Fractured Souls

By Eldriel

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"You believe you've seen the dark? Sweetheart, you are absolutely adorable." I said my voice dark and humorou... More

The Beginning Of A Long Story
The Stalker
Angels? Yeah Right...
Hellhounds And Other Monstrous Things
Destiny and Childhood Memories
Training Pays Off
Don't I Know You From Somewhere?
Partying With The Devil
To Become Someone Else
Fake Emotions, Fake Tears, Fake Life
Soothing Pains
Same Old, Same Old
The Power Of God's Touch
Castiel, Lucifer or Casifer
A Party With God
The Color Is Purple, Kitten
All I Need Is An Explanation
Cas, Cas, Cas...
People Keep Dying
Wounds And A Hellhound Part 1
Wounds And A Hellhound Part 2
Wounds And A Hellhound Part 3
I'm Not Emotional!
From My Perspective
Leave Me Alone!
The Glowing Amulet
An Awkward Reunion
To Choose Between Life and Death
Until The End Of The Line
Hush, Hush.
Death Will Do Us Apart
Does It Matter If You're A Sinner Or A Saint?
Miss Almighty
New Times Part 1
New Times Part 2
All Alone
Broken Things
When Something Is Broken
Endings Are The Worst
An Unexpected Epilogue

People Are Idiots

307 5 2
By Eldriel

Ava's POV

"SHOTGUN!" I yelled running towards the car. 

I stopped in front of the car door and waited for Dean to unlock it. 

"Oh no sweetheart, Sam is shotgun," Dean said cockily at me. 

I look over at Sam and he just smirked. 

I simply glared back at him with an angry pout.

I jumped in the backseat and sprawled out over all the seats. 

"You gotta sit straight or we're going to get stopped by the police," Dean said sternly. 

"Come on! When did the all-mighty Dean Winchester get so boring?" I smirked at him. 

This seemed to trigger him. 

I heard him mumble something like 'I'm going to show you boring' under his breath as he stepped on the gas. 

The force smacked me hard against the seats.

I sat up as the car stopped. 

"Looks like we live in the same Motel. What do you guys say about a slumber party?" I smiled suggestively at them and winked. 

Sam blushed a bit. 

"I'm just kidding. We need to check out the clues on this werewolf, so I'll go to my room and get some of my stuff and then I'll come to your room, okay?" I looked at them waiting for an answer.

"Sounds good we're in room 104," Sam answered and smiled.

I went into my room and got the notes I had on werewolves and walked over to their room. I knocked on the door and Sam opened it. 

As I made it inside I dropped my duffle bag on the floor, since contained a lot of random shit it made a weird thud sound with a hint of metals banging together. 

"Okay, what have you guys discovered about this werewolf so far?" I asked referring mostly to Sam because he's the nerdy one, as far as I know. 

"It looks like these attacks have been happening over the past few years, always a man, then a woman..." I stopped listening after a while and just spaced out. 

"You got all that 'A'?" Sam asked snapping me out of my trance. 

"Yeah totally, I've discovered pretty much the same thing." I tried to sound convincing, but I could hear Dean snicker behind me. I think he noticed that I spaced out.

We all started searching for clues. When I say we all I mean Sam and I. Dean went out to get some food. Sam and I sat on our own computers and did research. We did talk to each other here and there, mostly small talk.

Suddenly he asked a question I didn't expect. 

"So where's your family?" He asked trying to be nice and calm about it. 

Shit, em... just say a typical hunter story... Come on, Ava. You can do this! 

"They're dead. My parents were killed when I was very young. A hunter found me and I grew up with him until I was eighteen. I left to go on with my life, but we always end up here, don't we?" I said in without breathing and finished with a sad smile. 

"Was that man Bobby?" Sam asked curiously. 

"No, it was a man named Ruben. He took good care of me. He taught me all that I needed to know about hunting. Even who killed my parents." I said with an angry tone at the end. '

"Who killed your parents then?" Sam asked trying not to push me. 

