Drinking Herself Away

By justadreamer65

43.5K 1.3K 210

Maggie doesn't have it easy, her mother is a raging alcoholic, her step-father is an indecisive person who ma... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 7

1.8K 78 17
By justadreamer65


There wasn't a word spoke since we had started moving from my footpath, seemed as if we were angry at each other over something. I knew the truth. I knew we weren't, we were just comfortable with one another's silence. We both were entirely aware that there needn't be anything spoken either, and that would be okay. "Where are we going?" I murmured almost inaudible to my own ears.

"Jeep." Was all he simply stated in a manner as if I should have already known, like I shouldn't have been as silly to even ask? While getting lost in the action of dragging my shoes along the pavement, I was so far behind him I attempted to keep up with him. But I couldn't keep up with myself, never mind him.

"And, where is the jeep taking us?" I stumbled over my rush to get the words out of my mouth. I knew deep down the hesitation was not out of fear. I wasn't afraid of him, I was just curious of just him. Maybe a little bit nervous, but scared, I was not.

"A destination." Was all he managed to release with a smirk pulling at the corner of his lips. He knew how to irritate me, and that was all he was interested in doing for this moment in time. I realised that I wasn't going to be offered nor given an explanation, 'destination' if you will. So, I done what most girls can't do, I shut up, no matter how much my curiosity pulled at me. I knew losing my patience would be the worst option out of the two.

I attempted to climb into the jeep, but my clumsiness seemed to deprive me of that plan. Instead, I felt two hands securely grab my elbows and hoist me clean onto the seat. The door gently closed behind me before I could even usher a 'thank you', Trey was in the seat beside me. This realisation only came about when I heard the roar of the engine come to life.

"Where exactly are we going?" I tried again because but to no avail. Maybe, I couldn't shut up as easily as I thought. He just grunted in response. I decided to sit back and lay my head against the soft head rest, I knew I wasn't going to get a reply. So I stopped trying. We drove for a while. I couldn't even put a time frame on it. I didn't feel like it was real. It felt like I was just sailing through the experience out of my own body. My mother had basically just told me she didn't care about me, I didn't matter. I knew everyone had someone that they would strive to live for and I just wasn't hers.

It hurt.

At the same time, Trey had realised that I wasn't currently living in a blacked out house. Possibly, he put the pieces together and realised that it wasn't just today I was living in a blacked out house. I could feel the jeep start to slow but my heart took an opposite reaction. It thumped and thumped and thumped.

This is it.

I thought to myself, this is how my life ends, I have a heart attack and then I'm no one's problem. However, I could never be that lucky. It would never be that easy.

I jumped up and looked around trying to drink in my surroundings and my heart stopped, I knew my surroundings. I had been here before. The familiar pale yellow house caught my eye. I shot my head in Trey's direction, my eyes narrowed at his penetrating stare.

"What are we doing here?" My voice was alien to my own ears, I somehow sounded mad, betrayed even. I couldn't myself figure out why. Maybe, I was jealous that he had a true family, and I didn't.

He ignored my question, not that I was surprised, it's like a trait he has. "Come on." He said instead of answering me. I stayed rigid, suddenly I felt my hand clench the door handle harder. I felt like I wasn't even present for my own body movements.

"No." I intended it to come out firm with power behind it, but instead, my answer came as more of a whisper. As if I wasn't sure what I wanted my answer to be. He said nothing, just slammed the driver door shut and started walking towards the front door. I hung my head in shame, maybe I shouldn't have been so mean. It was like sometimes I couldn't even stop myself, I never try and purposely be a mean person, but it comes out that way. Unexpectedly, I heard the creak of the passenger door as it was being ripped open.

"Get out now." He ushered me, and suddenly I felt like I had no choice. I stubbornly, one by one, dropped my legs onto the concrete floor, and as ironic as it seemed I suddenly felt grounded. Right, left, right, my feet began to robotically move me towards the house. I towed behind Trey and his long legs made extra strides than I was ever able to. When he reached the door, he turned to stare at me, "Hurry, we don't have all day."
He didn't even wait for my response as he walked through the door. I'll admit, I reached the door, but I hesitated. I reached out to just lay my fingers on the door frame to somehow act as a grounding object, something that offered me realism. It was real, not much was nowadays.

I heard the rumble of laughter throughout the house, it seemed to come from the sitting room and before I knew it, I was standing in front of the laughter. It was a women laughing. Trey leaned forward and planted a kiss on her forehead, she had the most mesmerising brown eyes. Similar to Trey. My hands gripped the door handle leading into their homely sitting room, I was afraid to put my shoes on the cream carpet in case I messed it.

Like I done to many other things.

