Fix You - Dramione

By _Always_Shipper_

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The war has ended and the Golden Trio has come back to Hogwarts to complete there 7th year, since they missed... More

1: From Choices To Train Rides
2: Finally At Hogwarts
3: Partners
4: Why Do You Care
5: I'm Sorry
6: Thinking It Through
7: I Swear
8: Confession
9: Amortentia
10: Night Terrors
11: Worth It
12: You And Me
14: I Gotcha
15: The Halloween Ball
16: Too Good To Be True?
17: Free
18: To The Mansion
21: The Jerk
22: The Otter
23: Firelight Dancing
24: Pain
25: One Step Closer
26: Imperio
27: Plans For The Holidays
28: Christmas Break - Part 1
29: Christmas Break - Part 2
30: Lacey Green
31: Heart and Soul
33: End Of The Break
Please Read What If

19: Meeting Mother

989 23 8
By _Always_Shipper_

-Hermione's P.O.V-

We walked down the walkway passing the tall black iron gates. It looked rather creepy, I felt like I was at a haunted house. It was sprinkling out, just light rain, but it made me awfully cold considering its November and I am wear a short sleeve dress. I couldn't help but shiver a bit as we walked down the extremely long walkway.

"You want my jacket love?" Draco asked me, snapping out of my thoughts.

"No thank you, we are almost inside anyway" I nodded.

"You sure?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, but I wouldn't mind your arm" I smiled, taking his arm and wrapping it around me, hiding in his side.

"Ah, I see you just want to be cuddled" He smirked down at me.

"You know me so well" I smiled, snuggling closer.

As we arrived at the door I got nervous. I didn't like the thought of being in the place I was once tortured... I knew I was safe with Draco but I couldn't help the memories that fled into my mind like flood gates.

Draco opened the huge black door and led me in, taking me out of the embrace and putting his arm around the small of my back "Mother?" He called out.

"Mother?" He called again, tightening his grip around the small of my back, making me feel safer.

"Draco? Is that you?" Narissa Malfoy asked walking down the stairs.

She was a pretty woman. Black and grayish blonde hair. Blue eyes, but not like Draco's gray ones. She wore a tight black pencil skirt and a black blouse.

"Yes, it's me" He smiled, letting go of me and hugging his mother. I smiled at their embrace.

"I didn't know if you would show!" She smiled hugging him back.

"Sorry, I wasn't sure if I would make it or not so I didn't RSVP" He said letting go of her.

Narissa suddenly gasped "A girl! Oh Draco you brought a girl!!" She smiled brightly, pulling me into a tight motherly hug.

I hugged her back smiling.

"Mother, this is Hermione Granger... My girlfriend" He smiled at her and me as our embrace ended.

"Hermione Granger!? As in the Hermione Granger!?" She asked shocked.

"Mother" He tried to stop her.

"Oh my dear! Draco has loved you for years! He has always wanted to be with you! You made my boy happier in a dark time in his life! I'm so glad you two finally got together!!!" She exclaimed, hugging me again.

I smiled, hugging her back again "My pleasure, he's made me the happiest girl in the world! I never really knew what love was until Draco showed me" I said as her second hug ended. I then smiled at her and then at Draco.

Draco smiled bigger at my words and so did Narissa.

"Oh you two are lovely together!" She smiled. "Now, the funeral will be in about a half hour so in the meantime... Can I get you some tea?"

"Oh, that would be wonderful, Yes please" I nodded gratefully.

"Draco?" She asked.

"Yes, I'd love some" He smiled as we followed her into the huge living room.

Draco and I sat together on the loveseat in front of the fireplace as a warm fire crackled in it. When Narissa returned she handed us both a cup of warm tea, she then sat in the arm chair next to the loveseat. I smelled it and it smelled wonderful! It smelled like Earl Grey but almost with a fruity tint.

"Now this is my own brew!" She explained "I would make it all the time when Draco was little! It was his favorite! It's a mix of a bunch of things but basically it's a Earl Grey base... Then I add dried apple slices and a touch of dried cranberries. Once their altogether I put them in tea bags and brew in all the time!" She explained to me.

