Summer Memories

Por Sky-blues64

22.6K 442 169

*Bunk'd Fanfic* Lauren Summers is a returning camp counselor of Camp Kikiwaka. This year Gladys has put her i... Más

Lauren Summers
Welcome To Camp Kikiwaka
Camp Rules
The Ones That Got Away

Gone Girl

3.2K 68 31
Por Sky-blues64

I was reading a book I brought called, The Fifth Wave. I watched the movie with my hometown friends a few weeks before I came here. Nick Robinson was so hot in that movie.

"Stamps, postcards, the last shreds of my self-respect!" I heard Emma call out. I looked up from my book and saw Emma walking up to the group of campers around me. I closed my book and walked up to Emma with Zuri and Jorge.

"I'll take two shreds," Jorge told her. I rolled my eyes, playfully at the boy. I looked over at Emma and saw she also rolled her eyes. "Why are all you CITs selling stuff?" Zuri asked.

"Gladys is making us. Apparently varicose vein removal is not cheap." Emma answered her little sister. I mentally threw up. Her legs disgust me a lot. I don't get why she still wears shorts though.

"I like her legs. They remind me of a New York City subway map." Zuri announced. I took a tiny step away from her. "Trust me, after a few more days, you're gonna hate seeing her legs... everyday," I told her.

"Candy here! Get your delectable, sugary treats!" We heard Ravi shout. We all turned around and saw Ravi on a bicycle with a wagon of candy.

"And speaking of delectable, notice how my rump is rocking these bike shorts." Ravi said, smiling brightly showing us his... butt. "Your geek is on fleek." Zuri pointed out. I nodded in agreement.

"Campers! Big announcement, so stop what you're doing!" Gladys shouted into her megaphone, walking up to us. All the campers, including us, walked up to her and formed a circle.

"Last night I was stood up for a date." Gladys began. Totally not a shocker. My only question is, who even asked her out? Wait, was it that candy delivery man?

"How can a pint of ice cream and a George Clooney movie stand you up?" Emma whispered to Lou and I. I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing.

"It was Serge, the candy delivery man." Gladys told us. Well, Serge is a very desperate man. I once saw him making out with a leave. It was extremely disturbing.

"Sheesh, you post bail for a guy, and he doesn't even take you to dinner?" Emma asked. "Been there, done that," Lou said. I patted her on her back.

"Since Serge is not returning my calls, texts, or banging on his front door, I have decided to punish him by no longer ordering candy for the camp!" Gladys told us. I gasped and dropped my book. "What?!" I shouted. The whole camp, including me began to complain.

"Whoa, whoa!" Jorge shouted, causing all of us to shut up, "Why do we all have to suffer just because you're hideous and no one wants to date you?!" Gladys gave him a look. "Let me rephrase that." Jorge said.

"Too late, you're going in the hole!" Gladys shouted. Jorge jumped behind Xander. "Don't worry, it's more comfortable than the bunks." Xander informed his camper.

"And since candy reminds me of Serge, it is now banned from camp! So, enjoy what's left in Candy Boy's cart, 'cause that's the last of it." Gladys said, as she walked away.

"Oh, no. Poor Ravi," I stated. Emma turned to me. "Why do you feel sorry about Ravi?" Emma asked me, "Well. Most people feel sorry for him, but why now?"

"Because. He has the last candy on the camp, so the campers are gonna tear him apart," I answered. Just as I finished speaking a group of campers attacked Ravi.

"Stop! You are pulling my taffy!" Ravi shouted. Emma, Lou, and I shared a loo, before we backed away. After we were a few steps away, we ran away to our cabin.


After an hour of hanging out in the Woodchuck cabin by myself I decided to go to the cafeteria. On my way there, I found Lou, so the both of us made our way to the cafeteria. We walked in and saw a depressed little Emma.

"Hi, sister from another mister!" Lou greeted, while I just waved. Emma turned to us and gave us a pout. "Hi, Lou, Lauren." She greeted.

"Aw, what's with the sad little frown?" I questioned, concerned about my friend. Emma shrugged. "Woodchucks never frown. No, seriously, it's impossible. Their massive incisors prevent mouth inversion." Lou said. I turned to Lou and gave her the 'Not helping' look.

"I'm totes bummed about Xander. It's been a week and he still hasn't asked me out. I thought he liked me." Emma told us. In Xander's defense, he is bad with timing, but when he does ask a girl out, it's in a romantic way.

"Aw, Emma, look, boys are like hotdogs. Delicious, but wondering about what's inside will make you puke." Lou said, seating Emma down at one of the lunch tables. I think Lou just ruined hotdogs for me.

"You're right. I'm going to stop obsessing over him. I don't care if I ever see Xander again." Emma said. "You go, girl!" I cheered. I don't care if Xander's my friend, girl friends come first!

"Hey, Woodchucks!" Xander greeted, walking into the cafeteria with his guitar. A big, bright smile appeared on Emma's face as she turned to the boy who she just said, she doesn't care about. "Uh, that kind of sounded like you care." I told the blonde. Emma shrugged.

