Fangirl Confessions

By LiviasAFangirl

227 10 2


Fangirl Confessions
Larry Vs Elounor and Eleanor Being A Beard

Harry and The GQ Interview

18 2 0
By LiviasAFangirl

GQ: Do you know how many people you've slept with?

Harry: I know the number of people I've slept with, yes.

GQ: What is that number?

Harry: I'm definitely not telling you!

GQ: Can you give me a rough, ballpark figure?

Harry: No!

GQ: Say "yes" or "no". Less than 100?

Harry: No!

GQ: So higher than 100?

Harry: No, it's definitely less than 100...

GQ: Lower than 50?

Harry: Yes, lower than 50.

GQ: Lower than 30?

Harry: I'm not doing this! You're cornering me!

GQ: Come on you're a rock star. OK, less than ten.

Harry: Yes. Two people. I've only ever had sex with two people.

GQ: I don't believe you.

Harry: Well, that's my answer. Read from it what you will!

WHAT. THE SERIOUS. FUCK. Why would ANYBODY be able to ask another human being about something so intamite. Well it seems as this interviewer is.

Ahhhh the GQ interview, this interview has many people tweeting hate towards the magazine and I see why. I would also but I was being harassed on twitter and no longer go on. But what this interviewer did was SO disrespectfull, he had no right to ask Harry and he still answered him.

I literally HATE when some people think that the lads should be treated differently because they're famous. Some people seemingly foget that they're all humans and they have things called ''feelings''. F-e-e-l-i-n-g-s say it with me feel-ings, I bet what the man had said got to Harry considering he does care what others think about him. I would CERTINALLY be offended if someone asked me 'okay you've slept with more than 100 people...?'. I bet that interviewer wouldn't like that if someone asked his ugly ass that. 

They also put on the cover 'Harry is Up All Night To Get Lucky' or some shitty shit like that. They make him sound like a MANWHORE, When clearly he isn't one, he only slept with two people. Not that we should know that...oopsies....thanks GQ. 

Did mangement read that? Or worse did Harry's MOM or DAD read it? I highly doubt they would want their son telling about their intimate lives. I don't know if the lads got any bullshit as Harry did but if they did thats terrible.

I'm gonna talk about the tabloids all in general, they don't seriously give a fuck if the rumors they put out hurt the lads, or the people that believe them they just put it out there. Half of the things people say about the lads are so rude and untrue and people just need to be quiet.

All I'm saying is if I were Harry I wouldve shoved the microphone up the interviewers ass, but thats just me. The interviewer has no feelings and needs a proper dick.

Well the next rant will be soon, just my opinion on it, don't care if ya don't like it. If you don't have a nice day.....away from me. Also I appologize for the swearing, if this or any of my language offends you what are you doing here?.

Lots of Love


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