My Difficult Life As Louis To...

By LiisaMaliik

254K 4.3K 918

Broken smiles and empty eyes; shattered hearts and hollow lives... More

My Difficult Life As Louis Tomlinson's Sister
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77

Chapter 3

6.2K 87 10
By LiisaMaliik

I woke up at 1pm, ugh how tired I was. I opened my Tumblr app and saw that I already had a lot new follower.

Some one knocked at my door in this moment. I didn't say anything, I knew that it was Louis and that he would get in.

"Good morning, Sunshine." Did he really call me 'Sunshine'?! Oh how I wished to slap him into his face.

"Morning." I said coldly and hid under my covers.

"So ehmm... The boys are over and I was wondering whether you want to meet them..." Louis was really nervous as he asked me. I let out a sigh and hid my face under the pillow.

"Give me 30 minutes." I said annoyed and he said a quite 'yes' and walked out of my room. I walked into the bathroom and showered fast, after that dried I my hair and walked after that out of and dressed into my mint green belly T-Shirt and a really short, tight and black high waist shorts and of course my favorite socks with cannabis print. I did my make up fast and walked out of the room.

I walked into the kitchen and were all the boys sat. I swallowed as I saw them.

"This is my sister Liz." Louis introduced me and wanted to lay his arm onto my shoulder, but I didn't let him. I walked one quick step to the side so that he couldn't do it.

Louis let out a sigh and looked towards the boys.

"This is Liam." He sowed to Liam and shacked firmly his hand and nodded.

"This is Niall." He said and Niall pulled me in a hug, ugh.

"And this is Zayn." He said and a shacked Zayn's hand and smiled at him nicely.

"You both look like siblings. You have the same eyes and nose." Niall said and smiled.

"Ugh, I hope not." I said annoyed and made myself a tea.

"I sat down onto a chair and drank my tea, I could feel Harry's eyes onto my bare legs and my bare belly, he wetted his lips and looked back to Zayn.

After that looked Niall onto my bare legs and wetted his lips, too! Like hungry animals, pfft. I rolled my eyes annoyed and stood up, my shorts were now higher than before, so they could see a bit of my ass cheeks. I could feel the eyes from everyone onto my ass, how annoying.

I sat in my room for the next few hours, it was now 6pm. I was sitting in my room and was about to cry, I didn't know why, but it felt like crying.

In this moment walked someone in my room, Louis.

"Hey." He whispered and walked over to me. I didn't talk to him, I totally ignored him.

He sat next to me, not bothering that I didn't want to have him in here.

After 10 minutes of silence began he to speak, more to whisper.

"Why do you hate me that much?" He asked me and I bit my bottom lip, I was about to cry now.

"We were best friends. We did everything together." He whispered to me, I didn't look up at him.

"And then... you didn't talked to me anymore on phone, you were nearly never there as I visited you and at least you weren't there for a whole year." He whispered, I guessed he was crying now. But I needed to be strong, I couldn't let the emotions come over to me.

"Do you want to ignore me now for 6 months?" He asked me again, I didn't answered.

"I guess I did something what really hurt you, I don't know what it was, but I am really sorry! Please just talk to me! Don't be so selfish! I know you need me as much as I need you! Please don't be like this to me, Lizzy!" He cried out, I bit my bottom lip again, I didn't want to answer him, I really needed to be strong. Nope I didn't need him, he was dead to me.

"I'm not selfish... you were selfish." I mumbled out. Louis looked up at me.

"Why was I selfish? Because of X-Factor?" He asked me, I shacked my head.

"Go out, Lou. I don't want to see you anymore. And one thing, you are dead for me. You died already a long time ago for me." I said and whipped coldly a tear away.

"You can't mean that like this!" Louis said while crying his eyes out, it hurt to see him like this, but it felt right.

Lou didn't walk out, so I decided to walk out, I took my bag and a jacket and walked out of the flat.


Hope you liked it!!! It was really short! :/ sorry for that!

Please give me feedback!

And please VOTE, COMMENT and FAN!!!!

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