I'm Coming Home (Cimorelli St...

By PerfectionMyName

244K 5.5K 1.1K

Several years had past in the Cimorelli household, precise five years. A lot of things changed in this family... More

Table of Contents
Who And What They Are Now
In Sacramento (Christina)
In San Diego (Katherine)
In New York (Lisa)
In Dallas (Amy)
In Long Beach (Lauren)
In Malibu (Dani)
What's Going On?
Driving, Flying and Waiting
The First One Is Home
The Older Ones are Home and The Airport
Everyone Is Home
This I Promise You
Revealing Fellings
We're Getting Married!!!
He Did Not Just Do That?! Oh, Yes He Did!
She Hurted You
Gone, Gone, Gone
Lisa Cimorelli Style
I Can't Forgive Her Anymore
Who's Pregnant?!
Which One?
Dani's Pregnant?!
You Liar
Try To Promise
Gotta Go My Own Way
Take A Bow
Giving You Up
Here We Go Again
Family Portrait
Just Try
Fix A Heart
Never Let Her Go
Falling Into Pieces
In Case
Shoudn't Come Back
Family First
So Scared
Story of My Life
Say Something
Blank Space
Mrs. All American
I'll Show You
Take Your Time
Break Up In A Small Town
Wrapped Around Your Finger
Just A Little Bit Harder
Knock Knock Joke
Say You Won't Let Go
The Proposal

Two Pieces

4.4K 99 39
By PerfectionMyName

While reading this, listen to Two Pieces by Demi Lovato :) it's such a beautiful song

Katherine's POV

When I came into the room I sat on my bed and sighed. All this things that happened in a such short time, it's overwhelming and hard. And what about my wedding? What do I do? Oh my gosh, I almost forgot! Today I must change the sheets on my bed! I stood up and raised the mattress. What's this?!

"My book of poetry and songs!" I said excitedly to myself. I never knew where I lost it, I looked at the date on the first page. My name, the title and the date, how long I wrote in it.

Belongs to Katherine Cimorelli

Book of poems and songs

2009 - 2011

I leafed threw the book. Wow, I used to write a lot in the past. This is like more than ten years old and it's like my history. I saw the title Million Bucks, it's a poem. The song Million Bucks was written as a poem, but then we got it out as a song. I leafed a little bit more, God, I missed this book. I thought I'll never find it. Suddenly a piece of paper fell out. I bent to get it. Wait! This is not just a piece of paper!

"It's Sam and the other girl!" I gasped quietly, Sam was Lisa's ex-boyfriend, she never really got over him.  When I told her that he's cheating on her and I have the photo, she didn't believe me. But then the photo somehow got lost. But what am I gonna do?

Christina's POV

I went upstairs to talk to Katherine. I opened the door, because I thought she was sleeping.

"Hey Kath," I said and smiled, she had a book in her hands, I saw she hide something.

"Oh, hey Christina. Look what have I found!" she said enthusiastically. I looked at it. Oh my God, it's Katherine's book.

"Look the Million Bucks," she said and pointed at it happily.

"Haven't you lost it and where did you found it?" I asked her in disbelief, I couldn't believe she found this.

"Yeah, I though the same, I found it under the mattress," she replied and laughed, I made a little laugh too.

"Kath, we must talk," I said and tried to be serious, she frowned.

"I never liked this kind of talks," she said and looked at the floor frowning. This reminds me of someone.

"You are the same as Dani," I said and rolled with my eyes, she looked at me with that "you got a problem look?", I shook with my head.

"It's about the wedding," I said and fixed my hair, she smirked.

"Why did you just do that?" I asked her and glared at her, she smiled.

"Because I missed your hair fixing, I haven't seen this in years," Katherine said warmly, I smiled.

"Thanks. I missed your enthusiastic behavior too," I  laughed, she made her famous smile. For a few moments we were just quiet, because we knew we don't have to say anything, because we both felt comfortable with each other after a very long time, all that we have done was smiling to each other and it felt good.

Lisa's POV

"I think it's time to leave," I said to Dani, Amy, Jake and Bella. Dani shook with her.

"Please, not yet. Can we please make a prayer for Brian? Just in case," she said and smiled.

"Sure. which one?" Jake said and asked us, Dani knew in a second. It was her favorite named Angel of God. She always prayed this one when she was scared or sad or mad.

"Angel of God, I just love this one," She replied. We all crossed and began to pray.

"In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen," we began and then the prayer.

Angel of God,
my guardian dear,
to whom God's love commits me here,
ever this day,
be at my side
to light and guard,
to rule and guide.

"I hope he will get better," Dani said sadly and made a small but weak smile.

"We all hope that," Amy said and smiled. Dani got closer to Brian and whispered something on his ear, he was still asleep. After that we left, while we were walking to the car, I tried to ask Dani what she whispered on Brian's ear. We walked in the back, while Amy, Jake and Bella walked in the front.

"Hey Dani, what did you whisper on Brian's ear?" I asked her curiously and nosy.

