Auradon Remembers?- Disney De...

By dzny_oddity

21.9K 627 156

Everything in Auradon is back to it's original form. Mal and her Isle friends grew more closer to Auradon. No... More

Chapter 1- Be Prepared
Chapter 2- He Knows?
Chapter 4- Did You See It?
Chapter 5- What Is Happening?
Chapter 6- Secret Visions
Chapter 7- Acting Different
Chapter 8- Followed
Chapter 9- Memories Returned
Chapter 10- Someone Is Watching
Chapter 11- The Chase
Chapter 12- Loyal to the Pride
Chapter 13- I Promise I'll Find You
Chapter 14- We Are Nothing Alike
Chapter 15- The Strongest Power
Chapter 16- We Can Only Hope
Chapter 17- Facing Our Parents
Chapter 18- Gone Again
Chapter 19- Truly Evil
Chapter 20- The Dark Side
Chapter 21- This Isn't You
Chapter 22- The Ultimate Villain
Chapter 23- The Ultimate Sacrifice
Chapter 24- Final Decision
Chapter 25- Strong Love

Chapter 3- I Missed You

1K 25 7
By dzny_oddity


Susan POV

I was listening to the music provided, but none interested me. I decided to just look out the window. We were still on the Isle, but we suddenly drove faster when we were almost at the bridge.

"Brace yourselves!" Anthony yelled out. We all screamed and hugged each other, waiting to be hit by water. Nothing happened.

I opened my eyes realizing we were on a golden bridge, leaving the Isle. I also noticed I was hugging Anthony.

"Eww. Get off of me!" I said, while shoving him off. He didn't move, but he instead started to throw candy at me.

This is going to be a long drive.


The limo droves in front of us and I already knew that they're probably going to be fighting over a silly thing.

Just like I predicted, Susan immediately pinned Anthony to the ground, and the Gaston twins were fighting over a price of candy. But Scarlet just walked out and acted like nothing was happening.

"Don't throw thing at me!" Susan yelled.

"Fine, fine. JUST GET OFF OF ME!" Anthony yelled back. She got off of him, and noticed us.

"He started it." She quickly said pointing at Anthony.

"No you did!" He said. Another argument.

The Gaston twins noticed us and quickly got up, leaving the candy on the ground.

"Okay, now if may I have your attention." Ben said. "Welcome to Auradon Prep. I am King Ben, but I'm just a normal person, like everyone else here."

Everyone turned to him, and became quiet. "Now I'm believe you know mostly everyone here. I'm sure you know Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos, -" Ben said introduced us, but was cut off by Scarlet.

"Kovu" she said, walking up to him. The new VKs stepped back. He walked up to her, everyone on our side stepped back.

They looked into each other's eyes. I honestly thought that they were going to fight, but Scarlet did something that surprised us all.

Scarlet hugged Kovu. That is something a VK would never do. We all watched waiting for a reaction. Kovu hugged her back.

Scarlet POV

I haven't seen Kovu in so long. I knew I shouldn't have be doing this, but I don't care. Kovu and I were so close, even though we weren't related. That was because we were both raised by Scar. We learned to get along and protect each other.

"I missed you." I whispered to him.

"Me too." He whispered back. Someone cleared their throat, breaking our long hug. We looked to see Mal.

"I hate to ruin this special moment, but we should give you a tour."

I nodded and followed her and Ben, along with Evie, Jay, and Carlos. I took one last look at Kovu, who did a small wave. I waved back, when something came to mind.

What happened to him?

A/N- Sorry if it's too short but at least it's something. I'll update as soon as I can.

Also, do you like my we cover?

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