Surrender to Love (Sequel to...

By foreverlovingnemi

85.1K 2.9K 608

In this story Demi must pick up the pieces after, yet another fight, turned her world upside down. Her ex boy... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 (Final Chapter)

Chapter 20

2.3K 84 23
By foreverlovingnemi


I was on cloud 9 as I went to pick up my belts & my money. Not only was I thrilled I won, but also relieved that Demi came out of her fight unscathed. As I was heading to the offices, I ran into my dad, who I assumed was coming from talking to some of his buddies that worked the event that night. He smiled when he saw me, then put his hands on my shoulders. "I can't even explain how proud I am of you, son." He said. "No offense to Wilmer, but I was hoping you'd win."

"Thanks, Dad."

"I heard you're coming back to Navy Street." 

"I am. You were right about Chuck & I'm sorry I didn't believe ya."

Dad scowled, leaning back to get a good look at me. "Did something happen with him? Should I be worried?"

"He was threatening Demi & insinuated that Delta needed to win. I kind of threatened him & he warned me that that wasn't a good idea."

Dad put his hand on my neck so I could look at him, closely. "That isn't a good idea, Son. That man does not take threats lightly & I should know. I threatened him once back when we were young fighters & the next thing I knew, my car was trashed. My prized possession car, I might add. And if he threatened Demi & then she went against what he wanted her to do, you better keep an eye on her, even if you aren't together."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not scared, Dad. I can handle him."

"Listen to me. If he does anything to you, you come tell me & I will handle this piece of shit once & for all. I mean it. I will not let him hurt you or your brother. I love you." Dad said, his voice cracking as he grabbed me, suddenly & held me against him as he hugged me, tight. I felt safe & satisfied that I had my dad on my side again.

"I will, Dad." I said as he let go of me. "Listen, I gotta go get my belts & money then grab my stuff. Demi's waiting for me. I gave that car back so she's giving me a ride home."

"Okay. I'll talk to you later." He pat my arm as he walked away & I headed to where I needed to go. I got my belts, my check then headed to the locker room to get my bag. I needed to hurry up, since Demi was waiting for me.

As I was heading toward the arena exit, from the locker room, after I got my bag, my belts, & my check, I saw Wilmer walking toward me. He looked like he was on his way to his locker room after getting his paycheck. 

"Nick. Great fight, man." He said as we got closer to each other. I shook his hand since he extended it as I nodded, in agreement.

"Yea, it was a great fight."

"You kicked my ass." Wilmer chuckled.

"Well, you got some licks in, too." I smirked reaching up to touch my face. "You put up one hellava fight, let me tell ya. That was not an easy win."

"I'm glad I made ya work for it. But seriously, you deserved that win."


"Listen. I know I've apologized to you, but I really hope one day you can forgive me for what I did to you. I really am sorry & regret it so much. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about it. I hope one day I can make amends for it, somehow."

I took in a deep breath as I looked at the floor. "You know I'm trying to forgive you. Don't think I'm not. Maybe one day I can." I smirked at him.

"I will be grateful if that happens. And then maybe you can get Demi to forgive me." He hung his head, briefly.

"Well, she's pretty stubborn." I grinned, with my eyebrows up & he nodded, his eyes wide, like he knew exactly what I meant. "Anyway, she's waiting for me, since I gave away my ride home. I should go."

"You gave your car back to Chuck, huh?" He asked & I nodded. "So... are you & Demi back together?"

"No. We're just trying to be friends right now." I replied & Wilmer nodded. "See ya later." I turned & headed out of the arena. I walked down the stairs, pulling my phone out since I didn't see Demi's car, waiting. I looked around & saw there wasn't a car in sight. I squinted, looking toward the lot Demi said she parked in & it looked like her car in the distance, so I started walking toward it. Maybe she got held up or forgot she said she'd drive to the doors. I thought I heard a door shut behind me, so I turned around, but didn't see anything.

I put my phone back in my pocket, then adjusted my bag on my shoulder. Next thing I knew, someone was grabbing me from behind, choking me as they pulled me to the ground. I clawed at the arm that was around me, trying to get them to let go enough so I could breathe. Another person came into my view & stared down at us. I managed to free my arm enough & elbowed the guy, under me, in the side & his grip loosened, letting me roll to freedom. I gasped for air, then felt a blow to the side of my face. I felt a kick to my side, then rolled away, trying to catch my bearings. I didn't have long to do that, though, because one of the guys was grabbing my sweatshirt, trying to pull me toward him. It started to rip, so I slipped out of it & crawled away.

The guy on the ground had stood up & he was walking toward me, just as the other guy tossed my hoodie. The guy who had my sweatshirt showed me he had a weapon in his hand, but that didn't make me want to stop fighting. This little pipe, he had, wasn't going to end me. I managed to stand up & as one of them lunged at me, I kicked him, in the jaw, sending him flying to the ground. This didn't phase the second guy, who came at me, with his arm raised, about to hit me with his weapon.

