Gentleman⚣Lilo BDSM✔️

By CockyLilo

697K 24.2K 6.4K

"Just because I'm a Gentleman doesn't mean that I won't spank you." ; Okay so maybe Louis is a loudmouth, att... More



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By CockyLilo

So remember; Love you guys. I'll make up for these terrible moments.

30+ comments?

Long a/u at the end of this chapter

Neophobia- the fear or extreme dislike of anything new or unfamiliar (what Louis has)

There's a pulsing pain going from one temple to the other which makes the young submissive wince in pain. His head feels to heavy to keep up on his own, lulling his head from one side to the other with little to no energy coursing through his body, not even enough to open his eyes to look around his surroundings. Maybe it's for the best, opening his eyes and see a different and unfamiliar surrounding wouldn't exactly be the best for someone with Neophobia.

He feels as if all of his energy has been drained out of his body, leaving him with just an ounce that will keep him awake and feel the pain that aches from his head to his limbs and to feel the cold air on his bare skin. His whole body tremors at the cold, wincing in pain that the whole body shake causes his sore and tired body, maybe from the injection that knocked him out or just in fatigue from his over working in university and the stress.

Louis frowns because he can't remember what happened before this, he remembers being dropped off for his morning and early afternoon classes and then waiting for Liam to Come to his meeting, but everything after that was a blur until this point. He has no idea what has happened or how he has ended up here or why but it can't be good because luck was never on Louis' side.

"Where am I?"He croaks out his question, throat raw and dry. He's finding the energy to flutter his eyelids open, confused and hazy Blue eyes looking around the room that he's in. It's a dull room, with the walls painted a light grey and the spotlight shining onto Louis way too bright which didn't help the pain in his head.

The panic rises pretty quickly whenever he notices that he's just in the panties he put on that morning and tied to a chair with his limbs out of use. His chest feels tight and his eyes squeeze shut out of fear and panic from the unfamiliarity of the room and the fact that he feels and looks like he's going to be used in some crazy sex act that's going to end in a lot of non-pleasurable pain.

"What's wrong with him?"There's a voice echoing behind him which makes Louis' whole body tense up in fear and surprise. Louis' breath quickens, biting his bottom lip to stop the trembling of his lips and that whimper to escape his lips. Louis chest rises and falls in quick actions as he breathes in through his nose and out of his mouth.

"He's having a panic attack of something,"Another voice answers, a hand coming up to press to Louis' cheek Which makes the submissive flinch at the unfamiliar hands that touch him in his state of mind. He can honestly feel his heart beating faster in his chest, so fast that he's sure that it's going to explode and he'll die.

"W-what do you want with me?"Louis stutters out, hot breath fanning over the bare skin of his neck which starts to form goosebumps on his soft skin. He can feel his skin coat with a thin layer of sweat from all of his panicking and shaking, another small wince of pain whenever someone is gripping his chin forcefully.

"A lot of things, dear. You're a very useful submissive that can fulfil our pleasures in countless ways."The second voice is speaking, a thumb rubbing over Louis' cheek."A shame that your dominate was too much of a fuck up to do anything useful with you. He's made a mess of such a perfect little submissive, but we can fix you up and then take care of Liam."

"Liam is not a fuck up,"Louis finds the strength to bark as response as his chin is being let go of and his head lulls forward which causes a pain in his neck. Louis' chest continues to rise and fall as he tries to steady his breathing, to try and make it feel like he isn't drowning."Don't talk shit about my dominate, he's a perfect man."Louis' breath hitches at just the mer mention of his Dom which he wishes was here.

"Perfect?"The first voice laughs behind him, Louis' whole body tensing up with a shuddery breath."Liam Payne is one of the furthest things away from being perfect, he's a disturbed creature and shouldn't even be allowed to control a gang that he is."Louis can feel something sharp glide up his stomach, trying his best to suck in his gut to keep, what Louis only suspects in a knife, away from the soft pudge of his stomach.

