Because Of You

By isavedthesun

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John gets expelled form his old school and gets transferred to a new school called "Baskerville Academy " an... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Your Choice
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Not Even sorry
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 6

275 21 9
By isavedthesun

Sherlock POV

I woke up at five thirty in the morning it was in the middle of November so it was cold outside. I put my coat in and blue scarf then I turned to John.


He was making a huge mistake dating Sebastian, he only caused trouble. He was sound sleep, thankfully he is a deep sleeper, so he didn't hear me sneak out. Everyone in the halls were asleep so I had be extra careful no to make noise. I made it down the corridor without passing Mycroft or the security guards.

I went out to the football field to find Sebastian, and have a friendly talk with him. When I found him he was shooting balls to the net, wearing shorts, a t-shirt, and cleats. He didn't hear me when I snuck up on him and tackled him to the ground. His face was facing the wet grass and poking his eyes.

"What do you want with John Watson?", I yelled

"What are you talking about, freak", he said spitting some grass out of his mouth

"You know what I'm talking about, don't play stupid", I held my knee to his neck to but more pressure to watch him suffer.

"Oh... ok I know!", he yelled in realization.

"Well Sherlock I would love to explain myself but your knee is sort of in the way", he coughed while struggling to push my knee of his neck.

I got off of him, he raised and coughed violently. "Dam Sherlock, why are you so mad?", my blood boiled with anger. I wanted to beat the hell out of him, but I couldn't do that to John.

"You know why Moran, stay away from him. It's me want you want why didn't you come after me".

"Well Sherlock you must of 'deduced' that wrong, this is not one of Jim's plans to destroy you. This thing between me and John is real and if you're jealous of us I'm sorry mate, so please fuck off.", I looked at him closely as he spoke, he didn't hesitate, he didn't stutter, he looked dead straight in he eye. He was right it was real between them, he took John away from me and I let him. I was speechless, I couldn't face him, so I just walked away and I could feel his eyes on me, he was going to come after me very soon.

John POV

Today was suppose to be a normal day with a regular schedule. Wake up, brush my teeth, take a shower, get dressed, go down to the cafeteria to gets breakfast, then I go to my seven classes, then after school I go to football practice. But today it was different, I had Sebastian, I always saw Sebastian because I had him for 5 classes, but this time I had him as a boyfriend. Today was special and it felt good, I feel good today more than usual. This is going to be a good day, I can feel it.

When I woke up Sherlock wasn't it my bed sleeping, which is weird because I usually wake up earlier than him. I realized that I had not change out of my school clothes yesterday, I laughed , yesterday was amazing. I checked the clock in the night stand it eight-thirty six, Jesus, I'm so late for school, how could I miss the alarm. But then I read the top left hand corner of the clock it read Saturday, yes thank god. This meant I could have more time to get to know him.

These thoughts ran across my head so fast I almost forgot about Sherlock missing. But this was Sherlock I'm talking about, he's probably okay, I headed towards the shower. While I was in there, I heard the door open he close, Sherlock must of come in already. I got out of the shower only knowing that I had forgotten my clothes. I wrapped a towel around my waist and headed outside I grab new clothes.

"Hey Sherlock where were you?", I looked up to see Sherlock shocked as he took a good and long look at my torso.

"Umm...", he was still looking at my torso "I.. I...I was just taking an early walk", he shook his head and finally found my eyes.

"Oh ok, alright... so in this walk did you happen to see Sebastian in the football field? He's usually there at this hour", it was ridiculous how much he loves that sport.

"Umm, no he wasn't there", he turned to his bed and layer there staring at the ceiling.

"Oh ok thank you anyways", I turned to my drawer to get my clothes, I then walked back to the restroom to get dressed. I gotta admit I'm still sore from last night. I walked out fully dressed this time.

"Hey, you coming downstairs for breakfast?", I said while putting my sweater on. He didn't reply back, he was on his thinking position, I hated when he did this, it's annoying.

I exited the room and ran down the stairs, but carefully watched were I was going, I've got to stop getting lost in this school. Thankfully I didn't get lost this time and reached the cafeteria, I felt a vibration on my right pocket, my phone.

