Will It Ever Get Better? | MB...

By PeacePunkPrincess

2.7K 135 42

[ON HOLD] She's being bullied in school. Her dad died in a tragic accident, and she has a brother who hates h... More

Chapter 1 ♡
Chapter 2 ♡
Chapter 3 ♡
Chapter 4 ♡
Chapter 5 ♡
Chapter 6 ♡
Chapter 7 ♡
Chapter 8 ♡
Chapter 10 ♡
Chapter 11 ♡
Chapter 12 ♡
Chapter 13 ♡

Chapter 9 ♡

104 11 4
By PeacePunkPrincess


Cameron’s P.O.V

I finished taking my shower, put on my PJ’s and joined Rosie in the room. “SpongeBob, really?” I asked chuckling, laying onto my bed.

‘Please don’t judge me and I won’t judge you

Cause it can get ugly, before it gets beautiful’  

She sang with a little sass. I’ve heard her play piano before but her voice was beautiful. “Wow. You can sing.” I complimented. “Thanks, I try.” She replied back with a shy smile. “Why are so shy?” I asked looking at her curiously. “I don’t know…. Why aren’t you?” I sat there and thought for a second. “I guess it’s because I know if I fall, I’ll have someone there to pick me back up.” “Oh.” She replied in barely a whisper.  We sat there silently for a good 10 minutes. “Cam, can you lower the volume? I want to go to sleep.” She asked getting under the covers. “Actually I was just about to go to sleep too.” I switched the TV off, turned the lights off and got comfy. “Good Night Rosie!” “Night Cam.”

Rosie’s P.O.V

Cam finally finished freshening up then joined me. “SpongeBob, really?” He questioned without knowing I sang the chorus to ‘Don’t Judge Me’ by Chris Brown. “Wow! You can sing.” Cam complimented. I could do nothing but sit there embarrassed and shy, as usual. Only time I can be bold is when I’m at home. “Thanks. I try.” I replied.  Then out of nowhere Cameron asks me why I'm so shy. I sat there baffled, not at the question. But the fat he didn’t know. Didn't feel like telling him my life story, so I just answered him with a plain, ‘I don’t know. Why are you?” he sat and thought then replied with “I guess it’s because I know if I fall, I’ll have someone there to pick me back up.” That sentence shattered my heart to a million pieces, reminding me that I have no one by my side. Ì had no words after that I just sat there silently until I felt like going to sleep. The only sentence that was floating around in my head was, ‘I wonder how it feels to always have someone there for you.’


Ray's P.O.V

In order for my plan to work the guys are gonna have stay over at my house until Tuesday when school starts after the long weekend, and since I didn’t tell them earlier they all had to leave to get their stuff. After 15 minutes of me and the TV spending quality time together the guys finally got back and so did the pizza man. My mom was working a long shift today and Kurt usually comes home late so no one could cook dinner. I brought out some root beer, we all went down to the basement and camped out down there and continued explaining my prank.

 “They’ll be back tomorrow afternoon. That's when we’ll put our plan into action.”  I stated chewing on my cheesy pizza. “You’re not still talking about that stupid prank are you?” Jacob said in a hoarsy voice. “I’m in! Pranks are my life!” Roc said dancing around like a fool. (As usual) “You sir, have a sad life.” Jacob joked. “Shut up Perez!” He shot back still doing his silly dance. Remind me again why I'm friends with these fools.

Craig's P.O.V

 I was sitting there thinking about what Bahja could possibly be doing with Manny right now, while the guys talk about the prank they trying to pull. I decided to change the subject because it was making Jay uncomfortable, want to know why? Because he like Ray’s sister. Yea, I’ve been knowing this for a long time now. It’s so damn obvious, Ray is just blind. Anyways, I decided to tell them what happened with me & Bahja.

“You guys, I have something very important to tell you.” I said disappointedly. “What’s wrong?” They asked in unison. “Bahja is going out with that Manny kid now.” I said letting out a big sigh. “Trust me it won’t last long. He’s just tryna get in her pants.” Roc said nonchalantly. “Oh, yea thanks. That makes me feel so much better.” I said sarcastically. “Don’t worry man; she’ll realize that he’s not the guy for her and then come to you when he breaks her heart.” Jacob said trying to make me feel better. “Being her second option; just what I want.” I said. “Dude, if you want to feel better you got to work with me here.” Jacob said. He was right I have to stop bringing myself down. “C, if you really want her, go out with some other girl and make her jealous. She’ll be in your arms in no time.” Ray suggested.

“Isn’t it wrong, to use some girl to get B?” I asked. I don’t know why I did because I already know the answer. I can’t play with some girl’s feelings like that. “It may seem wrong now but when she’s in your arms, it’ll feel so right.”

It was funny how Ray could make something so bad, sound like the best idea in the world.

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