART ONE

25 0 0
By TheOfficialMsSmith

(A/N:Michael Styles is attached)
💀Alondra's POV💀
"Me and Louis are gonna watch a movie in my room, wanna come Harry?" I ask to try and take his mind off of Delia and H. He simply shook his head no and walked down the hallway into Delia's room. I guess she's stuck with him now. I grabbed my boyfriend by the back of his striped shirt and led him into my room. I quickly shut the door and turned to him.
"We have to tell them Lou! It's not right!" I whisper yelled.
"We went over this. We can't tell them. Not yet." He said walking over to my t.v and putting a movie in but not pressing play.
"But I'm scared! I need my friends. I get that you want to wait until everyone is on good terms but......they're our best friends which means that they have a right to know! Do you know how hard it is keeping a secret from your bestfriends especially when you live with one!" I panicked and began pacing.
"Alondra! Quiet down or they'll hear you!" Louis said trying to calm me by rubbing up and down my arms.
"But, Lou! This isn't right!" I exclaimed trying to reason with him.
"I know! I just want to wait until we're sure that Harry and-"
"That Harry and Delia are getting along again, I know, I know. But they're going to find out soon enough, it might as well be now! I mean I have faith in your plan but-"
"We have time, mi amor. We
have time....." He spoke softly and pressed play on the movie. YeAs soon as I seen the main menu come up I laughed.
"Really? This movie??Fine, but only because Jennifer Lopez is in it!" I exclaim while playfully punching him.

👄Ámarí's POV👄
As I make my way to my car for my lunch break I remember that I only packed myself a green apple and a bottle of water. I unlock my door and sit inside not bothering to turn it on. I grab my phone to entertain myself.
~Me: Hey girrrrrrl!
~Alondra: Hay!
~Me: Whatcha doin??
~Alondra: Watching a movie with Louis, you?
~Me: On my lunch break, bored.
~Alondra: Ha! Well go eat!
~Me: Oh I will lol
I started to get a call, wen I saw the contact I immediately smiled and answered.
"Hey!" I exclaimed.
"What's up pretty lady?" The man on the other end of the line said.
"Nothing I'm on my lunch break without any lunch." I said as my stomach growled.
"Come by, I'll cook you something." He said making the smile on my face grow wider as wider.
"Already on my way, babe." I said hanging up an starting my car and taking off.

🌺Claudia's POV🌺
"What are you looking for sweetheart?" The sketchy man asked while popping his drunk in the dark alley way.
"I- I don't really know...... What do you recommend?" I asked glancing at everything in his trunk.
"Well what are you trying to do?" He asked stepping closer making me take a cautious step back.
"I'm going to kill a man that is 178 pounds of military trained muscle and years of criminal activities. What will I need?" I asked getting confident thinking about who's lives he's taken from me and has threatened to. I'm not going to let Jason hurt anyone else. The man looks at me surprised.
"Well I'd hate to be the bastard that pissed in your coffee. But looking at how terrified you are and how small you are id say he did more than just make you angry...." He said making me look down at the floor as he referred back to the abusive relationship I was in with Joshua.
"What will I need?" I asked holding my chin up high.
"Well he's military, right? So you'll need these smoke grenades so he won't see you coming. He's trained in combat and has a good, what? Sixty pounds on you? I recommend this .357 it's as light as you can get and as powerful as you can handle but still....make sure the kick doesn't fly right into your nose. And I assume you're going to prolong his death so you need some sort of bondage. Something stronger than rope, I'm thinking chains, big ones. I have some that you can use free of charge. I'll make you a deal...." The man said speaking quickly and looking over his shoulders. I look at him in shock. Normally guys who sell guns illegally aren't this nice.....or at least that's what I've seen on Law & Order.
"........Okay." I said still unsure of his motives.
"I'll give you everything you need, if you tell me what you really need it for." He said with a certain spark in his eyes. His hood slowly started to fall back and I could see a little peak of red hair poking out of his beanie. For a bad guy he sure looked really nice. His round cheeks and button nose gives off almost a kind of innocent vibe.
"I already told you. I'm going to kill someone. A man. That's all you need to know. Now can you just help me with the guns and stuff please." I say trying to hurry and get on with my plan before I chicken out.
"I'm going to do more than give you guns...... I'm going to help you kill him. My name's Jace by the way, what's yours?"

