Fire Will Survive -ILYBD AU-

By Kinaru_Sad_Ninja

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Starting just before Sasuke leaves the village, then continuing on to how Yuna avoids the elders' plan to imp... More

Foolish Mortal
Sorry About This
Meeting Strange People... and Fish
Tagged (Not a Chapter)

Take Care

243 10 0
By Kinaru_Sad_Ninja

Chapter 2

The kyuubi smiled softly as she sipped her tea, a look of peace coming to her appearance. The tips of her many tails curled gently as she sighed with bliss, her ears drooping ever so slightly. In her white robes, that pooled around her, she looked much like a celestial being. A goddess, sitting on the floor, with a scroll, rolled out before her.

She didn't realize how untouchable she looked in those moments she sat, staring at the writing as she drank her tea. Of course, to her, this was just a morning ritual, something she did not see as beautiful, but a needed relaxation before she went out.

It was also a routine she did in the evenings, though sometimes she missed it because of the day's exhaustion, he had learned. He'd watched her tumble inside a few times, crashing on the rug of the kitchen nook. Not even having the strength to make it to her bed. Those were the nights she slept more than a couple hours.

The tailed beast was supposed to be more observant than this, not so relaxed. Had she ever been so relaxed as this? Obviously, his intel was wrong, as he had seen she did this every morning if not evening too, not taking any notice of the man that watched her every step.

The man that watched as she cooked and cleaned, learning her every routine. How she made her bed, how she brushed her hair, how she smoothed her fur with what looked like a dog brush. How she organized her weapons after every mission, making sure they were spotless before she turned away. He knew her diet, that though she tried to maintain a balance of fruits and vegetables, she often settled for cup ramen.

He knew more about her than her teammate ever had, ever would. He knew every night she would sit for hours, with her tails wrapped around her, waiting for Kami knew what. He had yet to find the reason for why she sat when she could be sleeping, as far as he knew she was perfectly safe. Not that he thought anyone was stupid enough to threaten the domain of kyuubi.

She obviously thought different, always laying her weapons within reach. As if she needed them, he'd seen her nails in action, how they elongated, and sharp as the most well taken care of katana. Still, the kyuubi lay awake long after the village had gone to sleep. What must haunt her to the point of near insomnia? He hadn't the slightest idea.

"This kyuubi hopes you've not returned for a goodbye kiss. She'll have no part in it."

He was yanked from his thoughts rather suddenly, it appeared he'd finally been caught. Though it seemed she had mistaken him for someone else. His brow furrowed as he slipped in through the same window he'd seen his brother exit just minutes before.

"Little Uchiha will have no hopes of leaving this village if he does not hurry."

She did not peer at him, keeping her image of serenity. With her eyes closed and her teacup raised, it was easy for him to examine her without fear of being caught. She looked every bit the immortal being he'd come to expect.

"You confuse me with someone else, great kyuubi. I do not need the cover of darkness to mask my escape, nor have I come for a kiss."

Her head whipped around to meet his gaze so fast, he was surprised she didn't wince. Regrettably, with his words, her tranquil appearance shattered, replaced by a cautious glare. To be honest, he was surprised she placed her cup down, with a steady hand, instead of dropping it. Even in her shock, she did not allow for her muscles to falter.

Recognition burst to the surface as she rose to her feet, her features relaxed but guarded. It was no question she knew who he was, even without introduction. She'd spent enough time with his little brother, there was no way she wouldn't know who he was. That, and they had met, at least a few times before he massacred the clan, and more recently at the hotel, the sannin and jinjuriki had been staying in.

Never of their own will, but still they had crossed paths. Whether it was an order, to retrieve her, by the previous Hokage, or the few times he'd encountered her on the way home from a mission. It was clear to him that their destinies were connected, though he wished they weren't. He'd been forced to continue meeting her despite his best efforts.

Even leader-sama, who had originally planned to send Konan to spy on the beast, could not challenge fate. The kunoichi had found herself sick the morning she was supposed to begin surveillance and Pain had chosen him to go instead. He remembered how amused Kisame had been to find his partner grumbling about the cursed kyuubi. It was one of the few times the Uchiha had allowed himself to vent since leaving Konoha.

"Uchiha Itachi." Her voice brought him out of his recollection, forcing him to focus his dark gaze on her calm ruby. "To what does this Kyuubi owe the displeasure?"

He cracked a smirk at that, unable to help himself. A displeasure it was, the last they'd met she'd been standing between him and the jinjuriki of nine-tails. It wasn't until after that he realized she was protecting the other part of herself, the part that had been sealed inside that blonde boy. Now here he was to give her an offer she'd most likely refuse, but later be forced to accept.

"I come baring a proposition." He said, being mindful of the distance he kept from her. His brother had ignored her discomfort to draw closer, he would not. Itachi didn't need her getting annoyed, it would already be difficult convincing her she'd be safe with his organization. Especially when he himself did not believe it was the safest place for the demoness.

