The New Age: Kylo Ren Star Wa...

By alekseixx

773K 18.2K 10.7K

WARNING::: This story has strong R rated language, sexual scenes, and violence. Reader discretion is advised ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29: not an update
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 19

16.8K 457 140
By alekseixx

People Die...
Beauty Fades...
Love Changes...
And You Will Always Be Alone

~L.J. Smith


Sixteen white masks, and sixteen white shells of armor.

Sixteen of the best troopers on board stood before me, their backs erect, and their postures were ready for orders.

No...this won't do.

If we are supposed to be the most feared First Order division, then we can't look like everyone else.

We have to look stronger than normal Storm Troopers, we have to look more unnerving and frightening.

Average, and typical Storm Trooper uniforms would not fit, for these new Knights of Drakon.

Deciding that I would think about new uniforms later, I stood in front of the waiting Troopers.

Clearing my throat, I began.

"You have been chosen to be here, because you are the best. If you stand with me, I can promise you we will be victorious...we will be deathless and everlasting...we will be immortal."

They didn't exactly have a say in it, I just felt like giving a little speech.

I didn't like their armor, they gave them false abilities, and supported their moves, I wanted to see their raw abilities.

"You will remove your armor." I demanded, my voice bled power.

They hesitated, but all at once, I heard the crack of the air pockets slide open, and the helmets fell off.

It surprised me momentarily, I didn't know what I was expecting...maybe old, frail men, with scowls, and weathered skin.

What I saw, was the complete opposite....I saw sixteen young men.

They looked at me, with curiosity, I felt their energy through the tips of my fingers, they fueled me.

Masking my shock, with a scowl, I stepped around the sixteen curious faces, circling them like a shark would its prey.

I breathed in a scent of satisfaction.

"You...are all, as of now...knights of Drakon. Whether you shall stay knights of Drakon, is entirely up to you. The day after tomorrow, at dawn, we will head out to the planet of Serenno. There you will take out the planets army, and kill their population. Failure to do so, will result in extermination."

I observed their emotionless faces, they stood straight, and motionless. They were almost scowling.

I like them.

"Success with this mission will result in your acceptance to the Lord's of Drakon. Any questions?"

A golden haired man stepped forward, his face formed into a frown.

"Yes?" I looked at him with a scowl.

He glanced at me, "what puts you in charge? Who are you anyway?"

I took a long stride until I was face to face with him,
"I have the experience, the knowledge, and the current position to make calls as such."

His expression hardened, "I only take orders from First Order. Not Sith. You're not even Sith, you are a little girl, with too much power for your limited skills. Sith is dead." He made an arrogant face at me, "and you might as well be too. You can't lead anyone, and I won't follow if you lead."

Testy testy.

I smiled cruely, and raised my hand as the golden haired boy sailed across the room, his blaster fell from his frail grasp, and blood shot out of his mouth as his head smashed into the stone wall.

"You see, boy. I am first order, and no matter what any of you say, or do, if you talk to me, like goldie-locks just did, I will murder all of you, and I will not hesitate otherwise."

They took a step back, and nodded with conformation of my threat.

Goldie got up, and sneered at me, the blood gushing out of his mouth flowed over his perfectly white uniform.


"Now." I sighed "Blondie...fight me."

"Your saber is an unfair advantage." He muttered in a bored tone. As he lifted his white armor over him leaving his muscles exposed. He was taking off his armor.

"I have to make it fair." He winked at me as he wiped stained blood from his lips.

A slow smile spread across my face, this little fuck was so sure he was going to win.

Then other men watched carefully as the situation played out.

"To the death." I said as I lifted the cape from my shoulders, and casually tossed it to the floor.

His blank eyes widened a bit, "look...girl. I don't want to hurt you."


"If you do, and I die, then you win, and can take my place as a Lord. Let's fight barbie."

This poor (not really) guy did not know what he had coming to him, I had so much anger boiling inside of me from Kylo. The little fuck had left me, and my temper was beyond capable. I felt distressed, and a little bloodshed was the perfect thing to help control my anger.

Blondie came at me within seconds, swinging purely out of rage, no skill was evident.

I evaded his sad attempts, and decided to have a little fun with my prey before going in for the kill.

He yelled out in battlecry, before lunging for my hair.

What kind of fucking bitch are you? The hair is a cheap shot.

I flipped into the air, my foot striking him in the face, and his jaw crunched under the pressure.

I broke his jaw.

I smirked as I saw him cradle his broken jaw in his hands.

While he began to come at me with punches. I thought this was the perfect opportunity for a lesson.

"There are four things you need to know." I said to the men.

I rolled my eyes as I saw him pull a blade, he was probably pissed at me, not that I blame him.

"One, never be the first to strike, play defense."

I blocked his puny blows with my forearm.

"Two." I said as my booted foot came down on his knee, no doubt shattering it.

"Never let your emotions overpower your fight. Anger and rage may be the key to the force, but not in hand to hand combat."

He growled out as me made weak attempts to hit my face.

"Three, act fast, you may not be acting on impulse, but chances are your opponent is and you need to be ready to act fast, and think quick."

I decided to put an end to this pitiful excuse for a man, he came running at me, blade drawn.

I grabbed the blade from him, his eyes widened, and with that I slid a part in his throat where he would slowly bleed out.

"Four." I said as I walked over to him.

"Never question my authority, or you can be sure that you'll end up just like goldie-locks."

Taking the top of his head, and broken jaw into my hand, I twisted to the side, and broke his neck in two.

Wiping the blood on my pants, I looked back at the shock ridden men.

"Are we clear?"

They nodded their heads in fear.

To be feared is better than to be loved.


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