NBB: Reboot

By JeremyRivera8

301 23 1

After the war of reality, Zorah goes to cycle 16 beginings, where he finds himself the creation of the univer... More

Chapter I - A lost battle
Chapter II - The City Collapse
Chapter IV - Meet Asrion, Brody and Nathan
Chapter V - The Reboot Squad
Chapter VI - So it begins...
Chapter VII- A world of fire
Chapter VIII - The return of a high king
Chapter IX - A newcoming forth
Chapter X - The Fallen

Chapter III - The Two Immortaeliks

50 2 0
By JeremyRivera8

-I lied-
Written by Jer

Zorium reached the center point of the city and saw a higher building, standing right in the middle, like a skyscraper surrounded by smaller skycrapers, in a circular pattern. He looks at it and then sees Equinox and Hesiods right on another entry point to this center part of the City of Heroes. They meet each other on a stairwalk towards the buidling. They all look up and see the sign of H.T.C., or The "Hero Training Corps" Tower. Then they slightly have the same feeling and then feel vibrations, like the recent earthquake ones, but less powerful and only around there. Hesiods said, "I'll go to the top running on the wall." Equinox didn't even try and said, "Same here, I'll just float up." Zorium looked at them and said, "Guess I'll take the elevator." He entered the building, saw the recpetion all destroyed and saw the reception lady unconsius with her hair all messed up and a guy's head stuck in a pot. "It's obvius it has to be here," he said as he woke them up and told them to leave as far as possible. Then he enters through the corridor, and sees the elevators, surpisingly they were still functional. He got in, looked at the numbers and looked for a button, and clicked "27". He waited for the numbers to go up, and then he reached floor 27. The door opened and he saw Hesiods and Equinox having a battle against a bunch of reptile looking creatures with amazing fighting styles. Zorium walked on the "roof" for a while and saw Shaiden having a battle against a similar looking creature. Hesiods and Equinox had beaten up the others and Shaiden and the other one were fighting barehanded. Shaiden got pushed back and she fell down. The other one pulled it's hand quick and a tube attacked her on the stomach. The other had a similar brown hooded figure like shaiden's clothing, but it had more masculine in it. Assuming it's a male, he took out a giant black blade, and held it with force. As he was about to strike Shaiden with no remorse or guilt, Zorium stopped the sword, with the palm of his hand. In the act of stopping it, a bell-like sound emmited from his hand. Zorium then deflected the sword back at him, distaibalizing him and tripping a little back. His hoodie fell back off, and his face was revealed. A fierce looking man, with eyes as red as crimson. His hair, vibrant black. His skin tone, a little scale like gray and blue. Zorium looked at him, staring like he had no soul. He stood up and said, "The name is Llerox, just so can know the last face you'll ever see before you die. I'll make you suffer, but I assure you, time will reveal when..." He jumped off the building and transformed into an eagle. Hesiods took out a gun and aimed at it. Zorium lowered the gun with his hand and said, "Not now, he's inmune to silver after morphing, Immo's have that..." Equinox took out the same book out and said, "This is one of the apposed legendary creatures named Immortaeliks, said to be a primal life source in the universe and first one to exist. Said to have all bloodtypes into one called the -XYZ. Powerful enough to never die by human power, only those the same species as them can kill them. It also says that these are creatures of both evil and good, said to hide out their morals until they eventually explicitly leave it all out, and never stop, until they die, but hence the name, these creatures are....immortals to others and have power unlike no other." Hesiods scratched his chin and said, "Basically a god with only a weakness themselves know." Zorium replied with, "Just because he is godlike, doesn't mean he is a god." He looks at his watch and says, "There goes my reunion, *sigh* damn it, I wanted to buy extra cocoa with the monthly paycheck." Hesiods looked around and said, "Where's the cute lady?" Zorium said, "She ran away as soon as we blinked her out of our sight." Hesiods replied, "So cute, thought I could ask her out." Zorium looked at him and said, "Sorry to break it for you, but she's 14." Hesiods had a mental breakdown and was dragged by Equinox down. They left down the building and started to help out the community on the earthquake massacre.

