Crossing Arrows (Arrow/Flash...

By caler_jo_hyden

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Allison Allen is best friends with Oliver Queen since they were teenagers. She was on that island with Oliver... More

Chapter One
Author's Note
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Six

4.1K 80 26
By caler_jo_hyden

It's been a few weeks of catching metahumans and saving people. Our last one was a girl with explosive power and dealing with the army general. Barry and I now have to deal with Iris writing about the Red Streak as well as the Blue Streak.
~~15 years ago~~

I tossed and turned in my sleep that night, breathless. "Again. Do it better." Dr. Martinez said as I aim at the next target with the gun and pull the trigger, missing the center by a centimeter. "Try again." She said again as I try to shoot but no bullet came out.

"I'm out of bullets." I reply as she took the gun away and slapped me hard across my face.

"Next time don't waste all of the bullets. Aim right. Go run six miles around the track." She ordered.

I took off running around the track. I think she's trying to kill me. Six miles running? I passed the first mile in five minutes. "Pick up the pace, Allen!" She shouted at me. I passed my fourth mile within twenty minutes. To finish six miles, I usually finish around thirty minutes.

After I finish running all of the miles, six men escorted me to the room next to my cell. There was a metal chair attached to the center of the floor in the room. "No. I've already done this once." I say breathless.

They pushed me in the chair and strapped my wrists, legs, and ribs with metal restraints. Then they slid the metal helmet with wires attached to it over my head. Dr. Martinez walked in and injected a serum in my neck that makes me fall asleep.

I was home as my mom walked downstairs. I ran over to her and hugged her tightly, not wanting to let her go. "Mom, I'm home." I wept just as a woman with black hair and gray eyes approached me and my mother. "Stay away from my mom! Mom, we have to go. She's a bad person. She experimented on me!"

"Allison, it's alright. She's just a client of mine. Why would you accuse her like that? And you wasn't even gone but a minute." My mother commented.

"No- No, I wasn't. She abducted me and I was gone for maybe a week. Wait. I'm dreaming. I'm still trapped there. I didn't escape." I say shakily.

"Allison! Put the gun down. Please, Sweetie." My mom replied, fear in her eyes.

I look down at my hand and, sure enough, I was holding a gun. "N-No. This isn't real." I was pointing the gun at Dr. Francis Martinez and then moved it over to my mom. Tears in my eyes. "No. I'm sorry." Then the trigger was pulled and my mom was collapsed on the floor, blood all around her. I drop to my knees, crying.

"I'm not waking up... This is real... This is real. Mom. She's dead. She's dead. I killed her... I'm so sorry. I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." I murmur through tears.

Then I wake up in the metal chair, breathless even more and squirming to get free. "You're getting slower to wake up, Allison. This was to test the strength of your mentality. Take her back to her cell. We'll start her training again at the break of dawn."

They dragged me back to my room and threw me in the cell like a rag doll. "Yeah, listen to her like a good lapdog you are." I remarked as they stopped in front of me and kicked and punched me each. "You're just bullies." I muttered which earned me another punch in the face. One of the men grabbed me by my hair and cut me on my ribs with his knife. "I stand by what I said."

"You're just an insolent child." He spat at me as the other one slapped me.

"If we had it our way, we'd already killed you, Bitch, and find a new test subject." The man who just slapped me added.

"Then do it or prove me right about you two being good lapdogs to your boss lady." I commented, trying to keep my voice steady and free of fear.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you? But this way is more painful to you. You're gonna suffer in excruciating agony for as long as you live." The man with the knife stated.

"Then it won't be long. Once she's finished with me, she'll kill me." I reply, unflinching at his words.

"Now, you're catching on, Moose." The other guy said.

"You've been watching way too much Supernatural." I mutter.

They scoffed and walked out of the room, leaving me all alone. I let out the breath that I didn't know I've been holding and then finally break down crying. I want to go home.

"Allison. Allison! Wake up." A distant voice said to me, shaking me. It was Moira Queen. I sit up quickly, tears glistening on my cheeks. "Oh, sweetie. It's okay." She comforted me.

"It was real." I murmur, my voice cracking as more tears came. I shook in fear and sadness.

"It's alright. You're home." Moira replied, hugging me, "It's over. You're safe now." I nodded, unsure. I hug her even more until I calmed down. "Want to talk about?" She asked softly.

"No..." I answer, sighing a little sad.

We speed to the police chase of a man in a yellow Hummer. A teenage boy was walking across the road when it drove towards the cops. I speed fast and move him off of the road as Barry stopped the man driving the stolen vehicle.