⚙Delia's POV⚙
"You still haven't told me how you know Jace...." Harry brings up for the umpteenth time tonight. I watch as the last people stumble out of his place and off into the night signaling the party is finally over.
"Yeah..... I'm not sure you're ready to hear that story just yet." I said still not wanting to admit how I know Jace.
"What do you mean? Did you guys......like....." He said while doing his little thrusting dance. I laughed and closed his front door and turned to lean against the door and watch him begin to pick up red cups.
"No. It's not like that." I stated. He turned to look at me expectantly.
"You can tell me you know. I'm well aware that you've come to my flat to evaluate whether or not I'm worthy of either your friendship or......maybe something more." He said. Well I guess he's not as stupid as I thought.
"You are quite the scholar though aren't you?" I joke.
"Yea that's why I'm failing Calculus." He says with a little chuckle.
"Okay how about we make a deal. I'll tell how I know Jace if you let me record you say 'calculus'" I say laughing.
"What's wrong with the way I say calculus?" He asked with furrowed brows.
"Your British accent is weird." I said making him fake getting his feeling hurt which earned another laugh out of me.
"Stop changing the subject. Just tell me. And don't hold back.....you're always hiding something." He said sitting on the couch and patting the spot next to him. I hesitantly make my way over but decide against it. Instead I sit on the floor right in front of the tv and turn it on. I leave it on whatever channel it's on and I turn the volume down low. When I turn around I see Harry get up from the couch and wobble to the floor next to me with his legs out stretched.
"Just tell me. It can't be that bad..." He said. If you only knew Harry........ If only you knew.
"Harry, Jace was a part of my childhood.........whenev-. He.......was my best and only friend. We would play together all the time seeing as we live two houses apart. He is a couple years older than me though. I always ran to him." I chuckle staring off in the direction of the tv.
"What changed?" He asked barely above a whisper.
"Everything. Everything changed Harry. Yet nothing at all. We had this secret meeting place under the slides of the playground we would go to....... He would always meet me there. When I was scared, angry, confused..... I would run. I would run there and he'd be there seconds later. He was there to comfort me. He was like a big brother to me." I say my voice getting smaller and smaller.
"How did he know when to meet you?" He asked confusion laced in his tone.
"He knew.....because he could hear it. Even from two houses away. All hours of the night. The yelling....dishes breaking, glass shattering, screams, slamming. Hell, everyone heard it. But.....only he understood it." I said waiting for any sign that would suggest that Harry was keeping up but got none. So I kept talking.
"I moved and I never saw him again. People grow apart.... But that didn't happen to us. We........we were ripped apart." I finished. When I turned to Harry was already looking at me with an unreadable expression.
"Yeah, I know the feeling. Constant arguing right?" He said. I stared at him in confusion. He must think all I'm talking about was arguing......he doesn't know that I told him more than I should have.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"For as long as I can remember.... My mum and dad have been having these fights. Ever since Michael died he's been...........aggessive." He said glancing down.
"Who's Michael?" I asked.
"Uh... Michael Styles, 26 years old, brown curly hair and greens eyes..... NYU almost graduate top of his class." He said hanging his head low. Harry has a brother.......?
"You have a big brother?" I asked.
"Had. I had a big brother. I look just like him. I think......that's why my dad hates me..... And maybe he hates my mum because she doesn't hate me." He says finally looking at me.
"I'm sure he doesn't hate you." I say playfully bumping his shoulder. He gave a light hearted laugh while shaking his head.
"No. The man won't even tolerate me. You know, I'm actually a JR. He despises me so much he doesn't want me to share his name. He calls me 'boy'." He finishes in a short snort.
"Well at least your dad called you something with a neutral meaning. 'Bitch' or 'Mistake' doesn't have that many positive denotations." I say. I feel Harry's head snap in my direction.
"Does he still?" He asked and I noticed his hands ball up and his knuckles turn white. I place my hands on top of his balled up fist and watched as he immediately began to relax.
"He's dead." I say giving his hand a pat for assurance.
"I would say I'm sorry for your loss but I'd be lying." He said looking at me with a smirk on his face.
"That's funny, my uncle said the same thing at his funeral." I said making him snort once again. I get to my felt and brush my butt off.
"I should be going...." I said heading towards the front door but stop when I reach the door.
"So what's my grade for today?" I hear his voice carry through R the room.
"Let's just say.......you're improving." I say and I exit his place and head to my car. For some reason I get the feeling I'm being watched. I stop and turn around and find Harry peeking out the doorway waving to me. I chuckle and give and small wave back and continue on my way to my car. When I get my key in the door I feel the hair on the back of my neck stand up and I'm suddenly aware that I'm being watched yet again by Harry.
"Harry, go insi-" I immediately stop. Harry isn't outside. In fact, all the lights in the house are off and the door is shut. Then I watch horrified as a figure steps out of the shadows and when I see the suit I know it's not Harry. I hear four more footsteps and I know I'm surrounded. I can run and I can make it pretty far but I know I'm running out of time. But as soon as I prepare to take flight a pair of arms aggressively wrap around my waist and another hand clamped over my mouth. I could feel my phone and keys hit the sidewalk and that's when I lose all hope.
"Hello, Delia. I told you I'd see you soon. Let me introduce myself, I'm Florez but you can call me Trey." The man in the suit said stepping underneath the lap post and I got a good look of his face. And the pin with two rifles forming an X was the last thing I saw before I was knocked out.