Llerox, the immortaelik who caused the earthquake, got away to Leaften Forrest, and saw the animal life and said, "Pretty good spot for a drill infusion. Better call the boss and tell him I had no luck with the city, damn it, he will probably try to kill me for this." He puts on gloves with steel dots on them and starts to aim the ground with a punch. In a blink of a strike he heard someone say, "Help...me.......somebody please......he...lp....me..." He instantly turned into an argonian reptile, a human-looking lizard. He walked towards the sound of help. And he walked and found the body of a girl, hurt by a stomach wound. By the point she had already fainted, so he took her by her neck and legs, and carried her. Midway through the forrest, Llerox started to talk saying, "Today, I did something I wasn't forced to do so, but I did it anyway. It's the only thing that helps me find my clan, and reunite with my brother. At least I learn things about the world while I do it. Today I learned that there is still one ascendant left, apperently, he's the one of us three that know the art of light refracting, or the art of Sei. He managed to stop my Crimson Blade, which is able to cut through black diamonds, almost anything except the skin of a crimsom dragon, although he is an ascendant, he dwells a powerful creature, explaining the reason to why he didn't fight back, because if...." Llerox heard someone else's steps, and stopped talking. And saw a blue haired guy walking around whistling. The Guy stopped and looked at Llerox saying, "Hey man, do you know where's the city of Jekaria, I'm kinda lost here, hope I didn't interupt you?" Llerox replies with, "It's fine, I'm on my way to the City Of Heroes, to leave this wounded girl on the local hospital. Jekaria is all the way after a lake by your right, directly north from there, and you'll find it. It's a ruined, abandoned, and destroyed city, but whatever you do, don't run into a black horned guy, he's supposedly the one responsable for the destruction of it. Also, grab a lake venom crystal, they might be handy for potions later on, assuming you are an independent hero." The guy waved and said, "The name is Nathan Aberion, Have a nice day!" Nathan said as he ran really quickly towards the directions he gave him. Llerox stopped to move and covered her body with his hoodie, and carried her towards the city entrance. He changed his eye's colors from green to black, easier to be hidden with having a black iris. He saw the gates broken, with some guards injured, he looked at them and began to give them heavenly light treatment. The guards were still unconsious so he put them up against the wall, and put a dark mantle on them to cover for cold, and carried the girl back to the city. As an incognito argonian, he stole another argonian's ID and used it as his own. He looked at the ID and changed his face while no one was noticing. He then ran carrying her into the hospital. As a side-efffect from his morphing powers, he can also comunicate to every creature, and his tongue adapts to every language, assuming as if it was their original. He entered speaking argonian, everyone was in pain and agony, he thought to himself, -Crap, I caused this, I can't fix it, at least I know who am I dealing with the next time.- He saw everyone screaming in pain, he felt bad and horrible, so all he did was go to the woman in charge in the middle of the emergency room. He speaked on perfect argonian to the person in charge, making him look a natural argonian. The woman pointed him to a room with spare beds. He walked in, and left her on the bed. He walked out and bumped into Zorium. Zorium looked at him deeply and said, "Begone, I'll pulse some light through you." Llerox was suprised Zorium saw him without overthinking. Llerox replied with, "I'm not trying to fight you, I'm just following and order." Zorium then replied, "I know that you know who's power I'm wielding, but it ain't that secret. However, I can easily find you by your look, even if you morph into something else, you always have that same feature, that desperate look to find justice." Zorium walked away walking with the same deadly stare. Llerox thought to himself, -He owns the dragon inside him?!?- Zorium stops walking and says, "He has a name and He's my friend, I can't own a friend can I?" Zorium leaves outside, leaving Llerox suprised by the fact that he not just got recognized in another form, but that he can hear thoughts? Llerox went into the supply room, and summoned a package of healing supplies, but enhanced to heal faster, because he actually didn't meant to hurt anyone, he was just misplaced because of an order. He then morphed into his human form, or the form he uses to blend in. He went outside the hospital and morphed into a tiny lizard and then ran into the woods. After a while he was in the woods, he morphed into an eagle, and flew away to his base, or wherever he works at.