"Get out of the vehicle!" Barry shouted at him.

"If you say so." The man replied, getting out and ripping the door off. He swung it at Barry as he dodged it, making it crash into the fence.

Barry punched him in the face but only breaking his hand in the process. I speed over to them and check to see if my cousin was alright. The man's whole arm turned to a form of metal as he swung at Barry and hit him, making Barry fly across the Hummer and onto the other side of the vehicle.

"Looks like you were born to take a beating." The man stated to Barry as I grabbed the man's arm and absorbed his power.

"Looks like you were born to take a beating." I replied, punching him with a steel fist which made him crash into the side of the vehicle.

He stood back up a little wobbly and tried to do the same but couldn't for lack of power at the moment. "Cute trick." He muttered as I grabbed him and Barry and ran to Star Labs quickly. I threw the man in one of the cells in our metahuman jail that previously was the particle accelerator.

I lay Barry on one of the beds carefully. "Hang on, Barry. Focus on me." I murmur, trying to keep him awake.

Caitlyn, Cisco, and Wells came in the room. "Oh my God. What happened?" Caitlyn asked, the three of them rushing over to us.

"Barry got a beating by a metahuman who's now in our very own prison. I took his ability." I answer as Caitlyn began to doctor up Barry. I step back and move over to the center of the room. My skin turned to metal and went back to normal.

"Cool." Cisco replied about the indestructible skin ability.

"Thirteen fractures. That's a new record for you, also a concussion, three cracked ribs, and a bruised spleen. Even with your powers, you'll still need hours to heal." Caitlyn said to Barry who just nodded.

"Why didn't you two call us instead of going up against a metahuman alone?" Cisco asked.

"We didn't know he was one." I answer, "But he's put away now."

"Good work, Allison." Dr. Wells said, "Barry, you heal and rest."

"Yeah." Barry commented, "You did do good out there, Ally."

"Thanks." I say, walking out, "Alright, well, I've got to go."

I was having lunch with Oliver and Thea the next day. It was nice and fun. "I missed having you around, Ally." Thea said, "I didn't have anyone to complain to about Olly."

"Yeah, I can see where that's a problem." I reply, laughing.

"Hey, I'm not that bad." Oliver said in a fake offended tone, laughing also.

"No, of course not." Thea replied, "But you do have your moments." She laughed and smiled.

I noticed on the inside of my left hand was metal and started to turn invisible. I put my hand in my pocket and excuse myself to go to the bathroom. I went inside a stall and locked the door, examining my hand, which was growing another hand while turning into metal and invisible while moving super fast.

What the hell is going on? I find myself thinking to myself, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, focusing on keeping my powers under control. I open my eyes and look at my hand again. It was back to normal. I sigh and walk out of the bathroom and back to our table.

"Remember when the three of us would wrestle each other and Allison would always win? I bet I could win now." Thea said confidently, smiling innocently.

"Umm, I don't know. Oliver still can't beat me." I reply, "But you might could."

"Hey, I can beat you if I tried." Oliver said.

"Whatever you say, Olly." I reply, winking at him. They both laughed just as my phone started to ring.

I answer it as Barry began, "Hey, Allison. You remember Tony, my childhood bully, right? He's also that guy who can turn into metal. He's got me thinking. I need to know how to fight and I know you can fight great like Oliver. Can you train me?"

"Okay." I mutter, not wanting to train him how to fight but knowing that he had to know at least somewhat of fighting. I hang up and sigh. "I forgot to tell my boss that I was taking a few days off. I have to go. I'm sorry."

"No worries. Just visit us soon, which means in at least a week or less, not a month or more." Thea replied, hugging me once we get up from our seats. Then Oliver walked me out and stopped me.

"That wasn't your boss, was it? It was Barry, right?" Oliver said as I nodded, "Be careful."

"You know me." I say, smiling big.

"I know. That's why I'm saying it." He replied also smiling. I hug him goodbye and run super fast back to Central City.

Within a minute I was back at Star Labs. I walk into the room where Caitlyn, Cisco, and Barry was at. "We're teaching you how to fight Karate Kid style." Cisco said as I roll my eyes.

Cisco placed the controls around his neck and made the robot looking thing move. "I have ice and bandages ready." Caitlyn replied.

Barry began as he began to hit on the robot super fast until it hit him in his ribs and then back. He fell to the floor hurt. "Not as easy as it looks." He muttered.

"It is easy." I said, stepping in front of the robot, "Ready Cisco?" He nodded as we began. I dodged every blow it threw at me effortlessly and then stepped back, making Cisco stop.

