Twenty Questions

By xKangaroosx

2.2K 34 28

Everyone knows the game Twenty Questions, right? You and a person go back and forth, asking each other questi... More

Chapter One: Do You Think I'm Pretty?
Chapter Two: Are You Insane?
Chapter Three: What The Hell?
Chapter Four: You Wanna Give It A Go?
Chapter Six: Well Isn't That a Surprise?
Chapter Seven: So How 'Bout Them Cowboys?
Chapter Eight: What Would Jesus Do?

Chapter Five: You're Having Sex, Aren't You?

190 4 2
By xKangaroosx

"I'm Maz," The very hot, very tattooed man in front of me said, putting his hand out. 

"Hale," I said, shaking his hand. 

"That's a very pretty name, for a very pretty girl," Maz sent me a smile that should come with a warning label. 


"Right, well," Oliver interjected, obviously seeing the air becoming awkward, "I wanted to bring Hale by to show her how amazing this place is." 

"Of course!" Maz bowed, "Welcome, Hale, to our family."

"Oh God," Oliver moaned, rolling his eyes, "Here goes 'the speech' again."  

Maz eyed Oliver, but said nothing in return. Instead, he turned to me. "Here at Tiger Clan we pride ourselves of being a family. Everything we do is related to our love for everyone here," Maz motioned to the huge space and I held my breath as his muscles flexed, "Take for example, Oliver. He's been coming here since he was four." 

"Wow, really?" I interrupted, looking at Oliver. 

"Yeah, I started with Kajukenbo, then after I made my first black belt I moved onto other stuff," He shrugged as if it was no big thing. 


"Yeah, but he had to go and quit right before he made his second degree black belt," Maz slapped Oliver's shoulder, somewhat playful, somewhat serious. 

"I know man, I know," Oliver rubbed his shoulder, wincing, "I promise I'll be coming back!" 

"It's been six months." 

Oliver rolled his eyes, "I know how long it's been. But I told you, there were...things." 

Maz gave one last disapproving look, but said no more on the matter. "So anyway," He suddenly began, looking at me, "I'd love to show you around." 

"Yeah, okay." I said stupidly, still in wonder about why exactly I was here, what was causing the guys to be so tense, and how in the hell someone could be so fricken hot

"So here's the wrestling mat, there's the boxing ring, punching bags to the left," and it wen ton and on, him showing me piece of equipment after piece of equipment, each more badass than the last. 

"And here," Maz said, motioning to the dangerous and beautiful octagon shaped piece of metal behind him, "Is the UFC cage. We use it for MMA and sometimes other classes. It depends." 

I walked forward and grasped onto the chains of the gate. A flood of memories flashed through me, all of them amazing, and all of them painful. Emotionally and physically. 

"I don't know if you've heard of MMA, but it stands-" 

"I have," I said in a tone that suggested I know more than I meant to lead on. 

"Well then, I assume you know how violent it is-" 

"I do." Same tone again. 

"Oh really?" I looked back at Maz to see him looked slightly irked, "Just how well do you know?" 

"I know well enough," I answered. I don't know why I'm being so mean and bitchy, it wasn't Maz's fault that he reminded me so much of what I could no longer have. 

Maz clenched and unclenched his jaw, "Alright fine. But answer me this one thing." 

"Sure," I said cautiously. 

"What did you do?" 

I knew what he was referring to, but damn if it didn't hurt to have to think about it. "A little tiny bit of everything, but mostly kickboxing and Muay Thai. Occasionally some MMA. But I didn't really stick with anything." Okay, that was a bit of a lie...

He nodded curtly before turning around and walking away from the cage, Oliver and me. 

"You coming?" He called over his shoulder, "I have someone I want you to meet." 

I looked over at Oliver to see him shrug at me. I guess he was used to Maz's moods like that. I shrugged back at him and followed Maz back to the front of the building. 

"Hale, this is my wife, Isabella," Maz said, his arms around a tall, thin woman. 

"It's nice to meet you," She said in a melodic voice as she outstretched her hand. 

"Likewise," I said. After she let go, I flexed my hand. That woman was strong

"So, are you planning on joining a class here?" Isabella asked, and I couldn't help but notice how she held onto Maz's hands, playing with his fingers. How cute. 

"Oh, um, not-" I started. 

"Hopefully," Oliver cut me off. 

