The Singing Competition

By anbg23

86.2K 3K 269


1. Freshman Year
2. Sophomore Year
3. Junior Year
5. Practice
6. Round One
7. I Don't Like You
8. Really?!
9. The Plan
10. I'm Not Stupid
11. Jealous?
12. Kiss Me
13. Sparks
14. Why Can't That Be Me?
15. Felt Something
16. Why Me?!
17. My Fault
18.Do You Love Me?
19. Watch Your Back
20. The Funeral
21. You Can Trust Me
22. Swap It Out
23. Human
24. Scars
25. Different
26. Break Your Heart Right Back
27. The Kiss
28. The Accident
29. Tease
30. Friends with Benefits
31. Do you miss me now?
32. Love
33. I Love You
34. Jason...
35. I didn't do it
36. I want your Love
37. Class of 2015

4. First Day

3.5K 120 5
By anbg23

Ariana POV
"This is your last first day of high school. Senior year!" I slip on a black dress that hug my curves. Liz had convinced me that I should change my look up for senior year. "Ariana breakfast is ready!" mom yelled. I shove my secret book in my bag before walking down to the kitchen. "Good morning" I said with a smile. "Good morning" she turn to me and her eyes widen. She placed a plate in front of Ariana. "You looks amazing. My babygirl is becoming a woman!" She cried out. I giggle and walk over to my mom "don't cry! I'll always be your little girl" once I eat my break face I give my mom a kiss on the cheek. "I'll see you after school Mom" she pulls me into a hug "You have a wonderful day and don't let anybody bring you down." She pulls away and smiles at me. I wave goodbye to her as I walk out the door.
My feet start to hurt with each step. Why on earth did I let Liz talk me into wearing heels!  A car pulls up next to me. "Hey sexy mama you need a ride?" I looked over to see the old pervert from down the block. I roll my eyes at the ugly bastard "no". I take a deep breath as I walked up to the school. "Stay calm" i whisper to myself. My hands began to shake as I grab the door handle pulling it open. Everybody eyes lands on me as I walked down the hallway to my locker."Ari!" Selena and miley came running to me. "You look  hot if I wasn't straight I would totally hot that!" Selena said with a smirk. I laugh at loud "you're gross Selena!" She laughs "just being honest." I shake my head at the brunette as I open my locker. Everybody stopped talking and stared at the door. "Why is it so quiet?" I said as I spin around to see what everybody was staring at. I gasp as I watch Justin walk in. "He went from hello sir, it's nice to finally meet you"to " ya daughter calls me daddy too" Selena said. I rolled my eyes and turned back to my locker. "I think I'm going to barf" I mumble. I shut my locker and turned to miley and selena. "Lets get to class." I grab Selena hand and pulls her down the hall. My eyes meet Justin's for a split second before I look away. We walked in the classroom and sat in the back. After two minutes the only people in the class was Ariana,selena,austin, Justin, miley, demi, Liz, and Harry. "Is this all of us? Harry asked. Mrs green smiled and nodded. " you guys did. Everything I told you to do over the summer right?" Everybody nods their heads. She smiles " good! I want you guys to come up one at a time and sing a song you want to do for the first round. Our first competition is in a six days." She smiled. "Harry your up first!". He smiles and walked up on the little stage. He places his cd in the machine. My heart melts at his beautiful singing. This dude sounds like a angel! I watch as everybody goes on stage and sings their song. "And last, but not least Ariana" My hands were shaking as I walk up on the stage. "Ok I'm going to sing a song I wrote. It's called I don't care." I whisper. I clear my throat as I wait for the music to play. I close my eyes.

Used to cry 'bout some crazy shit before
I used to feel so obligated to be so much more
I used to let some people tell me how to live and what to be
But if I can't be me, then what's the point? No...!

I don't care about it anymore, oh
I don't care about it anymore
Now I laugh about the things that used to be important to me
Used to have a hold on me, used to have a hold
Like what do you think
And what he thinks and what they think
But I love me
I don't care about it anymore, oh
I don't care about it anymore

I-i-i don't care about it anymore...

I slowly open my eyes as I stare at everybody shocked faces.



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