The Emigrants

By Tessmess14

271 21 10

In a futuristic dystopian society, Earth is over-populated and half the population is forced to leave to anot... More

Prologue: Earth's Demise
Chapter One: Ethan's Abduction
Chapter Two: Armida is Chosen
Chapter Three: Taken to a New Planet

Chapter Four: A New Life

14 3 0
By Tessmess14


As Armida goes on and on about procedures and things, I am very hesitant to answer any of her questions. Then again, if I don't cooperate I could possibly be killed. There's no telling if these people are hostile. I'm on completely unfamiliar territory, unarmed, and alone. They definitely have the upper hand.

"Okay, so first question," Armida says like it's some sort of test, "why is it so dangerous on Earth?"

"I don't know. There's some war going on," I say, trying not to sound rude.

"Can you elaborate on this war?"

"I guess," I think about Earth and the war between countries, "some are calling it World War 3, although it seems like less of a war and more of a tyranny."

"And who is running this tyranny?"

"Us. America. Our president has gone power hungry. Some think he's planning to take over the world. If that's the case, he's winning."

She jots down some notes. I just realized how much I've said and think maybe this isn't a good idea. What if this new planet is trying to plot a war on Earth and I'm giving them the ingredients to destroy my own home? Not that I have much of a home there anyway.

"Do you think he would ever plan an attack on us?" she asks looking concerned.

"I...I don't know. I've never thought about it before. I suppose maybe it's possible, but they've told us they have no communication with this planet. They weren't even sure you existed anymore until you showed up."

"It is true they have no communication with us, as our satellites have been down for years. However, it is speculated that perhaps Earth has been watching us."

"Why would you think that?" I ask.

"They always seem to be a step ahead of us. There's also the question of why our satellites malfunctioned. We haven't been able to make them work again. We wonder if Earth is trying to keep us in the dark. Which brings to question: why would they want us in the dark?"

"Hmm," I think, "maybe you have a point..."

*          *          *

We take a break for the night, allowing him to get accustomed to his new surroundings. I take him to his temporary home, which is one of the government-issued houses that's empty. He'll be staying here for now, with the lower-level government officials. Our villages are pretty spread out due to the size of our planet. We don't have countries, or even provinces really. We're all one big planet split into different, unique villages. 

My village is one of thousands like it. It houses students, teachers, scientists, and what we call 'government workers.' However, it's nothing like the government on Earth. We are a community of learners.

Villages on Psidon are usually split up like this. We have entire shopping villages scattered around conveniently. We have learning villages like mine, villages for the arts, hunting villages, crafting villages (which is surprisingly different from the art village), and many more. 

"Welcome to your new home," I say, trying to sound as friendly as possible. 

He ignores this. "What about clothes," he asks, "What am I going to wear?"

"Everything you need is inside," I answer. 

*        *        *

As soon as she leaves I take a sigh of relief. She seems nice and all but I'm glad to finally be alone. I can't believe all that's happened in such little time. I still don't understand why I was picked. They could've chosen someone who had more knowledge on Earth. What did these people want anyway? If you can even call them people...

At least this house isn't bad. It's got a small kitchen, an appropriately-sized table, a bed, and a bathroom, but not much more. It's similar to a hotel suite, which I hardly ever stayed in during my time on Earth. 

I get ready (or unready) and go to bed, but I'm kept awake with questions. Why did these people think it was okay to just take a person from their home planet? Why me? What were they going to ask/ do to me? 

As I drift off to sleep, I dream of horrid, slimy monsters picking me out of my apartment and taking me to their home to eat me alive. I awake in a panic, eight minutes before my alarm goes off. 

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