I'll Make You Fall For Me

By chanaddict

249K 11.3K 4.5K

[English] A ChanBaek/BaekYeol fanfiction. ========================= Chanyeol is a straight-handsome-guy who h... More

001 - Him
002 - Friends
003 - Life
004 - Detention Or More Like A Dream
005 - First Lesson
006 - Something
007 - Shocked
008 - Baek's House
009 - Feelings
010 - Fall
011 - Plan
012 - Confession
013 - The Call
014 - Family Business
015 - Media
017 - Apology
018 - I'll Make You Fall For Me... Again
019 - Won't Give Up
020 - Ice Creams
021 - Opened Heart
022 - "I love you."
023 - Good News
024 - The Byuns and The Parks
025 - Home[END]
New Story
New Story

016 - Mad

6.7K 388 155
By chanaddict


I smile to everything I could see. I already pack my things and all I need to do is go to the airport.

And Baekbeom Hyung will drive me there.

"You already bring your things?"he ask while start the engine.

"Yeah."I nod my head.

"Okay, we'll go now."
I arrive in Korea like about 4 in the noon.

Yesterday, Chanyeol said he will pick me at the airport. I check my phone and there is no missed call or message from him.

I frown a bit.

And oh yeah, for your information, I already change my appearance again into a girl after I pick up all my things from the airplane.

I sit at the front side of the airport and try to look around. Maybe he already here but I can't find him.

"Where is he?"I ask my self while stomping my foot softly.

I check my phone again and decided to call him.

And the result is none. He didn't pick it up.

"Where is he? Really.."I bite my bottom lip nervously.

I check my phone again and call him again. But still, he didn't pick up.

Seriously, what is happening to him?

Is he okay? Or.. maybe traffic jam?

Yeah yeah, traffic jam. Maybe it just the traffic jam.

I breath in and out before finally start to play with my phone.

From playing Clash Of Clans until Piano Tiles 2, he still didn't come.

I try to call him again, this is the last time, I think. I already wait for about 1 hour or more, and I need to go back to my home alone by bus. Because the distance from Seoul and village is quite far.

I send him a message.

To : Chanyeol
Yeol, are you busy? Okay, maybe I should go home by my self:-) I see you in Monday<3

I stop a taxi to drive me to the bus-terminal. I insert all or my things to the taxi's baggage and finally enter to the taxi. I say where I want to go to the taxi driver.

I just sigh and look out of the window before thinking about him.

Maybe he just busy.

Baekhyun called me for about 3 times or so, but I didn't pick up.

I think I mad at her.

NO, him.

Yes, she's a he.

And I feel really stupid for believe in everything he said.

I just lay here, on my bed. I don't even care to pick her- him up. It's all his fault, by the way.

Why did he move here while crossdressing like that?!

I mean, damn, he look incredibly beautiful for a boy.

But what I don't like is, why he need to lie to me? To everyone? Did he just play with me? He said he will teach me those shits and now what?! I'm the one who fall in love with her- him!

I ruffle my hair in frustration.

I need to take distance with him.

Baekhyun is nibbling his lip nervously. He want to know the reason why Chanyeol is not picking him.

He sit silently on his seat, while playing with his hair. He doesn't feel like play with his phone.

He's too nervous to even do that.

And when the door opened, he automatically lift his head up. Just to meet the tall guy he miss the most, a.k.a Park Chanyeol.

"Chanyeol!"he try to hide his nervousness behind his girly voice.

For Baekhyun surprise, Chanyeol not even taking a glance to him. His face is somehow.. mad and seems disappointed? But he still sit beside him.

"Chanyeol.."this time he call him with soft voice.

Ask him now Baekhyun!

"W-Why you're not picking me that Saturday?"he stutter.

"Can't you go home by yourself?"he say with a hard expression.

Baekhyun sit there, freeze. He never ever see Chanyeol in this state. He seems scary right now.

But Chanyeol's words makes him hurt. "But you already promise to me."

"Don't pretend like you don't know everything, Byun Baekhyun."he sharply say, eyes look really mad and angry. "I know you're not even a girl."

Baekhyun feel a pang on his heart. "W-What do you mean?"

"What do you mean?! I'm the one who supposed to ask that! What do you mean by fooling around by being a girl?!"his eyes almost pop out from it place. He tighten his fist in madness.

Baekhyun feel like falling. Chanyeol know it.. His eyes start to blurry because of tears that nearly fall.

"I-I can explain.."he say weakly.

"Explain what?! I don't need even need a single fucking part of your explanation! You just love fooling people around with that fucking crossdressing!"

Tears start to running down through his flawless cheeks. His heart feel like stabbed by a thousand knifes.  "P-Please Chanyeol, just listen.."

"We're over, Baekhyun. Oh no, we're not even starting it. You're the one who started this! You teach me how to fall in love with someone and what did you get?! My confession? Do you happy Byun Baekhyun? To get my confession? This is all what you want, right! YOU'RE DISGUSTING!"Chanyeol bang the table madly. His eyes full of disappoint and sad and mad and disgust. He's too emotional right now.

Baekhyun can't hold the running tears now. If his heart is a paper, it maybe already turn into a dust right now. Broken and hurt so much paint on his face.

"Ch-Chanyeol.. Please don't do th-"

"WE'RE OVER!"he shout loudly to him, with mad eyes and he go out from the class.

Leaving Baekhyun with cry and hurt on his chest.

It's okay Park Chanyeol..

You're doing just right.

Don't turn around.

He is the one who hurting you. Not me.

You don't need to feel guilt or anything! Because he's the one who started this! He play around with your heart!
We're not even talk about anything after I mad at him. I ask the home room teacher to switch my seat. And unfortunately, it can't.

Kai, Sehun, Kyungsoo, and Luhan ask about me and him. I don't want to tell them about Baekhyun's real identity. I just telling them that we have a conflict. I want to know how long he will lie to everyone like that.

After school, I quickly make my way home. As I arrive at home, I clean myself and do all my homeworks.

Yeah, I make myself busy because I want to remove him from my mind.

It just feel weird without he- him here. Maybe because I was use to.

But.. I can't help to miss his smile and laugh. I mean.. He.. He.. He's too beautiful for a BOY!

Seriously, why did a boy even have a pretty face like him?

I just groan in frustration before jumping onto my bed.

Erase him from your thought, Chanyeol!

He already play with you! You can't miss him or something!

So I close my eyes before drifting to sleep.

I walk lifelessly to my bedroom.

I shouldn't lie to him in the first place! I should not doing this fucking stupid crossdressing!

I feel like crying right now.

I ruffle my hair in madness and throw myself on the bed.

What should I do now?
Please lovelies, don't hate me because of this.

Thanks for who always commenting around and voting♥

Keep revoment, lovelies~

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