The woman's eyes twinkled with curiosity at the mere sight of a random blonde young girl standing there, staring right back at her. I couldn't stop my eyes following her hand movement of wrapping her arm around a tiny little being that was tucked away behind her left leg. She peered out from behind her leg. Not yet ready to commit herself to letting me study her. She was different to Trey and the women, she had sparkling blue eyes, nothing like their big brown eyes.

"And you must be Maggie." The woman said drawing my attention back to her, she never said it as a question but more of a statement, she knew who I was. I pulled my eyes away from her and peered at Trey, quietly asking him how she knew. But he wasn't even looking at me, instead the floor looked to be more interesting.

"Yes." Was all I could seem to answer. I didn't know how much he had told her, and I didn't know why, but he did. The little girl's eyes never wandered, they were fixated on me. Her nose began to twitch, as if she was sniffing something. I couldn't take my eyes off her, for some reason or another, she had my full attention. She was different.

The minute Trey and the woman heard her sniffing, their attention was snatched up by it. Their faces were taken over and suddenly laced with fear. I never knew there was such amusement to be had by someone sniffing. The little girl suddenly stopped and slowly came out from behind her legs. I could see their faces transform from fear to shock in the space of a second. I could see a trace of a smile appearing on the little girl's face, which inspired relief to wash over Trey's and the women's face. It was followed by the most intriguing looking dimples I had ever seen in my life time.

"Hi." Was all she ushered out of her soft lips. At this stage, I thought I would literally have to pick Trey and his mom jaws off the floor. I smiled in reply to this angelic girl who didn't try and make a move towards me but sounded like she wanted to be my friend.

The woman done a double take and began to make her way towards me and pulled my hand from my side, "I'm so sorry, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Gina, Treys mother," she said while gently shaking my hand, "and this is Lexis, Treys younger sister, obviously." She murmured as her hand seemed wave in every direction possible. It gave me motion sickness.

"Nice to meet you." I replied with a tight smile, not really sure what to make of this exceptional family. And a family, it was. I wasn't used to this part of living. I couldn't even remember the last time I felt what a family was, never mind having one of my own.

Trey stood still with both hands buried in his pockets as he stared at the ground intently, like it was going to open up and swallow him. His brown locks fell over his eyes as his gaze changed to the direction of his sister. He looked as if he was just clarifying she was still there, she returned his gaze and gave him the same smile I had received, however, he also got a nod of her head.

It looked to me as if she was reassuring him of something and it worked. All his doubt erased from him face as quick as she offered him a nod. I somehow had a feeling there was a connection between the sniffing and the nod.

But I didn't question it, not right now.

Gina slowly detached the tight grip she had on my hand. "I better get Treys bed ready for you." She mumbled more to herself than anyone else, she neatly tucked her straight brown lock behind her ear.

"It's okay, I'll sleep on the couch." I said before I could even process her words.

"No no, do not be silly. My guests don't sleep on the couch. My son on the other hand is a total different case." She finished with a little giggle to herself, disregarding what Trey might think. "None of them are ever accommodating, are they?" She winked while sneaking off behind me. I offered her a reserved smile as she passed by. I didn't know why I felt so foreign, maybe because I never knew this. I never felt love in a household. Certainly not the one I was raised in. The love I was shown was a love for a bottle.

It's like my mother's dependency for a bottle started when she was out of the womb, just like any other baby. As years progress, the baby begins its transformation from a bottle to solid food, but obviously, my mother never got the memo. Her dependency still lays with the bottle, but the contents do not aid in her growth or health. Instead, it deteriorates her being.

"Maggie." I was jolted back to reality by a firm male voice, my head snapped towards Trey. "Are you listening?"

"Hmm yeah." I answered unsure of what I was supposed to be listening to, did he say something? Did I say something? My eyes followed the movement of the little figure who moved up a few feet to rest against the side of Treys leg. Her tiny arm barely managed to fully wrap around his thigh. He smiled down at the figure clung to his body.

Her blue eyes scanned my body with a slight smile, "Do you like makeup?" She simply asked me, her voice was caught between a mix of huskiness with a tinge of a sweet soft tone.

I faltered, did I even like makeup? I didn't even realise what I did like. I never had time to stop and think about what I liked. I resorted to saying, "Am sometimes." More like when I had to, but I felt like it was the type of answer she wanted.

She nodded her head in approval, "I want to wear makeup," she looked up at Trey and I could feel the love she had for him, "but T says I have to wait till I'm older, maybe when I'm older I can be like you."

My heart warmed at the admiration I could see in her eyes, I knew it wasn't for me in particular, but for the older girl that stood in front of her. Still, I could feel the heat pulsate throughout my whole body. It was a foreign feeling of warmth. I couldn't stop the huge smile that took over my face, Trey didn't seem to miss it either. Lexis detached herself from his leg and made her way in the same direction as Gina did mere minutes ago.