Okay, Ava. An evil creature, person something. What was the name of that demon Crowley talked about? Hmmm... Abbamon... no. Abbadson, Almost... Abbadon? Abbadon! That's it. 

"A demon named Abbadon." I had such anger and sadness in my voice that it actually sounded believable. 

Damn Ava, you're good at this.

"I'm so sorry... the only good news I have for you is that we killed Abbadon. So you don't have to worry about her anymore." Sam smiled at me. 

Such a sweet little boy he is. 

"That's... that's just fantastic! Thank you!" I said excitedly. 

I jumped off my seat and then jumped on him and gave him a big hug.

Just at that moment, Dean walked in. '

"Hey, guys..." He trailed off. 

"Hope I'm not interrupting something." He smirked at his brother. 

Just as he put down our food I jumped on him and gave him a big, tight hug. He awkwardly hugged me back and asked, 

"What's this for?" He let out a quick laugh. 

"Thank you, thank you so much," I whispered in his ear. 

"For what?" He asked curiously. 

"For what you did to Abbadon." I felt him stiffen a bit, then loosen up. 

"No problem, sweetheart." It seemed that he was really happy about getting thanked. 

I don't believe hunters get thanked that often. He hugged me back tighter than I hug him like he really needed it.

After we ate Sam and Dean had a beer and talked. I did a little more research. 


After a while, I started to feel and fell asleep on their couch.  I felt a blanket get put on me as I drifted off.

 It's weird how easily I connected with these guys. 


Sam's Pov

"She's been through a lot," I told Dean. 

I've already told him her story. At least someone was happy about what we did to Abbadon or more like what Dean did. 

"Yeah she has, but that's the curse of being a hunter. We all go through a lot of shit. The question is; Are we taking her with us on the hunt tomorrow?" Dean asked me. 

"I don't think we can stop her from going." We both laughed. 

I actually like her. 

There's something special about her...

and I have a feeling that we won't get rid of her easily...

-------- The next morning

Ava's POV

I stretched my body and made a weird screeching sound as I woke up. 

"What the hell was that?" Dean looked at me weirdly with a humorous smile. 

"I make those sounds when I stretch. I'm like a cat." I smiled and meowed at him, I could barely hold back my laughter. 

Dean just laughed and sat down by the table beside Sam.

"So any news?" I asked them. 

As I sat down in front of them. 

"Looks like the werewolf is hiding here," Sam said and pointed at a location on the screen. 

"How do you know for sure?" I asked them. 

"While you were asleep we went out and did some research and we ended up with this," Dean answered me with a smirk. 

"But it's only 10 AM, when did you guys get up?" I looked at them weirdly. Do these guys even sleep? 

"We were up around 6 AM, I guess," Sam answered. I just looked at them like they were insane. 

These guys must be living on coffee.

Time passed as we talked and watch tv. We decided to go and get the werewolf at night. Fewer people outside make it easier to not get noticed. Also, fewer people mean fewer casualties.


We stopped the car outside the house. 

"Okay, Sam you go with A, you guys take the back, and I take the front," Dean commanded. 

We nodded and walked around the house.

Sam opened the door and walked in as I scanned the area behind us. I walked in after him and closed the door slowly trying not to make a lot of noise. 

Sam looked like he was on guard. 

I didn't have to be because, well... I'm a demon. 

We stood behind a wall. Sam on the right of the door, me on the left. Well, it was a place where there was supposed to be a door but it was missing if you catch my drift. I don't know what it's called. 

Don't judge me. 

We saw Dean walk over to a woman that was tied up trying to help her.

As he was freeing her we could see the werewolf sneaking up behind him. Sam was about to jump out from hiding and shoot, but I stopped him. 

The werewolf knocked Dean out. Sam looked at me furiously. I gave him an 'I have a plan look' and then I put away my gun and stood up. I walked towards the werewolf. He looks like any other human. 

Too bad he doesn't look like Taylor Lautner or better known as Jacob Black. Why can't they be like they are in the movies?

I took my jacket off and looked as sexy as I could. Ripping my jeans so they became short shorts. Shaking my hips a bit extra as I walked 

"Hello there wolfy boy. Wanna have some fun?" I bit my lip as I walked towards him.

