By RockinThatRobin

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What would happen if Weirdmaggeddon only got worse? What if Dipper was the only one remaining, with his one p... More

Last Hope
Is Trust Real?
Web of Lies
Encouragement and Visions
Old Friends...
E̸͟͞R̸͟͞R̸͟͞O̸͟͞R̸͟͞: D̸͟͞E̸͟͞A̸͟͞T̸͟͞H̸͟͞ I̸͟͞M̸͟͞I̸͟͞N̸͟͞E̸͟͞N̸͟͞T̸͟͞
House of Horrors
The Wattys!
We Meet Again
On Hold

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352 17 2
By RockinThatRobin

    "Mind telling me what that was all about?" Ford asks me as he lead me to his car. I sniffled, and put my knife back into my sweater.
    "There just some kids who picked on me when I first got here. No big deal."
    "No big deal? I say it's a massive deal. That girl had a knife to your throat and looked as though she wanted to kill you. That's something to worry about." he said, worry coated in his words.
    It warms my heart that he cares this much for me, but at the same time, breaks it. Sooner or later I'm going to have to come clean to him to why I'm really here, and that will definitely affect our trust.
But as the car got into our field of vision, his tone softened. "I'm sorry dipper, I really am. Those kids must be monsters to do that to you." he said. Then I noticed he directed his gaze to the spot where my knife was in my sweater.
I closed my eyes and sighed, knowing that Ford was going to ask about it. So before he could even form a question on his lips, I answered him.
"I guess your wondering why I have a knife and didn't tell you about it. Well, it was the last gift I got from my family, and Mabel has the exact same one." I said, my eyes once again brimming with tears.
He looked at me and smiled warmly. "I get it, very sentimental to you. But I must ask, is 'Mystery Twins' what you two would call yourselves?" He asked, trying not to invade to much on my personal life. We were entering the brown jeep as I answered.
"Y-yeah. There was a woods by our house and...every night we would go out and look for monsters of all sorts. But since we lived in California, we obviously didn't find any. Just, looking in the wrong place I guess." I replied, giving a half hearted chuckle.
The beginning of the ride was mostly silent, until a question popped into my brain.
"Hey Ford?" I asked in a quiet voice. He grunted in agnolegment, not taking his eyes of the empty road.
"What was that 'business's you had to take care of in town?" I asked. Ford thought about it for a while before answering my question.
"Just visiting an old friend that came to town recently, nothing to worry about, I assure you."
I could hear the lies in his voice. He may have been a good liar in the future, but not in the past. Figuring that prying him for the truth wouldn't work though, I stayed silent for the rest of the trip.

1 MONTH LEFT......

I'm running out of time. I have to do something, anything, and quick. Based on my calculations, Ford disappears into the portal in about twenty eight days, not nearly enough time for me to make a huge difference. Sure, I could persuade him somehow, but I've learned the hard way that pursuading that man is like trying to push a donkey to where he doesn't want to go. In other words, extremely hard and difficult.
Currently, I am up in the attic nervously pacing around the room. By now I wouldn't be suprised if I'm leaving indents on the floorboards. My eyes were squeezed shut, and I had both of my hands pulling on my hair. My sweatshirt bounced everytime I moved, especially where my knife was located.
Luckily though, if all didn't turn out right, I could always go back and try again. Yes, in the time I was here I managed to fix the time travel device. With lots of lies and effort, it now works as good as new.
But hopefully I won't have to use it. Hopefully, everything will turn out okay, I can go back to the future, and Weirdmaggeddon will be non-existant. That's a huge hope, though.
It was about nine thirty at night, and the moon was steadily rising in the sky, illuminating my room along with my desk lamp. Everything in the shack was still, except for me, of coarse. Ford had decided to go to his room early, and I couldn't blame him. We spent the entire day running away from gremoblins, and I was also exhausted. Despite this though, I still stayed up to figure out a plan.
But, sadly, just as a full proof plan was starting to form in my head, the sound of glass rung through the house. Startled by the noise, I stopped my pacing and looked at the attic door, debating on whether it would be a good idea to go downstairs.
Finally deciding that Ford might need help if something was wrong, I opened the door with a familiar creek eminatting from the squeaky door. I stepped down the stairs slowly, one foot at a time, not wanting to alert any possible intruders.
When I reached the bottom, I was sweating from nervousness, and instinctfully pulled out my knife. Just then, I heard a faint creek of the wooden floor boards from the kitchen.
I stealthily made my way to the kitchen and peaked inside, making myself invisible to anything in the kitchen.
Lone behold, Ford stood around a small pile of glass, and was holding up a plate as if he was inspecting it. He didn't notice my presence, but knowing that it was just Ford, I made sure he knew I was there.
"Oh, it's just you Ford. I heard the crash and thought some burglar or something broke in. But why did you smash those plates?" I ask him in a confident voice, starting to slide my knife back into my pocket. But then I noticed that Ford didn't react to my question. He just froze, like a statue. Confused, I kept my knife out.
"Ford, are you okay?" I ask him, again not getting a reaction. As I was about to say something else, he turned around.
It was my turn to be paralyzed. Instead of his normal hazel brown eyes, he bore bright, eluminating, black slitted eyes. No words came out of my mouth. I stood there, my knife slipping out of my hand. He made a twisted smile appear on Ford face, and began laughing. I knew that my face was as white as a ghost. I have no idea what came over me. Usually, I never let my emotions run free like they are now, especially about Bill. On the outside, I acted like I wasn't afraid at all. But on the inside, I was terrified beyond belief.
    Then my knife finally slipped out of my hand, making an almost earth shattering sound above bills cackling laughter that was mixed with Fords.

Third person view-mindescape

     Ford watched with horror as Bill run amok in his body, breaking plates onto the kitchen floor. And all he could do was float harmlessly in the air and watch.
    "Bill! You lied to me! You want to destroy the world! Now let me back into my body this instant!" Ford yelled, not making a move to affect anything around him, knowing that it would be pointless.
    "I'm suprised you just figured this out sixer. Well, technically that hillbilly figured it out, but whatever. And we had a deal that I could enter and exit your body whenever I please, so you can't complain." Bill said in a almost whisper voice as he broke a plate.
    Ford was absolutely terrified. Not just for his body, but for Dipper. What would Bill do to him? As far as Ford knew, Bill and Dipper had never met, and the boy knew nothing of Bills true nature. Bill smashed another plate, and chuckled softly to himself, much to Fords dissatisfaction. Then his worst fear came, and Dipper was standing in the kitchen doorway, looking at Fo...Bill, skeptically.
    "oh, it's just you Ford. I heard the crash and thought some burglar or something broke in. But why did you smash those plates?" the young boy asked in his normal voice. Ford noticed that he previously had his knife out, and was slowly putting it away, until he noticed that Fords body wasn't moving. Dipper kept his knife out and gave Ford an even more skeptical look.
    "Ford, are you okay?" he asked him again, and was about to say something else when Bill in fords body turned around. Much to Fords suprise, the boy looked absolutely terrified of what was in front of him. His face turned completely pale, and the only movements he was making was slight shaking. The knife he was holding was slipping out of his hand. Ford looked back at Bill, and he was smiling and laughing devilishly.
    Then the boys knife dropped to the ground, and soon after, bill stopped laughing and looked at him with an amused look on his face. Or should we say Fords face. But what Bill said next shocked Ford completely.
    "Well, well, well! It sure is a suprise to meet again here of all places. Or I guess I would be meeting you for the first time since your from the future."

To be continued...............

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