Guardian Angel Completed

By CasroCSI5

27.8K 936 102

Sarah was just a "normal" girl. One night on a whim, she wished upon a star for an angel's help. To her su... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Story complete
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Chapter 3

1.7K 49 11
By CasroCSI5

Chapter 3 - Angels  Demand

Jackson was sitting in the park as  two people were flying a kite nearby.  He thought that  nothing could hurt them anymore because they were  in heaven and he was in their dream land where people could create their own personal memories.   And so,  He sat down on a park bench waiting for his friend to come.  Suddenly,  he heard a noise and knew it was Chase.   About time though Jackson as he looked up at Chase.

"Sorry I'm a little late" said Chase, "but I  was busy and got carried away".   he said,  looking toward the happy couple. 

"Yeah,  next time leave before she asks you  any questions..." said Jackson annoyed.  "Her name is Sarah",  chase said while almost  losing his temper.   "Well sorry,  so- what do you want?"  asked jackson.

"I need your help to find my father while I am away."  said Chase.  "Sure,  but you realize  it's going to difficult and will take some time.  Not to mention that means being extra careful around Sarah."  said Jackson.  " I know"  chase said as he leaned against the bench.   "Don't worry, I will be extra careful and   Thanks alot, this means the world to me"  said Chase.  "Chase,  I know your father is looking for you,  but if we don't find him,  we are going to have to call off the search",  Jackson said looking at Chase.  "I know",  chase said looking down as if in deep in his thoughts.   "Alright and remeber,  watch your back and protect Sarah"  said Jackson.  "I will"  said Chase.  "Chase- don't mess  this mission up,  or your going to end up like the one before you, "  jackson said.  "I won't!  and don't worry,  I am not attached to her but I will save her!"  said Chase. "Good!  don't fail the mission or I will have to look for a new angel friend!"  Jackson said with a smirk on his face .  You don't need to!"  Chase said as  Jackson looked up but Chase was gone in an instant.   Jackson looked back at the  happy couple and said silently:  "I hope you don't."

Back to Sarah

"Hey Sarah",  chase said leaning against the doorway.  "Ohhhh Chase!  Stop doing that!",  yelled sarah. "My apologies," said Chase smiling as he walked over to Sarah.

"So,  what did you do in heaven?"   asked Sarah.  "That, I cant tell you Sarah, its highly classified."  he said as her face turned to a frown.  "Well, okay then,  I  gotta go to bed now," she said.  "Alright, see you later and goodnight, "  said Chase as he watched Sarah go to her room to go change.  A few minutes later,  Chase heard Sarah's  thoughts:  "you coming?"   Chase appared in Sarah's  room.

Sarah was sitting on her bed and leaning agasint the wall deep in thought, Chase's presence was both disturbing and comforting at the same time, but to Sarah was more sad, confident and worry on her face to a problem   "Are you ok?"  asked Chase.  Chase walked over and slowly sat at the edge of the bed and look at the window staring with Sarah.  Sarah spoke:   "Chase can you promise me something?" she asked. Sarah had moved closer to Chase.  "

What is the promise" he asked. " Will you take me to my Mother's  grave?"  Sarah asked looking back at him now confidently with a look of hope on her face and mind

Chase looked at Sarah intently, he knew she was sad and needed to hear his truth.  Sarah again went back to staring at the stars out the window as if looking for her mother.

"Why?"  asked Chase although he knew her answer.   "Because i would like to talk to her and tell her how I am doing",  said sarah. "Ok, we will go sometime, " he said unsure if he would be able to keep his promise.   "Ok,  good-how about this weekend?"  Sarah asked now staring deeply  at Chase.  "Sure" said Chase.  "Great!" she  said climbing into bed.  "Goodnight Chase, " said Sarah.  " You too", he  said  leaning agasint the wall and looking at the stars.  Sarah went to sleep that night with a huge smile on her face.  Chase left her hoping he could fulfill his promise.

The next morning Sarah woke up as usual,  got dressed and grabbed  her backpack and went to the kitchen where she found Chase staring out the window.   Before Sarah can say "Hi",  Chase spoke:  "Hurry up and eat you don't want to be late!" he said turning around.

"Ok, " said Sarah quickly grabbing her usual morning cereal.   Sarah ate quickly.

