What a curvy girl wants

Bởi BabyDollKnowsAll

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Juliette M. Lake was not fat. She was curvy and had the hips of a goddess, that didn't stop her from feeling... Xem Thêm

The Acquaintance
Time Management
Men R' Us
A day off
The Devil's Daughter
With Blessings On top
What A Sinclair Wants
A Proposition at Hand
Two Faced
What she needs
Taking Turns
Body Worship
The day after
Play by Play
A little brothers place
Juliettes keeper
The clumsy writer
Sweetie Short
A Bittersweet Helping
The Secret Side Of the Sinclair Boys
Sweetest touch
Discoveries in the oddest places
Fire and Rain
A new heart for Juliette
3 Wave Love
Morning Milk


12.6K 421 50
Bởi BabyDollKnowsAll

Welcome back, congratulations to you (and myself) for still reading my story and to me, for not deleting. I've yet to release a new chapter till now because I was working on a new story. Take a peak if you'd like. Granted, I'll probably delete that in a month. If I don't, I've truly become inspired. I'd also like to thank and welcome new followers, glad you're prepared for what I do. How my tastes work. And the excitement that lies ahead. Since I'll be a college student in the fall, I'll practice writing lengthier, less shitty chapters


I should have been surprised that Aero was at my door for the fifth time this week. But I wasn't. Because he's become comfortable and I've accepted that when he's comfortable he becomes clingy. I became used to hearing him knock at six am to pick me up for work. I didn't dislike our closeness, it felt good to speak with him. Sure there was bickering but is light and humorous. Aero was a force to be reckoned with. He knew what he wanted and didn't usually take no for an answer. He had swindled his way to be more than apart of my social circle and heart in just a few months. Strange, I hated him at first.

Yet true to his word Aero spoke to Andres and told him to give me space, which Andres did a lot of.

In the office, he barely acknowledged me. I would forget for a millisecond that I was pissed when I saw him. And sometimes I would make the small mistake of calling out to him, only to have Mr. Sinclair pose as if I were not heard. Although, I did feel rejected beyond compare. I was being cowardly and not ready to face him. Getting a transfer was still fresh in my mind.

A new boss surrounding and sub branch of the company where I wouldn't be a secretary anymore. But maybe like a filer or a dull job along those lines.

"What the hell is this.." How dramatic.
"Its just tostada y cafe con leche, Ham and potatoes. Even if you're not used to such a humble breakfast, You're still gonna eat it because I took the time to make it." I replied to him leaning on the counter where he sat. It's been a while since I've made breakfast for myself. Let alone another person. I'm sure it's been a while since Aero had a home cooked meal as well.

"What gives you the impression that I will." He challenged and I rolled my eyes then sat down next to him. This kid I swear..

"Because literally you were just begging me to cook for you. You were all like "oh Juliette I'd love whatever you're preparing me!" I mocked making Aero blush a bit, he looked away. He really was a very cute person.

"Oh that happened? I remember simply asking of your services." He seethed. "Then why are you at my apartment for the 5th time this week? Today's Sunday, you plan to spend the day with me? Your secretary?" Aero snorted

"The building decor is atrocious, I was thinking of making investments and tidying the place up after I own part of it." I hummed into the hand I leand on and watched him eat with a smile.

"You should be a little more nicer to the ladies."
"Even bitchy Chelsea?" This was a thought, Chelsea may have wanted my head on a silver platter and I may have personally wanted to give her her one way ticket to hell but that didn't mean I'd let anyone be sexist or mean to her just cause she was female. That was against everything I believed in.

So I nodded. "Sí nino, even bitchy bully Chelsea." I appreciated that he didn't mention her a lot around me. Her existence was fucking triggering. Aero shrugged "I respect those who respect me first. See? Equality." Sigh. It'd take time for him to respect women a bit more but baby step I suppose.

My phone rang again and I flipped it over.

Aero eyed me as he bit into his toast. "You know." Be chewed. "Ignoring Andres won't make him go away."

"Neither will my recollection of him touching me inappropriately. Aero it was so uncalled for and I'm sure that if some hot boss that is undeniably hot more or less attacked you while you were in a relationship and you had some respect for yourself, then you'd understand." I took a tiny piece of potato from Aero's plate and popped it in my mouth. He stared.

"What?" A shake of the head was his response.

"I'm a bit jealous of Andres but, I could understand from Andre's point. If you were my boss Juliette." Aero tugged the ends of my hair pulling me further closer so that his lips were directly near my ear

"I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off you either kitten." A tingle went down my spine when at Aero's whispers. Excuse me?

My phone started to ring again and it was Andres.