A figure came out of nowhere, like it flew from somewhere over my head & knocked the guy to the ground. I heard other grunts & saw two guys attacking the guy I had kicked. Once I stood up & could see clearly, I saw it was Wilmer who had the guy, with the pipe, on the ground, punching him in the face. I saw the pipe & snatched it off the ground. When I glanced up I saw the guy had managed to overpower Wilmer & was now choking him. I took a step toward them, lifting the pipe over my head then brought it down to whack the guy across the head. He flew off Wilmer, landing on the ground, appearing unconscious.

Wilmer jumped up, quickly then went to stand over the guy, while I caught my breath. I saw him feel the guy's neck, checking for a pulse. "He's alive. Unfortunately." Wilmer muttered, then looked up at me. "You okay?"

I let out a laugh & nodded my head. "Yea. Thanks to you. I say all is forgiven man. You made up for the past, just now. We are good, as far as I'm concerned." I held out my hand for Wilmer to shake. "Thank you." I looked over at Wilmer's friends who finished beating up the other dude & I saw he wasn't moving. I wondered if he was dead. Then I realized I didn't care.

"You're welcome. I saw them watching you while we were talking, in the hall, then I walked past them & I heard one of them say, 'He's alone. Time to move.' So I followed them." Wilmer said, then his eyes got wide & his mouth fell open as he covered it with his hand. "Where's Demi?"

"She's in her car, waiting for me, why?"

"I just remembered something one of them said as I was following them. He said, 'wish we had been the ones to get the girl.' I didn't think anything of it at the time, but now. Do you think there are guys after her, too?"

I felt a cold chill go down my spine & I looked over to where Demi's car was parked. "Shit. Let's go." I shouted & took off running toward Demi's car. As I got closer, I saw a guy on the ground behind the car, trying to get up. I saw movement in the backseat of the car & heard Demi's screams. I went around to the other side of the car, where the door was open & grabbed the guy that was struggling with Demi. I yanked him out of the car & threw him, as hard as I could, onto the ground. I saw Wilmer, in my peripheral vision, punching the other guy. I slammed my fist into this man's face, repeatedly, then pressed my arm into his neck.

"Demi? Are you okay?" I shouted, not taking my eyes off the guy beneath me.

"Yea. I fought him off." Demi answered me, breathlessly. I saw her get out of the car & walk around, watching the guy. I could see she was pissed, but I also knew she was relieved. 

"Now... tell me who hired you." I ordered, through gritted teeth to the guy that was struggling to breath. He choked & gasped, but didn't answer. "I can snap your neck so fast, unless I hear who hired you."

"Chuck Swain." The guy panted, trying to get me off of him.

"What did he tell you to do?"

"Beat you & her up. He wanted her left for dead."

I stared at him, not believing what he just said. 'Left for dead.' What an evil thing to plan. What if I hadn't gotten to her in time? "You better disappear from town or I will kill you. You got it?" I asked & he nodded, as well as he could with my forearm still in his neck. I hit him again with my elbow then got off of him. I grabbed him, to pick him up, then shoved him into the side of the car. "I better never see you again. Get the fuck out of here & forget your friends." I shoved him toward the ground & watched him as he struggled to get up, then wobbled off. Wilmer was kicking the guy, he had on the ground, so I turned toward Demi, just as she threw her arms around me. I held her tight, feeling her tremble in my arms.

"I kicked that guy in the face & he went flying, then the other guy got in the back seat with me & I kicked the knife out of his hands. He told his friend he wanted to have fun with me before he beat the shit out of me, so I had to fight. He slapped me, after I kicked him, then he tried to take off my pants & I just kept pushing him off of me & hitting him. I kicked when I could. I just had to fight until you got here. I knew you'd come." Demi said against my chest.

Wilmer held the guy up as he yelled to me, "You want me to call the police?"

"No. I don't want them involved. I don't want Chuck to know I'm onto him." I saw the guy was a bloody pulp. "Just throw him in the woods & make sure he knows he better never show his face around us again." I brushed my hand down Demi's hair. "You're safe. You okay? Did he hit you? Hurt you?"

"No, he slapped me. That was it."

Wilmer came over a minute later. "You okay, Demi?" He asked & she nodded.

"Two guys jumped me when I was coming out & if Wilmer hadn't followed them I never would have gotten to you. He's the one who saved us." I said.

Demi looked up at my face, then at Wilmer. "You saved Nick?"

"Well, you never would have spoken to me again if I let something happen to him." Wilmer chuckled & I laughed, under my breath.

Demi let go of me & hugged Wilmer. "Thank you so much." She muttered, then let go of him.

