The Original Bad Boy

By worldgirlalways

474K 18.8K 8.7K

He smokes. He drinks. He deals with drugs. He uses women as toys. He beats up anyone who gets in his way... More

Chapter 3| Wet Thy Principal
4| Wet Thy Principal Part II
5| Tickets To Nightmare?
6| One Call Away
7|The Underworld
8|Before I Slap You
9| Trust Me
10| Suspicious Business
11| Food Critic
12| Do We Have A Deal?
13| It's Just A Prank, Bro
14| Bloody Cannibal
15| Parade Crashers
16| Suicide or Homicide
17| Crushed Hearts
18| Friends Forever
19 | She Punched Me, I Punched Her
20| Hickey
21| The Badass Every Girl Wants
A/N I Need A Life
22| Don't Overact
23| Reckless
24| Grind and Whine
25| Friendships Never End

1 | Bad Boy & Dirt Bikes

63.7K 1.4K 1K
By worldgirlalways

Novel by worldgirlalways
Unofficial start: 16 August, 2015
Officially started: 20 February 2016
All rights reserved.

This story has been in my drafts since a year ago. It's my only story written in the present tense. I might as well have my take on what the society considers a "bad boy." Please don't be a prick and bash on my work. If you don't like it, read something else. It's a free website with all freedoms.

Love ya still <3

* * *

"The original bad boy always owns a bike."

1 | Bad Boy & Dirt Bikes

That moment when you ace a test you never bothered studying for is the best.

It always happens to my friends.

I look at the 85% mark on my test and turn the paper over. I pull an all nighter for this? I'm as pathetic as the grade I got.

I'll do better next time.

The school bell rings and everyone hurries downstairs for lunch, chattering and jogging. Of course, the faster we arrive at the cafeteria, the less time we spend waiting in the never-ending lunch lines. I trot next to my close friends, Ben and Isa, who seem to be engaged in a conversation about racing.

"Val, have you ever watched a dirt biking race?" Ben asks.

"Not unless it's another name for Mario Kart," I respond.

"Way off," Isa chuckles.

Ben rolls his eyes as we fall into the lunch line. "I'm going to participate in one of those races and you're both invited."

"Have you lost it?" Isa asks in disbelief.

Her surprise matches mine as we stare at the shy and sweet Ben, who hardly participates in school sports, let alone dirt biking. Don't get me wrong, he's one of those computer geek types, not a dirt biker. As a matter of fact, the only racing he has done is probably in GTA.

"My life my decisions," he shrugs. "I've always wanted to try it." Ben's determination when he wants to do something could never be moved. Realizing he won't back out of his decision, we go with it. "Bring Danie along with you."

Now, Isa and I share knowing smirks.

Danie is the fourth person in our friend group. Because of an earth science field trip, she's not with us. Normally, Ben and she will be arguing about the most ridiculous things like whether the chicken came first or the egg. Everyone is aware of the fact that Ben only wants her attention. Even if it results in pointless debates and discussions.

If only Danie paid him more attention.

But she never does and we all feel for Ben.

As we stand giving him smug looks, Ben ruffles his dirty blonde hair, nervously. His acorn brown eyes twinkle and a small smile set on his lips. He isn't even bothering to hide his motive.

"We'll make sure you start your love story." I wink.

"Only because we have none," Isa adds in a sad tone, tucking her dark curls behind her ears.

It's true that she and I have never met a guy we wanted to jump into a relationship with during our high school years. Actually, one time I fell in love, however, when my crush ran away and I didn't get to inform him about my feelings, I felt crushes to be useless. In terms of my love life, I have my friends and family--nothing else matters.

The sorrowful secondary school life is only lasting for another eight months before we're officially free.

Maybe someone will spark my interest later in life.

Plenty of fish waiting in the sea.

A fish other than him.

"Thanks, guys. I knew I could count on you," Ben says gratefully. We advance up the line, sighing occasionally at the amount of time students spent grabbing their lunches and stepping out. "The race is tomorrow at one."

Danie always makes it clear how much adore dangerous boys with an edge or mystery to them. Not to criticize her thinking or anything, I found the innocent guys pretty interesting too.


We finally reach the lunch lady and point to pizza.

The grumpy, woman throws us each a slice on three trays and roughly hands them to us. I understand she meets rude and irritating teenagers, but hunger equals irritation. Therefore, teenagers aren't completely at fault. First, teachers ate our brains and now these servers behaving so rudely?

Tough life.

"Nothing can go wrong," Ben assures. "I plan on using pillows as body armor. In case I do fall--"

"You'll fall asleep," I intervene.

He scratches his temple and we proceed to find seats in the crowded cafeteria.

"Now, that's gonna be an issue," he says miserably.

Isa and I laugh at his downcast expression before attacking our food. Ben resumes conversing about tomorrow's schedule and begs for us to bring Danie. After all, he fears risks he is pulling for her in a race he never participated in before and if she doesn't come, it'll all be in vain.

After lunch is over, we head to the last class period and survive through the long lecture on behavioral psychology.