I shot him a look saying 'what the hell do you think you're doing?!' but he just ignored me and answered all of Isabelle's questions. But seriously, what the hell does he think he's doing? I just met him and he thinks he can come in here and-

"So are you little Olli's girlfriend?" 

My attention snapped right back to Isabella.She just smiled cheekily.

Beside me, Oliver laughed. "Is, calm down. Hale is my friend. In fact, I just met here about a week ago. So hold your horses." 

"Yeah, I'm not his girlfriend," I backed Oliver up, nodding my head vigorously. 

"That's too bad," Isabella sighed, "you're so much nicer than some of the other girls." 

"Isabella!" Maz scolded. I watched as he leaned into her and I strained to hear him whisper something that sounded suspiciously like "you're not supposed to say that out loud!" 

I looked over at oliver to see if he heard or took offense to Maz and Isabella, but his face was as open and inviting as a brick wall. 

"Anyway," Oliver said pointedly, so he had heard, "I brought Hale here to see if she wanted to sign up or something, so..." 

"Oh right, right!" Isabella clapped her hands while Maz led me to the wrestling mat. "Would you like me to show you some of the classes we offer here?" 

"Umm," I responded. I wasn't sure about this whole deal. ON the one hand, I knew and loved this kind of stuff. But on the other...well there is a reason as to why I quit in the first place. 

"She'd love it," Oliver answered for me, pushing me to sit down next to the mat. 

Maz took his answer as a confirmation, because suddenly he and Isabella were moving up and down the mat, performing carious martial arts moves. 

Watching the two of them work together, you could easily tell how in love they were. There was just something between the two, like a spark or something. They flowed together flawlessly, each of them always on the same page as the other. The two of them were just perfect. Of course it helped that they were both absolutely gorgeous. Maz with his tan skin, blue eyes and muscles, and Isabella with her long brown hair,willowy frame and surprising muscles. 

Seriously, what was up with them and muscles? 

I remained silent throughout the performance, trying to take note of all the different styles. There were a lot, at least seven different martial arts, and I was glad that Maz pointed each one out so I didn't have to guess. 

After several minutes of watching the light sparring, both Isabella and Maz stopped and bowed to each other before sitting in front of Oliver and me on the mat. 

"Hale, I don't usually do this," Maz started, breathing like what he just did was a light warm up, "but since you're a friend of Olli's here, would you like to try? " he asked me, motioning to step onto the mat with him and Isabella. 

"Oh, I don't know," I hesitated. I shouldn't, I really shouldn't. I'll only get my hopes up...I shouldn't. I shouldn't I shouldn't. 

"Ah screw it," I said, "Yeah sure." 

Maz shot me a toothy smile, and I thought about how much it sucked that he's married. Very very happily married. 

"Okay, so what do you know?" He asked. I nearly smirked at his tone; you know that tone that's slightly amused and mocking? Yeah, that one. 

"Oh, you know, some kickboxing, Muay Thai, MMA, Kaju, boxking, wrestling, a little bit of brazilian jiu-jitsu," I answered breezily. 

Want to know the definition of "kodak moment"? The faces of Maz, Isabella and Oliver right now. Aw yeah, I'm awesome.  

Maz was the first to recover. "Well, that's...good." 

"Yep," I smirked. 


We stared each other down, waiting for the other one to make the first move. 

Suddenly, almost before I could process what was going on, the ground was pulled out from underneath me and I was lying on my back, staring up at Maz. 

"What the fu-" 

"No cussing on the mat!" He yelled, pinning my hands above my head. 

"No attacking innocent girls on the mat!" I retorted. 

Maz smirked, but didn't reply. In my head I was already assessing the situation and trying to calculate my next move. My hands were pinned by his, but that also meant his hands were buys too. My legs were squished together by Maz's, but I could feel an opening for opportunity. 

I kicked my legs out, trying to push Maz's apart further so I could flip us over, but it was near impossible. Maz was pure muscle, and I wasn't. I used to be in much better shape, but nearly ten months without training, I'd lost so much muscle. 

Still, I tried again, pushing harder than I thought capable of. My strength caught Maz off guard and I seized the opportunity to flip us over so I was kneeling over him, twisting my hands out of his own. 

We continued wrestling for a bit until Maz stood from his crouching position. I followed suit, and we stared at each other again. 

This time, I decided to take the initiative, and threw him a jab. Maz slipped past it easily and came up with a hook that landed at my stomach. I grunted, but in annoyance. It didn't hurt that bad. 