The screaming ended, all the chaos was a bit calmed, but some people were still being saved. Zorium heard a ring as he walked outside the hospital and he answered his phone. "HEY, IT'S ME DEKI, THERE ARE TWO MOTHERFUCKING BASTARDS THAT ARE REALLY PISSING ME OFF, PLEASE, CALL ME BACK UP OR HELP ME!!!!!" Zorium saw a dark red-hooded person walking outside the city, and he instantly knew it was Shaiden because of a light trail she left on her clothing. As he thought if he went to help Deki or follow Shaiden, he had looked around for more options. Zorium saw Hesiod's saving someone from a pit, and Equinox moving the injured people to the hospital. He checked for more people to help him, but nothing came to his eye. Then he saw a young guy looking into nothingness, with a sword and shield. He went to him and asked him, "Not from around here?" He said, "Na, this is fighting gear for protection so I can find something important." Zorium tells him, "You make a pretty good looking fighter. Do you want to join the Association?" "Yeah sure, I came here to start my studying to become a hero anyway so thanks man." "One little favor before I let you in. I need you to help a friend of mine, she's in a little danger, and I need you to give her something." He takes out two weird packs with belts and two barrels in front each. He gives them to the young man and he gives him the direction. "She looks like a jumping explosive gorgeous redheaded girl, fighting two twin centipedes the size of a levithan." The kid had a weird look on him and he said, "Uh, do you have a name so I can contact you later?" "Call me Lixwrath for now." "I'm Asrion, nice to meet a hero like you!" He started to run quickly towards Deki's location, without hesitation he didn't even look back and carried the twin barrel packs. Zorium then said on his own, "I'm no hero." Zorium went towards Shaiden, otherwise known as outside the city. He walked to Leaften Forrest, and looked at the light trail she left. He starts to follow the trail walking at a normal pace. He sees more light as he follows the trail. At a point he starts to see blood, and the light starts to grow in density with the blood. At this point he starts to worry and starts to run following the trail. As he then runs and sees more and more, he suddenly stops and see someone, kneeled on the ground. "It's just a scratch, no need to look at it Shaiden, it's just a scratch," said Shaiden as she was wrapping cloth on her wound and treating it. "Yeah, just a...scratch....no big....deal.....just a...........scrat....ch......" said Shaiden right before she fainted on the ground. Zorium then walks towards her, and then picks her up. Then, using his heavenly aura, he covered her with a light cloak, providing her a passive healing treatment of light accelaration, a proccess that accelarates growth or regeneration with the use of light magic, although it just accelarates the time it takes a half faster, it is also a dense photon shield also able to protect her from infection, it was the exact same thing zllerox did to the guards. Moving on from the (fake) science of magic, Zorium was gathering the light from the trail and used it for the heavenly aura he used on her. He reached the city, entered the hospital. And saw the room where the fallen girl was before. He put Shaiden on the bed and she started to regain her senses. A nurse started to treat Shaiden's wound with care and some healing factors kicked in and Shaiden was recovering quickly. Zorium looked at the other girl. The machine that told heart symptoms was beeping. He looked at it and knew that her heart pulses were down. Without any thought he started do CPR on her. He tried, he tried, and he tried, but it didn't work. He then stopped giving her and then looked to the floor. He looked at the palm of his hand and said, "I hate to do this, but I have to if it's the only way kickstart her heart." He closed his eyes, and tapped the back of his neck with two fingers, and a glowing mark lit up. His eyes were glowing in the same cyan color that mark did. He then fiercefully filled his hand with glowing light and then struck her chest with a force palm. A massive high-pitched sound could be heard, a bunch of light blinded everyone in the room. Then it could be heard that the girl took a great gasp and a crack of something happened. After the light stopped, and the sound was gone, it sounded like a bell chime, it