Thunderbirds: A Hood Over The...

By Goldenboi70

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An accident involving Alan, similar accidents of the same nature and the escape of the Hood from Ultra - Secu... More

Chapter 1: The Crash Of FireFlash
Chapter 2: New York Disaster
Chapter 3: A Near Nuclear Catastrophe.
Chapter 4: The New York Rescue.
Chapter 5: An Unexpected Issue
Chapter 6: Events Set In Motion
Chapter 7: Crash and Burn
Chapter 8: Is This A Rescue?
Chapter 9: You Can't Save Everyone
Chapter 10: Cold War
Chapter 11: A Hood Over The World
Chapter 12: For When The World Begins To Fall Apart
Chapter 13: A Rescue Under Pressure
Chapter 14: A Code To Stop An Apocalypse
Chapter 15: This Was Always Inevitable
Chapter 17: Catching A Lethal Weapon
Chapter 18: An Explosion Visible From Earth
Chapter 19: Peace Is A Falsehood
Chapter 20: The Next Stage Of The Plan.

Chapter 16: Chasing A Lethal Weapon

37 5 0
By Goldenboi70

Thunderbird 2, Eastern Russia
(Virgil's POV)
Of all the things I have done in my life, all the rescue situations that I've been in, this was by far the craziest, to put it simply I was chasing after a nuclear missile that was as far as I could guess considering that missiles randomiser was heading towards America. As I chased after the missile I could see the ocean from my current location, the missile below Thunderbird 2 but still ahead of me but I was at maximum thrust and catching up to it with little issues, I could only hope that I could get into position before it got anywhere with a large population.

The Russian country side passed by below as the land began to run out and ocean became to prominent feature on the horizon,
"this shit is faster than I first thought" I say out loud as the shore line approaches, even if I was catching the missile it was still ahead of me which was bad since for this plan of ours to work I needed to be above the thing. The missile then heads out over the north pacific with me not far behind, yeah this definitely wasn't going to be a quick thing to do.

-The North Pacific-
Flying out and over the pacific I notice that the missile seems to be speeding up but it doesn't seem to be by much,
"Tracy Island to Thunderbird 2" I hear coming through the communications link
"what is it Alan?" I ask
"Brains says he's added secondary boosters to Thunderbird 2s main thrusters" Alan says
"when did he do that?" I ask
"sometime before what happened in New York but he didn't get a chance to test it" Alan explains
"why am I finding out about this now?" I ask
"Brains says it might make the difference in catching up to the missile so that you can deploy the magnetic grapples" Alan explains
"fair enough" I say " which button is it?" I ask
"Big purple button on the main console, Brains wanted it to be obvious which button it was" Alan explains
"So that's what that button does, I've been wondering for a month" I state " tell Brains he has my thanks, Thunderbird 2 out" I say ending the call before pressing the purple button that is in front of me which activates a holographic display that shows what looks like the rear thrusters expanding by a few inches before I can feel Thunderbird 2 speed up and I can see that I'm closing the gap faster but bring up a global map I can see that I'm closing in on the United States which means that I was closing in on the the area in which the missiles randomiser would pick a city and the missile would then move towards its target, this was obviously bad but there was little I could do until I was above the missile.
Thunderbird 3
(John's POV)
Beginning re-entry into Earths atmosphere was also a bit stressful but doing so with an emergency such as this was making this a lot worse, but then re-entry was easier then catching a moving missile, hell it was easier then catching it with this plan we had, which I was having second thoughts on considering what we had to do, but anyway this was the only plan we had right now so this is what we were doing,
Re-entry Completed.
The computer states as I look over the holographic displays in front of me, Virgil was pretty much on top of the missile but he was close to the West Coast of America  as well, this was cutting it close with a near nuclear apocalypse. I had to move fast so that we would meet at the right time, I guess we were now down to Virgil and I being able to pull this off and that was a lot of stress but what was a rescue without stress, you could say that we were the only hope for every city within range of the missile which I remind you was a lot of cities... I miss just monitoring things from the safety of Tracy Island.


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