We started throwing combinations at each other, and eventually added some knees, kicks and elbows to the mix, creating a flow between the two of us. 

Finally, I was thrown off my feet again, but this time it was because Maz flipped me over his back. I landed on the mat with a loud smack and tried to catch my breath. Maz looked down at me, with a full blown smile on his sweaty face. He held out his hand, and I gladly took it so he could help me up. 

We walked to the edge of the mat and sat down with Oliver and Isabella while so we could talk while we stretched. 

"Impressive." Oliver told me. 

"Thanks," I breathlessly replied. I loved the feeling I had right now. My blood was pumping, adrenaline was flowing, and I was fairly certain that I'll wake up with bruises tomorrow. 

I absolutely loved it.

This is what I had been missing in my life for nearly a year. This is what I needed in my life, I realized. 

It was a good thing I was already sitting down, or I'd have fallen on my ass when I looked at the three exited faces staring at me and the crushing realization set in. I couldn't do this again. I'd been vehemently prohibited to do anything along the lines of martial arts. Many times, my parents made it clear that if I ever got involved with this again, there'd be hell to pay. 

I closed my eyes and slouched onto the wall behind me. I took a few deep breaths to try and steady my breathing and emotions so that when the time came, I could handle denying Maz and Isabella.  

That time came way too damn soon. 

"So what do you think?" Both of them asked, and I noticed how it was almost too sweet to see them finish each other's sentences. 

"I think it looks amazing," I answered honestly, hating the constricting feeling in my throat due to holding back my tears. 

"Great, so you'll sign up?" The hope and enthusiasm on their faces made guilt and a burning anger gnaw at me. 

"Let me try this again," I started, pretending to mull over my words. In reality, I was just stalling, "I think this would be amazing, but I'm sorry, I can't do it." 

And hello, disappointed faces. 

I braced myself for the relentless questions they were bound to ask me, but instead Oliver surprised me. 

"Why not?" He nearly demanded. This time, his face wasn't like stone. No, this time you could actually tell he was upset. 

"Because," I answered, tight lipped. I looked back at Maz and Isabella, "I'm really sorry you guys, I wish I could, I really do, but it's just not possible right now." 

The disappointment on their faces killed me. 

"That's too bad," Maz replied. 

"Yeah," Isabella agreed, "But if you ever change your mind..." 

I nodded, "Thanks." 

This sucks

"Why?" Oliver asked me as we sat in the car in the Tiger Clan parking lot. 

"It's a long story," I replied. I didn't even bother trying to play dumb right now. He made it pretty clear that he wanted an explanation. 

"We've got time." 

"That was so cliche," I said, trying to rid the car of the slight tension that suddenly built up. 

"What can I say? I'm one big cliche. Now tell me why." 

"Why you're such a cliche? I don't think I have sufficient knowledge to adequately ans-" 

Oliver cut me off with a look. In fact, the look. You know that one, that makes even grown ass men shiver. Usually only women master the look, but Oliver seems to have learned it pretty damn well. 

"Just so you know, we're not leaving until I get an answer." 

I huffed, "Fine Mr. Grumpypants-" 

"Mr. Grumpypants?" 

"Dammit! Don't interrupt me! And yes, Mr. Grumpypants. But the way, that was a question," I smirked briefly before going back into my dark mood. Damn parents ruin everything...

Oliver held his hands up in surrender, but didn't say anything. 

"The reason as to why I can't sign up at Tiger Clan is because I'm...not allowed." Oh God, it sounds so pathetic when I say it out loud. 

"That's it?" Oliver asked, surprised. 


He seemed to be having a hard time grasping the concept, "But why?" 

I sighed, "My parents think anything 'violent' like this is un-lady like. And since they want me to be the perfect lady-" 

"You can't kick ass and be a 'lady' at the same time," Oliver finished. 

"According to my parents," I grumbled. 

It then was silent for a moment, the two of us lost in our own thoughts. 

"Well...that's just stupid," Oliver finally said. 

I blinked at him. 

"What?" He asked, getting worried, "Look, if I offended you-" 

I cut him off by launching myself at him. It was slightly awkward since we were both still strapped into our seats, but it was a hug none the less. 

"I finally found someone who understands!" I cried, hugging him tighter. 

I felt him rumble underneath me with laughter, "I'm the only person who understands you? That's pretty sad." 

