Crossing Arrows (Arrow/Flash...

By caler_jo_hyden

67.5K 1.2K 219

Allison Allen is best friends with Oliver Queen since they were teenagers. She was on that island with Oliver... More

Author's Note
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen

Chapter One

11.4K 207 45
By caler_jo_hyden


I had arrived off of the Lian Yu a year and a half ago, after five whole years of Hell. The only good thing about that island was I wasn't alone. I had my best friend, Oliver Queen, as company.

He had went home in Starling City and I had went back to Central City where my cousin lives at. My mother had died and my father left out on me when I was only a newborn, so I have no idea who he is. And now, I work as a forensic scientist, along with Barry, at CCPD (Central City Police Department). I'm older than Barry and close to Oliver's age. I'm 26 and Olly is 27.

I had became a vigilante with Oliver when I had came back to Starling before I had moved to Central. I waited at the crime scene, checking the time. Barry was late. Again. I had to start the investigation without him.

"Where's Allen?" The chief of police asked.

"Right here." I say, knowing that he was talking about my cousin.

"Not you, your cousin- Barry." He replied.

"Oh. He, um, he'll be here." I comment.

Then Barry showed up. "Sorry. Sorry, I'm late. I, um-" He started.

"What's the excuse now? Let me point out that your last excuse was car trouble. Want to know what was memorable about that one?" The chief cut him off.

"I do not own a car." Barry replied.

"He was running an errand for me." I say, covering for him, "Did you get it?"

"Uh, yeah. Here you go." Barry replied, handing me a half eaten candy bar, "Sorry. I took a few bites of it."

I crouch down to the evidence as do Barry. "Getaway car was a Mustang Shelby GT 500. Tires have a 12 inches asymmetrical tread." I state as Joe was writing it down impressed.

"But there's something else." Barry replied, taking Chyre's pen and scooping up some dirt and placing it in an evidence bag.

"My dad gave me that pen. Before he died." Chyre commented.

Barry mouthed 'oops' and zipped up the bag.

I sat in the rolling chair at my desk in the forensics lab, listening to my stomach growl, when Barry walked in with two white bags of food. "Finally."

He chuckled. "Here you go, Allison." He handed my bag and then set his on his desk, eating a fry as did I.

"Mm. So much better than what I had to eat on the island." I say, drinking some of my vanilla milkshake.

"I bet." Barry replied, going back to our work. I got up and moved over to the the computer screen.

"The results are almost done, Barry." I state, eating a bite of my burger just as Iris comes in. Barry has a crush on her- He loves her since they were both kids. Everyone pretty much knows about it but Iris.

"Alright. I'm ready for the atom smashing thing or whatever tonight." Iris stated.

"The Particle Accelerator?" Barry and I both corrected her.

"Yeah." Iris replied.

"There was a shooting today and your dad has us working on it. I don't think I'll be able to go." Barry said.

"What? But seeing this thing turn on has been your lifelong, sad, nerdy dream." Iris replied, taking one of his fries.

"Hey, hands off of the fries. Unbelievable." Barry said.

"What? I stress eat. I started orientation and today at Jitters, we started to sell doughnuts and I ate seven. I'm gonna look more like muffin top than woman." Iris replied.

Barry looked up at her and said, "You look amazing." I chuckled a bit at her lack of realization that he likes her more than a friend.

She asked why the Particle Accelerator was so important as he went into detail why it was. "You gotta get yourself a girlfriend." Iris said. Barry scoffed a little with a smile.

"Hey, leave him alone. He's working." Joe replied, walking in the room.

"Hi Dad." Iris said, smiling.

Then the computer beeped. "Alright. Results are done." I comment, showing them as Barry came over to me.

"I think the Martin brothers are hiding on a farm." Barry replied, "The matter on the street that I had found, which was cow manure, contained traces of siclene. It's an antibiotic."

"There are only four farms that uses it in their feed. Bet you will find a nice Shelby car parked in one of them." I finished for him as Barry handed Joe the paper with the locations on it.

He let us off work so that Iris and Barry could go to S.T.A.R labs while I went home to my apartment.

I changed into a dark midnight blue leather pants and tucked in my gray tank top and zipped up my dark midnight blue jacket attached to my hood. I slid my mask over my eyes and pulled my hood over my face, sliding my quiver of arrows over my back and grabbing my bow.

I had been crossing names off of my mother's list to 'right her wrongs' ever since I had got back. I was over halfway done. Oliver had stopped with his list and started to becoming a hero in his town. I'm just not good enough to be a hero, so I'm sticking with being a vigilante.

