
Von hattielynn

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{COMPLETED} "now that you've had your fun electrocuting me, would you care to hop in the backseat?" ... Mehr



370 13 3
Von hattielynn

Blake's point of view

Walking out of the block, I nearly carried Imogen, she was leaning on me so heavily. Though she was healed, Wasp, who I now knew went by Ethan, explained she'd be unsteady on her feet for awhile and not quite right in her mind.
It was strange, to see a place like the zone, feared and a prison to many, fall with such little loss. Though as we walked out the door of the mess hall, I couldn't look at Alice. I couldn't look at the girls whom I've never met but their absence still ached inside of me. Why did death have to hurt so much? Although, with her golden hair strewn across her face and her blue eyes dull and glassy, Alice was still breathing. But she felt dead to me. She wasn't the little girl who's parents had raised me when mine dropped me off at Order's doorstep and fled before my eyes had even opened.
Alice didn't look like the adoptive sister she had always been to me, she didn't look like my friend. She looked dead. She felt dead. She should be dead. But the guilt was still there. How could I kill her? Maybe she wasn't always like this, a traitor. But she was so strong minded and maybe I would never know why she betrayed her family and friends and me, but I couldn't kill her, could I? But then again, I couldn't just leave her here either. Who knows what assets or capabilities she has or what havoc she could wreak. Maybe it was best if she was dead. I didn't want to think about that now.
Alice may be dead to me, but Imogen was as alive as anyone who had been on deaths doorstep just minuets ago could be. Time would tell if she could fill the void my friend had left inside of me. It hurt to know that Alice, the girl that had always been there to complete me, didn't actually fit. Maybe Imogen was my missing piece. It's still too knew to think about but I had kissed her. And she had kissed me back. I could tell that she had wanted it as much as I did and who knows how long we would have sat there if Will hadn't interrupted with a squeal of utter horror and disgust.
And perhaps the kiss meant nothing. Maybe we were just two crazy teenagers caught up in the stress and terror of what reality was pushing at us. It could be we were just looking for release, for closure. I could offer that until the day I died if it meant Imogen would kiss me with the same fire again.
Taylor held the door open for us as we filed out like soldiers leaving a battle field. Imogen and I in front like the commander and his right hand, though Imogen was the one who deserved the title of leader. I had made the plan but it had crumbled to bits as soon as Imogen was shot, not her fault it was mine. I shouldn't have risked her so carelessly. Her life meant more to me than my own and maybe that what love is. When your willing to through yourself off a cliff so the other person has a soft landing at the bottom. Maybe I loved Imogen Vast with her courageous heart, fiery soul, and green eyes that I always felt could see right through me.
Then again we'd only met just days ago. She'd tried to kill me. But she had reason. Strange people from a strange organization claiming they work for the greater good whatever that means these days. I had been surprised by her honesty, her forwardness. She spoke her mind and didn't care if people filed her ideas and opinions under crazy. I already knew that much about her but there was so much I didn't know. Did she have any siblings? Maybe a family member named Charlotte, the name had come up a lot in idle chats but I'd never asked her to elaborate. What about her favorite subject in school? Favorite color? Where did she even live before her world was interrupted by her variation? But is it really a persons background that sparks love? Or is it the way they think and act now? There was too much going on right now, I'd touch on these thoughts later.

Imogen groaned with each step, her tangled brown hair falling in her face as she watched her feet as if it took all of her concentration not to trip or sink to her knees. Taylor and Wasp, who I now knew was Ethan, made small talk behind us with Will kicking up snow as he sulked off, thinking about something heavy enough to temporarily dull his wild spirit.
"Where do we go from here?" Imogen asked, each word sounded choppy and broken, almost like she'd never spoken before. The sounds of it struck me off guard that it took me a minuet to think of a response.
"Up, if your looking for something metaphorical." I said, smiling faintly though she couldn't see it. The yard of the zone was eerily empty. The variated kids that had been working had ran, I didn't know where but if I were them, I would have ran far far away.
"I'm looking for a more strategic answer." She mumbled. I squeezed her shoulder as we reached the middle of the grassy, snow covered, area.
"Me too, Mo." I said, trying out the nickname. She didn't seem to like it, tightening up like she expected a punch, her voice cracking when she tried to speak.
"Call me anything but that, please." Imogen said, nearly begging. It felt like she was stabbing me with just her words and I didn't even know what was wrong with the name.
