Just Forget The World//Phan au

By kittyrawrxxx

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(COMPLETED) ~ If I lay here If I just lay here Would you lie with me and just forget the world? ~ Meet Dan. ... More

Chapter 1: Goodbye Wokingham
Chapter 2 : The London Doubt
Chapter 3: Howell Hides, Lester Seeks
Smol Update
Chapter 5 : The Bridge
Chapter 6: The Stars Speak The Truth
Chapter 7: The Only Person Hurt Is Me
Chapter 8: This Is Where It Ends, This Is Where It Starts

Chapter 4: Game Ends Story Starts

1.6K 102 60
By kittyrawrxxx

~Hai, sorry I made all you wait 2 weeks. DW THOUGH I AM SUPER EXCITED FOR THIS CHAPTER BECAUSE URRR MAAA GEERRRRD, THERE ARE SO MANY QUESTIONS. Was the letter about Danny? Are Phil and Alison still together? Will my eevee evolve????? jk, I don't have pokemon, too expensive, I spend all my money on band merch XD anyway, enjoy!!!! By the way, read the author's note at the end because I'm going to start adding those and usually they can be really helpful to you peoplez~

Dan's POV:

I recognised the handwriting. Phil always had neat writing. He loved showing me his old school work over Skype. It was fun staying up and talking about our childhoods. Just telling each other made it seem like we knew each other back then and we got to witness it for ourselves. Have you ever had that someone in your life that you really wished you knew when they were younger or that person that you may have known for 2 years but felt like you have known them for 4.

"OKAY! READY OR NOT, HERE I COME!" I heard Phil call from his bedroom. I rushed around, unsure of what to do.

'Okay, should I put the envelope in my pocket? No, it wont fit and I will crumble it up. I could hide it under his desk but he will hear me shuffling and I wont have enough time to get back to my hiding spot. Alright I could put it back it the closet but I already hear him walking around and he might hear me closing the door. Maybe I could just-'


"Crap..." I mumbled seeing Phil walk in. He was wearing his red plaid shirt which made him look really sexy. I was that type of person who loved when their best friend wore certain things from their closet. When ever he wore his white OMFG top, I died. When he opened the Skype call up and I saw him in his Jake The Dog hoodie, I melted like hot chocolate. Every single thing he did or said made a little piece inside of me die. He was just so irresistible.

"Urm, found you, I guess...." We exchanged glances. He looked confused whilst I looked guilty af. "By the way, that's not a very good hiding place."


"Well, look where you are," He stepped into the room and walked to me. "Out in the open, that's not a very good hiding place." Phil laughed it off and continued to smile until he saw the envelope in my hands. Even I had forgotten it was there.

He swallowed.

"Why do you have that?" He asked, his tone serious. I couldn't tell if he was angry or worried about me finding something. If so, what was he worried about?

I looked at the envelope. I gave it back to him, he took it straight away. I wasn't prepared to lie to my new flatmate.

"I was hiding in the closet and I must of stepped back a bit too far and I felt something land on my feet and it was this. I just stepped out to see what it was because of curiosity and whatever. I didn't open, though, so don't worry."

'Wow Dan, #honestgoals2015'

'Shut up'

I tried to ignore the mental argument raging on in my head, instead, I waited patiently for Phil to believe my pathetic lie.

"If you didn't open it then why is it open?" He asked, running his pale fingers along the teared open envelope fold. Maybe he was wishing for it to be metallic green, he loved those as a child.

"It's open?"

"Yeah, it is."

The room went hush. Phil knew I had opened it but I wondered if he had thought I had read all of it. Truthfully, all I saw were the words 'feelings' and 'secret'. And that was it. I wasn't sure why but those words seemed to catch my eye but after that, that was all I had seen. He looked upset. Not disappointed. Upset. He thought I had seen the entire letter. Even though words weren't leaving our mouths, the quiet air spoke out 'He thinks you've seen the entire letter and now he's very upset. But you know you haven't seen the entire letter and yet he is upset about something, right. Something is bothering him. I'm sure you want to know why he's upset. Don't you?'

In the end, I wasn't sure if that was the air speaking or the voices in my head. I had chosen to ignore them but they always found a way of breaking through. They were right. I did want to know why he was upset. I did really want to find out what the letter was about.

Phil breathed out, closing the envelope and sealing it shut.

"Well, I don't really wanna play anymore but hey, you must be hungry. I'll show you to your room and then we can sit down and watch some anime. How does that sound?" He seemed cheery again so I joined in.

"That sounds amazing, let's go."


I had seen my room, the place which I wouldn't leave for days at a time because of overall laziness and procrastination. Phil had explained to me that the moving van was going to be late because of traffic. I was fine with that. The only thing in my room was a piano that had been there since the building was made. It was 100 years old and Phil joked that that's where he thought Samara lived.

I had been sitting up on the counter watching Phil make sandwiches. We were in a discussion about theories over Buffy and Fairytale.

"So, we can order takeout tonight, if you want, but what do you wanna do now and later?" He asked, handing me a healthy egg and salad sandwich. He was probably preparing me for all the epic anime binge watch sessions we'd have together.

"Well, I'm sure we can watch some Food Wars right now or something and I don't know, just chill, maybe?" I suggested. I was always the person who'd stay round someone's house and when they wanted me to pick because I was the 'guest', I'd always want them to pick. I had to accept that this was my house. I needed to stop being shy all the time.

"Okay, well screw takeout, how about we go for a walk in London tonight. I have something cool to show you and it really can't wait.

"Sounds like a plan." I said, accepting it, I wondered what we wanted to show me.

"Sounds like a date."

~Hello, hope you enjoyed the chapter. Sorry it isn't that interesting but I feel you need chapters like these to calm the reader down in order to kill them off from tenstion...did I just say that...okay. Also, I recently read a book that was about things you would find in phanfics and I believe it was called 'Dumb Phanfic Moments'. I read it and thought it was hilarious but the author mentioned that it was pointless adding music to show off the authors music taste or making aesthetically pleasing covers as they have nothing to do with the book. So, to piss people off, that's what I've done~

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