Pulling away, I looked him dead in the eyes, "You have no idea." 

"Oh really? Then give me an idea." 

The tone of this voice startled me. It was so...caring. He honestly sounded like he cared about what I had to say to him. I can honestly say that I've never really had someone in my life like that before.

Looking into his eyes, I could see all the brilliant shades of green within them. Light green. Dark green. Forrest green. Even emerald green. They looked like little pixels scattered everywhere, and they shined stars? I couldn't find words to describe how they nearly sparkled. My God, his eyes were beautiful. I searched them some more, finding some dark chocolate brown speckled around the center. Not much, you couldn't tell with just a glance, but it was enough to make them look warm and inviting. 

Could eyes be inviting? I wondered. The answer was clear when I looked into them again. Yes, yes they could. 


I snapped back into reality and found Oliver staring back at me, a confusing expression on his face. Oh jeeze, I probably just looked really creepy...alright, well, no more staring into people's eyes like that. Yeah, that sounds like a good plan. 

"Oh, right! An idea...well, let's see..." I mumbled as I situated myself back into my seat. While I was thinking, Oliver started the car and headed back to the mall. 

"You gonna tell me any time soon...?" He teased, seeing as though nearly two minutes had passed and I hadn't said a thing. 

I sighed, again. "Let's just say, I haven't had many friends." 

"You never had any friends in Nevada?" Oliver sounded dubious.  

"I had people my mother wanted me to be friends with, and I had 'secret' friends, but no, I've never really had someone I genuinely like and hang out with on a daily basis." 

"Even at school?" 

"Especially at school." 

"That's really sad." 

"I know." 

Silence, again

"So, forgive my slowness, but why is it exactly that you don't have your own friends?" Oliver asked, sounding confused. 

"Because my parents thought if I was surrounded with people they chose for me, I'd be the perfect little daughter they always wanted. That, and they figured I'd hang with the "bad" crowd if I picked my own friends." I rolled my eyes at the air quoted "bad crowd". 

"So I'm a bad influence?" Oliver asked. 

"Do you go to a private school?" 

"No." Bad. 

"Do you like rock music?" 

"Yes." Bad. 

"Do you have bad grades?" 

"No." Oh, good actually. 


"Nope." SUPER bad. 

"Sex before marriage?" 

Oliver made a choking noise. Bad. 

"Done with the questions? I'm gonna have so many things to ask you now." He smiled. 

"Yes," I answered. 

"Okay, but what do you think? Am I a bad influence?" 

"Well, I think my parents would tie you up and try to burn you at the stakes, after castrating you of course. But-" I hastily added, seeing Oliver's horrified face, "In my opinion, you're perfectly fine." 

"I back up your initial opinion of me being a really cool and laid back dude with cool shoes?" He asked, smirking. 

I rolled my eyes and lightly hit his shoulder, but smiled anyway, "Yes." 

"Good," He smiled a real smile, causing two small dimples to appear on the side of his face. "Now it's my turn." 


"Private school?" 

"Not anymore. This is my first year in public." 

"Rock music? That's a yes right?" Oliver asked hopefully. 

"Sí Señor!" 

"Good grades?" 

"Near perfect." 


"Don't tell my parents...but no." 

"Sex before marriage?" 

I gave a non committal grunt. 

"Really?" Oliver asked, his eyebrows raised in surprise. "I didn't take you as that type of girl." 

"That's cause I'm not," I replied. I wasn't sure what he was thinking, but I had an idea. 

Oliver shot me another look, and his lip was quirked, but he didn't say anything else on the matter. Instead he pulled into the mall's parking lot. 

"So Olli, are we even on the questions?" I asked, laughing at the face he made when I called him Ollie. Apparently only the Tiger Clan can get away with calling him that. 

"I think so," He answered. 

"Good. So what-" 

I was cut off by my phone ringing. Oliver quirked an eyebrow at my choice of ringtone. It was Mozart's "Requiem", and that piece always made me feel like bloodthirsty nuns and headless monks were coming to hunt me down because I was a sinner, or something.  

"It's my mom, so be quiet," I said before making a face and answering the phone. He made a face and then made the motion of zipping his mouth shut. Good. 

"Hale, where in the world are you? You left for the mall three hours ago, and I know you hate shopping so what are you doing?"

"Oh hey Mother, hello yeah, I'm fine how are you?" I sarcastically said. What ever happened to greeting someone?