"I won't, I promise." It was all I could say. I decided to drop the subject. Whatever was wrong with her, whatever she kept hidden, it would come out when we figured out where to go from here. That was the most pressing issue now, leaving the cave now that we've slaughtered the beast.
Taylor and Ethan made small conversation as we began to walk on, getting closer to the gate, to the monitor cars parked outside, some missing, some with their engines still growling, others rammed into the fence and smoking. I'm not sure how they crashed, maybe in hastily attempted escapes, fear had influenced their driving skills. I didn't want to think about the possibility that variated kids had caused the wrecks but it wasn't totally eliminated from an option.
"We have to get the other ones!" Will piped from just to my left. He'd snuck up on me, tugging on my hand in a vain attempt to pull me back towards the bunkers. For as young as he was, Will was surprisingly strong, causing me to stumble just a bit and jostle Imogen enough to make her groan in what I couldn't decipher as pain or stress at moving. I turned and scowled at Will who shrank back immediately, realizing he had done something wrong. I felt bad for him but I didn't want to, hurting Imogen was not something that should be taken lightly, not after she'd been hurt so much already.
"You alright?" I asked, trying to pull her hands away from her waste so I could see whatever she was holding tight to try and cover up.
"I'm fine, I'm fine. But Will is right." She said, tugging away from me. But she didn't get very far before wobbling a bit and I had to rush to her side and loop my arm through her's to keep her up right and she didn't fight me.
"I know we need to help the other kids but what can we do? There's only a few Monitor cars left, we could never fit the 150 or so kids still locked up here in them. Not to mention I'm the only one who knows how to drive. Trust me, we'll come back for them but we don't have the ability to help them now." I assured her, she didn't look helpless or stressed. Hell, she didn't even look angry at the idea of leaving variated kids behind at the mercy of whatever might come to get them before we can arrive with backup, wherever that may come from. The look on Imogen's face was pure ferocity. I've said it before and I've thought it thousands of times since the day I met her. Imogen Vast is a fighter, she was not going to give up that easily.
    "I can drive." Ethan piped up, only the second time I had heard the kid speak. Taylor had been the one to let us know his real name since he seemed reluctant to share it with anyone else. Maybe he stuck by Taylor because she was the only one who wasn't busy with someone or something to fuss over. Me keeping Imogen steady whilst she tried to keep her eyes focused and Will inspecting piles of melting snow to stomp in. Taylor was good at that, I had discovered, making people feel needed. I had always thought Imogen was the leader of their friendship, the glue that kept them together. And while she might be the strongest of the two with her emotions, Taylor had most of the empathy. Ethan clung to that empathy and though he didn't say it, I could tell that he was grateful to have someone who would just listen to him instead of ordering him around and treating his greatest fears and worries like minor concerns.
    "That's great but the monitor cars fit like ten at the most. Even if you took another car, we'd only be able to fit fourteen other kids. How would we choose?" I said, feeling slightly uncomfortable that I had to be the Debbie Downer and rain on everyone's parade. But someone had to do it, someone had to remind all the wishful thinkers that reality still existed and that somebody just happened to be me.
    "I can contact Order, get them to send some reinforcement and pull all of us out of here." He said it so casually I almost didn't notice the statements absurdity.
    "How do you know about Order?" I asked him in a slightly more accusing tone than I had meant. Ethan didn't look the least bit phased although Taylor looked like she'd punch me right in the face if I ever talked to him like that again. Ethan didn't appear interested in me as much as he was in Imogen, trying to catch her eyes as her head rolled side to side, clearly tired from this much physical exertion.
    "See I was wondering how you didn't remember me but then again, it has been awhile." He said, shrugging his shoulders like whatever he was hinting at was the most obvious statement in the world.
    "What are you talking about?" Imogen asked asked, I tightened my grip instinctively on her. She flinched and I loosened it.
    Ethan looked at Imogen like he was wondering how she didn't understand the punchline of a simple joke. A faint smile on his face, brown eyes bright with expectancy.
    "I'm your sister's best friend." He explained disappointment in his voice that she didn't know his origin story. My face fell and beside me Imogen stiffened just enough for me to tell she recognized the title.
    "Corey?" She said hesitantly in a raspy whisper. I eyed her with a confused look but she wasn't watching me, her eyes were glued to Ethan. She took a small step forewarn and though I was reluctant to let her go, I did figuring that if Ethan had planned on hurting her, he would have done it a lot sooner.

