Fangirl Confessions

By LiviasAFangirl

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Fangirl Confessions
Harry and The GQ Interview

Larry Vs Elounor and Eleanor Being A Beard

110 1 0
By LiviasAFangirl

Confession 4: Larry Vs Elounor and Eleanor Being A Beard

This topic shouldn't even be discussed/fought over. Clearly Elounor *should* be the winner, but the Larry shippers are pretty stubborn as the Elounor shippers. Personally I'm a Elounor shipper and I have nothing against Larry shippers I just have issues with both the shippers. But I also have reasons why they're possible/happening, don't hate for my opinion I'm just saying. Alright after that, let's go on. 

Larry- Larry is cute and I ship a BROMANCE, What do people not get by BRO-MANCE? Louis even said ''I guess you can say I'm in a bromance''. They're bestfriends and it seems as if no one can accept them as just bestfriends, everybody finds ''proof'' that this couple is real. And if they were to be a couple I would personally accept it 100 %, if they loved eachother in that way then hell yeah I would be happy for them. To be honest I think they would look great together and I used to ship them hardcore.

Larry Shippers- One word I could describe them as is 'vicious' they like to attack Eleanor and they always find ''proof'' of Eleanor being fake. ''Liek OMG Louis isn't smiling when he holds Eleanor's hand!!!111!!!! That means he isn't happy and he want's Harry!!!11!!1!1!!!! LARRY FTW ELEANOR IS UGLY AND FAKE!!!!111!!!!1!11!!!!''. Hold the fuck up before you starts saying ''But Livia...not ALL Larry shippers are like that'' shut up I was getting to that. Not ALL Larry shippers are like that, and I very much enjoy being with the ones that atleast RESPECT Eleanor and I love the ones that like her (Eleanor is one of my role models and she's perf <3). Theres just some shippers that I want to shove a boot up their asses because they're so rude to others.

(Yes I may be being a hypocrite but that's only the truth...Why would I lie to you? A random stranger I don't know or I'll ever meet. Nah just kidding I love you xx)

Elounor- I personally LOVE Eleanor and I ship it so hard that ship would take up a whole fucking ocean if you see what I did there ;). Well anyways, this is the ideal couple in my opinion because well....Louis did choose her as his girlfriend for lovely reasons, she must be a lovely person if Louis picked her. Not that I'm saying that the next guy wouldn't be as good as Louis is don't get on my damn case about that either. But if Louis--One half of ''Larry'' picked Eleanor that must mean he doesn't like/love Harry like that, just sayin'.

Elounor Shippers- I'm a diehard shipper but honesly I don't hear much about Elounor shippers, I mean, I'm not saying that Elounor shippers are innocent little Saints. I bet they've bashed someone just as hard as a Larry shipper does and I bet they would do anything to defend their ship and make sure to prove it's better than Larry. I bet there are shippers that bash Larry as hard as Larry shippers bash Elounor and Eleanor. So theres no way that us Elounor shippers are the victim in this little war (which I would rather not get into as other friends of mine have).

Eleanor Being A Beard- BULLSHIT. This is such bullshit, just as Louis said Larry was. Anyways, Eleanor is not a beard, shes a human being, she has feelings and everyone seems to forget that. Do you think she wants to wake up and know that people think she's ugly, fake, and a beard? When she didn't do ANYTHING to the people that say things like that? No. I bet it hurts her and I bet it annoy's Louis, if you're a real directioner you'd just not complain about Louis being happy, you wouldn't bother him with the fact you're calling him gay and you're insulting his girlfriend. I don't really think he want's that.

One more thing, why does everyone think Eleanor is the only victim? I think Harry has it pretty hard too, he's always being questioned if he's gay or bi-sexual, and he's technically being called gay by the shippers and he knows he isn't. I'm not saying he's the only victim I know 100 % he isn't....Both Eleanor, Harry, and Louis also get equal problems/hate from our fandom. I love Eleanor, but we all know she isn't the only victim and I'm pretty sure she knows that too.

Anyways, I'm done with this rant...I honeslty dislike talking about this because this is the stupidest thing to obsess over but I just had the urge to talk about it. I hope you guys enjoyed, if you didn't....your loss, just don't watch then.

Lots of Love


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