Natsu's Little Dragoness

By EasDeath

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Natsu is known in the guild as Immature, irresponsible and childish attitude. What if Natsu has a secret that... More

Chapter 1: The Lost of Purpose
Chapter 2: Lost and New Found Purpose
Chapter 3: Unexpected Announcement
Chapter 4: Spending Time with Feya [Part 1]
Author's note
Chapter 5: Spending Time With Feya [Part 2]
Chapter 6: Mother-in-Law and The Reporter
Chapter 7: Agreement
Chapter 8: The Story of Us [Part 1]
Chapter 9: The Story of Us [ Part 2 ]

Chapter 10: The Story of Us [Part 3]

15.8K 242 252
By EasDeath


" What do you think your doing?" A voice asled catching the culprit wrist.
" Grayfia" Natsu said holdong her wrist as Grayfia eyes widen. Before she can move. Natsu move fast, pinning her in the wall.

"""" Wwwhhhaaattt!!???"""

" O-Of all people. S-she's the one who tried to kill Natsu?" Mira gasped as all of them still shocked

" Natsu move fast. Such reflex" Jellal said in awe

" Tell me. Who command you to assasinate me?" Natsu ask pinning the wrist she's holding a knife.

" N-No one" Grayfia said as she's gonna use her other hand but Natsu saw this as he pinned her other hand in the wall

" You cannot deceive me Grayfia. 3 times that my life is in danger and its hard to believe that you do not know about it. Now tell me" Natsu whisper sent shiver to Grayfia.

" I-I don't know what your talking about and I'm just killing you for today and you will die today" Grayfia said as she's planning to knee him in his zone but before she do that. Natsu trap her legs between his fo her to stop moving. Pinning her legs against her as they are now in daring situation

" Oh! Oh! Oh! Its so daring!" Guildarts laugh pervertly

" I-Its actually Amazing" The boys mutter admiring Natsu boldness

" Does he realise he is in daring situation?" Lucy asked as their eyes did not take off from the screen

" Thats bold for you to say. But why I see tears in your eyes. Looking at you. You really don't want to kill me. Right? Fia~chan" Natsu whisper in husky voice as Grayfia can't help but blush

" And besides. You don't have anything to move or use to harm me" Natsu smile as Grayfia smirk

" Are you sure about that? I still have my mouth to bite you" Grayfia said smirking

" Oh really. You don't dare" Natsu sakd challenging her

" Oh. I dare" Grayfia said as she's trying to bite his neck but before she bite it.


All of their eyes bulfed out, jaw drop and froze. Bisca cover Asuka eyes as they all absorved what just happen

Grayfia eyes widen as she release the knife she's holding. Natsu press his lips deeper against her. She felt the soft and warm sensation in her lips. They can feel each others tounge fighting against each other cause her to moan. They almost loss in each other kiss. Their chest pressing against each other
"""" THAT'S SO HOT AS FUCK!"""" The male cheered together, proud at Natsu's work while the girls blush madly

" Oh shock! Its more hotter than the story! This is the best!" Levy squelled

" T-They're using tounge" Ultear muttered still blushing

" H-He's a good kisser" Mira whisper to herself as she also blush

" Oh. I didn't know Natsu is that good. Maybe I should try it" Cana said licking her lips

" She tried to kill him earlier and now they're in passionate lips lock! How did it reach there!!!???" Erza asked blushing madly. Its first time seeing it and its her team mate who did this

" GYAHAHAHAHA! I want to be assasinate by a beauty! I can use that technique! Wahahah!" Master Macarov laugh pervertly as he is taking a note with his notepad

" We're proud of you Natsu!!" The older men shout cheering wjile the younger men nodding their head and crying in anime tears of how proud they are with Natsu.

" Wow. I sleep here and I woke up seeing the two of you making out" Happy said opening the light.

" Happy! You ruin the moment!" They shout lifting their hand in the air for protest

" Thats Happy for you" Lucy said sweatdrop

Their lips seperate catching their breath looking at each others eyes as blush appear in both of their faces

" Looks like they still did not notice Happy" Macao muttered as all of them sweat drop.