Alice waited. A part of me whispered but I worked really hard to shove that part way, way down hoping to shut it up forever.
    "Hey, Imogen." Ethan said, holding his arms out wide. Upon seeing this gesture, I heard Imogen take a sharp breath and press her hands to her mouth as if she were just pleasantly surprised. Then she actually ran to him, her arms outstretched just as much and nearly tackled him with a hug. I suppose she must be feeling better, then.
    "Woah, hey now. Save your strength." Imogen didn't listen, she just kept squeezing him, smearing the mud from his white zone outfit on her face, but she didn't care.
    "I suppose you want to know how I'm here but your too shocked to ask?" Ethan said, ruffling her hair with one of his hands. She nodded in a staccato fashion and Ethan laughed.
    "And of course I'd love to tell you, but I think I'll let your sister have that honor." Imogen froze and let go of him almost as quickly as she'd bolted for him in the first place.
    Her face flushed with a look I couldn't quite decipher and I was sure whatever feeling Imogen had, she didn't even know how to explain it. Possibly a cross between disbelief, horror, and giddiness.
    "Charlie. She's-" She swallowed, "she's actually here?" The way she asked made it seem like she almost didn't want an answer, like she was afraid of what might come in response.
    "So your name's not Ethan?" I asked, taking a step toward him and raising my chin. Ethan shrunk back, his hands raised in a defensive position. I had only an inch or two on him but he seemed genuinely frightened, like I'd actually hurt him after I found out Imogen and him had ties that were obviously friendly.
    "I'm lost." Taylor said, looking back and fourth between Imogen and Ethan.
    "I'm hungry." Will said, eyeing the ground like he was wondering what exactly dirt and grass would taste like.
    "His name is Corey Buller." Imogen said, her mind clearly running wild behind her eyes, searching for something, anything, to feel. Because I could tell that's all she wanted right now. Just to feel. She needed an emotion to settle on and there were too many fighting for attention, too many events clashing around in her skull, making it impossible to be content with just simple thought.
    "I hate to rush the meet 'n greet but is high time we get a move on. Charlie's been waiting for you long enough." Ethan, or Corey according to Imogen, said. He turned and started walking off in the direction of the gate. The nerve this guy had to not even assure that we were following him, like he just assumed he was king and we would predictably walk in his foot steps even if he led us to the bottom of the ocean. I scoffed at him and I swear he heard, calling out for Imogen at the exact moment I made my sound of disgust.
    "Imogen! I wanna talk with you!" He called straight ahead at the horizon with it's setting sun. I looked right at Imogen and she looked back at me, clearly torn. But it took her less time than I would have thought for her to shoot down Corey's request.
    "I'll catch up with you later." She hollered. Walking over to me and then moving in Corey's wake once he was far enough ahead to be out of earshot.
    "I don't really want to talk about him, that'll come around eventually." I said with a slight gesture at Corey's tall frame already nearing the fence. Imogen nodded.
    "What do we do now?" She asked me so suddenly she'd snuck past my guard. I looked at her only half surprised. I knew she was the kind of person that would have been the brutally honest kid at her high school that everyone loves because they don't really care what people have to say about their opinions. Imogen would be that kind of person and even in that perfect world, where we wouldn't have to go through something like this, I still wouldn't have deserved her.
    "Try to start over." I suggested, slowing our steps a little bit. I hadn't had a talk like this with Imogen since that brief time we were at Order, casual and calm. But this was so much better because I was starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I was starting to realize that the chaos that was always my life was coming to a close. And while Imogen would be my new kind of crazy, I could finally settle down. Never again would I be a solider for an unorganized group, there are other ways to help people and I vowed I would never let myself be so foolish as too get stabbed in the back again. That pain was almost the greatest there was. Topped only by the feeling of carrying a near-stranger you can't help but fall in love with up stairs and through hallways while she bleeds out in your arms. That will never be surpassed.
    "But that's the thing," Imogen protested, eyes locked firmly on the sun set as our feet crunched along in the dead grass. "I don't want to forget. I always want to remember scars from this battle, the emotional and physical ones because- oh I don't know." She said, slowing down even more that I had before. I was worried the rush of excitement she felt earlier was fading, letting some of the pain from her side slip back in. I placed a hand on her back to steady her walking just in case.