"Wow, that's amazing!" I smiled taking a sip "Oh my Merlin! It's fantastic!"

"I'm glad you like it" She said sipping her tea.

"When I was little I asked Mother to make it all the time" Draco smiled drinking it "I love this tea"

"He would practically beg for it!" She laughed.

"Well I can see why" I nodded.

While talking I totally forgot that I was tortured a few rooms over... I felt like I was just, meeting my boyfriend's Mother... Which was exactly what I was doing, and I was highly enjoying it.

After a while of talking there was a knock at the door...

"I'll get it" She said getting up, placing her tea of the coffee table.

As she left I stiffened slightly, worried about who might show up.

Draco put his hand on my knee "It's alright" He looked at me with those sweet, loving, strong gray eyes. I nodded and put my hand over his that rested on my knee.

"I'm sorry Hermione... I shouldn't have made you come" He sighed.

"You didn't make me, you asked me and I chose to" I told him.

"Details, details!" He scoffed.

I smiled.

"You know what I mean though... I shouldn't have tried to get you to come... I know this place brings back bad memories, I'm sorry"

"Draco, I'm fine... I'm glad I came, your Mother is lovely and I'm so glad I got to meet her. I'm really truly okay... I promise" I nodded at him and kissed his cheek.

He smiled down at me.

When Narissa returned she was followed by Balsie from school.

"Oi mate" Balsie smiled as he walked in.

"Balsie! Thank for being here mate" Draco stood.

"Ah, Hermione, I know we never got to known each other much in the past but please, skip last names, I'm Balsie" He smiled at me.

I smiled, standing as well "Wonderful, Balsie, I'm glad we can be friends" I nodded.

"Of how lovely" Narissa smiled "Now, everyone has gathered outside... It's a small group but I'm glad it is" She said softly and let us out. She handed us all umbrellas because now it was raining a bit harder.

Draco and I shared an umbrella, other's had brought their own, like Balsie. There was about ten people in all, including me, Draco, Narissa and Balsie. Others were people I didn't really recognize except for Balsie's mother and father. As we sat listening to the Minister say his words Draco's arm tightened around the small of my back. I looked up at him and leaned into him, putting my outer hand on his chest.

"Narissa, Draco, do you want to say anything?" The minister asked.

Narissa shook her head solemnly.

Draco tightened his grip around me more, shaking his head once quickly. I could tell he was in pain.

After the funeral Draco and I went to Narissa.

"Mother, I'm afraid we must go back to Hogwarts... Hopefully we will come over Christmas break" He told her.

"Okay dear, thank you for coming! You too Hermione, what a pleasure!" She hugged us both.

"Of course" I said happily.

Draco didn't hesitate to pull me out rather quickly. As soon as we were out of the house we apperated to the train station. We were silent all the way. Once on the train we found a compartment and sat down, he still hadn't said a word.

"Draco..." I said softly "Are you okay" I asked, taking his hand in mine.

"Um... Yeah... I'm fine" He muttered softly.

"Ah!" Ron said opening the compartment door "Your back from daddy dearests funeral!" He smirked.

"Ron" I warned.

"How'd it go? Well Hermione, your still alive so you must have been able to outrun the Death Eaters" He teased.

"RON!" I warned again, standing up.

"What Hermione? Oh, I'm sorry how could I be so inconsiderate... I'm sure no death eaters showed up... None of them would come... I'm sure in fact NO ONE came because you father was a lying dirty prat!" He sneered to Draco.

"RON GET OUT!" I yelled.

"Sorry Mione, I forgot... You don't care if your dating the son of a lying dirty prat... You don't even care if your dating a lying dirty ferret!" He continued.

"Weasel! I'm waning you" Draco stood up.

"Warning me what?" Ron asked "Warning me that you and your mudblood girlfriend are going to kick my arse or something?"