Her ears perked up, but her expression gave way to nothing. "What makes the Uchiha think this kyuubi will listen to his proposal?" Her tails flicked across the floor boards, as she eyed the distance between them, stepping back to make it larger.

"I know about the elders' plans, I also know about your loyalty to the village." He began, usually, he'd take a step forward and extend his hand as he continued, but held back. She didn't like physical contact after all. "More importantly, we know you won't be able to stay here much longer. The organization I work with offers their protection."

Itachi watched as her nose wrinkled with disgust, an expected reaction. She wasn't the type that accepted help willingly, he didn't even think she'd let her team help her.

"Akatsuki? Why would kyuubi ever want their protection?" Her grace did not leave as she sneered at his words, though his interest in her may have grown.

Had she always spoken in such a way? She'd never once spoken with herself in her small domain, so he had no idea. Though he did recall her saying something like: 'a man will not lay his hand on this boy.' When he'd come for her teammate. It was quite adorable, now that he realized she'd been doing it, it showed the child behind the beast. Though perhaps it also showed the celestial being behind the child.

"You have no one else you can turn to, and we don't want to hurt you."

She scoffed, a small growl of sorts rising in her throat, and he found himself unable to hide his smirk. She was like a little wild animal, unsure of whether she should attack or fall back.

"Foolish. Nowhere is safe. Everything wants to hurt kyuubi."

"We don't. No one will know where you are or ever find you." He promised. It was not entirely true, yet the man could not tell her the possibility of her being found. He'd been ordered to bring the Kyuubi back however he could. As long as she was willing that is, Pain was very clear in saying he wanted the fiery beast to come to them as an ally, not a prisoner.

Her demonic red orbs thinned to slits as she looked at him, silently evaluating her next course of action. She was a smart girl, so Itachi had no doubt that she had already decided she would have to take his offer. It was her pride as a kyuubi that was holding her back from straight out accepting it.

He would have smirked at this but did not wish to challenge her. "You don't have to tell us now if you should accept, though, leave out the north gate then go west. Someone will be waiting for you a couple miles outside." He said softly.

Her posture tensed ever so slightly. "This organization, a man speaks of, what will they do with kyuubi?" Her tone was cool, yet curiosity was dancing behind her flaming orbs.

Itachi took a hesitant step forward. "Nothing you don't want, protect you if need be. Support you, always. We're here to help in any way that we can."

Her tails flicked and she turned her head to the side, he wasn't sure whether that was her way of dismissing him, or what she was doing. He just remained where he was, glad his move forward hadn't put her on the offensive. That was the last thing he wanted.

To his surprise, the demoness moved back to where she'd been sitting. Her back wasn't entirely to him, yet the fact she'd taken her eyes off him was shock enough. Itachi watched as she lifted her tea cup, placing the rim to her lips as she took in the beverage. Perhaps that had been his sign to leave after all.

For the first time in a long time, the Uchiha found himself hesitating to leave. Would she really come to them? How were they to know she didn't have someone else to turn to? His own brother had even offered her sanctuary. His gaze followed the tailed beast as she returned to sitting before her scroll.

The celestial being had returned, even with him still there, her body relaxing with each passing moment. He let his own calm with her's, if she was not on edge, why should he be.

"We will be waiting for you." With that, he turned from her and exited the same way his brother had that same morning.

Yuna's gaze shifted to her window for a brief moment, before returning it to the scroll she'd taken out. She could not find the focus to continue reading it though. Why hadn't she just refused him, like she had Sasuke? She wasn't really going to accept their invitation, was she? They had tried to take Naruto, who was to say they weren't just trying to use her too.

The kitsune scowled her hand's clenching. The Akatsuki were the enemy, they were worse than Orochimaru. If they knew she was loyal to the village, why did they think she would want to join them? Because soon there will be no village for her.

She cursed as hot liquid ran over her fingers and onto her bare knees, her cup having shattered in her tight grip. She would have dropped the pieces immediately but forced herself to ignore the pain, and the blood that was mixing with the tea still cradled in her grasp.

She needed to speak with Tsunade, the old woman was probably still sleeping off her hangover, but the beast could care less. Yuna dropped what was left of her mug and its contents into the trash, grimacing as she took out the small shards in her palms.

Perhaps there was a way for her to get away from the elder, yet still, serve her home. If she was lucky the woman would listen to everything she had to say, before speaking. The demoness moved to the door, stopping short when she remembered she was only in her night robes.

After changing into a pair of shorts and her orange top, the kyuubi was off, pulling on her shoes as she went. The streets were surprisingly empty, at this time she would have expected the markets to be busy with the early morning rush. That alone was enough to make her fur bristle, yet it was not the only anomaly.

Shinobi, of all different ranks, were running back and forth along the roof tops, attempting to go unnoticed. Many paying her no mind as they dashed about. Her thoughts went to Sasuke as she watched them. He had made it out, hadn't he? She knew he should have left earlier.