    "I think," She continued after catching her breath, "I think that if I ever face a peril like this again, maybe it won't be as severe or traumatizing as this, but if I remember I got through a war with only a few bruises. I'll know I can do anything else life has left to pelt me with. And even if I do get cut up along the way, I won't sweat about it 'cause I know in the largest battle I ever faced, I had scrapes too. Accepting that you can't pull through without a few burns is definitely gonna help in the long run." As she finished, her voice blended together, vowels brushing up against consonants and separated sounds slurring.
    I watched her closely as the final incoherent sounds slipped off her tongue. I found it strange what the warm light from a sunset could do to a person. It set her on fire. It ignited sparks in her eyes, illuminated her skin, and bleached out shadows. There was no part of her left to be dark, all of her engulfed by the light. She looked strangely inhuman. But not like a monster with a curse she could barely control but like a goddess with a power she couldn't wait to unleash and set the rest of the world on fire.
    Imogen Vast may be composed enough, but Lord have mercy on the unfortunate souls that cross her.
    "Maybe your right. I don't want to forget it either because although these last few days have been a literal Hell, I would go through it all again just so I could spend every second of it with you." I whispered. She looked up at me, eyes bright with that sunny fire. But there was something more in them, there was always something more with Imogen. It was the static. It wasn't some wild, untamed force she was holding back, it wasn't a monster she shortened the reigns on. It was hope.

It was a light in the dark, a promise for the future, a spark of a dream waiting to blaze into reality, a possibility that everything will turn out ok. That's why I wanted to hold her so close. Because Imogen had hope. She was crackling with static, alive with it, she breathed it, she gifted it.

    She smiled and giggled, a quiet sound that I didn't realize I craved so much. But the topic was soon dropped, replaced by silence as we trudged on.
    The gate was wide open, almost beckoning us into whatever lie beyond it. I gladly crossed, Imogen's hand in mine and Taylor watching over Will right behind us. Corey, on the other hand, was busy inspecting the monitor cars that looked to still be in working condition, running his fingertips along the glassy black sides.
    He picked one out, with only a minor dent in the corner of the bumper and a long, ruthlessly carved scratch decorating one side. Although it soon became clear that he hadn't just spotted this car, but it had been used originally.
    "Charlie! We have company." He knocked on the window of the passenger door and although the glass was tinted, I could see the outline of a shape as it bolted upright.
    Corey put his hand on the handle and yanked open the door. The next few seconds were a blur. The figure in the car had been a girl almost identical to Imogen except this one had eyes that matched the boy's, a dark chocolate brown. In a flurry of brown hair and reaching arms, the girl was out of the car with Imogen scrambling in front of Corey to get a better look at her.
    "Mo, oh my gosh." The girl whispered, taking in Imogen with eyes that were brimming with tears. Imogen nodded hastily and smiled a tight, longing smile. After a moment of staring, they were in each other's arms. Both sobbing and laughing together in an off key harmony. So this was Charlotte, Imogen's sister. But if this was her sister, Imogen hadn't mentioned anything about a brother. And the boy I had thought went by Ethan didn't look anything like the siblings.
"I'm gonna call Order. You guys get settled, we've got a long drive." The boy, Corey, says as he walks a short distance away and pulls a phone from his pants. I don't know how I fell towards him yet. I didn't hate the guy, he'd saved Imogen's life. But I also didn't fully trust him. He'd lied about his identity and aft Alice, I wasn't eager to accept new friends so quickly.
"What happened to his hair?" Imogen asked. It was the first thing she'd said to her sister besides a few incoherent noises. Charlotte shrugged and looked over Imogen's shoulder at Corey.
"He dyed it black so you wouldn't recognize him right away. We wanted to make sure you weren't like brainwashed to kill everyone you ever loved or something. We didn't really know what precautions to take but that seemed like a reasonable one based on what a friend told us." She said, looking me up and down as she spoke. I raised my chin slightly and looked her in the eyes, almost like a challenge.
"Who's this?" She asked, smiling faintly. Imogen turned around and looked at me as if she just now noticed I was standing behind her. She turned back to her sister.
"Blake Heron. He's my, ah..." She looked back at me and quickly winked before spinning back to Charlotte.
