A Black Picket Fence

By wordsof_anarchy

53.3K 2.6K 667

" THIEF! " " TRASH! " " HANG HER! " All this for me ? Wow. How kind. "P... More

No Color for Love
The Beginning
Oh my
Safe ...for now
note to the reader
1 day later
All too quickly.
Dead to Me
"...though the stars walk backward"
My Dear Evangeline.
edition to last chapter
It is not in the stars to hold our destiny...
I'm annoying
Cut him out in little stars ...
The Slow Dance of the Infinite Stars
Run Like The Stars are on Fire
We are Like Stars.
Hello Twinkles
Stars Through His Soul
I Remember The Sky

"Two men look out the same prison bars; One sees mud and the other stars."

2.4K 134 38
By wordsof_anarchy

So I'm listening to "Thinking Out Loudby Ed Sheeran while I write and I am just ugh. I'm listening to a relationship song playlist on Spotify, which may or may not effect my writing. SO BE WARNED . I am definitely in my feelings right now. Anyways enjoy the chapter. Don't forget to star, comment, and even add my story to your list. It means an awful lot to an aspiring writer ! I forget to star chapters sometimes so I'm just putting it out there... BLAH BLAH ANYWAYS I'LL SHUTTUP NOW AND START WITH THE STORY.

k, bye.


The rest of the drive from the lake wasn't too long. It was mostly quiet, only interrupted by the sounds of the sheriff cursing under his breath every time we hit a bump on the road.  I guess it agitated his neck or something. We seemed to hit a lot of bumps, I think Thomas was purposely doing that. 

There where a couple of times when Thomas caught my eye in the rearview mirror. It's not that I wanted to look at him but his stare was so agitating. I kept having the feeling you get when someone is staring directly at you but you aren't looking at them. Every time I met his eyes he would look away. As if I could not tell.

We eventually drove around the back of the station. Thomas parked the car in the spot reserved for the sheriff. As soon as he put the car into park, two officers came out the back door of the station. They headed over to he car and stood patiently waiting outside. No doubt eagerly waiting to escort me into the holding cell inside.

The sheriff opened the door and groaned as he got out. The other officers where there in a flash. They attacked the sheriff with multiple questions about what happened, who hurt him, and if the arrest was a success. The sheriff huffed and told them to shuttup and get me out the back.

I visibly tensed up.

"Just don't try and resist Nova. It won't be that bad if you just go along with it" Thomas said hoarsely.

I glanced at him in the rearview mirror. His eyes where cloudy and I couldn't read them.

One of the officers opened my door and told me to get out. I somehow managed to get out without their help. As soon as I got out the officer who told me to get out old me to start walking. He stepped to the side to clear a path. The other officer looked unsure. He stepped back when the other officer gave me a rude look.

Why weren't they trying to hold my hands behind my back or restrain me? I looked to Thomas who had gotten out the car. He looked confused.

I had barely walked 5 feet when the meaner officer stuck his foot out and tripped me. With my hands behind my back I couldn't brace myself for the fall. I grimaced as my face fell straight onto the gravel. I let my body collapse to the ground. I lied there, unmoving. I was too tired to get myself up. I heard someone walk away.

The officer who tripped me laughed a cruel laugh. I figured Thomas would help me up but I was surprised when I saw that the other officer was actually the one who helped me to my feet.

"Was that really necessary Jim?" the officer asked.

"Of course it was Joe. I'm only getting her warmed up for what's to come" the officer who I now knew was named Jim said.

I looked around for Thomas but I couldn't find him on the lot anymore.


The nicer officer, Joe, led me to the back door and waited as Jim opened it for us. I made sure to grin at Jim as Joe moved me through the door. Jim narrowed his eyes at me.

I was led to the main office then to the part where the holding cell was. They searched me, may I add that Jim was a little too thorough, and went through all the procedures before they put me in my cell. I took this time to survey the area. It was of course full of white people who no doubt hated me. Some of them stared at me while others continued with their conversation, some even seemed reluctant to look my way.

Finally, Joe led me to my cell. I stared at the ground while I waited for Jim to unlock the door. As I did I noticed the drop of blood that fell from my cheek , where the gravel scraped my face outside, to the linoleum floors. I smeared it with my foot.

Joe told me to go in and once I was in he locked the door. He told me to put my wrists through the bars and he took of my handcuffs. I exhaled. The feeling of the tight cuffs being taken off was heaven. it was only temporary though ,of course, as the blood that had been cut off rushed to the ripped skin around my wrists. I inspected them.

The cuffs had sure did a number on me. My wrists had been rubbed raw and the skin was bruised and torn.

I walked to the wooden bed in the corner. I sighed as I saw that that was all it was. Just the wood and its metal frame with an old cover on it. I sat down and the "bed" creaked.

I looked at the clock outside my cell on the facing wall.