"Alright,  come on I'll drive you to school ", said Chase.

As Chase was driving Sarah to school,  sarah was listening to the radio.  She didn't feel like going to school that day but rather to hang oout with Chase and just do nothing.  It was comforting to her.  But then reality shook her when the car stopped in front of school.   Chase dropped her off and said he'd be back later to pick her up.  That would have to be good enough she thought.  "Thanks for the ride, will I see you later?"

"You bet" said Chase.  

The day was long for Sarah.  Time seemed to stand still as she watched the clock non stop.  The day  was boring like every other day but  when the bell rang, she ran out of school to look for Chase.  He was always parked in the same spot.   

"Hey,  how was school?"   asked Chase.   "Boring and very slow!" she said.  "I figured that!" he said as he watched all the kids pour out of the school building as they flee on bike, skateboard, or run away to freedom to go home or run from their bully.

As they got closer to Sarah's house, they both noticed that her Dad was home early from work and there was another car in the driveway.  "Thats my Dad's friend Thomas"  sarah said, knowing that Chase was wondering about the strange vehicle.    Chase parked  the car and followed Sarah into the house as he keep his guard up to the stranger.

"Hey dad,  hey Thomas," she said as she walked through the door with Chase right behind her.  

"Hello Sarah, hello Chase!   thank you for bringing Sarah  home!" said Sarah's father.   "Dad!"  said Sarah in embrassed as her cheek flushed with color

"You're  welcome Sir"  said Chase.  "Chase this is my good friend  Tom, Tom this is Sarah's friend Chase"  said John.

Hello chase it's good to finally meet you and nice car said tom. Thank's you too said chase leaning against the wall. 

"Nice to meet you Chase, good to see you again Sarah!" said Tom.  "Well, it was nice meeting you but I have to run.  John, I'll catch up with you later?"  said Tom.  He left instantly as if Sarah and Chase had interrupted their meeting.  

"Sarah, how was school today?"  asked her father.  "It was okay, nothing special" said Sarah wishing she had something more exciting to tell him.   "How bout you Chase?  How was your day at school?"

"I don't go to school but it was ok,"  said chase.  Sarah's Dad looked disappointed and confused but quickly changed the subject.  "Oh, well how's your car running?  It sure is a beauty!"

"Thanks!" said Chase.  "It's a great car and drives super smooth!"  "Well, you can't ask for more than that now can you?" said Sarah's father.   "No Sir, I guess not"  said Chase, highly in agreement. 

"Hey Dad, can I ask you something?"  Sarah asked nervously as she played with her fingers waiting on her dad reply

"Sure sweetie,  what is it?"  asked John, secretly hoping it's not a comlex subject or boys

"Well,  this weekend I am going to visit Mom"s  grave and I wondered if that was okay with you?"  said sarah playing with her hair nervously. 

"Why do you want to go to your Mother's grave?"  asked John in a  worried voice as he turned his body towards her

" I just want to talk to Mom and tell her how I've been,"  said sarah.

"That's  sweet,  alright you can go, are you going alone or is Chase going with you?" John asked going chase would go for his sake on her daughter safety

"Yes, Chase will be taking me if that's okay" she said.

"Don't worry sir", said Chase, "I'll be there with her the whole time"

"Thank you Chase",  said John.  "I just cant bring myself to go there just yet, but I appreciate the fact that you two are going".

"Your welcome!"  Chase said . "Sarah, I have to leave now, I'll catch up with you later okay?  Good to see you again Mr. Anderson, and maybe I ll join you once you are willing to go to your wife grave but I ll See you later Sarah, said Chase as he headed out the door.

"Don't worry I'll be back!"  said Chase in Sarah's mind.

"Honey are you hungry for pizza?"  asked Sarah's father.

"Yeah, that sounds great!" said Sarah.  "Great - give  it about  20 minutes," he said as he made his way to the kitchen.

"Ok Dad," said Sarah. Sarah sat down and started to organize her schoolwork when a hand covered her mouth.

"Hey Sarah", Chase wispered.   Sarah wad startled.  She figured she'd be used to this stuff by now.

"Stop doing that!"  thought Sarah.  "Sorry,  I thought you were used to me popping in and out",  thought Chase.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to it, but I'm trying" she said.

