The Shady Twin's Sister (Oura...

By WolfSistersTaurtis52

12.7K 123 36

Basically your Hikaru and Kaoru's sister and u enroll at Ouran but your not like your brothers and most of th... More

Chapter 1~Your First Day At School...
Chapter 4~DA LEMONS
New Story(A/N Update!)

Chapter 2~You Are A Host!

2.8K 28 16
By WolfSistersTaurtis52

"A-ahh!!!", you try to scream but your mouth was covered. You suddenly hear whispering then everything around stopped. There was no noises, in fact you could hear a ant walk in this silence. Then that's when you felt your clothes started to come off. "WhA-a, who's there!?!", you scream you felt so violated but confused at the same time. Who would to this to you? Then everything was back once again. You had your eyes shut but felt light on your eyes. You opened them to found a blank room but with two red~haired twins standing in front of you. "SO, CARE TO EXPLAIN!?!?!" "Um.... well the boss said to get you dressed in a uniform and we said we will do it....", Kaoru said. Man, these two idiots!!! "You could of told me and I would have gotten dressed myself but at least it was you two or I've had a random pedo~file undressing me.." "Well, we knew you would have said no, so we did it!", both of them said in sinc.. Man these shady twins... "Well, since that's over, let's go!" You and your brothers walk out of the room, only to find, there was an empty music room, well supposed to be music room but a host club... "Um, hello?", you asked but no one was there, even your brothers were gone. "Guys, if this is a prank!" Then you heard a scurries across the room. Then that's when it hit you, someone or something was squeezing you. That's when the lights where back on. There stood Hikaru, Kaoru, Tamaki, and Honey squeezing you. "UGH, GET OFF!!", you scream at them. Let's just say, your special well a lot different from everyone else, you have strange abilities. When you get mad, you eyes turn smoky white, when your sad, your eyes are icy blue, and there more. Your original color of your eyes are light green. Also from your ability, your a lot stronger, faster and more... Your brothers only saw you mad once. You never told them your abilities, the thing is your there triplet. Even though your eyes are green and there's is orange, you are very different looking then your brothers and the only girl and with special abilities. But let's get back to being pissed off. "YoU tHiNk YoU aLl CaN HuG Me AfTeR yOu AlL jUsT kInNaPpEd Me?!?", you scream as you're eyes are as white as snow and you start rising up into the air. "Um, y/n are you ok?", Hikaru asked. You floating there and calmed down falling to the floor. Tears where in your eyes. That's when you said,"M-mommy?", you asked confused. "Um, y/n?", Kaoru asked. "Wha? W-where am I?", you asked, shaken and fear within your eyes, they were icy blue with a hint of grey. "Y-y/n, are you ok, little sis?", Hikaru and Kaoru asked at the same time. "S-sister?", Tamaki asked confused. "Yes, sister, she's are triplet.", Hikaru said. "So y/n's a girl?", Honey asked. "Um, what's going on here?", you asked. "We should say the same.", Kyoya asked, he actually was confused himself. "How did I get here?" "Well, y/n we thought it would be funny if we scared you and saw how cute you looked in your uniform and then you got all creepy like and your eyes were white as snow and you were floating in the air speaking a weird language", Tamaki said. "Um guys, I need to explain something to you all.", you said. Hikaru and Kaoru rushed to you and cuddled you with brotherly love and you sat down and explained everything. "Well I never told a anyone not even my brothers, I'm different like really different. I have special abilities, and I can't really control them, as you see when I'm mad, my eyes are white and I speak a different tone than usual and this time somehow I floated in the air. Also when I'm sad my eyes are icy blue other than that I really don't know. As well I'm stronger than most people and faster as well I'm very slim even if I eat a lot. "So, I have a question, are you a girl and are you really the twins triplet?", honey asked. "Well yes, in fact I am a girl and how did you people not notice that? And yes, we are triplets but I look different from them two and have special abilities.", you said. Honey just nodded. "Well... U kinda look like a guy and act like one, we're sorry!!", Tamaki said. "Well, that's ok I guess and I forgive you and I'll try to be calm next time." "Why didn't you tell us?", the twins asked. "Well I thought you guys would hate me and think I'm different!" You started to cry. "We would never think of you like that, we love you and we can help you with you abilities!", the twins say. "Thanks guys." Then all of the sudden, someone hugs you "Um, Haruhi?" She looked at you and said," I think you are magnificent even without your abilities and I hope we could be good friends!", she said. "Aww me too!" "Well, since that's over can we get started?", honey asked. I just nod and sighed. "Maybe we should leave, and rest for the day, I think y/n is tired.", Mori said. Everyone nodded and started to walk out then you suddenly fall asleep. "Here, I'll carry her!", Tamaki said. >Tamaki~Senpai's Pov:<. Y/N so cute!! I feel bad for her. She is not a monster, she's beautiful. I carefully pick her up and place her in the limo with the twins. As I walk to my limo, and sit down. Today was a long day. I reach home and go into my bedroom, suddenly I get a text. It's from the twins. "It's y/n, somethings wrong!", they texted to me. "I'll be right over!"

Ok guys gonna end it here. Sorry for it not being longer, I'm getting writers block but I'll hope you enjoy and what happened to reader~chan? Find out tomorrow and I will update this story everyday and also maybe making a new one about OHSHC or Fnaf! So enjoy and hope u like it!☺️💕💕

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