Where are you- SH

Cafeteria, why- JW

Whatever Sebastian tells you don't listen to him- SH

"John!!", someone familiar yelled my name, I looked up to see Greg, the captain of the football team. He jogged toward me.

"Hey mate, what's up?", I didn't pay attention to my phone anymore Sherlock is just talking nonsense.

"Nothing, hey you wanna eat with us", he point at a table of the football team, "We've gotta talk to you about something", he look very serious.

"Umm... yeah sure, what about?", hope I don't get kick off the team.

He walked me to the table full of my teammates, who looked at me very serious.

"Oh what's going on, why are you all looking at me like that?", I laughed

"Cause we care for you John", Carson said in his strong British accent.

"Ok, your all starting to scare me", I laughed again.

"We knew about you and Sebastian -", I quickly cut him off.

"So that's what this is about, you're all against my sexuality aren't you", anger filled my eyes.

"No, no, no, John this is not about your sexuality, it's about Sebastian", Christopher looked at me straight in the eye.

"What about him?", I looked around the table, twelve boys looked scared.

"Well you see Sebastian has a major temper problem that he cannot control. His last boyfriend Zack, was a nice boy and all", Greg began, "but after a while everyone started to see bruises on him, but the lad was in the rugby team so we ignore it. One day I was out in the field practicing when I hear people yelling, so I go take a look and I see he most horrifying thing," he paused, "Sebastian beating the crap out of him, Zack had two huge black eyes, he had four broken ribs, and he had a huge scar running down from his eye to his ear. They put him ten stitches, thankfully I got there in time it Sebastian would of killed him."

He paused. I took another look around the table, their eyes were all sad and regretful. He began to speak again.

"So you see John, we don't want to see you go through the same thing Zack did, so please break up with him before it's too late", he looked at me sympathetically.

"But if he beat him up that badly why didn't you say something to the headmaster"

"I wanted to say something believe me I did, but he begged me not to. He didn't say why, he just said but to say anything. So he lied to everyone, he said that he fell down the stairs and that I found him and then his parents transferred him. Since then we haven't heard from him", he looked at everyone and they all agreed with him.

"Are you positive that this kid was Sebastian, my Sebastian, Sebastian Moran", I can't believe that he could do anything like that he is so innocent.

"Yes, Sebastian Moran", Jeffery called out.

"Ok, I'll talk with him, thanks", I stood from the table and started to walk away feeling sad eyes follow me. As I walked towards the table where Sebastian sat, I started thinking about the story they told me. That couldn't be true, he couldn't be capable of doing such a thing. I then felt a hand grip my elbow, I turn to see those blue eyes, Sebastian. I smirked like an idiot.

"Hey, I was looking for you", he said taking arm away from me.

"Yeah, so was I, you ok, you got dirt I your face", I laughed as I clean his cheek. But then I remember the story my smile faded and he saw it too.

"Hey you okay John, you seem a little pale", he touched my forehead. I peaked a little to my left and saw the whole football team starring at us.

"Yeah I'm ok, but I got to talk to you about something", I took his hand and drag him out is there.

"Wait John, I got to tell you something too, its about Sherlock", I stopped when I heard the name Sherlock.

"What about Sherlock?", I turned and gave him a curious eye.

"This morning I was out in the field and out of nowhere Sherlock attacks me and threatened me to break up with you, I'm telling you the freak is getting jealous", he was pacing around the hall.

"Ok ok, just call down Seb, I'll talk to him and get him off out back ok just go back to the cafeteria and calm down", I led him back to the cafeteria and headed for our room were Sherlock probably was. I entered the room and surprisingly Sherlock was still in his thinking position.

"Sherlock what the hell is wrong with you, why did you attack Sebastian?", I started my rants, but he was still in his stupid mind palace. I took my jacket off and I jumped on top of him and put my jacket around his head, maybe this will get his attention. After five seconds he started to throw this hands in the air. I got off of him, to let him breath.

"What the hell are you doing, John?!", he said coughing

"No, what are you doing attacking Sebastian?", anger boiled my body, my knuckles were pure white.