💀Alondra's POV💀
I stand in the driveway watching  Louis drive off yet I can only think of the next time he will be back. Maybe he's right. I mean it still feels like I'm betraying my best-friends by keeping this from them but it's not just my secret to tell and I have to respect that. I head towards the mailbox to see if the papers have come. I hate having to make sure no one is home just to check the mail. Even if I already know what they say. I just...... I need to see it on paper to believe it. My mind drifts back to Louis as I make my way in the apartment. I know he supports me and from what he's told me...... He pretty much had the same obsession over me as I did over him. So in a way we were meant for eachother. In a way this is destiny. But is it really? Is any of this destined? The whole Harry and Delia thing? The incoming of two more souls into al of our lives? The not knowing? The secrets?..........the tragedy? I decide to start on dinner since there seems to be nothing else to do. I grab the frying pan and place it on the stove an turn it on high. Maybe I'll make fish tonight. Yeah......fish and lem-
"Hi, Alondra. Long time no see." I hear the bone chilling voice from behind me. This is impossible. Absolutely no way this could be happening right now. I turn around and come face to face with Jason.
"Ew........ Joshua Jason Cortez." I say with a disgusted look on my face that I'm using to mask the abundance of fear coursing through my body right now. He reaches behind his back and pulls out a gun and slowly places it on the counter.
"You know I hate my full name! Don't say it! It's either Jason or Joshua." He says in a menacing tone.
"What are you doing here," I ask trying to step around him but he picked up the gun making me stop.
"I guess you can say I'm.........fulfilling my promise." He said cornering me.
".......p-promise to who?" I ask being shoved against the fridge.
"My promise to Claudia of course." He sneered. He reached out and grabbed me by my hair. I struggled but remembered he had the gun in his other so I grabbed his wrist and we went tumbling to the ground. I quickly a ambled away from him but he caught my ankle and pulled me back before pinning me down.
"Get off of my stomach!!!" I tell frantically trying to free my wrist from his grasp.
"You stupid whore! I wasn't going to kill you, I was only going to scare you. Now look what you're making me do!" He yelled while punching me in the face. My vision went in and out of focus just from that one punch. I expected his to stop there but he kept hitting me and screaming at me. I blacked out a couple of times.
"Now.......I'm going to leave. And when I do I want you to deliver a message for me. Tell the love of my life I said two to ten. She's got forty eight hours before you're all dead." He said before leaving out the front and leaving the door wide open. I laid completely still for what seemed like hours before I began to gradually crawl to the open doorway. It was almost dark. I left my phone in my room and honestly, I don't think I could get that far without passing out. There was an excruciating pain coming from my abdomen. I started to scream for help but my mouth wouldn't cooperate. I was shaking like a leaf staring out into space with only one thing on my mind. He's going to hate me forever.

⚽️Louis' POV⚽️
I just made it home from hanging out with Alondra. I do the same thing I always seem to do lately when I get home. I fly up to my room and check my right pillow case for the small box. I let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding. I'm just paranoid. I've been lying to Alondra about telling her friends because in all truth.....I wasn't ready. But I'm ready now. I just need the lads to help me out with this. It might take some time to persuade Liam to be on board but I'm doing this no matter what. I go down stairs and pick up my phone to dial my best mates when I receive a call from Harry already.
"Mate, I was just about to c-"
"GET TO THE HOSPITAL NOW!" He yells out of breath.
"Slow down, lad. What's go-"
"IT'S ALONDRA! SHE WAS ATTACKED! YOU NEED TO BE HERE. I WENT IN FOR A CHECK UP BECAUSE I COULDN'T BREATHE AND THE ROLLED HER IN." I didn't even have the capacity to respond to him before I hung up and rush down the stairs grabbing my keys and nearly throwing myself in my car. It was the longest thirty minutes of my life. When I got to the hospital I seen all of the mates cars but I didn't see Claudia's or Delia's which I thought was extreme weird but I kept running. I kept running until I saw them all waiting sitting on the floor with their heads in their palms. I froze at the end of the hallway.
"Guys!" I yell scared of what was to come next. All of my mates looked back at me with solemn faves before glancing at the door in front of them. I ran as fast as I could towards the door stumbling over my feet. When I get to the door I grab the handle but someone stops me. I turn and see Niall's face. His eyes enlarged, red around the rims and eyelashes sticking together.
".......they........they have to operate." He says.
"GET OFF OF ME! I NEED TO SEE HER! I NE- what do you mean they need to operate?" I ask afraid of what my ears are going to hear next.
"She.....the....Louis.... He hurt her so bad. Her face was barely recognizable....there was so much blood before they started operating. She-"
"TELL ME WHATS WRONG WITH HER!" I yell in frustration looking through the door window but only seeing a cloud of doctors and nurses.....and......a small box on the table next to the operating table.
"She-" Niall starts but I stop him.
"No! No no no no no no no no! You're lying! She'll be fine.....they'll both be fine..... I didn't lose it. We didn't lose it! There's no way!" I yell and start pushing Niall off of me so I can get into the room.
"Louis! Stop! They have to do it!" He yells trying to subdue me but he can't. Now I'm screaming at the top of my lungs. I can't believe it. This isn't happening. This isn't happening! This can't be happening. Pretty soon all the boys are pinning me to the floor.
"No!" I yell. I struggle against their hold until I give up.
"We're sorry....." I hear Harry say. I collapse on the floor and curl up into a ball and the boys hold me as if I'm close to falling apart.
"I can't believe........ I can't believe I'm not going to be a f-father anymore..." I cry and cry and yell until I'm almost mute.

     ♨️TO BE CONTINUED...♨️

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