The Narrowest Days

By haylbaylz

851 59 0

I see you're awake finally. Let me explain, I'm the overseer, and my name is Hayley, I will guide you on your... More

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 5 (night)
day 6
Day 7
Day 8 (1/2)
Day 8 (2/2)
Night 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13
Day 15
Day 16
Day 17
Day 18
Day 19

Day 14

28 3 0
By haylbaylz

For certain reasons, I changed Luke (Jamies boyfriend) to will.
Day 14

I had a early start today due to me not being able to sleep, I must have woken up at 4am or something like that.

I sat on the bed waiting for someone to come in and tell me what the hell to do. Finally the door slowly and quietly opened to reveal ace popping his head around the door.

"Morning." I say standing up.

"You're already up, huh? Well that's a first." He says laughing a little.

"Well, I wanted to get up bright and early!" I say brightly.

"Way to happy in the mornings... Noted." He says tapping his head lightly.

"I'm not usually, but after I've gotten here all that's happened is; I've been stabbed, fucked up memories are coming back, Hayley is speaking to me agai-"

"Did you just say... Hayley?" Ace walks up so he's directly in front of me.

"Did I say Hayley? Noooooo, I mean... I meant... Kayley?" I say questioning myself.

"What has Hayley been saying?" He asked in full seriousness.

"It's nothing." I say with the same tone back.

"Fuck it Lexi! Tell me! She is nothing but bad news, if she's talking to you, she's planing something." He says grabbing my arm.

"She said I'm not leaving, she doesn't want me to go after my friends. I don't know if it was her or my own self, but I remember what happened, why I am a... a robot... Or what ever the hell I am." I say slouching down on the bed.

"Lexi, listen to me. She is a manipulative little bitch. Don't listen to her, she's trying to piss you off. everything she is doing has a reason, there must be something she wants from you. Hayley is clever, you said that she said that you're not leaving, but you still want to right?"


"At the end of the day Hayley is, well she is Hayley. She knows how to get someone, hell she got me! So her saying not to come is a contradiction of what she truly wants. She needs you to be there for whatever reason it is."

"Shut up, I'm leaving. I know where you are going with this whole lecture, you're going to tell me not to leave." I snap at him.

"FINE! Get yourself killed, why the fuck should I care?" He says walking toward the door.

"Wait! I'll be out in 5 minutes, be ready." I say crossing my arms, ace paused for a second, but that second was quickly passed. He just walked out, slamming the door.

-5 minutes pass-


"Yes?" I yell out.

"Are you ready ma'am?" A man asked from the other side of the door.

"Yep, one second." I quickly got my stuff and rushed out the door.

As we walked, I couldn't help but smile at the fact that even though ace was mad at me, he still listened to me.

"Go right in there." The man said.

I finally realized where we were, there was a car in front of me... A working one?

"Does it work?" I ask curiously.


I carefully got in the large car.

"WELCOME TO MY VAN!" I'm greeted by Jamie smiling.

"This is a, van?"

"Yep, I made it last night." She says smiling.

"You made it?"

"I can make anything, food, water, medicine, cars. You name it, I make it."


"OH YEAH! This is Will, my boyfriend I was telling you about." I looked to see a boy sleeping at the back of the van.

"How is he sleeping?" I ask, Jamie is loud after all.

"Heavy sleeper!" She laughs brushing his hair out of his face with her finger. He had brown shortish hair, but it still dangled on his forehead.

I looked back at Jamie to see her staring lovingly at will, it was amazing how a man made robot can love someone so much. I guess I'm not 100% robot, I was human at a time anyway.

"Get some sleep, we'll be driving for a while." Jamie says moving to snuggle up with will.

"Okay, night?" I don't even know the time anymore.

"Night." She says laughing lightly.

"Hey, Lexi?" I looked to see ace smiling at me from the front of the van. I hadn't even noticed him. "Wanna come up here?" He asks pointing to the seat next to him.

"Sure..." I say silently, moving to the seat. "I'm sorry about earlier..."

"It's cool, I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have tied to talk you out of something you're determined on." He says smiling.

"So how does this thing work?" I ask.

"Don't know... This maybe?" He was about to press a button when Jamie grabbed his finger.

"Self destruct button, just in case. Here." She points her pointer finger out.

Her finger turned to a blade, pointy thing.

"Just sit back, and relax. I designed it to run itself and know when to speed up and slow down depending on the things." Suddenly the van started moving through a door I hadn't noticed was open.

"Guess we can sleep to." Ace says leaning back into his seat once Jamie left back to go with will.

"Okay." I say as I turned the other way.

"Lexi?" Ace asked softly.


"Can I cuddle with you? I don't like being alone out here, and usually I have my group, but I don't and I just feel strange..." He says quickly.

"Yeah, sure." I say moving around to face him.

He wrapped me in a hug, but it still didn't feel the same as Logan's... It felt like a friendly hug, not a romantic hug, let's keep it that way.

"Goodnight, Lexi."

"Goodnight, ace."

Where am I?

Oh not this shit again. Honestly it's like this damn dream just repeats every day.

You're going to die.

I looked around to see Logan standing there.

You stupid bitch.

Suddenly he had me pinned up against the wall chocking me with his hands.

L... o... g... a... n?

I tried my best to speak but it failed miserably. I tied to get out, again, failing miserably.

I'm sorry, but it's an order.

With that everything just went blank.


Hey, I'm so sorry about not updating! I've been struggling with anxiety and depression for about 3 years now, and it's just been bad lately. I didn't update because I didn't want my emotions, thoughts, and sadness get in the way of my writing. I just don't want to write something just because I think I need to update everyday or two, I want to write when I feel it's right. Please stay with me on this story, it's almost done! But I will be writing maybe 2 or 3 stories to go along with this one. I love you all <3

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