5 O' Clock on the dot.

I heard a lot of feet movement as I watched more than half of the workers clocked out. I heard a lot of see you tomorrows and goodbyes. The only people left in my section were Jim, Joe, two other men, and a female secretary. Thomas and the sheriff where nowhere to be found. I did however see the sheriffs office desk. He apparently not only had his own office room, but also a desk facing my cell, to ensure that the prisoner was always watched I'm sure. I saw a picture of him with a woman who I presumed was his wife. In front of them where a girl and a boy . The picture was old seeing as the sheriff looked a lot younger and had a deputy badge. Hmm, who knew a monster could have a family?

Well with a husband and father like him, I was sure they were monsters too.

I yawned. I was exhausted from the whole days ordeals. I didn't even care about my wrists or my face at that point. I just wanted everything to go away, at least for a little bit. I stood and pulled back the cover on the bed, wincing as my wrists resisted any movement. I sat on the makeshift bed and hoisted my legs on the wood. I pulled the cover over me and laid down , fully aware of the five sets of eyes on me. I stared at them.

"Yeah go ahead and get some rest you're going to need it for what's waiting for you tomorrow." one of the unnamed men said rudely.

I just rolled my eyes and rolled onto my side facing the walls. I closed my eyes and let sleep take me under.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I was dreaming/remembering the day my Dad had come home from one of his marches. He came through the door and Thomas, Ruth, Suzie, and I all rushed to him. Thomas who was 12 at the time hugged Daddy at the waste while Ruth fought me to hug is other side. Daddy scooped down and picked up Suzie (who was 6) in his arms. She nuzzled her face into his neck.

"Stop it now. I hate to see two of the most beautiful girls in the world fighting" Daddy said to us.

Ruth and I both stopped to gush.

"Nova" Daddy said looking at me.

"Yes Daddy"  I said happily.

I watched as he smiled down at me, but my smile slowly faded as it was replaced with confusion. Daddy was no longer smiling, but instead his eyes had turned panicked as water started to dribble out of his mouth. I recoiled

He suddenly started to choke and sputter. Suzie, Thomas, and Ruth disappeared as the furniture in our living room turned into shrubs and trees. I looked down at the ground and backed up as the once wooden floors turned into dirt and grass. My back hit something hard and when I turned to see what it was I realized it was a tree. I looked up and saw the bottom of Thomas's tree house. I screamed as I saw the hands of my brothers and sisters reaching out the one window on the side.

"Nova! Nova help us! " they screamed in agony.

I tried to climb up the ladder but my hands slipped. I drew back as I realized the ladder was covered in blood. I took a few steps back until I bumped into someone. I turned around to see that it was Daddy.

He was still choking on water as it pooled out of his mouth. His face had a blue green tint to it.

I stared up at him in horror and stumbled back when he coughed a mix of water and blood onto my face.

I tripped over a tree root and scooted back until I was against the tree.

"Daddy what's wrong? Daddy please stop. Tell me what's wrong!" I yelled.

"I... why'd you... do this to me..." daddy stuttered as water continuously spilled out.

"Did what? Daddy I didn't do anything" I said

I watched as my Dad crumpled to the ground. I quickly crawled over.

Even though I've never learned CPR in my life somehow I began to do it. When I drew my head back up to look at him I gasped as I realized it was now Thomas, the betrayer, staring at me.

"What a kiss!" Thomas smiled as he stood up and pulled a white sheeted hat over his head.

"You drive me Klu Klux Krazy" Thomas grinned. I screamed as I realized what he was wearing.

Then I woke up.


As soon as my eyes shot open I fell to the floor. I yelled in agony as my wrist, which I had unconsciously put out to brace my fall, made contact with the floor. I rolled over on my back and writhed in pain. My attention was diverted though when I heard the gate rattle. A figure was opening the gate and I instantly sat up and pushed myself against the wall. My eyes had not adjusted to the dark yet and I kicked as the figure approached me.

"Ouch!" the figure yelped in a hushed manner.

I knew that voice.

"Thomas?" I asked curiously, still prepared to land another kick if need be. It sounded like the boy who had betrayed me.

"Yes, it's me. Be quiet. They might hear you." Thomas warned.

I didn't say another word as I saw Thomas kneel down in front of me. My eyes finally adjusted to the darkness. It wasn't completely dark I realized. There was a small lamp sitting on the sheriffs desk.

"Are you okay?" Thomas questioned.

Of course I wasn't okay. I just had the scariest dream of my life, I felt like my hands where about to fall off, and I was in a holding cell.

"What do you think" I whispered hoarsely.

"Fair enough" Thomas responded. I watched as he got up and started to leave.

"Wait! where are you going?" I asked, suddenly terrified of being alone.

"I'm just going to get the first aid kit. You probably have an infection by now." Thomas whispered.

I relaxed slightly and watched as he opened the cell door and walked behind the sheriffs desk. He quietly opened a drawer and pulled out a white kit with a red cross in the center. He closed the drawer and walked back into the cell, sitting cross-legged down in front of me.

