Across Time : ♦️Draco & Hermi...

By Hannah_Shira

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Can love really conquer all? Or will it be up to the flow of time being altered to set things right? A Drac... More

1- First Real Encounters
2- Triwizard Tournament
3- Before the Good Ones Are Gone
4- What Do I Do?
5-The Fifth Year
6- There Is No More
8- Potions
9- Lucky or Unlucky
10- The Truth
11-Distraction For A Month
12-Room of Requirement
13- Trouble
14 Year Seven
15- Thubin Badfaith
16- Even If It Destroys Me
17- Run Away
18- Time Turner
19- What Are You Doing!?
20- Yule Ball All Over Again Part 1
21- Yule Ball All Over Again- part 2
22-Explain Yourself
23-Unplan the Plan
24- Memories
25- Trial
26-Plans Into Actions: Part One
26- Plans Into Action - part two
27- Maddening
28- The Sword
29- Forget A Future That Hasnt Happened
Future Book Question
30- White Flashes and Memory Gashes PART ONE
31- White Slippery Ink Part Two
32- Out of the Portkey
33- A Better Future
34- What Was Hidden
35- Is Now Found
36- Rising Sun
38- Fizzing Whizbee
39- Black Doors part one
40- Black Doors part 2/2
41- Enemy Deals
*NEW COVER& TITLE* 42: The Last Time part one
43- THE LAST TIME (pt2)
44 - What Must Be Done
New Dramione Fanfic

7- Year Six

3.6K 155 64
By Hannah_Shira

(Last Flashback until we get to year seven- this is a longer one, because there are a lot of scenes with the two  )

Year Six:

Hermione's POV::

"Hermione, look out!"

It was the same every time I turn to see what was coming towards me. No matter how hard I tried to change it, things unfolded the way I never wanted them to go. I see Lucius Malfoy hit me with a disarming spell, I hit a wall of glass, but before I seep into the darkness...I see him.

Those blue eyes. Draco's. I couldn't escape them. I saw his concerned face hovering over mine and shouting as tears splashed from his beautiful eyes. He was shouting at me, but it was always muffled and I could never make out what he was shouting so desperately at me. Then it's all over. I wake up as if none of it ever happened. The dream would haunt me every now and then, always the same each time. I wanted to desperately know what Draco was shouting at me. I couldn't tell anybody about this dream.

How could I?

As I board the Hogwarts Express train, I look to find an empty seat, I hadn't even found Harry or Ron yet, but after what happened last year, I don't expect to. Harry lost his remaining family member, Sirius Black and was dealing with lots of court hearings. So far I've heard Lucius Malfoy was sent to Azkaban, the other Death Eaters escaped. The ministry finally opened their eyes and sent word out of the Dark Lord returning.

I go down the hall, passing by some first years along the way and to my surprise, I find an empty seat isolated from everyone. I open the door latch sliding it open and quickly shut it behind me. I let out a heavy sigh as I sit down by the window.

It was pouring rain outside, with fog everywhere. The look of it gave me an unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach. The weather hasn't been so bright and happy ever since Voldemort returned, it's as if the world is depressed because of it. I didn't blame it, it was a horrible feeling.

The door to my enclosed spaced of seats slid open suddenly and I jumped startled snapping my head to see who was intruding on my thoughts.

Draco. Why am I so surprised to see him now? His father did get sent to Azkaban, but why would he come to school after what happened?

I'm here too aren't I? I couldn't argue about that. I was in the same boat as him...sort of.

"Oh. I'll take my leave then." He sneers and shuts the door harshly causing me to flinch. How rude!

The train begins to slowly start moving off and I rest my chin on the palm of my hand as I stare out into the foggy cold weather. I hear the door open once again and this time, I don't bother to see who it was for I didn't care anymore. My friends wouldn't be coming to Hogwarts this year, so I was utterly and entirely alone this time. Just me. What was I going to do?

Platinum blonde hair flickers into the corner of my eyesight and I snap my head to look in front of me.

"You!" I question in shock and lean back against my seat. Flashes of his blue eyes flood my vision from the constant dreams of mine.

Draco just stares at me with a bored expression, he didn't seem to be in the mood for his regular teasing he usually did. He leaned back in the seat across from mine and looked out the window,"Everywhere else was full." He explains in a bored tone and I catch hints of sadness laced in his velvet voice. Why was he sad?

Hello? His father is in Azkaban!

"Right..." I mutter and look away feeling a little awkward. I was going to be riding all the way to Hogwarts in this train, alone with Draco. Rumors have it, that he too was becoming a Death Eater, but I refused to believe in it.

I sneak a peek at him, he was leaner and taller even now, his hair was cut shorter and the suit he wore was entirely black. Intimidating, and distant was the vibe I received from him. I shivered and hugged my arms, why was it so cold in here? I stand up to find my jacket in my bag and noticed Draco's eyes follow my movements without turning his head from the window.

"Anything from the trolly?" I heard the trolly lady coming down towards our cart and I glance at Draco who doesn't seem concerned about it.