Sarah's father startled both of them.  "Sarah, the pizza is ready!" 

"I'm coming!"  said sarah.  Chase quickly disappeared and Sarah went into the kitchen to join her father.   There was an awkward silence during dinner. 

Both John and Sarah were preoccupied with other thoughts. 

Sarah ate quickly not really tasting the food and said goodnight to her father and made her way to her room.  She was exhausted from a long day. 

John couldn't stop thinking about Sarah's mother.  He had missed her so much that he tried to forget about her. But his mind focused on his happiest memory of his wife and to finding out the gender of the baby until the tragic day of his life.

He knew that Sarah had missed her mother as well but didn't want to bring up bad memories.  Sooner or later, he had to deal with his wife's death but he didn't think he had the strength. 

The week went bye slowly as Sarah had anticipated the weekend.  School was almost finished as  summer break would come in just two weeks.  Sarah had alot on her mind lately and school just seemed to get in the way.

It was now Saturday morning and Sarah was  going to visit her Mother's grave.  She didn't think this day would ever come. 

She was sitting quietly at the table when her father startled her.    "Sarah,  are you ok?" he asked.    John was concerned for his daughter.  He knew she was going to the cemetary today and he wasn't sure how she was feeling.  "Yeah,  just thinking what to say to Mom," she said.   "Ok sweetie,  I'll be back later but please let me know if you need anything.  You probably won't be here when I get back, but if you need me, you call okay?" 

" I will",  she said as her father left.  Sarah watched her dad leave the house.  He was hesitant in leaving and she hadn't been very talkative to him lately.  He hoped she was okay with everything that was going on...

Just then Chase walked through the door.  His presence startled her once again, instead of scaring her this time due to the circumstances.

"You ready?"  he asked.  " Yeah,  you could have knock said Sarah".  "Sorry,  come on let's go",  said chase.

As they walked out the door, Sarah didn't see Chase' car.  "Where is your car?  How are we suppose to get there?"

"We don't need it,  we're taking another way,"  he said smiling.  Curious, Sarah asked:  "Like how?"  asked Sarah.

Chase took her hand and said:  "Close your eyes and stay still" he said.  Sarah closed her eyes for what seemed like just a second until Chase said:  "Okay, now open."

Sarah opened her eyes and found herself at the entrance of the cemetry.  She was scared and excited at the same time, but she didn't feel anything or her body didn't have time to process it

"Chase, how  did do that?"  Stammered Sarah as she gained energy so fast.

"Let's just say we traveled through time," he whispered.   "Wow", was all she could manage to say, as chase smiled to see the delight on her face.

"Yeah,  you get use to it after a while and, its much faster than driving!"   said Chase.  "Pretty cool", she said. 

"Are you ready to go visit your Mom?" he asked.  "I think so" said Sarah.

They walked through the gate, not quite sure where they were going.  They walked slowly, Sarah leading and Chase following.  "You look on that side and I'll take this side" said Sarah.  There was a lump in her throat and she thought she was going to cry.  But she didn't.  She had wanted to do this for along time and now she had to stay strong, but now finding her mother grave was the biggest task, since age been here when she was really little.

After what seemed like hours,  but it was twenty minutes as Sarah came across the headstone of her Mother.  There it was-

Nikki Anderson-

October 16,1967 to December 5, 2005

Loving Mother and Wife

Sarah was stunned. It was as if she had seen the headstone for the very first time.  Her Mother died at the young age of 38 in 2005 when Sarah was 5.  It seemed like a lifetime ago when she lost her Mom.  Sarah looked up at Chase.  "Can you give me some privacy?  she asked.

"Sure" he said.  He could feel her sadness and knew she was deep in thought. As he walked away to the other graves and feel it to see what happen to them as he walked further away to give Sarah her space.

Sarah was kneeling down over her the headstone.  She could barely make out her words but she started talking...

"Mom,  I know  you can hear me and I would like to tell you  I miss you so much and thank you  for bringing my guardian angel to me!  No one will ever take your place and I wish you were here, but between Dad and Chase, they  have filled part of the emptyness that I have been feeling since you've been gone.  So, thank you for that!" 

