Thunderbirds: A Hood Over The...

By Goldenboi70

2.3K 96 8

An accident involving Alan, similar accidents of the same nature and the escape of the Hood from Ultra - Secu... More

Chapter 1: The Crash Of FireFlash
Chapter 2: New York Disaster
Chapter 3: A Near Nuclear Catastrophe.
Chapter 4: The New York Rescue.
Chapter 5: An Unexpected Issue
Chapter 6: Events Set In Motion
Chapter 8: Is This A Rescue?
Chapter 9: You Can't Save Everyone
Chapter 10: Cold War
Chapter 11: A Hood Over The World
Chapter 12: For When The World Begins To Fall Apart
Chapter 13: A Rescue Under Pressure
Chapter 14: A Code To Stop An Apocalypse
Chapter 15: This Was Always Inevitable
Chapter 16: Chasing A Lethal Weapon
Chapter 17: Catching A Lethal Weapon
Chapter 18: An Explosion Visible From Earth
Chapter 19: Peace Is A Falsehood
Chapter 20: The Next Stage Of The Plan.

Chapter 7: Crash and Burn

124 5 0
By Goldenboi70

Over The Pacific Ocean.
(3rd Person POV)
The day over Japan was cloudy and dark along with much of the Pacific and Atlantic as the Fireflash cargo freighter flew towards the island nation, its cargo which was only the 0 - X atomic engines beginning the most important shipment to ever arrive in the country. The flight was due in Tokyo soon and the plane was now over the pacific with Japan in its sights,
"Tokyo Control this is Air Terranean 236" The Captain says through the planes radio
"This is Tokyo Approach, Air Terranean 236, reduce speed below Hyper - Sonic" Airtraffic control responds
"Reduce speed to below Hyper - Sonic" The Captain repeats
"reducing speed" The co - pilot says and throttles down the plane
"Air Terranean 236, descend and maintain 10, 000" Air Traffic Control says
"descending to 10,000 feet" The captain repeats and adjusts the altitude, the plane beginning to descend as Japan comes into view of the cockpit
"Air Terranean 236, bank right 90 degrees to line up with the runway" Airtraffic control says
"Banking right 90 degrees" is the response as the pilots turn the plane to line up with Tokyo Airport

The plane continued to fly on until another command came through from airtraffic control to descend to 5,000 feet, Tokyo becoming more and more visible to the pilots and passengers aboard, but the calm of the flight came to an abrupt end when the whole plane rattled violently,
Danger! Danger! Multiple Engine Failures Detected, Engine Fires Detected!
The computer voice of the plane announced to the cockpit as the red letters of 'danger' flashed above the pilots,
"Tokyo Tower, This is Air Terranean 236, we have an emergency, repeat an emergency, multiple engine failures, requesting emergency landing" The captain panics down the radio but is met with static
"The Radios been cut" The co - pilot says
"activate the beacon" The captain says as the co - pilot presses the blue button marked 'iR' which lights up blue when pressed.
"dumping Thermal Nuclear Fusion Drives" The co - pilot states flipping two red switches
Thermal Nuclear Pump Valves Shut Off.
Thermal Nuclear Fusion Drives Disconnected From Main Fuselage.
Dropping Thermal Nuclear Fusion Drives.
the computer announces as the jolt of the Fusion Drives disconnecting can be felt through the whole plane, the engines remaining power then begins to fade and the plane starts to glide towards Japan.
The Coast Of Japan.
The plane as is glided down continued to approach Tokyo as it descended, lowering below the Tokyo skyline as it neared the city and the city lights became brighter and brighter,
Warning! Warning! Multiple Hazards Approaching, Ascend Immediately
The computer announced but by now and at the speed the plane was going ascending wouldn't do anything, the best the pilots could do was avoid major casualties as the plane hit the ground. The planes velocity pushed it further then expected as the plane flew over Tokyo International Airport.
Tokyo, Japan.
The plane flew into the city and made contact with two tall buildings on a busy street, thousands of people walking up and down stopped and turned to see the planes wings hit the buildings, cars, buses and trucks swerved onto the sidewalk some hitting each other and others smashing through the glass display windows of buildings.

The plane continued forwards as the wings began to weaken, until the left wing tore away from the jet and fell to the ground, scrapping down the side of the building as it did so until it came to rest on the street, the wing tip still in the building and hanging above the street and the other half sitting on the street below. Not long after the other with wing tore away as well and fell to the street below, ripping out parts of the building it was attached to as it went down until it came to rest on the ground with rubble and debris resting on top of the wing.