"You should get that, you two fighting gives me a headache. And as pleasing as it is to see Andres sulk, I can't bother him as often because he just tells me to leave his office. It's no fun." I flex my back trying to recover from the sudden turn on. But decided that this couldn't go on forever. We'd never get past this if I didn't face the situation head on.

"Juliette?" I smiled and turned to Aero, pointing outside of my apartment door to which he shooed me off. Once in the hallway I continued.

"Surprised to hear me?"
"Honestly I thought you changed your number and I was compulsively calling a dead number."

I laughed clenching my phone and leaned on the wall. "Oh yeah? Well, why call me. You can see me at work. Tomorrow morning, It's Sunday Mr. Sinclair."

"You're still mad."

"Anyone would be mad at being sexually assaulted."

"Your moans proved otherwise Juliette." I picked at the cuticle of my nail frowning. I don't want him to know I took immense pleasure in that scene. "It's Sunday Mr. Sinclair, is there anything you'd need? Work related, that I can actually speak to about. You can forward the information to my email me anytime."

"I know what I can do Juliette. That is why I am calling your personal phone. Because I'm tired of you not being my secretary."

"But I a-"

"You're Aero's secretary, you give him work that he brings to me. You make appointments for him and I can't call you in my office anymore because I have the underlying fear that you'll transfer after only seeing my face." I shift on the wall. What was his point.

"I don't know how you feel Mr. Sinclair. I don't know what to say to you. I don't know what you want." I speak tiredly

Noises passed in the background.

"Come down stairs."
"Come, I'm here. I want to see you. Please allow me this. If you really don't want to see me I'll grant your transfer and you'll never hear from me again."

My heart stutters erratically. He wants to see me--
"Juliette?" I hang up and race to my elevator. I think of how stupid I am for not telling him that I was indeed coming to hear him. And I think about the fact that I have no shoes on, no sweater and I'm in house shorts along with my hope that he'll wait.

Yet, one floor down to 16, people started flooding in. It seemed like every three floors down another person would come in, the doors close g as slowly as possible.

The Bell dings, and I see we're on the eighth floor, but when the door opens my eyes roll back and I swear I'm about to lose it.

"Excuse me folks haha." He jokes lightly squeezing his shoulders into the compact place. Home boy should have known there wasn't gonna be no space so why try?

Why--why did I choose to live on the 17th floor? When the elevator stopped for the 5th time at 6, I push through the people roughly "Sorry, 'scuse me, I gotta go --sorry." I hopped out and headed for the stairs. I might tumble, but at least I'll tumble while fighting to see someone I cared for.

My thighs burned, I couldn't help but think that this would be the only exercise I'll be doing for a while. "Fuck, this is never happening again for a guy" I huffed to myself Finally reaching the ground floor, I skidded out of the lobby into the brisk New York air, instantly getting cold bumps on my skin from the glacial weather. Only seeing Andres getting into his car. I held my hand to my chest breathing in deeply, I was so tired but I wanted to see him.

I was tired from the running and skipping of steps. If I moved another inch, I'm sure I'd pass out. What did I want him to say to me so bad that I ignored my weight and what I wore. I wasn't an impulsive person I think, this man made me, it's all his fault.

"Mr. Sincl--Andres!" I puffed out barely. Thankfully, Mr. Sinclair's chauffeur hears me and alerts him that someone's called out to him.

Mr. Sinclair steps out, looking stupid but cutely stupid. So so stupid. I begin to double over, clutching my arms, protecting them slightly from the climate. Then laugh because what was I really doing? I want to forget this man, the secret love I have for him. Leading to my underlying fear that someone would find out.

"Juliette what the hell?" Mr. Sinclair takes off his full length fur coat(of course it was fur) wrapping it around me.

"Sorry, I just came down in a hurry."
"I thought you hanging up meant that I should go."
It became quiet between us, we just stared at each other.

"It really should have been."
"Then why wasn't it." I tilted my head. "Shouldn't you be the one telling me something? I don't have to be down here, waiting for you to apologize for your actions because you don't know how to control yourself yeah?"

Mr. Sinclair backed away, giving me a sarcastic smirk with both hands plaster to his waist. I just stood waiting for an explanation with my arms folded. Lips pursed, ears open. Even with the wind flowing through them.

"Well maybe, if you weren't parading around always talking about your boyfriend Carlos and how over the moon you are with him, planning his parties and smiling at his text messages I would have a reason to be jealous!" He shouts.

I unfold my arms "Why would you need to be jealous! That's my boyfriend! Are you in love with me or something!?"

"Maybe! Have you ever thought maybe I am!"