The Hokage's office was busy as a bee hive, she had to use the flying thunder god technique just to get to her office. The sannin wasn't alone, not that Yuna had expected any different, with the way the halls were packed.

The beast didn't recognize the shinobi she had been speaking with, though there was something familiar in their chakra signatures. They looked at her in annoyance, while Tsunade looked tired, and perhaps even glad for the interruption. One moved to block her from the kunoichi, but the elder woman waved them off.

"Hokage-sama." Yuna greeted, bowing her head ever so slightly. Her gaze darted to the man that looked ready to attack her, before resting it on the lady behind the desk.

"Excuse us, I'll finish your briefing later."

The kyuubi had to hide her smirk as the ninja filed outside, no doubt going to try to listen in. Too bad this room was near sound proof. They'd only hear them if they were yelling.

Tsunade waited until the door was closed before she looked back at the nine tailed beast. It had to have been less than twelve hours since the two had last seen each other, yet the emotions dancing behind Yuna's eyes were far different from then. It made the woman wonder if she had learned of her teammate's departure.

"This kyuubi must ask that everything said in this conversation be kept top secret before she begins and that Hokage-sama will allow her to speak without fear of judgment or interruption."

The woman's brow creased, but she nodded her head, beckoning for her to continue. Yuna wondered for a moment if she would really listen and be okay with her plans.

"The third is dead. Uchiha Sasuke is gone, as the village must already know. Naruto will be leaving with Jiraiya soon enough. No later than next week, the elders will come for this kyuubi. She will no longer be here though."

The blonde looked ready to speak, but the beast held up a hand to silence her. She took in a breath, letting herself relax, in hopes it would in turn calm the Hokage before her.

"Akatsuki have extended their hand, promising safe haven. This kyuubi-"

"It's a lie! They only want your power. They only see you as a simple tool in their plans."

The crimsonette's ears twitched, a slightly aggravated expression crossing her face. "As she was saying. Kyuubi will accept this offer, but remain loyal to Konohagakure. She will send information valuable to Hokage-sama, no one will know of this or where Yuna has gone. As far as others are concerned, kyuubi could have run off with the little Uchiha."

"This is madness, Yuna, what makes you think this is a good plan. If they found out you were spying. Think of what they would do to you." The elder woman demanded.

The kitsune smirked. "Never did kyuubi say this plan was great, she will accept all the risks, if it means keeping her home and the nine tails jinjuriki safe."

Tsunade stared at her for a long moment, as though trying to understand the beast's reasoning. The demoness could not blame her, it was a rather stupid plan that was more than likely to backfire on her, but wouldn't it be worth it? To protect the ones she cared about.

"Why are you doing this? The elders may plan to imprison you, but they can't do it without the Hokage's consent."

The beast rolled her eyes at that, knowing full well the elders could pull enough strings to get around the Hokage. Only reason they hadn't so far was because Hiruzen had been able to pull just as many to protect her. Tsunade did not have that same power.

"Forgive this kyuubi, Hokage-sama. She only came to inform you of her plans, and does not ask permission, only that this remain between the two of them."

The kunoichi did not look happy, not that the girl expected her to. What she'd said was dangerous for anyone, yet wasn't it better that they send an immortal, someone who could withstand whatever they lay upon her and come back unscathed. She thought so, but the woman before her seemed to forget that.

"This kyuubi must go now, there is much to do and so little time to do it."

"Just take care of yourself, don't send something unless you're positive they won't know."

Once again Yuna rolled her eyes and cast her a mock salute. She couldn't say the woman worried too much, especially with circumstances being what they were. She had every right to worry. Surviving this, even an immortal, was as likely as fire surviving a rain storm.


And so our two lovers meet again, much different than before, but just as satisfying. Do I detect the first spark already crackling with life? We'll find out! How we feeling? Do you love it? Do you hate it? Do you wish it was what really happened? Tell me in the comments box below or in a pm if your shy.

Anyway, obviously I don't own Naruto, just Yuna, though who knows maybe some of the other OCs from the originals will make an appearance.

Fun Fact #3

The reason Yuna's fur is more of a dark red instead of orange is because she's part of the Yin side of Kyuubi that was locked inside Minato. This is why she's got this cold-ish attitude in the other book, I'm not really sure if that will be the same for this one, but that' why her fur is red.

Fun Fact #4

Originally Yuna was never meant to join Akatsuki or leave Konoha, I had intended for her to end up with Kiba in that story line as well, but then Kiba turned out really mean in ILYBD so I changed it. Plus a lot of you readers really wanted her to end up with Akatsuki members or characters outside Konoha.

Fun Fact #5

Yuna was raised by Asuma in the first draft, not Ibiki, and when he left to become on of the fire lord's guards, she became a lot more cold and distant. This part is actually going to be included in this story, though Yuna kind of holds a deep loathing for Asuma for 'abandoning' her and leaving her to the villagers' wrath.

That's all for now! Hope you enjoyed and I'll try to get back real soon!






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