"Emma, I wrote a song I want you to hear." Xander told her. Emma smile became bigger and brighter. "Great, let's do this!" Lou said. She started to beatbox. "No," I told her, stopping the girl from continuing.

"Thanks, but I got it." Xander said, as he took a seat at another lunch table. "Oh, right. A solo sitch. Hit it!" Lou said, as we sat down beside Emma.

Xander began strumming his guitar. Then he began to sing his song:

"There's a song stuck in my head But all the words Just go unsaid So courage To say something without turning redYou make me feel like smilingI dream of you all the time I hope the stars are shining On your replyPlease, Emma, will you go on a dateOoh, ooh, ooh I'm hoping you won't make me waitOoh, ooh, oohPlease, Emma, will you go on a date With me"

He finished and the three of us were just staring up at him in awe. I knew this boy could sing and write songs, but wow. That was incredible. Emma better say yes quick before Hazel comes by.

"Emma, if you don't say yes, I will." Lou said, dreamily. Xander and Lou. Now that would be a couple no one saw coming. "I'd love to go out with you, Xander." Emma told him.

"Yay!" Lou and I cheered. "You two go together like peanut butter and eggs." Lou said, causing all of us to give her a look, "What? It's delicious." I rolled my eyes playfully.


I was walking around the camp with Xander and Lou. We were just going over some date rules, so Xander wouldn't ruin his chances with Emma.

"I'm really nervous about tonight with Emma." Xander told us. I slightly smiled. Xander doesn't really get nervous around girls. So he must really like Emma.

"Don't be. I'm sure this time it won't be as messy as it was with your last girlfriend." Lou said. "Wow. What you did to her was a bit harsh," I told him.

"Ugh, don't remind me. That was gruesome. I'm glad Amanda is gone forever." Xander told us. I nodded. "Me, too. You did everyone a favor by getting rid of her." Lou informed him.


The three of us were now in the Grizzly cabin. Xander was telling Lou and I his plans for the date, now that he has heard all the rules for the first date.

"And I can't wait to knock Emma off her feet with this." Xander said, showing us a cute necklace. I gasped and took the necklace from the boy.

"It's so beautiful," I mumbled to myself, as I looked at the gorgeous piece of jewelry. "Oh, man, she won't know what hit her!" Lou cheered, as I finished examining the necklace.

"Then, before Emma has the chance to catch her breath, I'm going to whip out my trusty axe and get to shredding," Xander told us, holding up his guitar.

"OMG, Emma is going to die!" I cheered, happily. I gave Xander back the necklace and we went outside. I then noticed that bush of poison ivy.

"We definitely need to cut back that poison ivy. What if a camper fell into it?" I asked. Xander and Lou nodded in agreement.


Xander had taken Emma to The Spot for their first date, so Lou and I decided to go to the cafeteria to get something to eat. I was sitting at a table across from Lou with my sandwich in front of me. I was staring at Lou as she ate a large turkey leg.

"How can you eat that, knowing that you killed a bird?" I questioned. Lou stopped eating and made eye contact with me. She wiped off her mouth before speaking.

"Cause the turkey died before I started to eat it," Lou told me, "If I don't eat this leg now, then the bird would've died for nothing." I shook my head and continued to eat my sandwich.

"Murderer!" Ravi shouted at Lou, jumping up from nowhere. "Ha! Smart boy agrees with me, and he's a genius," I said. Zuri has told me Ravi was one of the smartest boys at their previous schools.

"I told you people. The turkey was already dead." Lou said, with an offended look on her face. "Doesn't matter," I said, shaking my head, again.

"Where is Emma?" Ravi questioned me. "Oh! She went to The Spot for her date with Xander." I replied. Emma and Xander would make a perfect couple. I already have a ship name for them. Xemma.

"You mean she is already gone?" Ravi asked us. I nodded. "Oh, she's long gone. Just like this turkey leg's gonna be." Lou said, as she continued to eat the turkey leg.


Apparently, Ravi overheard the conversations Lou and I had with Xander, and thought the only reason why Xander asked out Emma, was so he could kill her. That dude, has seriously been watching to many Indian dramas. Now Ravi was running to The Spot to stop Xemma's date, and Lou and I were chasing him, trying to stop him.

"Emma, I will save you!" Ravi shouted, as he, I guess arrived to where their date was. "I spoke too soon." I heard Emma announce, as Lou and I got closer.

"Ravi! Stop!" I shouted. "They're just on a date!" Lou shouted. Suddenly I landed in some kind of whole, and Lou landed on top of me. But my landing was actually pretty soft because I landed on a Ravi.

"I'm okay! Lauren broke my fall!" Lou shouted. "Ravi broke my fall, as well," I announced. "And Lauren and Lou broke my rib."


After Emma and Xander got all of us out of the hole, they continued their date at the campfire while the rest of us apologized and went to our cabins.

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