
By notcoolmoz

446 20 5

They see each other everyday, they practically live and tour together, yet still they find themselves invisib... More

۞ introduction ۞
❈ xlr cables ❈
❈ plans ❈
❈ exhaustion ❈
❈ moody ❈
❈ drunk ❈

❈ towels ❈

55 2 3
By notcoolmoz

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Don't ask questions, do you have any spare towels?" He asked. Rudely, may I put also.

"Yeah, but that's a bit random," I replied being friendly.

"Not really, I don't have any towels in my room so it seemed pretty reasonable to me," He said still stood at the door.

"Do you want to come in maybe?"

He looked at me for a second, contemplating whether he should or not, with a look on his face as if he was trying to do quantum physics. 

"You know, it's not that hard. You just place your right foot in first and then your left," I said sarcastically.  

"Don't tell me what to do," he said coming in and making himself comfy after I'd closed the door behind him.

"I'll make a note of that," I said beginning to get annoyed with his rudeness.

Quickly, I ran into my bathroom and saw that I did have a spare towel, so I threw it onto him where he was sat on my couch.

"Thanks, but it's a bit unfair how you get your own room. I don't even get my own room," He said kind of shocked.

"Perks of being the only girl I guess," I replied waiting for him to leave.

"Think I may as well come in here when I don't want to be dealing with the guys," He said looking around, taking it all in.

"Yeah, no. I don't think that will be a good idea," I said sternly.

"Thanks..." He waited for me to fill my name in.


"As in a ray of sunshine," He replied seeming amused.

"Why couldn't you just go and get pissed like the rest of your band members?" I asked. Maybe, I was being the rude one now. Oh no, I was just as bad as him.

"Wasn't feeling it tonight," he replied.

"Now would you like to make your way out, or will I have to show you the door?" I asked getting annoyed.

"I'll show myself out," he nonchalantly walked over to the door and threw the towel over his shoulder.

Now, it was back to my Netflix without the chill. Calum was so annoying, really don't know who he thinks he is and all I did was be nice to him. I'll just sleep on it, because to be fair it was getting pretty late.

••••••••• The next morning •••••••••

I had a very long, boring and necessary meeting to begin the day discussing about the tour bus arrangements and the set up for the different stadium. Drew made it so much more annoying with his unnecessary questions. No Drew, we can't get a chameleon!

I noticed the pool at the hotel was very empty, with a few people scattered here and there on the way up to the room. Quickly, I got into my swimsuit and put on my sunglasses, and my hat before grabbing the book I was currently I was in the middle of.

I claimed one of the sunbeds and began reading away in the scorching sun, as you can tell I like my alone time. You get a lot of that with the apprenticeship,  which is another reason why this is the best gig ever.

I could definitely feel the heat, you don't get weather like this in Britain. Unfortunately, I had forgotten my phone so that I could listen to music, but I was too engrossed in my book and too lazy to back up to get it.

I was cut out of my trance when water splashed all over me, " What the hell!"

"Oh hey! Rae it's you," Ashton yelled from the other side waving.

The diver slowly resurfaced and revealed it to be Michael.

"You know this girl?" Luke asked Ashton who sat next to him.

"Yeah come on, she does our mics and stuff every now and again, " Ashton replied.

"She does ring a bell," Luke said. "Heyy!"

"Heyy," I replied back before finding where I left off in my book.

It wasn't long until two people dived into the pool, leaving me drenched and my book,"What is wrong with you."

Surprise, surprise, it was Calum with Michael in the pool high-fiving each other.

"Do you want that towel back?" He yelled so that I could hear it,  with a huge smirk on his face like he was really proud.

"No you can keep it," I faked an over exaggerated smile at him before shaking all the way to my room.

I ran straight into the shower and turned it to warm, I was wet already anyway.

There was a knock on the door so I had to quickly wrap a towel around me and get the door.

It was only Matt,"What's up?"

"We need to be at the stadium in an hour," He informed.

"What? Why?" I asked confused.

"I don't know, I just had to inform everybody. Something to do with someone making a complaint that it gets too busy because we don't have enough time.

"Thanks for letting me know, " I smiled.

"Be quick," He smiled before jetting off.

Quickly I got changed into my uniform, which was basically to wear all black, but it was overly warm today so I wore shorts instead of jeans. I didn't forget my phone this time and sat in the lobby waiting for everybody else. You'd think being the girl, that I'd be the one everyone else waits for, and not the other way around, but no.

The van there was always cramped,  and being the smallest meant that I was always put in the middle. And if you've ever sat in the middle, you know that it's  just about as bad as it gets.

Setting everything up was the hardest part, after that it was just soundcheck and then the show to worry about. I found myself taping some cables down, when my manager asked me to put the ear pieces on the boys again.

"You know I can barely reach them right?" I stated.

"Very true. Matt go and put the ear pieces on the boys, Rae you can do the testing."

Internally I cheered, I was so glad we switched roles, I couldn't wait until Matt came back so that I could ask him to make me some coffee. Just to emphasis further that the tabled had turned.

I finished up the rest of the cables that were loose and sat down behind the desk waiting for Matt to return. I checked my phone but no text back from my bestie yet, different time zones were really the worst.

Matt ran back and took a seat next to me, clearly out of breath.

"Surely it wasn't that hard?" I asked.

"You wanna bet?"

"I guess, I'll be making the coffee again then?"

Matt nodded at me and so I took the single and made my way to the kitchen to give us that caffeine rush. On the way I bumped into Ashton, like literally full on walked into him.

"Whoa, maybe watch where you're going," Ashton laughed holding onto me so that I didn't fall.

"It's all I do with my job," I laughed before getting into the kitchen.

"I swear to god you guys are everywhere?" I sighed once I saw Calum in there.

"I didn't know that was a bad thing?" He stated.

"Ehh it depends you see," I replied. This time I didn't even have all the resources for a good cup of coffee and had to use a ready to make sachets.

"On what?" He asked.

"It just depends doesn't it?" I replied waiting for the kettle.

"That makes no sense,"He said.

"No way Captain Obvious!" I added in an emphasised gasp just to add effect.

"Thanks shorty," He replied, I usually get really annoyed when people call me that but I let it slide.

"Haha don't call me that."

"You are pretty short though let's be honest," He stated.

"Captain Obvious back at it, he really does do a good doesn't he," the kettle clicked shut.

"Stop that, you're too sassy for me," He started getting all defensive.

"Don't call me shorty again and it's all good!" I replied pouring the water in and putting the trash in the bin.

"I'll take into consideration,"He said.

I walked away without saying anything, "And you should wear those shorts more often by the way!"

I just shook my head laughing at his immaturity slightly as I made my way back with the two coffees.

"Thank you."

"You're always welcome Matt," I replied.

"Oh yeah, Kyle was looking for you like 2 minutes ago," Matt gave me the notice.

"I thought I'd be the last person he'd be looking for?"

"Well guess not," he simply stated.

"He'll come back right, 'cause I don't want to go look for him right now exactly. I just want my coffee and less hectic evening," I said before taking a sip off my coffee. 

"Once again, I guess not because he's right there," Matt replied.

"Ahhh there you are Rae! I've been looking for you everywhere," He started.

"As I've been told,"I replied.

"I've got you on a different job tonight I'm afraid. Follow me."

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