I can't die, so I might as well have some fun with it. 

It took everything in me not to laugh out loud. This entire is so dumb that it's genius. 

He was still angry and on high alert, but the more he looked at me the calmer he became. He had lust clear in his eyes. 

Gotcha bitch or more like Mitch (man-bitch). 

I walked up to him and touched his chest. He followed my every move. 

I went behind him as I stroke my hand down his arm. 

At least that was what Sam saw. What was really happening was that I was controlling the werewolf, making it seem like I was seducing him. While in reality, I was pulling the strings. The wolf was helpless against me.

 What? I've got to have fun too! I simply used The Force. 

Star Wars fans would be trembling at the sight of me

I knew Sam could see me. So I look at him and nodded. He jumped out of hiding and I grabbed the wolf holding on as well as I could, making it seem real. I had to look as human as possible. The moment Sam shot I jumped away. The bullet went right into his heart and he fell down to the floor, dead.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" Sam yelled at me. 

"He could have killed you! Both of you!" He yelled. 

Dean was still unconscious. 

I ignored him as I walked over to the girl and released her from the chair. She quickly sprinted away from us... shocker. 

"Aren't you going to stop her?" He asked me. 

"Why should I? If she goes around rambling about werewolves she'll end up in a mental hospital, so not my problem." Sam looked at me with disapproval. 

Right at that moment, Dean woke up.

"What's going on guys? You were supposed to cover me." Dean said while holding his head. 

Sam told him everything that happened. 

"I can't believe that worked. You're awesome. How did you know it would work?" Dean asked with a hint of amazement in his eyes. 

"All guys are the same. Monster or not." I said and winked at them. 

They just stood there with their jaws on the floor. 

"Are you boys coming?" I asked them as I walked away with extra sway to my hip. I could feel their eyes on me as I walked. 

I didn't think this job was going to be so much fun. 

------ The day after the hunt

Ava's POV

We stood outside of the Motel in front of their car. "So...what are you guys going to do now?" I asked them looking down at the ground. 

Trying to look a bit shy. 

"We're going..." Sam tried to say but Dean interrupted him. 

"Home. We're going home." He smiled at his brother. 

"Oh, how nice." I smiled innocently at them. 

"So, what about you? Where are you going?" Sam asked me with a sweet smile. 

"I don't know, keep hunting I guess," I said and shrugged.  

"Come with us," Dean said. 

Sam's gaze snapped to Dean, shock was clear in his eyes. 

I knew it would work. 

"What...?" I asked slowly with a bit of surprise and happiness in my voice. 

"Come with us. You can hunt with us and stay at our place. You'll love it there." Dean smiled. 

"How can I trust you? How can you trust me? We've only known each other for two days." I look at them curiously. 

"I feel like I can trust you and we'll just do the routine on you. We haven't done that yet.

Dean opened their trunk and took out holy water, a knife I guess it's silver, and salt. I pulled my jacket arm up and let him cut me with a silver blade, but nothing happened. Then he threw holy water and salt on me, nothing. 

I know what you're thinking. You're a demon you should have been burned by holy water and salt. I know, but Crowley thought that far. So he told me that he made a witch put a spell on me, which made holy water and salt not effective on me unless I ingest it. 

Why haven't they done this before, I bet that's what you're thinking right now. It doesn't work for everyone, according to Crowley. You have to be really strong to handle the spell and I'm strong enough since I'm a knight of hell.

"See, all clean." I smiled at them. They smiled back. 

"And to answer your question. Of course, I want to join you guys!" I said, jumping up and down. 

I ran to the back seat and threw my duffle bag in. 

"Let's go!!" "Wait, don't you have a car?" Sam asked. 

"Yeah but I stole it, so I can just leave it here." Another lie. 

I heard Dean snicker as he sat down in the driver's seat.

That was a lot easier than I thought it would be.

End of chapter 7

Looks like she finally got close to the Winchesters! We're almost at 50 guys. Thanks to everyone who reads this book. You're awesome.

See y'all later!


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