" Ahem. Are you both listening to me?" Happy said fake coughing

"W-wow" They both muttered as Grayfia suddenly fainted while Natsu catch her in his arms

" Ah. She fainted" Natsu muttered laying her in the bed

" Gahahah! She faint! She can't take it" the men laugh

" Any girls would faint if they were kiss by him. After all.He's the famous Salamander" Ultear said still not recover in what she saw

" Ah. Where am I?" Grayfia muttered looking around

" Glad your awake" Natsu said sitting in the chair drinking coffee with Happy

Grayfia then remember what happened as he face suddenly blush remembering their kiss

" So? W-Why did you kiss me?" Grayfia muttered looking away

" You tried to bite me so I have to kiss you for or else your gonna escape" Natsu answer

" Wow. I never thought that Natsu would kiss her just to not to be bitten" Lissana said

" I think I can learn with this" the men mutter as they all taking notes while the girls sweat drop

" Natsu. why don't you just admit that you want to kiss her" Happy said

" Shut up you Neko!" Natsu shout

" Ahem. So who asked you to assasinate me? Is it the mayor? Or should I say fake mayor" Natsu said in serious tone as Grayfia eyes widen

" H-How did you know?" Grayfia mutter

" Hmm. Where should I start? Lets start when you try to assasinate me. First try is when you gave me a food. You forgot that I have a sense of smell. I can smell when there is a poison in my food" Natsu said calmly

" But you ate the food. How are you not affected?" Grayfia asked

" Easy. I'm a fire dragon slayer. I can burn poison in my body" Natsu answer

" Is that why you also eat Happy's share?" She ask

" Yup. For the second attempt is in the forest where you did not fight with your full power but you are shock when you were suddenly attack behind cause you never expected it coming. And you know the third attempt " Natsu said as his eyes narrowed as Grayfia look down

" Natsu is kinda sharp. Don't you all think" Lucy said looking at them as they nodded

" Yeah. I never expected that the mayor is the leader. And Natsu manage to know all of it" Erza muttered

" Don't you think Natsu is acting idiot for show?" Ultear asked as they alll look at her

" Acting idiot for show?" They all ask

" I mean. He can be a good spy if he wants to. No one suspect someone like Natsu. Even me still in Council. I only saw him as idiot but now looking at his serious side is like putting me in a edge" Ultear said as their eyes widen at her reasoning

" You are right. When Natsu is fighting. He is like different person" Master Macarov mutter

" Thats the time I meet them. I know everything now. " Natsu said


"Take you too long to to get here" Natsu said smirking in front of him are seven person

Gokudera, the white hair man wearing a red ring.

Yamamoto, black hair man wearing a blue ring holding a katana.

Hibari, black hair man with violet ring holding a tonfa

Lambo, a teenager kid with horn wearing a green ring.

Ryohei, white hair man, wearing a yellow ring

Chrome and Mukuro are almost has the same style. They wear a light violet ring and holding a spear.

" So? What information you have?" Natsu asked

" We found that theirbleader known as Phoenix captired the children to rule the town. They use the children so that no one of them can asked help and follow orders." Hibari said

" We also found out thay they lure mages in the town to sent them in a mission in town to kill them" Yamamoto added

" For what goal?" Natsu aske

" The more Phoenix kill, the more it bcome strong" Hibari answer

" We tried to look for Phoenix but failed. We don't know where he is. Its harder than we thought" Gokudera said

Natsu thought for a minute as lightning came into his mind and look at them.

" I know who is Phoenix. We have to plan how to save all of them. Their safety is the most important" Natsu said seriously.

" Natsu-nii. When we're going to save them?" Lambo asked

" Tomorrow. But today we have someone to distract Phoenix" Natsu said

" Ufufufu. I can help you with that" Mukuro said

" Hmm. I trust both you and Chrome about this. We need to plan this throughly" Natsu said

""" Hai"""

" Bossu. May I ask who is the Phoenix?" Chrome asked

" Simple. Its the mayor" Natsu said as they all look at each other

Flashback End


" W-who are they?And why are they wearing a suit?" Freed asled raising his brow

"It makes me remember the Trimen of Blue Pegasus" Gray muttered as they all shivered

" Mama. There's a paper appear!" Asuka cheer as they look at the paper appear in the table

" Who will read it?" Lucy asked

" Me! Let me read it!" Levy said rasing her hand

" Here you go Levy-chan" Lucy said handing the paper.

" Here I go. The Guardians. This guardians are the one who protect and work under the boss of Famgilia. Their are seven rings in the Famiglia. Centuries passed and only one Famiglia left. The Dragneel Famiglia that is lead by the tenth generation which is Natsu Dragneel. "

" Those who are included in Famiglia are wear the rings. The rings are potrayed with the kinds of the weathers that color the sky and his followers who became his protector."

"First is the ' Ring of Sky' the boss was like the sky that colors and engulfs everything which is hold by Natsu Dragneel"

" The ring of Storm. The wind that fiercely whirls about. This ring is hold by Hayato Gokudera. The right handed guardian of Natsu Dragneel"

" The ring of Rain.the showers that wash away everything. Hold by Takeshi Yamamoto. The left handed guardian of Natsu Dragneel"

" Ring of Sun. The sun that illuminates the sky. This is hold by Ryohei Sagawa"

" The Ring of Cloud.The floatimg cloud that won't be caight by anyone and goes its own way. This ring is hold by Hibari Kyouya"

" Ring of Thunder. The lightning that holds a harsh strike. This ring is hold by Lambo"

" And the Ring of Mist. The Illusion that cannot be captured. This is hold by Chrome and Mukuro which each of them have half the ring. The two of them consider as one"

" He is a leader of a big organization" they muttered shock

" I-Impossible. I-I never knew. N-No one else knew about this" Gray muttered who is also shock

" We still didn't know about Natsu" Meredy said as they all nodded.