"I was protecting you from him, the only thing he wants to do, is to hurt, and break your heart", he looked at his feet embarrassingly.

"Why would he hurt me? Everyone has to stop telling that he is going to hurt me", I yelled.

"Everyone? So I guess they already told you about Zack and how he ended in the hospital because of Sebastian", he looked at me weakly.

"You knew Zack?"

"Knew him? Zachariah was my cousin, he always stood up for me when kids bullied me. I was the first person he told that he was gay and I told him that I was also gay. We told our parents together (our secret) and they took it well, well his parents did as soon as we got home my parents were telling me how disgraceful I was to have as a son. He knew my parents very well so at midnight he snuck in my bedroom and he held me close to him all night until I woke up. Then a month later he told me about Sebastian, I was so happy for him. But then I started seeing bruises on his face, torso, and up and down his arms. After a while I saw Sebastian talking badly at Zack thats when I knew something was wrong. I told Zack to break up with him before he could really get hurt. When he finally got the guts to do it Sebastian beats the life out of him. After he got out of the hospital they transferred him to another school and I haven't heard firm him. John, I don't want to see you in the same situation Zack was, please I beg of you break up with him."

I looked into his blue eyes, they were telling the truth, and he cared for my safety. Both Sherlock and Greg cared for my safety, but how do I know they're lying.

"Sherlock, I don't know what to say...but..but if you knew it was him why didn't you say anything to the cops?"

"Because he begged me not to, of course, I wanted to say something but a promise is a promise", he smiled but it quickly faded to guilt and regret.

"But how do I know your just lying to me, to get me away from him", he looked at me like if I was an idiot.

"John I'm know to be a crazy, arrogant, selfish, stubborn, high-functioning sociopath, but what I'm not, is a liar, ok?", he walks towards me and grab my shoulders.

I looked at him, he looked so hurt and damaged, his eyes started to water.

"I'm sorry, I'll talk to him, yes", I put my hands in either side of his face.

"Ok, but please John I beg you be careful I can't let Sebastian hurt another person I care for", we pulled apart and I headed towards the door, when I turned back to face him.

"I promise I won't get hurt", I smiled at him as I exited the room to search for him.

I returned to the cafeteria and began searching for him, when I finally found him eating pancakes with Jim and Andy. I walk towards them and sat down next to Sebastian, everyone's eyes where on me.

"Hey, so how did it go with Sherlock", Sebastian looked up from his plate.

"I'd rather we talk about this later privately", giving him a warm smile, but still his smile and eyes were uncomfortable the way he looked at me.

"Wow they've only been going out for a day and they already have drama", Andy joked

Jim kicked him under the table giving him a death stare.

"You two know the rules right no cuddling, no kissing, no holding hands, no touching what's so ever ok, well as long as it's not in front of me", he was the leader so we had to listen to him.

"Wow Jim homophobic much", Andy joked again only to get kicked again by Jim.

"Hey" he looked at both of us, "you two should be lucky I'm even letting you be together", he pointed at us very serious.

We didn't say anything we just stared at each other and quickly look down almost shyly. He finished his breakfast and we walked out of there hand in hand. There were eyes on us, most of them were scared or shocked, but we ignored them.

"So what do you want to do today?", he said as we sat at the bleachers outside.

"Well I need to talk to you about something, but promise me you won't get mad", I had to tell him this slowly and careful I couldn't mess this up I'm completely in love with him. He nodded.

"Some kids around school have been telling me stories about how you mistreated your ex Zack, is that true?", I looked away and sank deeper into the bleacher. He laughed.

"Do you believe them, John?", he turned his whole body to face me. "Do you?", I looked at him for a few seconds, of course I didn't believe them.

"I'd be crazy to believe that Sebastian, of course I don't believe them, how could I you're such a nice kid. You could never do such a horrible thing", I faced and put my arm around him so our forehands would touch. He laughed weakly and closed his eyes.

"Thank you, I love you John", he kissed me in the forehead and then my lips. We pulled apart.

"I love you too, Sebastian".

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