What He Doesn't Know • book o...

By wwetheshield

97.8K 5.2K 1.5K

Warning: Strong Mature Content. "Two more please." I said to the bartender as I as I finished off my fourth... More

Crushes&Growing up
Accidents&Girl Talks
Ball Pits&SleepOvers
Sore Legs&Comfort
Sexy thoughts&Staying In
True Friends&Facing Facts
Kisses&Guilt trips
Kiss up&Rub up&Feel up
phones&hair grabbing
Caught&the act
Confession time&jealousy
surprises&ease dropping
good talks&diffrent feelings
Dreams&Phone Calls
New Friends&House Tours
Early Mornings&Sleepy Samoans
Love me&Leave me
Authors Note
Thou Shall Not (Sequellll)


2.9K 139 95
By wwetheshield

Naomi's POV

"Congrats to Naomi!" Paige shouted as she raised her glass up high, "You have now been the longest assistant that Mr.BitchAss as had."

"I made that record about a week ago." I said with a small laugh.

"She just needs a reason to drink." Summer said with a laugh as she took a sip of her own drink.

"Damn right." Paige said while taking one of the shots.

"Take it easy now Paige," Randy said as he approached the bar with his girlfriend, Eva. I had met her a few days ago and she's really sweet, "We got the whole night to drink."

"I'm not slowing down for anybody Viper," Paige said while taking another shot, "I see you brought Red along."

"Hello to you too Paige." Eva said with a laugh. Paige and Eva had a weird relationship, but they were really close. But I did see tension between them when it came to Randy.

"So what are we doing?" Randy said while taking his seat.

"We made a cheers for Naomi." Paige said while taking a sip of her drink.

He frowned slightly, "And I missed it."

"We can always make up another one." Summer said.

"Let me think of one," Paige said while thinking, "Oh I got it!"

"What?" I ask her.

"Ok, ok," Paige said, "Here's to Naomi being the first assistant to not sleep with Mr.BitchAss."

I chocked slightly on air and the others laughed.

"There's no way in hell that id sleep with him." I say while shaking my head in disgust, "Even if I wasn't engaged to Jimmy, someone like him wouldn't suit my taste."

"I don't think that his bitchy attitude could suit anyone's taste." Paige said.

"It must have suited somebody's," Summer said, "I mean he was married, and I think he has a kid."

"He has a kid?" I asked her.

Randy nodded, "Yeah, in fact, I'm pretty sure Jey mentioned something about her being with him this weekend. She's like, in her teens or something. She stays with her mother I guess."

"Poor kid," Paige said, "If I had a father like him, I'd shoot myself."

"Be nice Paige," Eva said with a laugh.

"That's as nice as its getting from me." Paige said while taking another sip of her drink, "The only thing that man has going for him is his sexy face... And his body's nice too... And that hair-"

"I thought you didn't like him?" Summer asked with a laugh.

"I don't," she said, "He has nice outer qualities, I'll admit that. I can't deny that the man is sexy, but his personality kills it all."

"Right about that," I mumble, "I can't take a step without being yelled at. Jesus, I swear if that man could yell at me for breathing then he would."

"I'm pretty sure he's done it before." Randy said with a laugh, "Didn't he yell at Sally for doing that?"

"Sally Bruised Boob?" Paige asked.

"Sally what now?" I asked with a laugh.

"This girl name Sally, who use to be Reigns assistant," Paige explained, "She tripped over some boxes one day and bruised her boob. So I call her Sally Bruised Boob. I promise if I find out something I'll call you it."

"That's for the heads up." I say with a laugh, and smiled as we continued to have a good time.


"You sure you don't need me to drive you home?" Randy asked as I helped him lay Paige, who had passed out after too much drinking, in the back seat.

"No," I tell her, "I'm good Randy. I didn't drink too much. But thank you."

"No Problem Naomi," he said to me, "I'll see you on Monday, or maybe we can all go out to lunch tomorrow."

"That is if Paige decides to wake up before noon." Eva said with a laugh as she got in the passenger seat while Summer got in the back with Paige.