"I'm going to see how my dudes are doing with the other two." Wilmer said. "Glad you're okay." He said, looking at me & Demi, both, before he walked back toward the arena.

"I should take you to the hospital." I said & Demi shook her head.

"No, please. I just want to go home. I'm fine. Really."

I sighed, watching her face. I looked her up & down & since she looked fine, I shrugged. "Fine. I'm driving, though, since you're still shaking."

Demi nodded, then got in the car. I started it & pulled out of the lot onto the street a moment later. "I can't believe Chuck did this." Demi said, leaning her head back as she looked at me.

"I'm pretty livid, so I really don't even want to think about it." I said, keeping my eyes on the road. I couldn't help but remember what my dad had said & now I was worried as well as pissed off. If Chuck was capable of this kind of evil, there was no telling what he would do next.

"They busted open the cut on your cheek." Demi said, in a quiet voice as she reached to caress my cheek, just under the wound.

"I'll be fine. I have stuff at home. I'll put another couple of strips on it." I said, then realized that Jay was at my house & had invited people over to celebrate the victory. Demi sighed, loudly, then turned to look out her window as I continued to drive.

As I headed toward Demi's house, she perked up. "You missed the turn to your house." She said, glancing at me.

"I'm taking you to your place."

"I'll be fine to drive home from your house, Nick."

I looked at her as I slowed down at a stop sign. "I know. But I'm not leaving you alone tonight."

Demi pressed her lips together, smiling, just a little, as she nodded, then she turned to look out the windshield. "Okay."

I drove to Demi's house, then helped her out of the car, looking around her yard to make sure there weren't any other paid assailants hiding somewhere. We went inside her house & she locked the door, then turned to me. "I really should get your wound cleaned up before we go to sleep."

I nodded, then let out a deep breath. Demi took my hand & pulled me as she walked toward her bedroom. "You got stuff in your bedroom?" I asked, smirking.

She looked over her shoulder at me as she went into her room. "Sit on the bed. I'll get my first aid kit from my bathroom. Take off Tshirt so I can soak it & get the blood out." She ordered, as she walked into the bathroom.

I took my bag off my shoulder, tossed it on the floor near the door, then took off my shirt. I left my tank top on & sat on the edge of her bed. I watched her as she looked through her medicine cabinet, then a moment later, she came back into the room. She sat the stuff she got from the bathroom on the bed beside me, then pulled her shirt off & tossed it. Underneath that shirt she had one of her tank tops, that she would wear to work out & I swallowed since she looked so sexy. I looked up at her, admiring the way she was diligent in getting her supplies ready. 

Her eyes met mine & she smiled. "You ready?" She asked & I nodded. She moved my legs so she could stand in between my knees, then put the cotton swab on my wound. I jumped & sucked my breath in, through my teeth, because it was cold & it stung. "Oh. Sorry." She said, making a face to show her sympathy. She touched my cut, again, with the swab & I moved my head away just a little & she sighed. "Stop moving."

"Sorry. It hurts."

"That's why I'm trying to clean it out. You probably got dirt in it when you were fighting those dudes."

I pressed my lips together & kept my eyes on her face as she worked at putting some adhesive strips on my wound. Once she finished, she started putting her supplies away. "All done?" I asked as I looked down, sneaking a peek at the 'V' at the top of her thighs. I missed everything about her, but I was missing being her boyfriend, right now, more than anything. I just wanted to kiss her & make love to her. I smiled, softly, remembering what it felt like to lay in bed with her, after we made love. She smelled so good & I loved the way she would lay on my chest & snuggle up to me.

"I'm not done. Well, I'm done with your cut. Now..." She stood up & held a washcloth in her hand as she looked down at me. "Your mouth was bleeding. I need to wipe off the blood."

I reached up to touch the corner of my mouth & felt the dried blood. "I thought I tasted blood at some point. Go ahead & work, Nurse Demi." I smirked.

She grinned & cocked an eyebrow, then started wiping the corner of my mouth with the wet cloth. She had to rub it a few times since the blood had dried & I kept staring at her face, since it was inches from mine. She stopped rubbing, dropped the cloth on the bed beside me then placed her hand on my cheek, her thumb gently rubbing the corner of my mouth. "Does it hurt?" She asked, her voice a whisper.

"A little." I whispered back.

We stared into each other's eyes for a few minutes, her hands caressing my face. Her head moved, instinctively toward me as her hand that was near my wound, went to the top of my head & the other hand came to my neck. As her lips got closer to mine, I felt my mouth twitch with anticipation, then I smiled, slightly when her lips puckered. When our lips met, I closed my eyes, letting her kiss me tenderly, trying not hurt my mouth. She pulled away from me, still staring at me, now with a soft smile on her lips.

