
By Starfire0101

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Ok so Kori and Richard "Dick" are dating, Rachel and Garfield "Gar" are dating and last but not lest Karen an... More

idk what to put as the title
First Day
Too the Beach
What are we?
On the Road Again
Your so stupid
I guess...
Oh my gosh...
I thought they hate each other
That Sucks
"Just not my best today.
Maybe this is better
"Are You Ok Princess?"
Last Night....

"What is wrong with him?"

151 8 1
By Starfire0101

  Rachel woke up to wonderful sound of her dad screaming and I don't mean yelling scream. A high pitched scream that could have probably broken glass. "Whats wrong?" Her mother asked him. "That stupid dog took my beers and hid them that's what!"
  Rachel didn't really have work today like she told Kori and Karen she just didn't feel like getting up and having to do something.
   At Dicks house the guys were talking about well, guy stuff. "Are you still going Gar?" Vic asked changing the subject. "Well, because we are dating now an-" "So your not going." Dick cut him of mid sentence.
   Kori woke up to her white dog that had almost a pink shine to it was on her bed barking and jumping around. Her dog always acted weird ween her sister was around probably because she's an idiot. Kori got out of bed and walked over to her suitcase that she had brought to the beach. And began to unpack.
Karen woke up and decided to get her bag unpacked like Kori. And went to the kitchen to eat. Before she could she saw a note explaining that her parents went to work early and we're staying later.
--------TIME SKIP!!
    Kori was driving down to Karen's house at 1:30 and eventually pulled up to the driveway and knocked on the door to revel Karen in a big blue hoodie and black sweatpants with her hair in a bun.
   "Sorry but I took a lazy day." Karen apologized to Kori that was wearing a big yellow hoodie, blue jeans and white converses. "Twins!" Kori laughed and Karen joined her.
The girls went in Karen's room and talked for a while "Nooo not like that a-" Kori cut herself off. "What's wrong?" Karen asked her in confusion. "You didn't hear that?" Karen shook her head replying a no. Kori led Karen to the window and pointed to the bush. "Someone's in the bushes." Kori said. "I'm calling Vic!"
   Garfild left Dicks house to on a date with Terra his new girlfriend after Vic left to go home and do something he wasn't sure but whatever.
     Dick walked around his room thinking about the date Kori and Dick went on at the beach the other day. The two of them went down to the fair while Rachel and Gar were together.
     He shipped bbrae. He laughed thinking about the time that him and Vic were making fun of him calling him a beast and Vic added boy to the name. Some times the guys would pester him with the name.
    But bbterra didn't seem right.
    Vic was at home and just got a call from his sister to come over to Karen's house. Vic and Kori are really close so they referred to each other as siblings after Kori and Roy broke up the first time.
     Vic was almost half way to Karen's house ween he stopped in a red light and was half way across the four way round and. BOOM!
     Vic woke up in a white room and a blue hospital dress thing.
    "Where is Vic?" Karen asked Kori after a couple of minutes after she called Vic. Ring Ring! The phone started ringing and Kori got it because Karen was in a different room.
    "Hello! Who is this?" "What? Who hit my brother?!" "What hospital?" "Ok thanks I'll be there with his girlfriend. Ok thank you again ok you too bye."
    "We need to go!" Kori said grabbing Karen's arm and the house keys and running out of the house with Karen. "What's wrong?" Karen asked as they were on the road. "Vic got hit."
     Vic was in his room and didn't realize that he had bruise and was really bloody. He was banged a lot though. But why was he in this room.
Kori and Karen got to the hospital after a long time. They got to the room. "Vic are you ok?" Both girls said in unison. "Who are you girls? Oh no don't tell me your models no this is a prank I think I've seen these things on tv before. At least I think I have!" Vic said laughing.
"He has a minor concussion it will be like this for a day or more then that we don't know yet and then he goes back to his normal self. The doctor explained to the girls.
Eventually the girls went home and forgot about the bush and went to sleep.
Then next day had arrived unfortunately for Rachel and she had to go to work that day. She was working as a librarian at the Jump Town city library.
She got down there and walked in the library and say an employee and asked him were to go and he was pretty cute his name was Malchior.
    Kori and Karen went down stairs were Karen's parents were waiting for them.
    The two girls they had decided to go down to the fair but sense Kori's car broke down at the mall Karen's parents had to pick them up and drive them to the fair.
     Dick went to Garfild's to pick him up to the hospital to visit Vic. They would have gone to the fair with the girls but they are mad at him about the kiss thing.
Dick and Gar walked in the hospital and was shown were Vic was. They went in the room to see an empty room with a doctor looking around the room.
"Hey where's Victor?" Gar asked the doctor. "I dont know I came in here a couple minutes before you did."
Kori and Karen were at the fair and were walking in.
   "Hey, have you seen a girl with buns on her head with dark brown hair and a girl with long cherry red hair?" Vic asked the man in front of the carnival door.
   "Karen is that Vic?"
    A African American teenager was running strait to them.
     Vic found the two girls he met at the hospital but still didn't understand why he was there or what he was doing. Plus those girls asked like they new him all their life.
    "Why is he not at the hospital? Is he ok now?" Karen asked her friend "I don't think so the doctor said he would be like that for a couple of days." Kori answered Karen.
     Vic noticed that the girls were now waiting on him to get their.
    Finally he got to the girls and he was surprised that they looked confused.
   "What are you doing here Vic?" The girls asked in unison.
    "I'm here to hang out with you girls at the carnival!"
   "How did you get here Vic?" The cherry red haired girl asked.
     Dick and Gar were at the hospital waiting too hear if they found Vic.
*Ring Ring* Gars phone started to get a call from Karen. "Hey, Kare-. What?! Does the doctor know this? Ok cool see you then." Gar hung up and ran from his set leaving Dick really confused.
Karen and Kori were driving down the rode and Vic had surprisingly fell asleep on the way to the hospital. How he got real cloths and got there they would probably never know.
"I'm so glad he finally shut the crap up." Karen admitted a couple of minutes after Vic fell asleep.
Dick and Garfild were waiting outside for the girls and Vic.
   They pulled up and brought Vic into the hospital after a lot of persuading.
   "Well I think I'll see you tomorrow. Kori and I have to leave." Gar told Vic after his ride left a couple of minutes earlier.
    Kori and Gar left the hospital leaving Karen and Vic down there.
    Kori dropped Gar off at his house and went home thinking about what happened that morning with Karen before Vic came and ran off to the carnival.
   Kori pulled up to her home got out of the car and went inside.
   Komi was in the living room giving Kori a weird look. "What's your problem?" Kori asked after getting really annoyed at her sister.
    "You told me you were coming home 3 hours ago."
   "I had an emergency. And unlike you I have a life and friends. And btw sitting around doing nothing but going to the club, getting drunk and hooking up with people doesn't pay the bills." Kori said to Komi.
    "Wait this is a monumental moment! You have friends? Oh my god I didn't know that." Komi and answered and sounding like Rachel by the last sentence.
   Kori rolled her eyes and went to Ryan's room to check on him and like always he had a dirty diaper that Komi left for her to change.
   Kori went to bed early thinking about Vic and his messed up self.
  "What is wrong with him?" She thought to her self and finally fell asleep suddenly.

----------- I'm sorry I haven't updated in like 40000 years I've been visiting family!!! But I hope you in joy this chap. I'm pretty much going to be in a car the day after Easter Sunday so I'll try to post around that day!

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