"That's. It!" Draco yelled taking Ron by the shirt.

"Draco..." I sighed.

He looked at me.

I walked to Ron and slapped him across the face for the second time "Stay out of my life Ronald" I yelled and pushed him out "Oh and 10 points from Gryfinndor for being disrespectful to the Heads"

"What?! You'd take points from your own house?!" He yelled.

"Yes I would, now go before I get Professor MaGonagall to have you clean the bathrooms" I shut the door in his face.

I turned around and looked at Draco "You alright?" I asked.

"He called you... a..." He said softly.

"I know.... I'm okay" I told him, walking up to him "Are you?" I asked.

He nodded and sat down, staring blankly out the window. I sighed and sat by him, staying silent.

Once we arrived back at school we went straight for the common room. Dinner was in five minutes but I was playing in by ear whether we would go or not. Once through the portrait hole I looked to Draco.

"I'm going to change... Do you want to go to dinner?" I asked.

"I'm not hungry..." He sighed and walked into his room, closing his door behind him.

I sighed and went into my room 'I'll just give him some space...' I thought to myself as I changed out of my dress and stuff. I brushed out my hair, took off my earrings, necklace and removed the spell that hid my 'Mudblood' scare on my arm (I only hide it when I need to). I then changed into some black leggings, my favorite t-shirt that Draco gave to me... It's a Slytherin Quittich Team shirt that was his, its quite big on me and I love it. I then put long grey wool socks on and pulled them over my leggings up to the middle on the shin.

I walked out of my bedroom into the Common Room, Draco was still in his room... I was chilly so I went back into my room and grabbed a knit grey sweater, the color of my socks, and put in on. I was unbuttoned but I pulled it around me and walked back out. I then walked to the fire place and started a fire with my wand. I got up and walked over to Draco's door... I was getting really worried about him.

I listened and heard that he was crying, it broke my heart.

I opened the door to see him sitting on his bed, crying, his shirt off and him staring at his faded dark mark.

"Draco" I said softly, walking over to him. I kneeled down on the floor in front of him so I was a little below him as he sat on his bed.

He looked at me, puffy eyes and tears dripping down his face.

"Oh Draco" I said taking his face in my hands and wiping some of the tears away with my thumbs.

"He's right... I'm the son of a Death Eater... I am a Death Eater" He said softly, through his tears.

"You are not a Death Eater... You're an Ex... AND it wasn't your choice Draco" I trailed into a whisper at the end.

He nodded "But..."

"But nothing" I told him.

He sighed deeply and looked into my eyes carefully. He suddenly leaned in and kissed me, not to hard but not quite as soft as he usually starts out. He grabbed my hands and stood me up, sitting up straight himself. He pulled me towards him and I couldn't resist... I climbed on top of him as he sat, straddling around his waist, my legs on each side on him. His hands held my waist as my arms were around his neck. He pulled away from the kiss and started kissing my neck, making me moan. He trailed his tongue up my neck reaching my lips again. He pushed his tongue against my bottom-lip asking for entrance. I opened my mouth, tilting my head to the side as his tongue slipped into my mouth. He kissed me harder, as did I with hunger. His hands went down to my hips and back up, going under my shirt, moving his hands in sync with the kiss he roamed his hands under my shirt. His hands found my breasts and with one hand he took one, with the other he escaped my shirt and trailed down to my leg, stroking up and down along my upper thigh. As he did this I ran my hands over his hard abs, over his lower back, around his belt line to his front and back up his abs. As our kiss grew with hunger and lust he removed his hand from my breast and thigh and took my gray sweater off, revealing my 'Mudblood' scare. Draco pulled away.

"What?" I asked breathlessly.

"I know your not ready... Hermione, I'm sorry, I wont push you" He said breathless too.

"Draco..." I sighed.

"I don't want to push you"

"You wonderful.. Thank you" I hugged him tightly.

"Of course love..." He hugged me back.

"I love you" I whispered, my lips brushing against his neck.

"I love you too" He whispered back, kissing my shoulder.

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