Adopted By Niall Horan from 1...

By Priceisrightrusher

76.8K 1.4K 176

Kensington is three year old she and her sister had been in the orphanage since her parents were charged with... More

Niall adopts Kensington and her baby sister
Kensington and Lizzy see their new home
Recording with two girls
Kensington gets the chicken pox's
Chicken pox fun
More chicken pox fun
Back on tour
Niall is sick
Life on tour with two girls
Niall hurts his foot & Lizzy crawls
Niall's birthday part 1
Niall's birthday part 2
Niall's birthday part 3
The girls arrive in Ireland
Settling all five in permanently
Molly is sick
Seeing what is going on with Molly
Niall takes the girls to the orphanage
Molly starts treatment
Molly starts treatment part 1
Molly starts treatment part 2
Molly starts treatment part 3
Molly starts treatment the final part
The girls see Molly
Names chapter
Time with Lizzy
Sequel happening
Caitlyn starts to teethe
Niall adopts a newborn, and a puppy
Puppy sugestions
Three dogs
Niall gets the dogs
Preview: Niall adopts the baby
Niall adopts the baby
Bonding time with Carly preview
Bonding time with Carly
Kenzie will bond with Carly
Kenzie bonds with Carly preview
Christmas chapter
Christmas with the Horan's
Valentine's day
Love interest
Love interest is picked
Three year old name
Changing the title
Revised order of chapters
Master's next week
Master's preview
Master's part 2
Master's part 3 preview
Master's part 3
Master's part 4 preview
Master's part 4
Master's part 5
What's in the bushes
The little one's in the bushes
Titles for the sequel
The sequel is
Seeing the babies
Seeing the babies part 2
Part 3
Niall thinks it over
The babies get transferred
Getting the babies settled
The babies come home part 1
Serenity comes home part 1
On hold and Happy Easter
Part 2
Kenzi starts school
Part 2
Part 3
Wishing everyone merry christmas and happy holidays
Part 4
Fun at the Horan house
Part 2
Part 3
Part 2
Niall's livestream
Merry Christmas
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Happy 4th
Kenzi spills it all
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4 (fixed)
The bomb is removed
Part 2
Part 3
100 chapters stronger
Final part
Seeing Kenzi
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
On hold
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Back on hold
Part 10
Further notice
Next Friday
Still on hold
Part 11

The guys talk some sense into Niall

800 22 3
By Priceisrightrusher

"Okay all of you out now" he says when he pulls up to the orphanage to drop the girls off once and for all and get them out of his life cause he was not going to be a dad anymore

"Niall stop and look down at the angels that you have before you" Zayn says as he runs to where Niall was cause Niall was making a huge mistake and that he was going to regret later on down the road when the girls are stuck in the orphanage calling out for him cause they miss him a lot and want him to hold them and make it all better

Soon Louis, Harry and Liam come to stop Niall from doing it with the girls

"Niall, Kenzie loves you too much to let you go, and I don't think she would want to go back to an orphanage after she was rescued from there" Harry says as he looks at Kenzie who was really scared and didn't want to go into the orphanage that they were at cause it looked scarier the the orphanage that she had lived in before

"Think of the little ones especially the new ones they love you to pieces and to them you are their hero" Liam says as he comes over to grab one of the little ones cause he could tell that she was scared about going to an orphanage 

"Just because Molly is sick doesn't mean you have to dump these girls off at an orphanage" Louis says as he takes another one of the little ones into his arms 

"Molly is going to need you more then ever cause she is going to be on a roller coaster ride that she has never been on" Zayn says cause he knows Molly is at the hospital crying out for her daddy to be there with her   

"We are going to do everything we can to get her back to her old self cause she is one cute little girl, and i think Kenzie will be lost if something happened to one of her sisters" Harry says as he takes one of the babies cause they wanted to be held cause this was really scary for them and they didn't like it at all 

"Niall think of these girls, think of Molly cause of you they are happy little girls that love life cause you are letting them experience everything that they can. The babies look up to you as their daddy" Zayn says as he looks at the baby that Niall had and the one little one that was attached to his leg crying her eyes out cause she did not want to go to the orphanage

"If you don't want to be a father to these girls then we will take them and raise them as our own girls and we will take care of little Molly as well" Liam says as he takes the other baby and the other little one went to Louis 

The guys each leave with two of the girls leaving Niall there alone at the orphanage. Once the guys leave Niall decided to head back to the hospital to see if he can be with Molly cause that talk the guys gave him really hit home and he wanted to make things right with them and he was going to start with Molly who was sick right now and was probably calling out for her daddy  


"I am going to stop at the gift shop and get a couple of presents for Molly cause she is probably scared to death about what is happening to her" Niall says as he stops at the hospital gift shop to purchase some presents for Molly cause she was sick and she needed it the most right now 

After Niall had made his purchases he went to the front desk to see if Molly was put in a room yet and see if he could get her room number

"Yes can you tell me what room Molly Horan is in please?" Niall asks as he holds a big teddy bear for Molly 

"Are you a relative?" the receptionist asks him 

"I'm her father" Niall says to the receptionist 

"She is in room 2746" the receptionist says to him 

"Thank you" Niall says as he makes his way up to her room to be with her for the night 

(Molly's room) 

"Hi Molly" Niall says as he comes into her room with her presents cause he felt horrible after that talk that the boys have given him when he took the other girls to the orphanage 

Molly hid under her covers as Niall came into the room 

"Baby girl it's okay daddy is all better now since your Uncle's gave him a real talk about what he had done to your sisters" Niall says as he sets the presents down cause he wanted to cuddle with Molly for a little bit 

Niall slowly goes to her crib and sees if she might want to go to him 

"Daddy is really sorry for what he had done in the emergency room. That was no way for daddy to act when he knows what you will be going through over these next several months" he says as he removes the cover from her 

Niall goes over and gets the presents that he had gotten for her to show Molly that he really is sorry for being such a jerk 

"Bear" she says when she sees the teddy bear that was bigger then her that her father had

"Yes sweetie daddy got you a bear" he says as he gives her the teddy bear that he had gotten her 

Molly snuggles into the big bear 

"Daddy got you some more presents" he says as he goes over to the bag that had all of the presents that he had gotten her to show that he was really was sorry and he was going to be there for her as she goes through the treatments

V & C

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