That left Trey and I staring right back at each other. The silence haunted my ears, we weren't saying anything, nothing, not a single thing. I didn't know whether it was a bad or a good thing. I had met his mother and sister and I'm not sure why. I'm not sure why he would even want me to meet them but here I am.

"Maggie, come on up." I heard Gina's voice shout down the stairs at me. I granted Trey one last stare and quickly turned on my heels up the stairs. With each step I took up the stairs, the steps creaked beneath me. I could hear Gina ushering Lexis to change into her nightdress. She came flying out of what I assumed to be Lexis's bedroom, "Come on in here." I followed her request and went into the room she was ushering me into. The bedroom was a typical girls room, one wall was pink and the surrounding was a bright magnolia, what caught my eye was the fairy fort placed in the corner. It was unusual.

What was highly unusual was everything had a place. For a six year old that was extraordinary. I had never seen it before. Not one thing was out of place. Her pencils that lay on what I assumed to be her study desk were in line with each other. Her books were laid on top of each other, in the order biggest to smallest. Her chair was perfectly pushed in, not too far left, not too far right just perfectly placed in the middle. Her two bedside lamps were exactly in the middle of the lockers. I couldn't seem to shake the suspicion or curiosity that overwhelmed me, I wasn't even sure which one it was.

Lexis laid underneath the blankets, Gina leaned down to plant a kiss on her forehead. However, Lexis was too focused on wiping the blankets so that there was no evidence of wrinkles on the sheets. "Night sweetheart." Gina said clicking off the switch by her bedside, leaving the room fall into darkness.

"Now, I changed Treys bed. Don't want you sleeping in that smell of feet," she stated with a laugh and a quick flick of her hand, "make yourself at home. Your welcome anytime." She finished with a comforting smile and she gently rubbed my upper arm. I knew she knew a lot more than she was letting on. She knew.

I was left standing there, looking at my feet. What do I do now? Now even this woman knows how pathetic my life is. Trey wasn't even supposed to know but his mother knows now. I dug my foot into the cream carpet that followed up the stairs no longer afraid in case I'd dirty it. Everyone thought I was pathetic now, what could I say?

No it's okay, it's fine, I don't see much of my mom anyway. It doesn't hurt anymore I'm used to it.

I motionlessly made my way towards Treys bedroom, and there it was the clean sheets that had no trace of smelly feet. There was a nightdress placed neatly at the end of the bed. I gathered from the pale pink love hearts it was for me and not for Trey.

I grabbed the nightdress and held it to my chest. It smelt like their house. I never had this before, never had someone who was interested in getting things ready for me, making me at 'home' whatever that was. It was alien to me, but I somehow liked it. In saying that, I knew not to get attached. I'd lose this, I'd lose this feeling of being cared for, they all leave, they always do. Everyone loses the motivation to stay, eventually. Trey walked straight passed me, and over to his bedside locker. It only seems to dawn on me, Treys words.

'She smelt your perfume and she wants to meet you. I'll explain another time.'

"You said before Lexis smelt my perfume and wanted to meet me, and tonight she was sniffing the minute I came in. What's the deal with it?" I questioned tightly clutching the nightdress to my stomach. I don't know why but I was frightened. I had a hunch that this question was a sort of no go, but I was stupid enough and decided to ask anyway. Trey gripped the bed sheet he was about to pull down, his jaw trickled as he intently stared at the bed covers.

Nothing. Nada. Not a single fucking word.


I felt my inner self cringe, but I wouldn't show that on the outside. Instead, I focused my eyes on the ever so still Trey, who had not moved an inch. He grasped tighter than I could imagine someone could and he continued pulling back the blanket. "Not now Maggie." Was all he said, no emotion behind it, nothing.


"Why not now?" My voice echoed in an equal monotone.

He spared me a quick glance and returned to fluffing up the pillows. He stood up straight and only then did I remember how tall he actually was. In less than 3 steps he was perched right in front of my face, "Maggie stop."

All I did in return was present him with a glare. His rough hand reached up to grasp my cheek firmly in his palm. His brown eyes peered into my soul. They were my weakness. But I'd never admit that. I'd never offer him such satisfaction, because that's all he'd get from my revelation.

I could see his crackled lips move slowly up to my forehead and pressed themselves against my forehead. They looked so rough but somehow, felt so soft on my skin. I couldn't help but breathe in the scent of his aftershave. It somehow relaxed the tension in my bones.

"Just leave it, I'll tell you another time." He whispered against my forehead.

Normally, I'd fight and demand for him to tell me now, but his touch somehow seemed to calm me. For once, I was okay. I was content, content in the hands that held me.

Eventually, I knew I'd find out, but just today wasn't the day.



Hope you liked it's been a whole year since I uploaded something! Could be mistakes who really knows, only human! I'll read over it when I get a chance..

It's small, but it's something, I haven't given up just yet.

Let me know thoughts, don't be shy!

Love from Ireland x

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