As soon as I reach home, I text Danie to clear her schedule for tomorrow.

Ben's racing competition will certainly leave an impression.

~ ~ ~ ¤ ~ ~ ~

"What the hell is wrong with him?" Danie asks.

People surround us along the sidelines, watching the amateur bikers prepare for the race. The referees, coaches, and other event people attempt to make sure things are running smooth and no rider lacks the necessary equipment. Our boy Ben raises a hand and wiggles his fingers, ending the wave swiftly. He plops on his stunning, pitch black bike, showing off his sixteenth birthday's present. For encouragement, Isa and I give him thumbs up signs.

"He's so screwed," I say, already condemning Ben's decision to dirt bike.

"If he dies, dibs on his bike," says Isa. We begin betting on how far Ben will last before he flies off his bike. "Ten bucks he won't make it halfway."

"Twenty, he will," I bet.

"He can die!" Danie interrupts.

Her bleach blond with light blue highlights moves with the wind, slapping across her face as she frantically stares between us and Ben. She cares for her friends, obviously, and friends like us took advantage of that.

Isa and I disregard Danie's dilemma and finalize our bets.

Ben better make it past the halfway point or I'll kill him. That is, if he maintains control of bike. Compared to him, most other racers look at ease, as if dirt biking is their everyday thing. Maybe it is. Most of them already have their helmets covering their faces, restricting us from seeing their expressions.

The announcer calls the spectators to attention, preparing to start the race. The bikes line up equally, so no biker has advantages over the others. Ben shifts a black helmet on and I already know I can't differentiate him from other competitors in a few minutes. Soon, the countdown starts and nervousness fall in the pits of our stomachs. Anything can go wrong in this dangerous activity. The bikes' engines start revving and we hear the crowd roar out the names of their favorite bikers. In the name mixture, I point an extremely familiar one.


Is it my Arsen?

Suddenly, the race begins, breaking my premature thoughts.

All the bikes accelerate down a vulnerable path. Isa and I cheer for Ben, even though we know he won't last the full race. The people in the crowd place bets on who they believe will come out as the winner. All of our eyes fix on the little television screens, which show the competitors on their way around the jungle-type track. The announcer keeps track of which bike is leading and which isn't.

"As usual, Arsen's in the lead . . . Don't worry, others are right behind him."

Arsen wears a red helmet matching the color of his bike. Still, I wonder if he is the same Arsen I knew. We haven't exactly a single word in years, although we attend the same school. Well, it's not like he ever shows up. In case he does, he takes the slower paced classes than me. Time affected him and his personality quite much, disenabling me to approach him like I once used to.

Oh those days.

When we were inseparable.

I ruined everything.

"Arsen's scary," mutters Isa.

"He's bad," Danie says. "If he hadn't set our school on fire once, I'd have definitely tried to make a move on him."

Even Danie draws limits.

One time, when the principal threatened to expel Arsen for his lack of attendance and awful grades, Arsen responded by lighting the school kitchen on fire and it spread to the science wing, obliterating many of the lab materials before the fire department made it. Arsen didn't get in trouble though, and the kitchen staff got the blame.

We know the principal didn't want another mishap by messing with Arsen.

I remain quiet, not wanting to comment on someone whose two different personalities I have first-handledly met. Arsen chose his world and vice-versa.

The race proceeds with loads of actions as bikers cross others, positions changing rapidly.

Arsen still leads, but out of nowhere, a black bike surpasses him and blocks his way to remain number one in the game. The entire crowd falls in shock, including the announcer.

"Number four, Benjamin Harris, crosses Arsen Frasier in the lead past the halfway flag," says the announcer. "Do we have a dark horse in the race?"

Isa, Danie, and I cheer for our friend.

Our low expectations certainly receive a pleasant surprise.

"Aw damn, he made it halfway," Isa says in realization.

"I win!" I smirk and extend my palm out. Giving me a glare, she plants twenty bucks in my hands. "Thank--"

The gasp from Danie and spectators abruptly chop my reply. Isa and I gawk at the screen where one biker has fallen, clutching his leg. He takes off his helmet and pain appears evident on his face. My heart jumps into my throat and the blood drains out of my face.


Stupid Ben.

He hurt himself, proving us right.

"Seems like Benjamin crashed into a tree in his excitement and hurt his leg. We'll send help for him," says the announcer. "Other riders are passing him."

One rider didn't choose to move around Ben.

True to his demeanor, he runs his bike over Ben's propped out and already injured leg! Ben cries out in pain as his leg gets crushed under the pressure. How can that person be so cruel?

"What the hell?!" I say in shock.

"Ouch. Seems like Arsen Frasier hasn't forgotten Benjamin overtaking him before," the announcer comments in a pitiful tone. "He'll pay for the damage once the race is over. No dirty game, kids."

The medical help reached Ben and he's taken away from the course.

Isa, Danie, and I rush to the ambulance.

While they decide to follow him to the hospital, I stay back.

I want to make sure Ben gets justice.

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