"Nothing," she said with a squeaking embarrassing voice. Okay, she won't tell...but I'll make her. I shrugged and then we moved on. We sat in the car and drove away. Now I was sitting next to Amy, who was driving. Jake, Bella and Dani sat in the back.

Amy's POV

"Is everyone okay in the back?" I asked all of them, Dani doesn't look really good. She looks weird. Everyone nodded, except Dani.

"You okay, Dani?" I asked her, she didn't reply.

"Jake, punch her," I said coldly to him, but inside I was dying of laughter.

"I won't punch your sister!" he replied confused.

"I was joking," I said and laughed. I yelled her name a couple of times and then she finally snapped out. Well she was listening to music.

"What Amy?" she asked me nicely. Wait?! That look?! She has that look only when she's...in love?

"Do you have a crush on someone right now and who?" I asked her and smiled playfully, I watched her in the rear view mirror. She smiled shyly.

"Who's the lucky guy?" I asked her and made a grin, Lisa laughed while looking at me.

"It's someone," Dani said quietly, but I could hear her in the front, while I was driving. This isn't normal, but I tried to stay calm. What the hell?!

"Who?!" I, Lisa and Jake yelled at the same time, she flinched. When I finally got this clear I asked her.

"Are you sure it isn't Jake?" I teased her. I tried to be funny although I was confused because of Brian.

"Well he's handsome. But ew," Dani said and laughed, Jake said nothing but he blushed and gasped, he knew we were joking but he was quiet. She made the "ew" part because he's my husband and you know, we don't like each other's husband in that way.

"Hey, hey. Little miss, he's my husband so calm down," I said to her and laughed.

Lauren's POV

I sat on the couch and I had to think, I really needed my alone time. But Dani on my mind, it was awful. I really can't forgive her anymore. She almost killed my boyfriend, what will be next? Someone opened the front door.

"Dani you can't do this, you should be ashamed," Lisa scolded Dani, Dani rolled with her eyes. Obviously they didn't saw me.

"I can't help it if I'm in love with my sister's boyfriend!" Dani sassed back. What the hell?!

"What boyfriend?" I asked curiously. They all freeze.

"I...um..." Dani said, Amy and Lisa looked at her what she's gonna say.

"What?" I said, trying to get a word out of her mouth.

"It doesn't matter," she said and went upstairs. Oh, you are not going anywhere. The only one who has a boyfriend here is me! Right?

She slowly went to the stairs and tried to get up, but in seconds I grabbed her hand, she looked me into the eyes.

"You are not going anywhere," I hissed to her and tried to be calm. She pulled out and went upstairs.

"I said you are not going anywhere!" I grabbed her hand roughly once again. She made a frowning look.

"Don't touch me!" she yelled and ran upstairs. I was so angry and so furious, she slammed with the door.

"You slut!" I yelled, I was so angry and so mad and...I can't describe how I felt. A moment later I figured out what have I done.

"Lauren," Lisa said speechless, I remained silent and went upstairs slowly. I came in front of our room and knocked.

Dani's POV

"Dani?" Lauren said. I was rather silent and didn't say anything, I could hear her loud sigh.

"Please, open the door," she said calmly now. I stood up and slowly opened the door, she just came into the room, without words or anything else. Not even a sorry.

"Why Dani, why?" she asked me madly, with her arms crossed. I didn't say anything.

"What happened to you?" she asked me shocked, I looked at her in rage. I stayed silent, because I couldn't say anything, she was right.

"Look what have you become!" she yelled at me, now I was really mad. I went to her and glared at her.

"What have I become?" I sassed to her, c'mon explain me, my so called sister.

"Nothing," she said with contempt, her eyes were full of hatred. When she tried to open the door and leave I grabbed her arm and looked her into her eyes.

"Don't you remember we are two pieces?" I said to her gently and motherly. She still had the hatred look in her eyes. If she doesn't remember I'll sing it to her, I still had her hand while I sang her this.

We don't know where to go, so I'll just get lost with you
We'll never fall apart, 'cause we fit together right, we fit together right
These dark clouds over me, rain down and roll away
We'll never fall apart, 'cause we fit together like
Two pieces of a broken heart

"Remember it, Sugar? We'll never fall apart, because we fit together like two pieces of a broken heart," I told her, trying to get my loving, nice and sweet Lauren back. She jerked with her head.

"I don't remember and we never fitted together," she said coldly and opened the doors.

"Lauren I'm..." all I could say were this words, until she slammed with the door.

"...so sorry." I said to myself quietly when she left. I felt sorry for myself, for the way I am, for the person I became.


Kabbbbbboooom!!!! End of the chapter. Tell me what did you like and what not. Comment and vote for the chapter if you liked it. I just love when I get those long comments, so please write a long comment :) and I'll update when I get more than 20 votes, I couldn't update lately because I was on my vacation :) Oh and the song that Dani sings to Lauren is called Two Pieces by Demi Lovato :))))))) Listen to it when you're reading the story :D

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