Meanwhile, Chase had been walking around scoping the area listening to the other angels whispering about his father.  Just as Sarah had been searching for closure on her Mother, Chase was also searching for the whereabouts of his father.  So although Chase was here on earth for Sarah to help her with her Mother, Sarah was also helping Chase with his search with his father.  They were each other's Guardian Angels.    The wind suddenly calmed down and then a huge gust  blew and Chase's hair flew into the wind and the sun light touched down on his face.  It was warm and felt good.  He felt safe.  He knew he was close to completing his mission here on earth but he knew his ego got in the way.

Chase stared at Sarah and listened  in on her prayers to her Mother... "Mom,  I know that I have  been talking a lot,  but Dad told me to tell you hello.  I know he misses you but he tries very hard not to show it.  He has not forgotten you, it just hurts him to think of you.   School is almost done and then I'll be in 8th grade next year.   And,  you don't have to worry about me because I have Chase to protect me and I am doing well but I miss you so much it hurts."

Suddenly,  Chase' head started to hurt from all the angels warning him that something evil is about to come soon.  Chase started to walk back to Sarah. Sarah finished  praying and before she could say anything,   Chase interrupted..."Sarah hurry up we gotta go!"  he said anxiously.  "What's wrong?" she asked.  Sarah was scared now, but sad she didn't get to finish.

"Sarah,  we don't have time for questions - come on!" he said as he grabbed her by the arm.  They walked about 5 feet from the grave when someone yelled out:  "Chase"!  Sarah  turned around to see a dude in a black jacket with jeans and with blond hair with dark eyes.  There were two other guys standing right behind him.  "Chase - who is that?  Do you know him?"  she asked nervously.  Sarah noticed that the mans eyes were no longer dark but now green and glowing.  She was scared, she knew he wasn't of this earth.   "Been a long time huh Chase?  What's the matter, you seemed surprised to see me?  Did you miss me?"  Chase seemed a little nervous.  Trevor was evil.  He worked for the Devil himself.    "Why are you here Trevor?" Chase moved in front of Sarah unsure of what Trevor's next move.   "It's simple Chase, I'm here  to kill Miss Sarah, "  said Trevor with a smirk on his face. 

"You'll  have to get past me first!"  said Chase.  "Oh, don't worry,  I will!"  said Trevor as he moved closer to Sarah and Chase.

"Run sarah !" Chase yelled.   Sarah took off running as Chase kept his eye on Trevor.  

"Boys,  you know what to do!"  said Trevor.

The two boys disappeared to find Sarah while Chase stayed to face the demon Trevor.  If Chase could kill Trevor, his two friends would disappear.    Trevor lunged at Chase with his knife.  Trevor had just missed Chase' head as Chase bent backward to miss the sharp blade.  Trevor seemed surprise at his missed opportunity. 

Chase stood up and kicked him in the stomach and sent him flying backward into a gravestone.  Trevor got up quickly and just smiled as if he was enjoying the fight eager for more.  Chase jumped  in the air but was punched in the face by Trevor.  Chase retaliated and punched Trevor in the face.  Chase grabbed the sharp knife from the ground and stabbed Trevor in the heart.  Trevor screamed in pain.  Chase did a  chant knowing it was the only way to truly defeat Trevor.   "sin ca le do di"  said Chase repeatedly until there was a flash of blue light and the demon Trevor had disappeared.   The human body of Trevor was still there but the demon was definitely gone for now, except for the soul of the human almost gone but it will go up but in the meantime slowly healing and not knowing on how he got to the cemetery.

Chase ran quickly hoping he was in time to find Sarah safe.  Chase rounded the corner to find the two demon friends raising knife to Sarahs' throat.  Chase had just grabbed the knife when the flash of blue light came and the bodies of the two boys fell to the ground and the demons disappeared. 

Chase knelt down to see if Sarah was okay.  He went to touch her and she screamed and punched Chase in the face but Chase yelled "Sarah, it's me Chase!  They're gone Sarah, everything is going to be fine!"  Sarah, still in shock sat up and looked at Chase and said: "Chase I'm so sorry, are you okay?"  "Yes I'm fine", he said noticing she was bleeding from a cut just above her eye.

"Sarah, you're bleeding, hold still."  Chase touched Sarah's cut and held his hand there until the open wound slowly sealed itself.  He wiped away the excess blood.  "Are you alright now?  How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine"  she said.  " What did you do to me?  How did you do that?"   asked sarah.

