The Girl He Saved

By saracha-sauce

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Mina, a 15 year-old girl, is never really noticed by anyone. Her father left Mina and her mother when she was... More

Introduction/ About the Author
Chapter 1. My Savior
Chapter 2. He Came to Me
Chapter 3. My Friend
Chapter 4. Meeting Cana
Chapter 5. Confession
Chapter 6. Her Reply
Chapter 7. A New Friend
Chapter 8. Roomates??
Chapter 9. A Day Out
Chapter 10. First Date
Chapter 11. Our Quarrel
Chapter 12. Hospital
Chapter 13. Christmas
Chapter 14. Is This Fate?
Chapter 15. Please Don't Leave Me!
Chapter 16. Is This Goodbye?
Chapter 17. My Dark Secret
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19. Second Date Part 1
Chapter 20. Second Date Part 2
Chapter 21. Test
Chapter 22. Importance
A/N (Not an official update)
Chapter 24. Secret's Out
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 23. Confessions

245 15 3
By saracha-sauce

A/N: If you saw that I just updated this, it was me adding the song above because I forgot. (Today, 2/23/2016)

Mina's POV

"Well I guess I'll go find Sora and tell him we can leave whenever since everything is packed," I muttered to myself as I zipped up the suitcase.

Sora and I decided that we would leave as soon as possible because we didn't want to be near my gramps any longer than we have to. We have enough grudges against him already.

I walked out the door and went down the hall and knocked on the closed bathroom door. I waited a few seconds and no one answered.

'Kitchen maybe?' I thought.

I walked to the kitchen and he wasn't there either.

'Is he in Hisahito and Kako's room?'

I started walking up the stairs to their room and knocked. Kako answered the door with a smile.

"Hey sis. What's up?" she asked.

"Hey. Have you seen Sora around anywhere?"

"Oh, he was here a little while ago but one of the maids came and brought him to Grandpa's office," she explained.

"Ok, thank you Ka- Aiko!" I ran across the castle all the way to Gramps' office.

I was about to knock on the doorframe when I finally got there, but their conversation intrigued me.

"I can't do this anymore! I can't pretend to be her boyfriend anymore just to protect her!" Sora nearly shouted to my grandfather.

"And why not?" he asked. "You never know when she will be attacked! Someone has to be there to-"

"It was all a lie?" I interrupted.

Their faces whirled to face me. Their eyes went as wide as saucers when tears started making their way down my face. Grandpa always knew me as a tough girl who never cried. I didn't know why Sora had wide eyes. It's not like he cares about me.

Sora got up from his chair and started walking towards me, "It's not what you think Mina!" he tried to say when we took hold of my wrist to keep me from running away.

"Whatever. Just leave me alone!" I almost shouted as I yanked away from his hold and darted towards the roof.

"Please! Wait!" he shouted after me and started following me in a sprint.

'Ugh. Why're you so persistent?? Guess I'll run for real now,' I thought with annoyance as I started sprinting up the many flights of stairs a little bit faster.

"Please! It's not what you think!" Sora yelled after me as I sprinted as fast as I could up the stairs.

"No! Just leave me alone Sora! I trusted you and it was all a lie, just leave me alone and find your own way home. I'm taking the helicopter," I reached the top and opened the door to the roof. I slammed open the door and was welcomed to the warm breeze.

I looked behind me quickly and saw Sora just a few steps away from the doorway. I quickly turned back around and ran forward to the black helicopter with our gold family crest.

I leapt up into the vehicle through the already-opened door. I felt a tug on my shirt and I turned around. Tears stung my eyes when I saw his pleading look.

"How many times do I have to say it? Just leave me alone," I muttered.

Sora still didn't let go of the hem of my shirt, "But you don't get it."

"What's there not to get? Our entire relationship was a lie. You saved my life multiple times and you made me fall so deeply in love with you. I trusted you," I pulled away from his loosened grip and shut the door before he could spit out what he was about to say.

His face looked so depressed that I actually reached to open the door for him, but I stopped at the handle. Instead, I twisted the lock so he couldn't get in. I started the engine and looked at Sora. He backed up about eight feet to give me room to take off. I gave him a slight smile and flew away.

Sora's POV

I watched Mina fly away towards home in the helicopter in silence. I watched her until I couldn't even see the small black spec in the distance.

I turned around and punched the wall in frustration and anger. "Why am I so fire trucking stupid?? Why didn't I just tell her. Or kiss her. Or anything!" I muttered to myself. I looked down at my knuckles that were shooting pain up my arm. Blood was slowly oozing out of three of the knuckles and another was just skinned.

I turned back around and slumped against the wall I slowly slid down so that I was sitting on the concrete roof.

'She actually loves me. It's not just a crush. Mina has actually fallen in love with me...' I thought.

I closed my eyes and slowly drifted off into slumber.

Mina's POV

After 30 minutes of slowly flying home, tears still silently made their way down my cheeks. I turned on the radio and Love Myself by Hailee Steinfeld was playing.