"He's my friend." She finished. I smiled faintly at her. Of course. Friends. Or maybe we were meant to be more. She asked about Taylor and Will and Imogen told her anything about them that needed to be said. Taylor seemed especially excited for her friend, finally being reunited with her sister.
"And your Charlotte?" I asked taking a step forward and extending my hand for her to shake. She took it, with a surprisingly strong grip. Now that I was closer, it was easier to see Imogen and Charlotte's differences. Imogen had a Line of freckles across her nose and upper cheeks, Charlotte was all glistening clear skin and her jaw was sharper.
"The one and only." She said, tying her hair back in a ponytail and giving a spare tie to her sister who began to do the same thing.
"Well, pile in. We better get a move on before Monitor reinforcements show up. Corey will have Order get the rest of the kids out." Charlotte said to all of us before turning to just Imogen.
"And we are seriously overdo for a long session of girl talk." Charlotte circled the car and hopped in the drivers side, opposite of where she had come from.
Gladly, Imogen climbed in the passengers seat while Taylor reluctantly went to the back followed by Will who decided that Taylor's lap was a good place to sit.
I stayed out of the car for a moment, turning and staring back at the zone. It seemed so small from this vantage point. But it didn't seem small enough. It needed to disappear, to vanish. I never wanted to see the place Imogen died ever again, I didn't even want to know it existed. Corey had said his ability only worked if the person he was healing hadn't died yet but maybe he was wrong. I knew Imogen had died. I heard her pulse silence, watched the life leave her body and felt her heart stop. By some miracle she had returned from the dead. But I couldn't help but think of what could have been, the misery that situation could have ended with.
I couldn't make things disappear, but I could make them less powerful. Yes, it would mean killing everyone paralyzed inside the block, including Alice. But at this point, I didn't much care. The Alice in my memories was already long gone and dead. This just made that statement all the more true.
I closed my eyes and from here, even though the building was a ways away, I brought it down. I started with the top, caving in the corners of the roof so that the runny metal ran down the sides. Everything inside the building became liquid as long as it was metal. I liquified the top floor and I ceased the flow of my variation, letting it take over and destroy the rest on its own from here. The paralyzed people would drown in a sea of silver, their faces submerged in the grey abyss. Perhaps there were worse ways to go but this was not exactly a favorable method.
I opened my eyes and watched the ceiling shrink down, down, down. I was almost mesmerized by the sight of it, not wanting to look away but wishing so desperately that I could move on.
I shook myself loose from my trace and looked to my left to find Charlotte Vast next to me, staring up at the building as it caved. After I stared at her for a while, not feeling up to speaking, she broke the silence, still watching the downfall play out.
"I like your variation. It suits you." She says, tilting her head and smiling ever so slightly in a way that I had come to associate so much with her sister that it was terrifying seeing it happen on another face.
"How so?" I asked, still watching her closely.
"Well. You seem very cool and calm. Collected in a sense. I guess that's how I'd view metal if it were a living thing." She informs me, now turning her head just enough that I know she's looking at nothing, maybe the horizon, but only because eye contact is what she's avoiding. When I didn't comment, she goes on.
"You make the metal melt, it kind of says that even something that seems as strong as steel can still break down, it just takes the right force or the right buttons to be pushed." She gives up looking around to find something interesting and looks at me, scanning my features as if searching for something but I don't have the heart to tell her there's nothing left of me that she'll find worthy of a person with proper morals. Instead I settle on telling her something else.
"I can see Imogen in you." She cocks her head to the side.
"In what way?" I glance back at the car and see Taylor's mouth moving rapidly behind the closed window as Imogen, in the front seat, has her head craned to the side to listen so all I see is her hair. I look back at Charlotte.
"You both think way too deep for me." She chuckles at that, clearly I surprised her in saying something she hadn't expected. Just then, Charlotte looks over my shoulder and I turn around. Corey approaches with Mark by his side and they move rapidly closer.
"I hate to admit it, buddy, I forgot you were still here." I say, slapping Mark on the back. He lets out a halfhearted chuckle but I can tell it's too early to make jokes with the sight of Ben's mangled body still fresh in his mind.
"Found him walking back there. Thought he might be one of yours." Corey says and rounds over to the other side of the car, as he passes Charlotte, he plants a light kiss on her cheek.
"Well get in!" Corey calls from the backseat when neither Charlotte nor I budge.