"Anything from the trolly dears?" She asks us as she stops in front of seats. I look at Draco who's ignoring her so I stand up giving her a warm smile, "Do you have any hot cocoa and pumpkin pastry please?" I ask nicely and she smiles giving me a nod as she hands me the pastry and gets my hot cocoa ready as I hand her some gold. I glance back at Draco and can't help but feel the need to get him something too. "Uhmm, may I get one more pastry please?" I ask before she takes off.

Closing the door as she leaves I drop a pumpkin pastry package next to him on his seat before sitting down and take a small sip out of my hot cocoa. It takes a moment before he turns to look at the pastry, his face is emotionless as he takes it in his hands. "I'm not hungry." He lowly says and I feel a little frightened. Crap! I made him angry!

Before I can apologize, he takes me by surprise by stuffing the pastry into his suit coat pocket and returns to his position of looking out the window. I can't help the smile on my face from forming that he didn't chuck it at me or curse something like I was used to. I never even got the chance to ask for an explanation from last year.

"I wouldn't care, because I would have you."

Did that mean he did want to be with me? It was too late to ask him about it now. He seemed so unapproachable now I couldn't even form the words if I wanted to.

Say something. Anything Hermione! It's Draco, not the Dark Lord. How bad could it be?

"So...How was your summer?" I internally smack myself. How could I even ask that? His father got sent to Azkaban, how do you think it went for him? He probably dealt with his mother being depressed, not to mention how he must be feeling about all of this.

Draco ignores my question and continues to gaze out the window with no interest of even making small talk with me. How could I blame him? He pretty much hates me and well, after the nonstop insults fired from him, I can't say I want to be friends either. He's done nothing but be spiteful towards me ever since the Yule Ball from year four. The whole incident where we sort of got into a heated conversation last year doesn't make it any better either. I sigh and decide to change the subject by asking something else.

"How do you think this year will go?" I stupidly blurt out again. Draco slowly turns to look at me this time though, that same bored expression still on his face made me regret ever opening my mouth. He just stares at me with those piercing blue eyes of his for what seems like ages before finally letting out a sigh.

"Like death." He mutters flatly before looking away again. He's so different this year, the Draco I knew was gone. The one before me was a total stranger in my eyes and I wasn't sure what to think of him yet. He was even more colder than what I was used to. No more like an ice age. 

"I hope there will be some way of having a good year." I try to lighten his mood but Draco just chuckles dryly shaking his head without any amusement.

"Hope. Such a bloody stupid word. Don't rely on hope Granger, it doesn't suit this world we live in anymore." He says flatly and I open my mouth to argue against him, when the train screeches loudly to a stop. I'm stumble forwards from my seat and grip the curtain from the window to keep from crashing onto Malfoy. I narrow my eyes and look down at Draco in confusion, he looks out the door window. We've already reached Hogwarts?

I look outside again and panic strikes me. We weren't at Hogwarts yet, it was just getting dark outside and the fog was now getting thicker.

"What's happening? Why have we stopped?" I ask without expecting an answer. Draco stands up quickly and pulls down the blinds on the windows and locks our cart door using a charm.

"Get down." He orders and before I can do what he says, he yanks me down next to him and shushes me to be quiet.

He slowly lifts his wand aiming it at the door and I copy his actions. "Dementors." he whispers.

The door to our cart shakes violently and fear finally sinks in, without thinking I grip the side of Draco's jacket. He stiffens at the contact but doesn't remove my hand, instead his jaw tightens and just glares at the door waiting. It bursts open and a professor is now visible,

"Oh thank goodness you two are all right!" It was McGonagall. Draco and I let our wands lower and we found ourselves both sighing in relief.

"Professor! What happened?" I ask standing up, Draco follows my actions and stands in front of me, to which I step to the side so I could see McGonagall.

"There were three dementors sent to attack the train. But don't worry, it's been taken care of. The train should resume momentarily. " She explains and closes the door again.

Draco glances back at me with one raised brow and I just shrug in return. I take my seat as the train starts to move again and he sits as well, the tension in the air returns and I pick my pastry up from my seat and open the package. His eyes snap to the loud noise from the package being ripped open and he glances at me holding a serious look on his face.

I stop and meet his eyes, "What?" Draco's lips turn up into a full on grin and my heart stops at the sight. He starts to laugh, a real laugh. It was the most beautiful sound I've heard, and I can't help but enjoy this moment by giggling along with him.

"You're hungry after that disaster? I thought I knew you, but I was definitely wrong." He shakes his head smiling at me and it's genuine. In that moment I wanted to embrace him, but I knew deep down I would be rejected instantly. I shrug and take a bite,but just like a dream, we both woke up. Draco coughed turning away to gaze back out the window and the beautiful smile faded away to his usual cold self.

Once we arrived to Hogwarts, before we came to the stop Draco looked at me intensely. He leaned forward and whispered gently, "Stay away from me this year Hermione. For your own protection." And with that he stood up and left the cart quickly leaving me once again confused by what he meant. It only intrigued me to find out why more.

(Don't forget to leave some spells if you enjoyed -ahem- a failed attempt on being funny - or do you prefer green apples with that? ;) Lol jk ))

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