She rambled on as if I hadn't spoken, because in her mind I probably didn't. "Oh my god, you're having sex aren't you? With that boy that walked you home the other day, isn't it?" 

"Mother! What the-" 

"Oh my Heavens, I've raised a slut! I knew it! I told your father this would happen! But he said it would be fine, that you wouldn't remember a thing! Obviously I should have locked the door..."


"Shh! Don't yell at me! Haleen Nicollette Peterson when I find out where you are your father and I are going to punish you! I swear to God if you're pregnant-" 

"MOTHER!" I screamed finally. 

"Don't take that tone with me-" 

"Well stop jumping to outrageous conclusions and listen to me!" I shouted. I refused to think of the fact that I was with Oliver, and doing something that was forbidden for me to do as well... Okay, here comes the lying. 

"I'm listening," She said, her tone ice cold.

"I'm at the mall, okay? I shopped for about two hours and stopped to get something to eat. I'm not with "that boy" from before alright? I haven't seen him since then-" Jesus, I'm going to Hell with all this lying, aren't I? "-and I am not having sex with anyone, because despite what you think, I actually do have a brain!" 

"Don't raise your voice to me!" 

"Then don't treat me like some laboratory experiment gone horribly wrong! I'll be home in a little while, so quit worrying Mother." I snapped and hit the 'end call' button with more force than necessary. 

"Sorry about that," I murmured to Oliver. 

He answered just as quietly. "It's alright." 

Goddammit, silence again. 


"I'll see you at school Wednesday, yeah?" He asked. 

"It starts Wednesday? Why not Monday?" 

Oliver rolled his eyes at me. "Hale, you are the only person I know who would question why we get two days less of school instead of just accepting it." 

"Well sorry for asking,Oliver." I retorted, and looked out the window. I was in a foul mood now, thanks to my wonderful mother. 

"Hey,"  Oliver said softly, touching my shoulder equally as soft, "If you ever need someone to talk to-" 

"It's okay, really," I assured. 

He looked like he didn't believe me. Nope, not one bit. "Well, here's my number anyway," and he proceeded to take my phone out of my hand, and I realized I'd been giving it the death grip. 

"Alright, so just call me or text me if you ever need to. I texted myself, so now I've got your number too." 

"Easier to stalk me with," I dryly answered. 

"Definitely." He looked around for a second, "Alright, well, I gotta go, but I'll see you later, yeah?" 

I nodded, and he grinned. "Good." Oliver leaned over and hugged me. "Don't get yourself killed when you get home alright?" He asked as he climbed out of the car. "It would kind of ruin my day if I heard you died." 

"I'll be sure to keep that in mind when I'm getting tortured tonight," I responded, climbing over into the drivers seat. 

As I was adjusting the seat-Oliver's legs were waaay longer than my own-I heard his phone go off. It was a soft song. Just a voice and a guitar at first, and it was really mellow. It kinda made you feel like sitting around a campfire on the beach, just chilling with everyone, roasting marshmallows on a saturday night. I liked it a lot. 

"Hey Mom, what's up?" He answered. Cheerfully, I might add. "Oh, okay. Alright, sure. I'll be there in a minute. Nope. Yep. Yep. Ye-sorry." Did I mention he sounded cheerful? Cause he still does. "Yes, Mom. Okay, yeah. Love you too." 

Do most mother's say 'I love you' before hanging up? 

"Okay, Hale, I really gotta go. See you around!" He called and waved as he walked away, almost tripping over a stray water bottle in the process. 

"HA!" I snorted from laughing so hard. 

"Whatever!" He yelled back, "Just wait, I'll get you back!" 

I shook my head, still laughing, and turned the car on. This guy was just too funny sometimes. 

My cheerful mood was soon diminished once I saw the street that led back to my house. Why does my mother have to ruin everything? What did I do to deserve a family that despises me? And what in the Hell did my mother mean by 'I should have locked the door'?!

"Ugghh," I groaned, I really don't think I want to know. For the next minute or two, I tried to keep my mind off what was really bugging me, but every time I tried to distract myself with singing or laughing at my new friends, one thing kept coming back to me:

When I get home, I am so dead. 

So so so sorry for not updating for so long! But you know, life. It gets in the way sometimes. 


P.S. please excuse any errors, it took me forever to even write this, and I promised my friend that it would be up by yesterday, so yeah, I'll just edit it later. 

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