I follow and end up sitting in the back with my face smushed against the window while Corey's in the middle and Taylor with Will on her lap sits at the end. Charlotte gets in the drivers side and with the twist of a key, the engine roared to life and Charlotte was weaving through the crashed cars and driving down the small road, the zone and its melting block getting further and further behind us.
It was hard to believe we'd won, and in a way, we really hadn't. Alice had brought up a good point, that even if the zone was destroyed, it wouldn't stop variated kids from being hunted for individual selfish needs.
But I chose to focus on the positive, on the idea that Order's base maybe hadn't been compromised. That they would help all the kids left in the zone be free. But where would they take them?
"Hey, Corey, Is it?" I said, watching him with my periferals.
"Whatcha need, Blake?" Corey replied, nonchalantly.
"Is Order's base still intact. We thought someone had sold us out." I asked hesitantly, somewhat dreading the answer no matter what it was.
"Yeah. The mole your talking about, Alice. We knew her." He says, gesturing to Charlotte in the drivers seat who remained stonefaced as her knuckles truned white from her grip on the steering wheel.
"How?" I asked, I felt like there was this big knot of rope coiled inside this whole endevor. As it unravled, I began to see new knots and new strings that I hadn't known were there and each time one was exposed, I got the urge to undo it. I wanted to know more, to see this situation for what it was. But the more knots I detangled, the more layers I realized had been hidden beneath them.
Corey glanced uneasily at Imogen and then at Charlotte.
"Hey Charlie. Maybe you should tell this story." I actually felt the car lurch foreward just a bit when Corey suggested it. Nevertheless, after another silence she spoke, her voice shaky at first but growing in strength as she went on.
"Our parents,". She began, gaining Imogen's attention, "they missed you so much, Mo. They looked for you, they called police in but after a year, they dropped the case when no knew developments were made or perhaps the government ordered them to." Imogen winced.
"They sort of went insane with the idea that their youngest daughter was gone. They blamed it on me and sent me away. Corey helped, he took me in when I would have otherwise slept on the streets." Charlotte didn't seem eager to continue and she paused while Imogen's eyes began to glisten with tears. I reached foreward and squeezed her shoulder, trying to ease her racing mind but she didn't react to my touch if she felt it at all. Perhaps the idea of me was too new, my comfot offered little when I hadn't even met her parents.
"Corey and I searched for you real hard but when we found Alice, she said she'd seen you. We were desperate, we followed her to Order." She trailed off. They said this was a year after Imogen was taken, sent to the zone. She had been there for three years. Corey and Charlotte, they were with Order for two years
"They trained us to fight like them, to think like them. We became them. All because we thought we were training to break you out. Turns out Alice just wanted to recruit us as monitors, especially Corey, after she cound out that he was variated. Alice also told us all about variations, about what you are, Imogen. All of the kids here. And I want you to know that it doesn't matter what your capable of, you should be proud of it. Alright?" Charlotte spares Imogen a brief glance and I see her fighting back tears, her face strained.
"I missed you so much, Mo. You have no idea." Charlotte says, her voice cracking but she tries to cover it up by moving on before Imogen could respond, but I doubt she could have if she wanted to, with silent tears already rolling down her cheeks.
"She took us here, Corey thought it'd be best to play along until we got here, that way we could find you and then go home. We knew Order would back us up, we made friends there when we recived reports that Alice ran away, along with Blake and two newcomers." Charlotte says, reffering to me in the backseat. She goes on as I listen with keen intrest.
"We assumed you and some one else were the newcomers, it was a hunch but I guess it was right. Anyway, the past few days at Order, Corey and I were alone so we had the oppertunity to ask around and make friends, they had just found out Alice was planning on selling secrts, she had been collected information and forming it together in one monsturous email that would give the president quite a shock when he opened it. She'd left her little sister, Bethany to send it. But the girl was too pure hearted and told Order everything about her sister's plans. They sent people looking for her but they said she'd been taken to the zone. No one believed it but we all thought she was out of our hair. Until she came back to get us and we just, like I said, played along. And well, now we're here."
No one spoke, no one had anything to say but I knew we were all thinking the same thing. Maybe it was good Alice was gone, she couldn't hurt us anymore. But she had once been just like Bethany, good and honest, I knew it in my heart. I guess that Alice didn't want to stay forever.
So we drove down the road in silence, the car radio crackling quietly through the speakers playing some 80's song no one seemed eager to sing along with.


(Charlotte in the pic)


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