The World As I Know It

By Courtcoco

113 1 3

When you wake up one day and see the world full of angels and demons what are you suppose to do? That's how T... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 1

89 1 2
By Courtcoco

A dream? A out of body experience? A hallucination? What do you call it when you seem to float above the world seeing demons and angels? Demons with their claws deep in someones skin as they rob a store. An angel floating next to a women being put in an ambulance. Is this how the world really is? Is this what people miss everyday?

My name is Talia Stevens. This is my story. It is not one of heroes and villains or magic and love. My story is one of truth. The truth about the world and how it works.

Everyone thinks if you work hard, make good grades and get a job then your life will work itself out. That's not how it really works. This world is not run by us. This world is run by demons and angels. I don't mean demons that feed off you and I don't mean angels who protect you. I mean demons who use your weaknesses against you and angels that stand by until you're just about to break. I'm talking about the real world not a fairy tale you hear at night.

I know you don't believe me and you don't have to, I just need you to hear the truth. You can decide whether to believe it or not. To be honest I didn't know the truth until three years ago when I saw my first demon.

Walking down the street with money in my had to buy my mom's daily fix. I'd done this a million times before, hand off the money, get the drugs and get home fast. But things never went my way. 

I started down the alley and a man stepped out from the shadows. Ignoring him I just kept walking. Then I felt a slimy hand clamp down on my shoulder. 

"Where do you think you're going little girl," the man slurred his words making it obvious he was drunk. Not wanting to fight off a drunk man I shrugged him off and kept walking.

"I said, where do you think you're going," he quickly caught up and grabbed my shoulders spinning me around and shoving me against the wall. As soon as I looked at him I immediately started screaming.

I wasn't screaming because I was afraid, I had fought off many drunk men before, I was screaming because of the demon on his back. It wasn't a cool demon that you fight in video games or some fancy optical allusion. There was a real demon on this guys back. 

It's skin was a slimy red color and ooze poured out of every pore on its body, but the scariest thing was it's eyes. It had human eyes. So full of anger and lust it was like looking at hell through the eyes of someone trapped there. I knew I couldn't win this battle. 

I looked back at the drunken man, who didn't seem to notice the demon, and shoved all my mom's money at him. The money barley fazed him as his eyes took in every part of my body. I started to panic more with each passing second and the smile of both the man and demon grew. 

Just when I started to lose hope the man fell to the ground screaming and I took off running. I didn't know or care what happened I just had to get out of there. I don't remember the ride home I just remember throwing open my apartment door and collapsing on the floor. 


A/N: Thank you for reading! Please vote and comment. The more you comment the faster I'll update so please leave your opinion. Love you all. Thanks (o^.^o)

~ Coco

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