Teencast - Yogscast

Von SweetStonyChild

4.7K 57 50


My First Kiss Went A Little Like This

It's Gonna Be Me!

1.5K 23 29
Von SweetStonyChild

Lewis and Duncan both walked into the classroom and Mrs Rutherford was sat at her desk. They both looked at her with loving eyes. Lewis staggered over and stood there. She looked up and saw him stood there.

"Yes Brindley?" Her glasses were precariously placd on her nose. She looked at him and put her pen down. Lewis just looked at her. "Lewis? Are you okay? Do I need to call the nurse?"

"I'm fine Mrs Rutherford. I just wanted to look at your b- Nothing." He scurried away and she frowned and contiued working. Lewis walked over to his seat next to Duncan and slouched in it, letting his bag fall to the floor. "Dammit."

"What's wrong Lewis?" Duncan asked while he wrote something out.

"I think I've fallen for Mrs Rutherford." Duncan's pen spazzed out, leaving a large black line across his book.

"What?!" Duncan looks a him wide eyed. "She's married though!"

"Yeah I know this. But it's gonna be me." Duncan made Lewis look at him.

"No. You dont understand. She. Is. Married. You cant do anything." Lewis grinned.

"I can kill them." Duncan's eyes widened and he punched him in the jaw.

"Are you stupid?! What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Mrs Rutherford came over and crossed her arms.

"Lewis! Duncan! Stop it, now!" They both looked at her and sat back in their seats. "You two can both go to Mr Ridgedog's office. Now!" They both got up and slung their bags over their shoulders. Lewis mumbled to himself while Duncan walked on ahead of him. They were about two foot from Mr Ridgedog's office when the door opened.

"Boys inside and sit." The boys walked in and slumped in the chairs.