Gonna love myself, no, I don't need anybody else
Gonna love myself, no, I don't need anybody else
(I love me)
Can't help myself, no, I don't need anybody else
Anytime that I like
(I love me)

I'll take it nice and slow
Feeling good on my own without you, yeah
Got me speaking in tongu-

I turned off the radio when the waterworks really started to come. I do need somebody else. And that person is Sora. I don't care if he broke my heart, he said he couldn't do it anymore. But he didn't seem really that angry when he was talking to Gramps. Maybe he has an explanation...

After a good three minutes of contemplating on whether or not I should turn around, I decided to go back.

"You better have a good explanation for this Sora!" I slightly yelled to myself as I tightened my grip on the lever to steer the helicopter.

A/N: I'm pretty sure that there's like this lever thing that you use to steer a helicopter, but I'm not totally sure. But hey, if I'm wrong, just roll with it!

Sora's POV

"What is this all about, huh?" he roared at Tsubaki, my little sister, while shoving a sheet of paper in her face.

Report card.

"You can't get a free ride to Harvard, much less get accepted, if you have an f-ing 97 and two 98's!" our dad bellowed at her. His very voice shook the house.

"I-I'm sorry Daddy," eight-year-old Tsubaki managed to squeak out.

"Hmm? 'Daddy'? Don't get cocky little girl," he pulled his arm back and got ready to punch her when I jumped in front of my little sister and caught his punch.

I winced in pain.

"Oh? What's this? Is little Sora being the hero now? I saw that 99 in Algebra. Just because you're in 9th grade doesn't mean you can slack off," he got his other arm and just swatted me away.

'N-no! I can't let her get hurt! No matter what...' I thought as I passed out from hitting my head on the wall. I heard her screams in the background as I blacked out.

I bolted up from my laying down position on the roof and recalled that event from two years ago.

"Man... I haven't had a nightmare for a while," I muttered. I gazed over to where Mina flew off and closed my eyes again as I sat up against the wall. "You've always kept them away with your happy aura. You never let any darkness come anywhere close to you."

I thought back to when Mina's grandfather met me on the streets closer to the beginning of the school year when I ran away from my father. I couldn't live with the guilt after I let my own little sister die in front of me by my "father's" hands.

We came to an agreement to where if I protected his daughter, he would provide me with all of the living essentials. I started stalking Mina at school from a distance and just a few weeks later, that's when I saved her life. And when I finally got to talk to her. By then, I had already fallen in love with the girl. Of course, back then, I didn't even realize my own feelings.

"God, I love you Mina. Please, find it in your ginormous, kind, heart to forgive me," I muttered a little louder than expected.


I looked over to my right and there she was. Standing in the sun and the wind blowing her long, wavy, blond hair behind her. I could tell she was previously crying because tears stained her face and her eyes were red and slightly swollen.

"Mina? W-what're you doing here?" I asked in shock.

"I realized that I need you in my life and I should at least listen to your explanation," Mina explained. She walked closer to me and slid down the wall next to me so she could sit on the concrete as well.

I smiled gratefully, "Thank you. Anyways, I can't pretend to be your girlfriend or pretend to love you because. Well... I've fallen in love with you."

"Huh? I don't get it."

"Your grandfather hired me to protect you from any danger and so at first, I was only pretending. But by the time I saved you from that crash before Christmas, I realized that I loved you for real," I looked over at her hopefully. I searched her eyes and face for forgiveness, but I didn't find any evidence.

"That little..." Mina started saying. Then, she noticed me staring at her and smiled. "I forgive you Sora. I'm sorry for running away from you and flying away. Can you forgive me this time?"

I smiled widely and happily. "Of course!" I reached my hand out and placed it on her cheek. I slowly leaned in and closed my eyes as our lips met.

Mina kissed me back immediately and I nearly screamed out in joy.


Hey hey hey! I'm really sorry I haven't updated in like err... 9 days! I've literally been overly tired for no reason lately. Don't ask why please because I have no idea! I'm also literally about to fall asleep here, so I apologize if there are mistakes closer to the end.

Anyways, I thought about having this happy little couple break up for a couple of chapters, but maybe another day! It WILL happen sooner or later, count on it! :{) <- smiley with a mustache (It's not a good book without any action or fights, right??)

So, as some of you may know... I have posted a new book called sarajayeb's Book of Drawings. The title gives it all away. Please go check it out!! I got 25 views in six hours! Pretty good of you ask me. I mean, this has 681 views and it's been in progress since November 16, 2015 or something like that! Go tell your friends about this book and help make it popular for more chapters!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY WASHINGTON AND hossxini !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Got it from your sister by the way)

Don't forget to like and comment!!


Edited: 3/10/2016 (IM DOOOOOONE YAAASSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! *ahem* anyways.... Scroll along to the next chapter... But ignore the next one since if you're reading this, it has nothing to do with you).

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