could be seen that Zorium pulsed her body back to life, with a light pulse. He then got back to normal and looked at her, and she exhaled a short breath and said, "Th...ank.....y..ou..." After that, he felt a huge relief, even Shaiden was surprised. The nurse went back to doing her jobs, but suprisingly enough, the girl had a burn and a blade injury on her stomach alone, the rest where scars, or old wounds. Seeing the fact that he left a crack below the bed, Shaiden was alarmed, she knew Zorium is no baby in the world of combat. After a while, Shaiden asked, "What was that light pulse you did a while ago." Zorium then suddenly says, "Crap, My hot chocolate, it's the 5th one this week." Shaiden got ignored and then asked again, "Hey, You. What was that?" He then says, "Oh that? It was a simple skill of the Art of Light passing. I don't like to use it that much, it's resserved for serious stuff. Let's leave explanations for later. For now let's just end it here." Shaiden extends her hand and says, "Shaiden Hartlake, nice to meet you." Zorium shakes her hand back and says, "Zorium Lixwrath, nice to meet you too, I pressume you are an immortaelik too." She asserted the question, knowing thatmlying would be a huge regret, and then lied back down. Equinox entered the room and said, "Holy shit! It's the pretty lady from earlier, and an injured girl. Sir, who's this girl, she has some sort of cat ears and a tail, perhaps a warbeast?" Zorium then rubs the girl's forehead and says, "For what all we know, is that Hesiods and you are part of us, welcome to the team." Shaiden then says, "I have personal buisness with Llerox and he hurt me pretty bad, so can I join?" Zorium said, "All aboard the hype train, its all empty anyway." A crystal sound was heard, and Zorium saw a crystal on the ground. He picked it up and felt a power unlike other, and he felt electricity and darkness clogging the crystal. Then he noticed it fell from the girl's hand. He took the crystal and placed it on her. A mysterious magic then banished the crystal and passing all the magic inside the girl. Then she opened her eyes and saw All of them looking at her and she said with a charming voice, "Good evening........I can't seem to.....sleep.......can you please....help me with that?" Zorium then dragged Equinox out of the room and went outside. "Ignis Nox is my name, I know who am I and how I am, but I feel empty inside, souless," said Ignis to Shaiden while looking down. Shaiden then cheered her up saying, "You don't have to be with a soul to feel something, all you need is a heart." "A heart? Do I have a kind heart to feel things?" "A heart is all it takes, to do anything, or at least a guy passing by told me once a while back." "I have nowhere to stay, and my pet Udra seems lost, can I stay with you until I reunite with my pet dragon?" Shaiden got suprised and said, "A Dragon!?!" "Yes, Udra is a female cirrusian dragon, not common but not rare either, she's my only partner in all of my life." Shaiden got even more suprised and said, "A cirrusian dragon?!? Wow, I am in the presence of some serious business." Ignis then says, "Do you have a title miss Shaiden?" "People have been calling me Blade Megami." "If you haven't noticed yet, please take a look on my back." Shaiden looks at her back and sees a glowing crescent moon symbol. "The birthmark on my back, I'm The LastMoonlight Huntress. I still am exploring the world, in the search for adventure." Shaiden then said, "All the more to why you have a dragon. We both lost lot of blood today, so we have to sleep for quicker recovery." Ignis asserts with her head and turns off the lamp. Shaiden slowly closed her eyes and slept. Out of nowhere, Ignis then says, "Shaiden, thank's for being a good.....friend, I guess." Shaiden then hiding her face says, "It's good to have someone to talk too, so thank you too. Goodnight." "Goodnight." They both got asleep as the guys were sleeping on benches outside, except Zorium, whose arm was burned and he stood out leaving it at ease. Out to the end, a crescent moon shining in light neon blue could be seen right behind the mountain. "So this is The City of Heroes, my new job place, I feel strong radiation from the hospital. This place better be a money maker," said a guy holding a sniper on his back with a cocky smile and bleach white hair, on a bush looking out to the city.

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