I landed on a rooftop. I was after Maya Smith, a high-profile manager of an underground casino. She has done wrong to a lot of people including my mother. She's gotten away with several different murders, stole three billion in cash and still gotten away with it, and rapes teens, still getting away with it. (I know that last one is disturbing and shocking to me as well).

I found her in her office at the top floor of her building, typing on her computer. I turned the lights off and turned my voice modulator on, pointing my bow and arrow at her. "Maya Smith, you have failed this city."

"Is that so? And who are you to tell me that I have?" She asked in a sneering tone and a smirk plastered on her face.

"I'm the Blue Arrow." I answer, drawing the drawstring back and letting go as the arrow soared through the air and hit her right in the heart. I shot another one to make sure she was dead. The second one shot her in the neck. I took out the small notebook and crossed out Maya Smith and then jumped out of the window and landed on another roof, running back home.

After I had got home, I changed into a pair of jeans and plain gray tee shirt with my black sneakers. It wasn't really late, so I didn't want to change into pajamas yet. I put my vigilante stuff up in a locked box and turned the television on. It was storming. The news lady was talking about the particle accelerator and how it was just turned on.

I went over the window and could see it. Then the news lady came back and said that they are having to evacuate the area because of a malfunction. The power shut off and an explosion sounded as I watched the many colors of it. My drink in my cup began to float in the air as lightning blasted through my window and surged through me, making me crash a few feet away from the now broken window. Blue lightning moved inside my cheek to my eye and disappeared. I fell into blackness or unconsciousness then.

In case anything happens to me, Oliver's family is my emergency contact since they're the only family that I have other than Barry. Oliver was on his way here to visit me anyway.

"Young female hit by lightning." A paramedic said to the other doctors as they rushed Allison in through the emergency room, trying to keep her stable. Oliver had been passing by the hospital whenever he saw her on a gurney being rushed inside.

"How the hell is she alive then?" A doctor asked, inserting a breathing valve down her throat and trying to keep her breathing steady or stable.

They moved her over to an operating table. Oliver rushed over to them as a nurse kept him back. "She's my family!" He said, "Allison!"

She was barely conscious as they put a mask over her mouth to make her fall asleep. She saw Oliver as she tried to remain awake. "It's okay, honey, you can let go." Oliver said to her, trying to remain calm for Allison's sake.

She fell asleep as they began to stable her but she kept flatlining as they jumpstart her back.

"Allison, come on." Oliver muttered, trying to hold it together.
~~9 Months Later~~

"What are you doing?" A female with light brown hair asked.

"They like this song." A male with shoulder length dark brown hair answered.

"How could you possibly know that?" She asked.

"I checked their Facebook pages." He answered as Poker Face by Lady Gaga continued to play. "They can hear us."

I sat up quickly on the bed that I was in just as a familiar guy did as well in his bed. It was Barry. "Where am I?" We both asked in unison.

"Whoah, my God." The male said in shock, "Hey, just relax. You both are at S.T.A.R labs and just woke up from a coma."

"Dr. Wells, they're awake now." The female said in the phone. She began to shine a light in our faces and began to talk about our pupils being equally reactive to the light and so on.

"Who are you? Why are we in S.T.A.R labs?" Barry and I both asked confused, standing up out of our beds.

"I'm Cisco Ramon and this is Caitlyn. Dr. Snow." The male answered.

"I need you two to urinate in these." Caitlyn replied holding up two empty urine cups.

"Not this second." Cisco answered taking the cups away.

"What is happening?" Barry asked as I asked, "What is going on?"

"You both were struck by lightning." Cisco answered as Barry turned around and saw a monitor of his stomach.

"Lightning gave me abs?" Barry asked. I already had abs from all my training and all that. I only had my sports bra on as I asked for a shirt. They handed me a STAR labs sweatshirt as I put it on.

"Your muscles should be atrophied, instead they're in chronic and unexplained stage of cellular regeneration." Caitlyn answered.

"How long were we in a coma?" I ask.

"Nine months." Dr. Wells answers who was a man in a wheelchair. "Welcome back, Miss Allen and Mr. Allen. We have a lot to discuss."

The three of us began to walk down the hall. "It's hard to believe I'm here. I've always wanted to meet you face to face." Barry said.

"Yeah? You certainly went to great lengths to do it. S.T.A.R labs as not been operational since FEEMA categorized us as a class four hazardous location." Wells replied, "Seventeen people died that night. Many more were injured, myself among them." We stopped by a ledge and looked down.

"Jesus." Barry muttered.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Nine months ago, the Particle Accelerator went online, exactly as planned, for forty-five minutes. I had achieved my life's dream and then, there was an anomaly. Electron blots became immeasurable, the ring under us popped, energy from that detonation was thrown into the sky and that interceded a storm cloud." Dr. Wells explained.