"That was awesome." Cisco said.

"I already knew how to fight." I reply.

"I'm pretty sure I just dislocated my shoulder." Barry said in pain.

"On three, Barry. One, two..." I fixed his shoulder back in place as he yelped in agony.

"What happened to three?" He asked.

"Element of surprise?" I answer, "Better?"

"Yeah." Barry answered, "So when do we start your way of training?"

"Whenever." I say, "Suit up, Barry, and follow me." I suited up also and ran out of the building as he followed me by running beside me.

"Where are we going?" He asked.

"To my old hideout." I answer.

After a minute or two we were at my mom's old technology company. The words on the building read: Allen Tech Co. I type in a secret code on the door and walk down the stairs as did Barry. The place was set up like Oliver's Arrow Cave.

"Almost like Oliver's secret hideout." Barry said impressed.

"Hey, what do you expect? He's the Green Arrow and I'm the Blue Arrow." I replied, "Or I was. I don't know what I am anymore, but that's beside the point."

I show him a wooden post with boards sticking out on it. "Watch." I say, hitting them in a fluid motion and dodging the moving blows. "Don't use your super speed. Not yet."

"Okay?" He replied a little confused.

"Do you trust me?" I ask.

He looked at me. "Always. I trust you with my life." He answered.

"Then just know I have my reasons on this type of training." I comment as he began to hit the boards. He did good without getting hit. "Now, use your speed." He sped up his hits as he dodged one but got hit in the stomach by another. "See? You lost your focus while speeding. Try again."

The second time speeding was a success. "Good job, Barry." I state, handing him two pipes as I pick up two for me also. "Follow the motion." We begin to swing the pipes at one another's pipes.

I held one of mine against both of his and swung my other one against his thigh. "Ow! You hit me." He said, rubbing his leg.

"You heal fast." I reply, smiling, "Come on. Again. Put effort into it." We began the fluid motion of swinging the pipes again. "Nice blocking, Barry."

After half of an hour had passed, I moved over to the pull-up bar and started doing pull-ups while moving the bar up higher at the same time. I dropped down and turn invisible and stealthily go over to my cousin and push him down on the floor. "Follow your other senses, Barry. You can't just rely on your sight forever. Expect the unexpected."

I walked to his left side as he speedily swung his arm on his left side as I blocked it with my arm. "Good. You know how to listen." I remark, moving in front of him quietly.

He had closed his eyes and listened to every sound. "That's it. Feel the movement. Listen around you." I say behind him as he quickly swung behind him as I dodged the blow effortlessly.

I step back in front of him and turn visible again and toss him boxing gloves and point to the punching bag. "Let all of your suppressed anger out, Barry, which I know you have."

"Okay." He murmured, hitting the bag while I held it still. He was hitting it lightly, with hardly any force.

"Harder." I state.

He punched it even harder but was still holding back. "You're holding back. Let it out, Man." I continue. He hit it harder and harder and then the last punch busted the bag.

I lean my hands on my knees, hunched over, breathless. "Now we're talking."

"Sorry." Barry muttered.

I straighten up and look at him. "It's alright. I've got more punching bags than this one. Trust me. I keep a few because I've broke a few myself."

"Okay." Barry said, looking at the time, "I've got to meet up with Iris. Thanks for training me to fight. You're now my designated trainer. Thank you, Allison."

I nodded and waved him off as he ran back to Central City with his super speed. This hideout was right between Starling and Central, which is good I guess.

It was 1:00 A.M. but I couldn't sleep, like usual. I was wearing a large, blue plaid button-up shirt and short, a little above thigh-length, black shorts. My hair was left down. I was in bed looking at some old notes that I had found from my mom years ago.

Then someone knocked on my door as I get up from my bed and look through the peephole on my door and open it after I had discovered that it was Oliver. "Hey." I say, "What are you doing here?"

"I don't know exactly, I mean, I have to tell you something, but I don't know how to word it and-" He started, babbling.

"You're starting to sound like Felicity with the whole babbling thing-" I stopped him as he cut me off with a kiss on my lips, his hands on both sides of my face, thumbs on each of my cheeks, our eyes were now closed. It lasted for about six seconds when we parted.

"I-" I started.

"Yeah." He finished for me.

I read his mind just a little. "I love you too." I say, biting my bottom lip gently. He smiled as I smiled also as I invited him to stay the night since there weren't any train rides to Starling at this hour. He accepted as we fell asleep in each other's arms that night.

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