I gasp. That was a cease fire, Andres' eyes look away from my own. "Maybe I do. Maybe I just really have strong feelings for you Juliette. Or maybe I'm just an extremely delusional old man but I know that seeing you with anyone else drives me completely insane."


"Is that why you.." He nodded. Making me blush. "Oh.." I cleared my throat carefully, I felt like if I did more my heart might pop out of my chest. Why were we so bad at expressing ourselves with this kind of thing. My stomach hallowed. There was a white fire of serendipity looming over me. I felt my forehead, no fever.

"Mr. Sinclair.."
He walked back towards me and tightened the fur around me. "It will be Andres to you, when we find ourselves by ourselves. Must I have to keep reminding you when it is only us?" I smiled. "I've been calling you that for more than a year, I'll have to get adjusted to a time and place setting to call you something other than.." I was speaking but noticed Mr. Sinclair leaning in more.

"Mr. Sinclair!" He moved away, blinking and brush his sleek black hair back.

"I'm sorry, you are just so.."

You like the curves?(something I'd always get from Carlos)

"Strong." Huh?
"W..What do you mean?"

"Well, for starters, you tamed the Queen of Sheba also known as Aero Sinclair." He joked.

Ah! Aero is upstairs! I completely forgot. "Her Majesty is currently loitering in my apartment." Making Mr. Sinclair dumbfounded.

"He is here? Right now?"
"Yeah but.."


Mr. Sinclair's cellphone rang and instantly he picked up. Giving me an apologetic look. I shrugged. Work is always important to him I guess.

My head was on fire, Mr Sinclair had feelings for me like..more than just employee and employer. What does that make us? I mean I have feelings for him as well, I just can't drop Carlos. That a guy who brought real life to me. I do care for him, lots.

But I also cannot be with Andres, he's my boss. What if things don't work out? What if this isn't meant to be a happy ending? Maybe, it's just physical?

Which would be weird because I'm no where near a shape that people would get hard at. Damn, my ego dropped.

"Yes Simon I understand, tomorrow yes. Thank you. Bye."

Strange. So strange. Simon has called twice in one month.

"What did Simon want? It's Sunday."

Mr. Sinclair looked up from his phone to me but back down. Staying silent. Something about his entire being..tipped in balance. He was no longer my light heartened boss.

"Don't hide it from me Mr. Sinclair I'm your secretary. Let me be here for the company."

"There's been a dip in the the Companies GDP." There was a vileness in Mr. Sinclair's voice that made hairs stand on end. His back straightened, standing taller, but stood stiff.

"Okay..but it always dips sometimes but it goes back up in a day or two. Nothing wrong with that."

"Yes well." He looked off, his head snapped downwards. Like all of his senses intensified by 1000. But he continued to speak. "Simon has just informed me that the dip had been sterile for close to a month now."

My eyes bulged devastated. I stuttered trying to spit out my words. "W..What?"

"Go inside first, we've been in the cold long enough. Leave Ian."
"Sir." Ian the chauffeur tipped his hat towards Mr. Sinclair and left us. His hand covered my shoulder, pushing me inside of the complex.

I was still dumbfounded the economic gap in Sinclair Inc never lasted more than a few hours. The GDP was basically how we determined our growth and decline at Sinclair Incorporated.

"Wait Mr. Sinclair are you sure." I ask again stopping Mr. Sinclair when we reach the warmth of the lobby. He sighs deeply looking above him.

"Yes. Simon wouldn't lie about this. I have to ask you, did you take anything out of anywhere at anytime Juliette." I shifted my legs.

"Mr--I would never do such a thing..Andres. I'm paid well already. But the GDP..it can be wrong sometimes." I stretched out and blushed, Andres' face darkened a bit more. His entire exterior took a 360° turn. "That, I am aware of but there is no way in fucking hell for it to be down more than three weeks" Andres' eyes burned enraged. "And, because it is just a GDP.."

"There's no way to pinpoint the decreasing factor in the companies financial output and income." I finished. The GDP was only an estimation of rates, there was never an invented way to discover precise points of where we were declining or fluctuating. Putting us in a stalemate. Large hands rested on both shoulders slowly they tightened. It was like Mr. Sinclair didn't know who I was, like he was in a different time. I know I should be scared but..I.. he wouldn't hurt me..I was sure of that.

"There are three things that piss me off Juliette. Listen closely." I gulped as his grip tightened and soon my shoulders started to burn.

"When people touch my things, when people fuck me over, and I hate losing money. Especially when it is ripped away from me from someone I've trusted. That person, whomever they may be, is already dead.

No lie though, EVERY time a boy starts talking to me, I want to take a nap. Some of them are so boring then the others say something completely silly. A pity really.

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