The main section of the plane continued forwards until a skybridge between two buildings approached fast, the plane hit it at such a speed that with the weakened state of the structure of the tail section due to it being hit by debris while moving down the street and the explosion in the air, the tailfin of the plane along with its engines and cockpit tore away from the main section of the plane and landed backwards, cockpit face up to the sky. The debris from the skybridge came raining down and covered the cockpit and engines of the plane, some pieces smashing through the windows of the cockpit.

The main fuselage moved for a bit longer until it came to rest at the end of the long street, the front having been torn apart but the force of the impact and the amount of road it had ripped through. The street was in ruins and cars and people laid all along the street, smoke from the plane, cars and buildings filling the skies of Tokyo. The parts of the 0 - X engines lied all across the street and in bad shape as well, the street was a disaster zone.
Thunderbird 5, Geostationary Orbit.
(John's POV)
Mantainence of Thunderbird 5 was going well and I was nearly done with the final checks to make sure every system was working correctly including the defence systems that connected to every Thunderbird on earth, each Thunderbird had similar defences installed but Thunderbird 5 had countermeasures installed to counter missile attacks in case of another missile attack, Finishing the final check of the system i made my way towards the main hub to reconnect the systems that i was checking on when an emergency call came through the communications system.

Normally I would let it transmit to Tracy Island but since I'm here I might as well respond to the call, so as I Arrived  in the Hub Room, i walked over to the red light that indicated an emergency call coming through and pressed the button next to it as a hologram image of FireFlash appeared in front of me, along with its flight path to Japan and current transponder location, which was currently inside the city at 0 feet above the ground, so I pressed the green button to my left to call Tracy Island,
"Base from Thunderbird 5, Base from Thunderbird 5, come in" I say through the commlink
"Base here, what's the situation?" Scott asks
"another FireFlash has gone down over Tokyo, Japan" I answer
"same cause?" Virgil asks
"from what I can gather, yes" I say
"where has it gone down?" Scott asks
"directly inside the city, it's now in pieces along a busy street in Tokyo" I answer
"A busy street?" Gordon questions
"yes, and from I can tell it is one of the busiest streets in the city, this street had thousands using it before Fireflash hit, this Fireflash was also special from the other one, it was carrying pieces of 0 - Xs atomic engines on board" I explain
"Anything else we need to know?" Scott asks
"I've transmitted all data to your birds, I'll get in contact with Japan Damage Control in Tokyo to find out more information" I explain
"good, we don't want a repeat of New York City" Gordon says
"alright, Thunderbirds Are Go" Scott announces as they head to the launch bay entrances, the communications link ends and I get back to work fixing Thunderbird 5,
Warning! Energy Signal Detected: North Atlantic
The computer announces as I reach one of the monitors, another energy signature and from the same location as before,
"computer track recent energy signature" I say
Tracking Location.
Tracking Completed.
Signal Came From Sydney International Airport Before Heading To Destination Via North Atlantic Location.
The computer responds, the signal must not just be pinging off the platform in the Atlantic, it must be originating from it. This confirmed it, the Hood was in the North Atlantic but who knows how long he would be there for.
Abandoned Alsterene Platform, The North Atlantic.
(3rd Person POV)
A major storm was forming in the Atlantic and many parts of the ocean could feel its effects already, but no weather company could tell where it was bound to end up but it was good at hiding things in plane site even from world governments, the GDF and International Rescue,
"The submarine is now ready for launch sir" Transom says
"excellent and the progress of our distraction?" The Hood questions
"Mullion has just pinged back the overload signal, and has reported an explosion in Tokyo" Transom reports
"Excellent, is the device from the Tracy Enterprises main frame ready?" The Hood questions
"The device has been fitted onboard sir, once we arrive at our destination it can be remotely triggered" Transom answers
"Good, then everything is ready, make sure you keep hold of the activation key, we only have one opportunity here " The Hood says making his way to the stairs to take him down towards the submarine "inform Mullion to meet us at the old Alsterene Refining Plant in China, we will fly from there to Russia" the Hood explains making his way down the stairs and down the long corridor.

Transom moved to a monitor bank near the exit before press two buttons activating the communications link,
"what is it Transom?" Mullion questions as he appears on screen
"the Hood says for you to meet us at an old Alsterene Refinery in China" Transom states
"where exactly is it?" Mullion questions
"the south coast of China, it is very well hidden, we'll fly to our destination using the GDF flyer you have" Transom explains
"fine, i'll meet you both there" Mullion says ending the communication link, Transom then turns around and makes her way down the stairs as well and towards the submarine. Their plan was underway and the world would kneel down to them.


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