"I guess that's what makes us a good match,"Louis is prying open his blue eyes to maybe catch a look at one of his captors, so then he can tell Liam what they look like and then Liam or the gang can go and kill these son of a bitches."I'm fucked up, he's fucked up. Match made in heaven, now can I go?"

Louis has never had to suffer through an anxiety attack nor a panic attack alone, he always has someone near by to grab onto or someone to guide him in the right direction of Zayn or now newly Liam who was the better resource. He was a hopeless cause and just when he thought he was handing an attack alone, in a kidnapping area with two guys he doesn't know who continue to diss on his Dom, Louis just has to add sassiness to the mix.

"You don't know anything about him, do you?"The man holding the knife to Louis' stomach asks with a shake of his head. It was the same man from earlier on, the one that was leaning out of the car window and asking him if he wanted a ride. Louis could remember that, he was walking down the pavement and a guy asked if he wanted a ride and then everything went dark right after he had refused.

Come to think of it, Louis didn't know a lot about Liam. It wasn't like he didn't want to know what his Doms likes and interests were, it was just they didn't have the time to really sit down and go through that type of stuff. Louis just knew what he caught up with during conversations or explanations, like Liam had a family but he wasn't close to them or that he had a fondness of cars.

It made Louis feel like a bad submissive now that they thought about it

"What makes you think that?"Louis sucks in a breath as the blade moves up his stomach in a ghostly action, Louis turning his head and biting his bottom lip to keep himself from crying out in fear. He didn't want to die or to be harmed, he's did nothing wrong and feels utterly humiliated as he sits, tied up to a chair in his underwear in front of complete strangers.

Red, Red, Red

"Because if you did know anything about him, you wouldn't want to stay with him."He smirks, putting more pressure onto the knife at Louis' chest. The second man is coming into Louis' vision, a lot smaller than the one holding the knife, and that look of submissiveness glowing from his soft features and fluffy blonde hair. Louis glances at the smaller captor, a silent plea for him to maybe save Louis from his upcoming torture but it's ignored.

"He's a panicky one, isn't he?"The other submissive in the room questions, grey eyes wide in curiosity as he leans forward to look at Louis closer. Louis is leaning his head away whenever he gets too close, breathing deeply through his nose whenever his face is yanked to the side for the blonde to get a better look all round."You'd think such a fearless Gang Leader in all of the United Kingdom would get a submissive a little more tougher than this."

"Be quiet!"Louis whimpers whenever he witnesses the blonde being slapped by the dominate, chest heaving and heart pounding whenever he sees him fall and quickly scamper to his feet."Liam Payne is not the UK's most Fearless Gang Leader, I am!"Louis feels his whole body twitch in fear at the loud voice, wrists and ankles burning from the rope whenever he moves.

"I-is this what it's all about? I'm just something to claim so you can confront Liam face to face?"Louis gasps for air whenever the knife is back in contact with his skin, not so gently being pressed to his ribs now that it had moved. Louis was sure if he looked down he'd see all of these little white lines from where the blade glided but never broke the skin and just that thought makes Louis' Body shake.

"That's only part of it, sweetheart. Your body and mind would both fit in splendid with my Gang community. You're smart, beautiful and your body is simply ravishing, I mean what boy is just born with wonderful curves and a sinful dick."That's what does it, what makes Louis cry out in fear and for the panic to squeeze at his chest whenever the Strange dominate is cupping Louis' cock through his panties.

"P-please, just let me go. I-I'll give you anything, money, plans, ideas, I-I know how to build bombs I-if that's what you want."Louis sniffles, the tears running down his cheeks. He was willing to show them how to make a bomb or tell them good plans and ideas if it meant he could get away from these men.

"We don't want that, we want you. Having Liam come and collect you and for I to put a bullet through his head is just a bonus."Louis closes his eyes tightly, an image of Liam being shot being pictured in his head and making Louis' whole body to go cold."Without Liam in your life, you simply don't need that paring tattoo, do you?"