"That created the lightning bolts that struck both of us." Barry and I replied.

"That's right. I was, recovering myself, when I heard about you two. The hospital was undergoing unexplainable power outages every time you both went into cardiac arrest, which was actually a misdiagnosis, because you see you two weren't flatlining. Your heartbeats were moving too fast for the EKG to register it. Now, I'm not the most popular person in town these days. But Detective West and his daughter gave me permission to bring Barry, while the Queens gave me permission for Allison, here where we were able to stabilize you two." Dr. Wells finished.

"Iris?" Barry asked.

"Iris, yes. She came to see you quite often." He smiled slightly.

"She talks a lot." Caitlyn replied.

"And she's hot." Cisco added.

And as for you, Allison, Oliver came to visit you as well as his sister." Dr. Wells said to me.

"I have to go." Barry commented, rushing towards the exit.

"No you can't!" Caitlyn spoke.

"No Caitlyn's right. Now that you're both awake, we need to do further tests. We're still going through changes, and there's so much that we still don't know." Wells added.

"I'm fine. Really! I feel normal! Thank you for saving our lives." Barry said, smiling clapped his hands and walked out of the exit.

"Really?" Caitlyn said in an annoyed tone.

Barry popped back in. "Can I keep the shirt?"

Dr. Wells looked at him amused and rolled his eyes. "You can keep the shirt."

"Can I go? I'm pretty sure that there are so many things that have changed, and being the curious person I am, I really want to check those things out. So can I?" I ask.

"Yeah go." Caitlyn and Dr. Wells answered at the same time.

"Thanks." I say, jogging out of the room.

I started to take the train until I noticed my hand moving really fast then I moved a step and ended up forty feet beside me within a second. I chuckle a bit and run out of the train station and off of the Central City bridge leading into Starling City.

I stopped and got ready to run as blue lightning flashed in my eyes. Then I took off running at the speed of light, leaving a trail of blue lightning. "Whoah." I say, stopping and took off my jacket because it almost caught fire. Then I sped to Oliver's hideout and stopped at the entrance.

Then I walked in, typed in the secret code at the door, and walked right on in. Moira Queen, Oliver's mother, had died by Slade Wilson a couple of months ago. It was only Thea and Oliver now.

"Olly?" I call out, walking down the stairs and spotting Felicity at her computers. "Hey, Felicity. Where is everyone?"

"Oh my God. You're awake." Felicity answered, standing up and hugging me tightly. "How are you feeling? I know Barry was also in a coma. Is he awake?"

I laugh a little. "I'm good. And he's awake too and also doing fine."

"Oliver's on a mission." Felicity commenter. I go over to his extra bow and arrows, grabbing them. "He's downtown and fighting some bad people right now."

I nodded. "Thanks, Felicity. And please don't say anything to him about me being here. I want to surprise him." She also nodded as I walk back up the stairs and then ran super fast to where Oliver was at. I had another jacket on with a hood covering my face. The quiver of arrows on my back and bow in my hand.

I stopped on a roof, glanced down, and saw him and Roy fighting some guys. I drew my drawstring back with the arrow aimed at a guy and shot him in the shoulder. Oliver looked up at me, confused and then he smiled. "Surprised to see me?" I ask him, jumping down and landing gracefully.

After we finished the bad guys, he turned and looked at me as he removed his hood and mask as I slid my hood off. "When did you wake up?" He asked with a smile on his face.

"I just woke up about two or three hours ago." I answer.

"Should you even be on your feet?" Oliver asked concerned.

"Olly, I'm okay." I answer, smiling as he frowned, so I dropped my smile as well.

"I watched you die, Ally. You kept dying- Your heart kept stopping." He replied, sighing.

I grab his hand and put it over my heart, against my chest, so he could feel my heart beating. "It's still beating, Olly. I'm okay." I smiled, letting his hand go.

He laughed. "It's really fast." He hugged me tightly as I hug him back. We stayed that way for a few more minutes just as Barry called me.

I step back and answer him, "Hello?"

"Hey, Ally. Is something weird and impossible happening to you like it is to me?" Barry started on the other line.

"Like what?" I ask, "Like running inhumanly fast?"

"Yeah. How'd you know that?" Barry answered, "You can too, can't you? And where are you right now?"

"In Starling with Oliver." I reply, "I had to let him know that I was awake from the coma."

"I'm fixing to head over to S.T.A.R labs. Think you can make it over here quick enough? I want you to be there with me." Barry commented.

"Yeah, yeah. Okay." I say and then we say our goodbyes and hang up. "Sorry, Oliver. I got to go. I'll be back."

"I know you will. Be careful, Allison." He replied, hugging me one last time before I took off running at the speed of light. "Whoah. She's fast."

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