He opened the kit and took out some necessary supplies. He then asked me for my hands. I refused, still unsure of him. He sighed and gently took my hands in his own and placed them on his leg. 

I didn't draw back.

He methodically started unwrapping the supplies and using them. It seemed like he had done this before. 

I inhaled sharply as he pored alcohol on my risk.

"I'm sorry, but I have to disinfect the wound" Thomas said apologetically.

"I know" I snapped.

We continued in silence.

Once Thomas had cleaned my wound and wrapped it. I drew my hands back.

I could barely move them. With the alcohol being pored on them plus the wraps, my wrists were stiff.

"I can barely move them" I stated.

"I know. At least the wound isn't infected." Thomas said.

He took out a wipe and moved to my cheek, I recoiled.

"What are you doing"" I asked suspiciously.

"Your cheek is messed up" Thomas retorted.

"Oh." I said. I hated the sense of deja vu I felt as he reached up his hand to my cheek.

The wipe stung but not nearly as bad as the alcohol had.

"Deja Vu" I heard Thomas mumble.

"I know" I stated sourly.

Thomas met my eyes. He looked desperate for something.  I stared back wondering if he would find what he was looking so deeply into my eyes for. He looked at my lips. I felt the sudden urge to vomit.

So I did. I turned my head and threw up on the other side of us.

Thomas sighed.

He got up and brought back a container with powder in it, the kind janitors use to clean up puke. The stuff worked like magic and soon my barf was just little clumps of purple powder. It actually smelled like lavender now.

Thomas went to get a broom and dustpan and swept the remains into the pan. He walked over to the trashcan and dumped it out, placing the dustpan and broom beside it. He opened a door to what I presumed was the bathroom and I shifted as I heard water running.

Thomas came back with clean hands and sat down in the same spot and position. He wiped the corners of my mouth for me and fished around in his pocket and took out a mint.

"Open" he told me. I obeyed embarrassedly.

Geez. Its like I was a kid.

"You don't make it easy do you?" Thomas questioned.

I didn't respond.

"You can't stay quiet forever" Thomas stated

He wiped my wound again, applied ointment, and put a bandage over it.

"You probably vomited because of the pain and you haven't eaten in a while." Thomas said

I stared blankly back at him.

Thomas sighed again and got up. While he was gone I looked at the clock on the wall: 3:48 am.

A few minutes later Thomas appeared with a plate of food. My eyes widened, my stomach growled, and my mouth watered as I looked at the hamburger and fries that laid on the plate. In his other hand Thomas held a glass of water.

He sat it down in front of me before sitting down himself.

I stared at the food eagerly, but was unsure whether or not to eat it.

Thomas looked at me. " Yes, it's yours. Well it was supposed to be my dinner but I figured you needed it more than I did."

I shook my head. I was still unsure.

"Dang it Nova. It's not poisoned or anything. I cleaned all your wounds for you. Do you think I would have done that if I wanted you dead?" Thomas asked annoyed.

"Yeah well you kissed me then turned me into the sheriff so I don't know why you do anything." I stated coldly.

Thomas smirked. "And she speaks"

I rolled my eyes and reached for the food but I soon realized that I couldn't even pick it up. My wrists wouldn't let me. I groaned.

"Let me help" Thomas said softly.

I watched as he picked up the burger and raised it to my mouth.

I stared at him angrily.

"Nova. Are you really going to let yourself starve? Come on, I know you're smarter than that." Thomas stated.

I reluctantly opened my mouth and took my first bite.

It was pure heaven. When I say it was the best burger I had ever tasted I meant it. I moaned a little as I chewed and quickly tried to cover it up with a clearing of the throat.

Thomas looked amused and also devious as I'm sure inappropriate thoughts crossed his mind. After all at the end of the day, no matter what color we were, we were both teenagers.

Thomas continued to feed me the burger. The intimacy of the whole situation bothered me like crazy but I knew there was no other option. Unless I wanted to eat with my feet, which was slightly tempting.

Thomas wiped my mouth when a little ketchup got on it.

"Want some water?" Thomas asked.

I nodded.

Thomas gently held the cup up to my lips after two gulps he took it away. I shook my head. I hadn't realized until then how thirsty I was. He put the cup back to my lips but for a little too long. Soon water spilled out the side of my mouth and I coughed. He pulled it away and I couldn't help but chuckle as I thought about how ridiculous it was. Thomas upon seeing me laugh laughed too. My laughter stopped as soon as I remembered my dream and the way my Dad stared spitting up water and coughing. I closed my eyes tightly.

"Nova? Are you okay?" Thomas asked worriedly. "I'll try not to hold it up as long" Thomas tried.

I couldn't help but feel a slight pang of something as I saw his worry.

"No. That's not it. I  just remembered something" I said quietly.

"Remembered what?" Thomas asked.

I looked at him and sighed. Then I told him my dream.


Whew it's 11:47 pm right now and I am exhausted.

k, byeeee

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