I laugh, "There's always that determining factor. I'll see you guys later."

"Bye!" They shouted as Randy started the car and backed out, then I made my way over to my own car, only stumbling slightly.

I hadn't drank too, too much, so I knew I'd be able to drive back home.

I got in the car and turned it on, then reached for my phone to call Jimmy and tell him that I was on my way back home, but I realized my phone wasn't there.

'Did I leave it back at the bar?' I ask myself as I thought of the last place I had it. I don't remember even bringing it to the bar with me.

I mind went back to me setting it on my desk before being yelled at by Mr.Reigns, then hurrying off to get the papers that he had wanted.

That's where it had to be. I needed to go back and get it, I couldn't just leave it there all weekend.

I decided to drive back to the HQ building since it wasn't too far from here. Once I get there, I get out and walk into the building and go to the correct floor.

I step out of the elevator and I immediately hear music, which was strange because it was 10 o'clock at night, and this was Mr.Reigns floor. He didn't allow music to be played.

Slim Thick with cho cute ass
I might buy you a new bag

"What the heck is Slim Thick?" I heard Mr.Reigns voice say as I walked over to my desk which was in front of his office. I tried to be quite and careful so he didn't see me.

"What the heck Dad," I heard another voice say, it sounded like a girls, "You don't know what Slim Thick is?"

"No," I heard him say, "And if you don't tell me what it is I'm going to make you turn this music off. I don't see how you can listen to this kind of music anyways."

I heard her groan, "There are several definitions of Slim Thick, but I think that it looks sorta like-"

She stopped talking as my foot accidentally kicked a box and it made a noise, causing both of them to look at me.

'Nice going...' I think to myself.

"Like her." The girl said with a smile as she pointed at me.

"Miss Fatu?" Mr.Reigns asked with hardness in his voice, "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I-I left my phone." I tried saying bravely, but it didn't come out anything like that.

"Dad who's this?" The girl asked, "Hi, I'm Joelle. I'm his daughter-"

"Joelle," he said to her, "What have I told you about talking to strangers?"

Joelle rolled her eyes, "Well if you know her, then she isn't a stranger."

"Was your phone so important that you couldn't last without it for a few days Miss Fatu?" Mr.Reigns asked me with a glare

"Well duh," Joelle answered for me, "I couldn't last one second without mine dad-"

"I wasn't talking to you Joelle." He said to her, "Miss Fatu can answer for herself."

"No she can't," Joelle said while rolling her eyes, "You're scaring her."

"Good." He said and I saw a hint of amusement in his eyes and him smirk slightly.

"Um," I say and quickly grab my phone, "I'll just be going, I'll see you on Monday Mr.Reigns."

"No Miss Fatu," he said and I stopped walking, "Come here."

I took a deep breath before entering his office.

"Joelle," he said to her, "Go get in the car. I'll be there in just a few seconds."

She groaned but got up from the chair and made her way to the door, but stopped by me.

"It was nice meeting you Miss Fatu," she said to me with a smile, then whispered, "Don't be scared of him. He's not even scary."

I give her a small smile, "It was nice to meet you too Joelle."

"Go to the car Joelle," he repeated, "Now."

"I'm going, I'm going," she said as she left the room, "Geez."

I smiled to myself slightly, she may be his daughter, but she seemed nothing like him.

"Miss Fatu," he said, bringing me out of my thoughts, "Would you like to stop day dreaming and pay attention to me?"

'Don't be scared of him.' I heard Joelle's voice say in my head.

"I wasn't daydreaming." I say to him.

"Don't talk back to me." He said while looking down at some papers.

"I wasn't talking back." I say to him, "I was responding to the question you had asked."

He looked up from his papers and stared at me, "Are you being smart with me?"

"Well," I say to him, "You've already been on my ass about being stupid, so I may as well be smart, right?"

He stared at me for a few more seconds, then smirked and leaned back in his chair some.

"You act so brave now." He said to me, "Your boldness amuses me."

"Glad you can find a sense of joy in your cold heart." I say to him and his smirk fell.

