Choosing the Bad Boy (ON HOLD)

By Shona624

699 71 39

Alexa Miller was your typical teenage girl. Late night parties? She was there. Exams were a big pain in the... More

Choosing the Bad Boys
Chapter 1: Living with the Bad Boys
Chapter 2:The Bad Boys and the Note
Chapter 4: Are you on drugs?

Chapter 3: The Bad Boy Has Me Up Against Walls

139 10 7
By Shona624

*Picture of Daniel Vex*

Chapter 3: The Bad Boy Has Me Up Against Walls

    A look of confusement was written on my face.  I reread the text to see if I read it right, or if there was any clues.  I didn't recognize the handwriting.  Why would someone want me to stay away from the twins?  I hardly even know them.

I mentally shook my head, It's probably one of Marisa's 'slaves'.  The thought of her makes my shudder.  Marisa is basically the  'queen bee' of the school (or whatever you wanna call her).  Every boy wanted to be with her and every girl wanted to be her.  Shes been making my life miserable since she set her eyes on me.  Most likely because I was with  her boyfriend at the time, but to my defense I had no idea they were dating.  Since then shes hated me, in which I've gladly returned the hatred she had toward me.  

Speaking of the devil, she starts walking toward me swaying her hips as she walks. I expected her to start bitching at me,  she surprised me by walking straight past me.  I turned around and saw her going to a familiar blonde.

"Hey babe."  She chirped, and before he could reply back, she smashed her lips with hers. I quickly looked away, a look of betrayal crossed through my mind.  It's not like we were dating or anything, but I can't help but think that just yesterday he was all sweet to me and now he's with some other girl.

He's a player, what'd you expect?

I grabbed all my stuff for my first class , great I have both the twins for English class.  I start walking toward the class, I hear my name being called but I ignore it knowing whose voice it was.

"Yo, Alexa wait up!"  The voice becoming clearer, suddenly the body appeared at my side.  "," he panted.  I continue walking right past him.  I felt a hand on my shoulder,  I expected to see Damien but I was surprised to see the exact opposite as I turn around to face the person.


"Hey," he ran a hand through his brown hair "why are you ignoring me? Did someone hurt you? Did I do something wrong?"  He panicked, still looking extremely cute"I'm sorry for whatever happened."

I start laughing, that seemed to take away all my anger.  He looked at me with a confused face,  looking like a lost puppy.  "No, you didn't do anything," I frowned "I thought you were someone else."  He looked at me as if he was studying my face to find any clues.

"Does this have something to do with Damien?"  He asked with a serious expression plastered on his face.

"N-no."  I stuttered taking a few steps back.

"Are you sure?"  He says as he takes an equal amount of steps toward me.

"Yes?"  I move back and hit the wall, he places both his hand on either side of me.  I realized we were the only ones left in the hallway.

I couldn't help but notice how stunning he looked close up.  His hazel eyes were something you could just give one look at them and be completely lost in.  Don't even get me started with his hair, it didn't matter if they were messy it would still look perfect.  My eyes trailed down to his lips, god they were beautiful.  I mentally slap myself.

Stop looking at his lips! 

I look back up at him realizing he was saying something.  "What?"  I say dumbfound.  He smiles at me and instantly his smile turns into a smirk.

"Nothing,"  his hands falling to his sides "we're already late, let's get to class.  I nodded and started walking toward English, only to be called again.

"Alexa, the class is this way," he says pointing the other way.

l flushed,"I knew that!" I huffed and turned around to meet an amused Daniel.  He had that stupid smirk still plastered on his face.  I walk right past him.  When I thought he couldn't make me flush even more he says something that makes me even more red. 

   "You look cute when you blush."  He states.


"A little birdie told me your dating the twins."  My best friend Ashley exclaims.  I looked up at her in horror. "Who told you that?"  She looked at me as if i'm the dumbest person on earth.

"The whole school knows, like come on, the first day Damien asked you for your number, the twins liking in your house, Daniel drove you to school, and lastly you two just "happened" to be late to class together ," she emphised on the word together " It all comes down to one conclusion, I rest my cass."  She declares while I roll my eyes.  I glance up and see James and Mia making there way over to our table.

"Hello ladies."  James says as he takes a seat next to me, while Mia takes a seat beside Ashley. "Sup loser."  I greet him back.  He takes a piece of my fry and chunks it into his mouth, whereas I throw death glares at him.

"What?" He shrug, trying to play innocent.  I turn to Mia who clears her throat.

"So, is it true your dating the twins?"  She asks.

"Not you too."  I groan.

"So, it's true?"

"No!"  I say in horror, god now people probably think I'm a slut.  My eyes skim through the cafeteria, until it lands to where my brother was sitting, along with the twins, and some soccer players I recognized, some of them would come over to hang out with my brother.  I look away from them as soon as I see Marisa and her side-kicks making there way toward their table.

"God they're so hot,"  Ashley sighs, putting her palm on her jaw "and so bad." She says dreamily.

"You guys are into bad boys huh?" James says,  Ashley nods. "Well I don't wanna impress you guys or anything, but when I go to Walmart, I enter  from the exit."  He finishes it off with his infamous smirk.  We all look up at him with bored expressions.

"I'm guessing you got that one off Pintrest?"  I say.  He scratches his neck,  "Yeah,  I thought it was something bad boys do."  I shake my head.

"It was mean't to be a joke."

"Well I didn't know that!" He defends himself.

"Of course you didn't," I state, with that the bell rings signalling us to go to the next period. "I'll see you guys later,"  I say walking out the cafeteria toward my locker.  I pull open my locker, only to be greeted with another mysterious piece of white paper.  I scrunch my eyebrows together while reading the texts that was written in black ink.

Did you not understand the meaning of 'stay away' well I guess i'll have to teach you the hard way.



   A/N: I'm sorry if I have any mistakes, I was too lazy to proof read this.  I was reading Perfect Illusion and I realized we have the same names for the characters.  Yeah, that was a coincidence.

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