"That made it feel better." I said, in a low voice, as my hands went to her sides.

"I love you so much & I want us to be together, again." She said, her voice trembling.

"What a coincidence. That's what I want, too."

"You do?" She asked, leaning back as her eyes widened with surprise.

I nodded my head, smiling broadly now. I moved to pull my tank top off & tossed it over her head as she smiled, coyly. She shimmied her pants down her legs & once they were off, I pulled her on top of me, as I laid back on the bed. She was straddling me, so I massaged her thighs, then held her just above her waist, as she looked down at me. "I love you, so much." I sighed, staring at her.

I sat up & wrapped my arm around her waist as my other hand got tangled in her hair. I kissed her hard, my tongue playing with hers, then I was moving us so we were both lying on the bed, her on her back & me on my side. My hand moved down to slip under the silk panties she was wearing, then a few of my fingers slid into her hole, making her gasp as she kissed me. Her hand gripped my head, gently tugging me toward her. After a few minutes of pumping my fingers, I took the cue & removed my boxers as she, hastily, took off her underwear. It was only a few minutes before I was over top of her & she was holding onto me as I guided my er.ection inside her. We both let out erotic sighs, since we both missed this. It had only been a month since we'd had sex, but, to me, it felt like years. I moved in & out of her as we kissed passionately, both of us moaning & groaning, loudly, from the pleasure. Demi's nails dug into my skin, on my shoulders, but I was enjoying the sting it created. Her nails on my scalp, were a little more gentle & it felt good, enhancing the excitement I was feeling in every nerve in my body. I bent an arm & slid it underneath her to get our bodies even closer as we both neared a climax. I lifted my head up when we had our simultaneous orga.sms because I had to get loud, since it felt so incredible. Her hot box was squeezing my c.ock like it was afraid he would leave before it finished. Demi was screaming out, so erotically, it turned me on & made me finish even harder. I had a lot of build up, clearly, because it felt like I was never going to stop cum.ming.

Once our breathing returned to normal, I pulled out of her & laid down beside her, keeping my arm around her. Demi turned to lay on my chest as I reached down to grab the blanket on the edge of her bed. I covered us, up to our waists, then let out a sigh before I kissed her head. "God, that felt amazing. Way better way to end the night after we both won." I said, smiling.

"Uh huh." Demi kissed my chest. "I love you."

"I love you, too." I replied, then closed my eyes. I fell asleep, within minutes, not surprisingly, since I was exhausted, both physically & mentally. I didn't wake up until I heard a door slam. My eyes snapped open & I realized Demi wasn't in bed with me, so it must have been her that slammed the bathroom door shut. Then I heard her puking & I felt myself smile. Hearing her having morning sickness gave me comfort because it meant she was still pregnant. I had worried that she'd lose the baby in the fight, but if she was sick, that meant the baby was fine. At least I assumed so, anyway. I wasn't a doctor, but I hoped my theory was true.

The door opened & Demi came into the room, looking annoyed, until she saw me watching her. "Sorry. Did I wake you?"

"It's okay. You get sick a lot?"

"Nope. That was the first time." She said as she climbed into bed & laid beside me. "It's early. We can go back to sleep." She said with a sigh. "We're really back together, though, right? I wasn't dreaming last night was I?" She asked, keeping her eyes closed.

I had one arm over my head & the other one I wrapped around Demi's shoulders. I leaned my cheek on the top of her head & closed my eyes as I sighed, heavily. "You most certainly didn't dream it. We are back together."

"Good." She responded, a smile evident in her tone.

I was just about to doze off when I heard what sounded like someone trying to open Demi's front door. I lifted my head, so I could listen closer & then I heard footsteps on the front porch. My heart rate quickened as I thought maybe Chuck had sent someone to finish the job he originally wanted done. "Demi." I whispered, shaking her a little with my arm. "Did you hear that?"

Demi lifted her head & squinted as she looked at me. "What?" She asked, then her eyes widened when we heard her screen door open since it squeaked sometimes. "Oh my God. It's like 7 in the morning. Who could that be?"

I slid out of bed & put on a t-shirt. "Stay in here & call the police if you hear me yell."

"What are you doing?" She asked, sounding alarmed.

"It could be someone Chuck sent. Maybe he's not one to give up."

"You really think so?"

"Who else would it be?"

She shrugged as she got out of bed & pulled on shorts, then put on a shirt. "I'm coming with you."

I rolled my eyes. "Demi, can't you just listen to me, for once?"

"I'm not letting you go out there without backup." She smirked, looking amused.

"Fine. Stay behind me, then." I said, then walked out of her room, toward the front of the house. I heard Demi shuffling in her room, so I figured she was looking for a weapon of some sort. I saw a shadow on the porch & heard the person jiggle the doorknob. Who the fuck was here?

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