"Your pushing your luck right now Miss Fatu." He said in a dangerous tone.

'Don't back down now...' I think to myself as I felt myself shaking some.

"And what will you do Mr.Reigns?" I asked him while crossing my arms, "Fire me?"

He gave me a look so deadly that if looks could kill, I'd be 6 feet under right now.

"Come over here." He said to me, "And I suggest you not sass me anymore Miss Fatu, or this will be far longer than you will anticipate it."

I swallowed but walked over to him. I had decided that whatever he was about to do, would be better for my half if I just listened to him.

"Bend over on the desk." He said to me and I stared at him as though he was crazy.

"I'm not going to repeat myself." He said in a tone that made me fear for my life, so I slowly bent over the desk.

"How many times have I told not to talk back to me Miss Fatu?" He said to me, "And I need a legitimate number."

"Um..." I say as he stood up and my eyes tried to follow him but he told me not to look at him, "I don't know..."

"I suggest you make one up then." He said, "And I suggest you make one up quick."

"Um.." I say while trying i think, "Once?"

He hummed for a second, "Tell me, what's one times 10?"

"Ten?" I say, though it sounded like a question.

"Ten it is then." He said to me.

"Ten what-" I started, but stopped as his hand came down hard on my ass.

I yelped and tried to stand up straight but he kept a hand on my back to keep my down.

"Don't you dare lift up." He said to me, "Stay right where you are. Now how many was that?"

"What is wrong with you?" I shout while trying to wiggle away from him but he laid most of his weight on me so I couldn't move.

"Stop moving Naomi," he said in a tone that made shiver, "When I get up, you better stay right fucking there, do you understand? You will not be very happy if you move."

I shuttered, but did as he said as he lifted his weight off of me.

"Good girl," he said and I could tell he was smirking, "You learn faster than I thought you would have. Now, I'm being nice and only giving you ten, but if you decide not to count, then we can multiply whatever the remainder you had left by 2 and start over. Am I understood?"

I felt myself shake but I nodded.

"Verbal answer." He said to me.

"Yes sir..." I say to him and I knew he was smirking.

I heard him hum as he rubbed has hand across my bottom, then without warning, he hit hard, causing me to let out a scream.

"How many was that?" He asked me then hit my ass again, "And that little one right there doesn't count."

"2." I say to him

The next 7 hits came slowly, each one coming slower than the last. By the 6th hit, my legs were shaking like mad.

"Just one more huh?" He asked me in amusement as he rubbed my bottom again.

"Can you please just hurry and so it already." I say to him.

He laughed, "Someone's eager."

"Not at all." I say to him, "I'm just ready to get away from you."

"There you go talking back again." He said to me, "Do you need more hits-"

"No sir." I say quickly, "No..."

I heard him laugh slightly, then his hand enter the waistband of my pants and I lifted my head up to tell him to stop, but nothing could come out of my mouth as his fingers gently pushed back my underwear.

"Someone's speechless now aren't we?" He said with a lustful laugh as his finger teased my entrance and I let out a moan.

"What was that Miss Fatu?" He asked as he continued to tease me, "I don't think I heard you."

"Dad!" I heard Joelle's voice said and he immediately jumped away from me as I stood up just as she entered the office, "You said a few minutes. It's been forever..."

She exchanged glances between the both of us.

"We're you two about to-" she started but Roman interrupted her.

"Joelle what are you doing?" He asked her, "I told you to wait for me in the car."

"I was waiting." She says to me, "You just got caught up in trying to get it on with one of your employees."

"Joelle!" Mr.Reigns yelled at her as his face turned a deep red and I scratched the back of my head, "Car. Now."

She groaned, "Fine."

He groaned and walked over to his desk to grab his computed and his bag.

"I'll see you on Monday Miss Fatu." He said to me while walking to the door, but stopped to look at me, "Don't think we're finished here."

I felt myself shutter.

'Great,' I think to myself, 'This wasn't over... And I'm not sure if this counted as cheating...'

Chapter 6

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