Thunderbirds: A Hood Over The...

By Goldenboi70

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An accident involving Alan, similar accidents of the same nature and the escape of the Hood from Ultra - Secu... More

Chapter 1: The Crash Of FireFlash
Chapter 2: New York Disaster
Chapter 3: A Near Nuclear Catastrophe.
Chapter 4: The New York Rescue.
Chapter 5: An Unexpected Issue
Chapter 6: Events Set In Motion
Chapter 7: Crash and Burn
Chapter 8: Is This A Rescue?
Chapter 9: You Can't Save Everyone
Chapter 11: A Hood Over The World
Chapter 12: For When The World Begins To Fall Apart
Chapter 13: A Rescue Under Pressure
Chapter 14: A Code To Stop An Apocalypse
Chapter 15: This Was Always Inevitable
Chapter 16: Chasing A Lethal Weapon
Chapter 17: Catching A Lethal Weapon
Chapter 18: An Explosion Visible From Earth
Chapter 19: Peace Is A Falsehood
Chapter 20: The Next Stage Of The Plan.

Chapter 10: Cold War

85 3 0
By Goldenboi70

Moscow Express Monorail.
30 Miles Outside Moscow.
1 Hour Earlier.
(3 Person POV)
The Moscow Express Monorail headed towards Moscow a 135km/hr as it neared the end of its journey from the far eastern side of the country, The train was now passing through rural farming land outside the city as a heavy storm rolled over the area. As the train closed in on the city above ground electrical cables began to split and lower into ground and the driver switched from using the pantograph fins of the train to electric collector plates under the monorail between the track and train.

20 Miles Outside Moscow.
As the monorail rounded its next turn a warning message appeared on screens in front of the driver,
Warning! Bridge Out!
Emergency Stop Recommended!
The computers of the train announced as the train came out of the turn onto the next section of straight track, speeding down the line another message was announced,
Emergency Stop Recommended Immediately!
The computer said as the driver pulled the emergency brakes of the train which locked the wheels on the rail in place, and small spikes attach to the track and with the combination the train begins to slow down as it thunders down the line, but as the train began to slow down the sight of a building came into view of the driver and the warnings pinged back again with the word 'DANGER' on the screens in from of the driver.

The building came more in more into view as huge cooling towers came closer, the train although slowing down was still heading towards the bridge at a steady but fast speed and sparks began to fly from the breaking system of the monorail leading engine. The headlights of the train illuminated the bridge which was in pieces with a large gap over what was a drainage river, the train speed into the end of the broken bridge and at speed flew off the edge and nose dived into the drainage river five carriages following with the coupling breaking apart between carriage five and six leave carriage six hanging halfway off the edge of the broken bridge.

The train sank to the bottom of the river before resting on the riverbed, the five other carriages landing on top of the other with some sliding onto their sides and onto the riverbed. As the train carriages came to rest at the bottom of the river, parts of windows began to crack, water trickling into the carriages. The driver of the train looked around as the controls began to shutdown, the only part of the controls still functioning being the button labelled 'iR' with a blue flashing light, the driver pressed the button and hoped that the beacon would be answered.
Cold War Nuclear Arms Facility.
20 Miles Out Side Moscow, Russia.
(3rd Person POV)
The Hood had travelled to the abandoned Alsterene facility in China where Mullion, Transom and himself made their via GDF Flyer to where they are currently, an abandoned Cold War Nuclear ammunition facility. Upon arrival they launched two missiles at the facility, one hitting its target and the other hitting the river before the edge of the facility. Both missiles exploded and the through the smoke the Flyer landed inside the grounds of the facility,
"It appears we have caused some structural damage to a monorail track" Transom states as she looks over the monitors in the Flyer
"that is of little importance now, activate the device Mullion" Hood orders
"right a way" Mullion smirks as he presses a few buttons in front of him
Command Override Activated
the computer announces as an energy serge erupts from the aircraft and blankets the facility before dissipating,
"Transom, Mullion, lets move, we have a limited window of opportunity before International Rescue and the GDF come to try and stop us" the Hood states as they exit the Flyer and make their way to the main building of the facility, everything was falling into place and soon the Tracy Family would feel the wrath of the Hood as he got his revenge on the family that ruined his previous plans.
 FireFlash Wreckage
Tokyo, Japan.
(Scott's POV)
We searched every corner of the wreckage and turned ever piece of debris we could get our hands on but to no result, the crash had killed everyone in Fireflashes path. I returned to Sakura where I gave her the news, she radioed it in to the Japanese authorities and clean up teams moved in to clear the wreckage. As we packed away the equipment the words 'you can't save everyone' echoed through my head, we indeed couldn't save everyone, not this time. We quietly packed away the last of the equipment when my communicator sounded,
"Scott from Thunderbird 5 come in" I hear John say
"Scott here" I answer
"we have a situation" John states
"what is it?" I ask
"A monorail crash 20 kilometres outside of Moscow" John explains as the screen splits and Alan appears
"it's worse then either of you think" Alan says
"what could be worse?" I ask
"The monorail crashed into the drainage river of a Cold War Nuclear Ammunitions Facility currently under high security protection by the GDF" Alan explains
"Alan, what happened?" John questioned
"I found what was stolen from Tracy Enterprises and it was used to deactivate the security systems of the facility" Alan explains
"you don't mean?" I question
"you're saying that the Hood now has control of Russia's..." John trails off
"there's a very high possibility" Alan says as he looks at something on the screen in front of him before getting a perplexed look on his face
"Alan what is it?" I ask
"from the GDF records I can gain access to, it looks like Russia was experimenting with some kind of super weapon" Alan states
"a super weapon in the hands of the Hood, that's not good, Alan get a hold of the GDF" I say
"I'll monitor all local radar around Russian airspace and you, Gordon and Virgil head out and deal with the monorail if your done with the current rescue" John states
"Current rescue is complete, there were no survivors and the Japanese authorities are clearing the wreckage" Virgil says walking over
"alright, then head out as soon as possible, you may need Thunderbird 4" John says
"Thunderbird 4 is already loaded" Gordon says heading for the elevator to the flight deck of Thunderbird 2
"There's no time to lose then, Thunderbirds Are Go" I say as I head out of the pod and head towards Thunderbird 1, if the Hood was there then this situation was not going to end well.


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