" How did you come out suspecting the mayor?" Grayfia asked

" Easy. His statements. He say that this town is ruled by the dark mages but how can he still be a mayor? And if its really ruled by dark mages, they should attack us the first time they see us. And lastly is you." Natsu said as she raise her brow

" He really is sharp to recognize the problem in his mission" Mavis comment

" I can say. He deduct those by just Mayor's statement. I'm impress" Laxus said

" How about me?"

" Your a strong mage. You can defeat a flock of mages by alone. We ask the people around here and they say you born here and a strong woman and the dark mages handle this town. There a two thing came to my mind. either your a traitor in your village" Natsu said as her eyes widen and clench her fist.

" But thats impossible since the people here respect you and your family. They praise you whenever I ask them about you and thats leave the last reason... they held someone important to you" Natsu said as her eyes widen in shock as she slowly smile sadly.

" Your right. This town before is the most liveliest. Then the dark mages capture every children in our village and capture them. My father tried to save them but he died. Because of me and my mother having a great power. They made us a deal that they will not harm the children if we will work for them and make this town the trap for the mages they send a mission about elimenating small dark guild" Grayfia told her story as she cried.

" Why would they use this to trap mages? What is his plan?" Natsu ask

" Because when Phoenix kill a powerful mage, his power also increase. I thought this town will be save but the mages who accepted the job are all weak and died." Grayfia answer

" So their next target is me. Huh" Natsu mutter

" Yes. The mayor use me and my nother to kill those mages and bring their heart to him so he can eat it to gain power. That's out job" Grayfia said in sad look, Natsu can see that she did not like it all like she want to be free

Natsu look at her sadly as he approach her and hug her protectively and rub her back.

" I promise. This town will be back the way it is. Those children will be saved. I will get you out of this and your mother. Just trust me" Natsu said as Grayfia look at her with tears in her eyes

" B-But how? Phoenix is strong. He almost bind himself with devil. He's an immortal" Grayia said as Natsu look at her in eyes

" Then. I will be the one to defeat him. I will not let you or the people here feel suffer because of that guy. Just trust me" Natsu said softly touching her cheek

" A-Arigato" Grayfia said crying in his chest

" Happy. Be ready for tomorrow. I need you to transform and distract Phoenix until I reach here" Natsu said

" Leave it to me. Natsu" Happy said

" Wait. Let me handle this. I want to help to save this town... please" Grayfia plead

" Very well. But take care of yourselves. Ok?" Natsu said touching her cheek as she nodded

" Can at least stay here tonight?" Grayfia asked

" Sure. I'll sleep in a sofa. You sleep here" Natsu said

" You can sleep in bed with me" Grayfia said looking away.

" Fine. Just don't sleep naked" Natsu said as she pouted

" Happy. Turn off the lights" Natsu said

" Aye sir!" Happy said saluting

Natsu remove his vest and lay in the bed while Grayfia remove all her clothes as she lay in the bed beside Natsu and hugging his torso. Natsu felt her skin against him as he blush madly

" A-ah. G-Grayfia. I-I told you not be naked while sleeping" Natsu said

" ......"

" Grayfia?" Natsu asked looking at Grayfia who is sleeping peacefully beside him as Natsu can't help but sigh

" Guess. I have no choice but to sleep. Good night Grayfia" Natsu mutter closing his eyes.


" This is getting interesting" Master Macarov mutter

" Oh! oh! They're sleeping together. They look cute" Master Mavis said with stars in her eyes

" I can't wait to watch him fight the so called Phoenix" Laxus said grinning

" I wonder how strong this phoenix is" Gray said interested

" Maybe we can also see what Natsu other powers. We saw his eyes. I think he still have something in his sleeve" Mira said interested but somehow felt slight jealous with both love story.

" I think its something cool" Levy said smiling

" Yeah! Natsu power is manly." Elfman roared

" Can we just continue to watch..." Asuka complain want to continue watching Natsu past memory

" Even the child is excited" They mutter as they shook their head in amusement.


Hello pips!

Yosh! There's an KHR character ahaha! Never expected. Right? ;)

to all my beloved readers.

First. I would like to say thank you for following, reading, likes and comments in my stories.

Second. I would like to say sorry that some of my other stories will be updated slowly because of some reasons like

1. I'm busy now in my studies
2. Lose of inspiration
3. Thinking some new ideas to make my story more better.

See you soon!

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