"I healed your wound, I can do that but my powers are limited. "

"Thanks!"  she said still in shock and unsure of everything that just happened.  "I want to go home now" she said.

"Yes of course" said Chase.  "Sorry about all this" 

"Can we transport back to my house so I can sleep when you carry me home ?"  asked Sarah.  "Sure",  said Chase. 

"Oh,  and I'd  like to see how we end up there if you dont mind..." she said.  "Yeah, I think after all that happened today you are ready!"   he said knowing that it was a small thing to do for his friend.  Chase held her hand and was comforted immediately.  He knew that she cared about him and relied on him.  

There was a flash of blue light and the next thing Sarah knew was that she was standing directly in front of her house.  She saw nothing in between, it was a matter of seconds from the cemetery to her house.  It was an amazing feeling!  She could barely get the words out of her mouth.

Stuttering, she said:  "That was awe...some!"   said Sarah. " You get use to it,"  chase said putting her down.  "Thanks Chase-for saving me!"  Sarah staggered into the house and immediately  fell asleep.  Chase stood over her, and whispered: "you're welcome..."

Chase was staring at Sarah while she slept soundly when  he heard footsteps coming out of the kitchen.  It was John, Sarah's dad.  He had on dirty jeans and a black shirt.  "Hey Chase,  what happened to Sarah?  Is she sound asleep...!"  said  John as he watched his daughter sleep more  sound than usual, as he picked her up and brought her to her room.  "Sarah had a rough day today"  said Chase not going to reveal all the events that happened.  "She was talking to her mother and she started to cry,"   explained Chase.  John came out of Sarah's room.  "So then, what happened?"  asked John concern for Sarah.  "I'm not really sure but she was super tired after we left...She fainted I think or something..."  said Chase.

John sat down on the couch with his face buried in his hands.  " You ok?"  Chase asked.  "Oh yeah,  I just knew this would be a difficult day  for her, thank you for taking her..." john said.  "No problem Sir"  said Chase looking over to Sarah's room.  Chase could hear her heart beat in his mind.  It was a comforting sound.   "John,  um could you have Sarah call me when she wakes up?"  Chase said as he walked out the door.  "Sure", said John.  "No problem".   John had a feeling about Chase but he put his feelings aside for Sarah.

Sarah was in a deep sleep.  She was  dreaming that  she was  at a lake sitting in a chair staring out into the water.  All of the past days events had come alive in the water.  Visions of her mother and the cemetery were overtaken with the evil doings of Trevor and the devil.  The flapping of wings from angels grew louder and louder.  Chase's voice was nearing...

Chase was standing over her disturbed by her dreams and he knew it had been a long awful day. 

"Sarah...Sarah"  said Chase in a gentle voice.  "It's me, it's Chase and I'm right here."  It took Sarah awhile to come to...

"How are you feeling?"  he said.  "Wow, I just had the weirdest dream," she said as she reached out to touch him to make sure that he was real.  "I think you were in my dream" she said looking very confused and bewildered.  "Yeah, I'm sure I was as well as some other people huh?"  Sarah didn't speak, she slowly nodded as if half convinced.

"I need to talk to you Sarah" said Chase in a very stern voice.  "Close your eyes and then open them again and think about home". 

Sarah slowly closed her eyes and then upon opening them, she was in her room again, but this time she knew she was awake.  It was a strange feeling to not know reality from make believe.  She was more confused than ever and Chase had a serious look about him.  She shook her head as if to clear a fog.  "Thanks again for saving me Chase."

"You're very welcome", was all he could say knowing that he was responsible for Trevor ruining her visit with her Mom.  Sarah was brave and getting braver every day.  Soon, she would not need him anymore and that made him sad.  He was enjoying his time here on earth with her.  After all, he was there to save her and yet in a strange way, she was saving him also. 

Hesitating, sarah said:  "Chase, I hate to say this to you right now but I have some rules that I need you to know about".

"Rules?  What kind of rules?"  Chase asked  "Go to sleep, I will leave you alone and I will see you tomorrow."  Sarah quickly fell asleep again.  As Chase left the room, he was upset with himself and the whole rule business.  "Damn rules!"  he thought to himself.  This conversation would hurt Sarah deeply, but it would have to wait.

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