5sos boyxboy smut

By leenastyles1d

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It's pretty self explanatory. Thanks for reading my awful smut kittens!! More

Locker Room- Cake
Someone's Coming - Malum
Fuckboy Hemmings - Muke
Fuckboy Hemmings pt 2
Slow Dance- Cashton pt. 2

Slow Dance- Cashton pt. 1

7.8K 81 88
By leenastyles1d

"Calum, let's go," Ashton says walking into his friends room. "I don't want to be late. Again." 

"I'm in the bathroom. Just give me a second." He  back to Ashton. "I don't think I'm feeling this shirt, can you bring me the black long sleeved tee on my bed." 

"Only if it means we can leave sooner." Ashton mumbles while picking up the soft black material from the tan boys bed. "Do you just want me to walk in?" He asks while raising his hand to knock but Calum beat him to it and opened the door. 

"Thanks Ash." Calum said quietly. But Ashton was so taken back by seeing his friend shirtless. Sure he has seen Cal shirtless plenty of times before but Ashton could tell he has been definitely working out. "Uhm Ashton. You're staring and it's getting awkward." Calum says with a blush as he looks down to still see Ashton holding onto his shirt. 

"Oh sorry. Have you been working out?" Calum nods. "It is really starting to show." 

"Thanks? Can I just have my shirt?" Ashton looks down and opens his hand, watching the material fall from it but never hits the ground because Calum was holding the other end and they both looked up, locking eyes. Calum looked back down to the shirt and slowly closed the door in Ashton's face. 

Calum looked in the mirror, smoothing his eye brows and ruffling his hair, "how could anyone like me?" he whispered to himself and watched himself put his shirt on in the mirror, turning around to see his ass. "well at least that's nice." He continued to pick out flaws on himself before getting startled by a loud knock on the door, opening it to see a very adorable Ashton with the cutest smile making his dimples pop. "Let's go!" He exclaimed. 

----- In the Car-----(Cal's POV)-------

"Calum pick one station to listen to, clearly annoyed with the fact that there was nothing on the radio so I was skipping through every station, settling on Mama by My Chemical Romance and looking out the window. I love lights at night. Even if it's only head lights and street lights. 

We soon arrived to a road lined with cars, Ashton pulling over to add to the line. "Guess we're walking." He said while unbuckling and smiled at me. 

"Guess so." 

"What's wrong Cal. You seem down." 

"Nothing I'm grand. Let's just get in there and party." I said jumping from his car and walking over to his side and he wrapped an arm around my waist. 

-----Inside the party----(Cal's POV)-----

We walked into the party and I was instantly looking for some alcohol to consume. But when I grabbed a plastic red cup, Ashton grabbed the beverage from me saying, "I think we should go outside. Mikey and Luke are out there I think." He grabbed my hand and pulled my to the door, me reaching to get my drink back, but it was soon being dumped in the grass. 

"Ashton what the hell man? I was going to drink that." He didn't say anything which annoyed me so I crossed my arms and noticed my two intoxicated friends by the pool filled with half naked people. I walked over to Luke, trying to take his drink without him noticing. But Ashton came over to save the day and gave Luke's drink back to him, Luke being a giggly mess and downed his drink. I rolled my eyes and let Immortals by Fall Out Boy fill my ears. I'm surprised they are playing good music here. It's always rave music. But that soon ended and some more rave music filled the space. 

Michael walked over to me, pulling on my shirt sleeve, notifying me that "some people are going streaking and we should go watch." I looked over to Ashton to see him talking to some girl and nodded to Michael. "Hey Mike wait, Can I get a drink first?" He nodded and we made it inside to grab three drinks, one for me, Mike and Luke. I downed it and had it refilled. "Alright let's go man." 

When we walked to the road, we saw it wasn't only lined with cars but people. "There's Ashton and Luke, c'mon." I chugged my drink and threw the cup, hiding the evidence. Ashton smiled when seeing me, making me blush and smile back before looking at my feet. There was a whistle, causing me to look up to see about 8 naked people run by, causing Luke to laugh uncontrollably. I looked up to the laughing boy to see Ashton looking at me. What did I do now? I thought. I decided to ask because he wasn't stopping. "Ashton. Why the hell are you looking at me like that? What did I do now?" 

"I'm just looking at you. I like to look at beautiful things."

"Ha okay Augustus Waters." I said pretending not to be taken back by what he said when I felt me cheeks heat up. 

He walked closer and I could feel his body heat radiating off of him. He leaned down and whispered in my ear, "let's get out of here." I looked up at him in confusion, "It was your idea to come to this." I shouted over the loud music that began to play from someone's car. "I know but I know you really don't want to be here anyway." I rolled my eyes and argued, "you're right. I only came to drink and my father here won't even do that." He gave me a stern look and I said, "Fine fine. Race you to the car." And I began to walk to the car but Ashton pushed past me and ran to the car. I laughed and rolled my eyes when he shouted, "I won!" in excitement. 

I hopped in the car and Ashton started the car and I bobbed my head to Dare 4 Distance by Never Shout Never, softly singing along to it under my breath. I looked over at Ashton to be stunned by how beautiful he looked in the light from the street lights. His skin was glowing and his caramel locks seemed to have been glowing. My eyes followed down to his collar bones popping out from the collar of his cut up black KISS tee. I wanted to plan sweet opened mouth kisses to the dark shadows caste on his gorgeous neck. He noticed me staring and I looked back out the window, Kiss Me Kiss Me by some lame band no one knows breaking the silence. 

When we pulled into our drive way, I jumped out of the car shouting, "race you to the door." I ran to the door nearly tripping on the stone steps but made it to the door, catching my breath while Ashton took his time up the steps with the key. "I won." I whispered in his ear. 

"I see that Calum." He smiled at me and opened the door. I walked in and kicked off my shoes, walking over to the couch, face planting into the couch. 

Ashton walked over to the speaker we have for parties and plugged his phone in, playing Stay Away From My Friends by Pierce the Veil. He walked over to me and rubbed my back lightly. 

"May I have this dance?"  

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