Louis cries out in pain as the knife breaking the skin on Louis' left shoulder, just under where the Smaller birds of the scatter starts. Louis is biting his bottom lip to stop the sobs that desperately want to rack his body, trying to move his legs whenever the blade makes a longer line under the bird scatter, across his collarbone.

There's a crashing sound happening just behind Louis, the hands of the strange dominate quickly removing from his clothed cock and for the knife to leave Louis' skin. Louis can't bare himself to open his eyes, he keeps them squeezed closed as he breathes deeply, hiccuping for breath and the feeling of his lungs being on fire. His wrists and ankles burn in rope burn, making Louis wince every time that he moves and that headache he started off with raging back.

"Louis! Shh-"Louis knows it's a familiar voice, he knows that voice but he can't register it to a face which just makes Louis more confused and disoriented as he gasps for air. There are new hands on him, softer hands that are putting pressure on Louis' wounds as another comes up to cup his cheek.

"D-don't hurt me."Louis whispers more to himself than to the person who's trying to stop the bleeding in his shoulder and collarbone.

"We're not going to hurt you, we're here to save you."The voice remains calm as they rub their thumb over Louis' cheekbone, catching a couple of tears that continue to slide down the young and scared submissives cheeks. Someone behind Louis is breaking the rope, freeing Louis' arms and legs."Louis, hey, can you open your eyes for me please?"The voice asks, so soft, so caring and in concern.

It takes a while for Louis to build up the courage to peel open his eyes, blue eyes bright with tears and red rimmed from crying. He's recognising the familiar golden brown eyes in an instant."Zayn?"His voice quivers, breathing still ragged.

"Hey, Shorty."Zayn has a ghostly smile on his lips, removing a hand from Louis' face so he can put more pressure on Louis' wound."How you feeling?"

"How do you think? I'm bleeding and in a strange place where strangers have had their hands all over me."He hiccups, moving his right hand to wipe away the tears and snot from his face. The tears drip off the end of his chin and jaw, looking around the room with glassy eyes.

"So like shit?"Zayn questions casually, glad that Louis had stopped his panicking. Zayn looks behind Louis, shouting at Louis whenever he moves to catch a look because it starts the blood flow again."You're gonna need stitches, we can get that patched up by Calum."

"You're here with the gang? Is Liam here? Did he come with?"Louis asks in frantic questions. Everything is slowly coming back to him now, Liam missing the whole meeting, The fighting, the shouting, the storming out of the house. Louis knows he might've been over reacting but that doesn't mean Liam wasn't in the wrong when he told Louis to stop university. It was the only thing Louis had.

"You've been missing for two days, Louis. Liam had sounded the alarm of your absence after an hour that you didn't come home, nor answered your mobile."Zayn starts, draping a coat over Louis' shoulders whenever a dominate member of the gang comes along to bring one in for Louis who was still in just panties. Zayns hands were covered in blood, so was Louis' entire left side.

"I smashed it,"The Doncaster admits.

"We recognised whenever he found it on the pavement."Zayn smirks,"Anyway, we've been on full alert for the past two days, collecting data and looking through emails on where you are and who took you. I mean we all put two and two together whenever Liam started getting these consecutive number of threatening emails after your disappearance."Zayn is standing Louis up on shaky legs.

"So we found your location, the wackjob wannabe gang leader that kidnapped you and while Harry was hopping on the jet over here, so did I. I knew you'd need to see a familiar face, so here am I."The Pakistani boy is laughing, helping to sit Louis back down again once he he had walked him out of the room and into somewhere else."Liam is waiting for you, he handled your wackjob captors, but you need patched up first."

"Where am I?"Louis finds himself asking the same question twice in one day.

"You honestly will not believe it, but we're in France. You were drugged and practically shipped over to France, to this isolated little cabin. It's honestly like the start of some horror movie."Louis just nods, too tired to say anything or do anything. He allows Zayn to manhandle him, to shield him away from views and to get him stitched up.

"I just want Liam..."

Okay I know this is honestly just a bad chapter, I've been writing it for like 3/4 fucking days and I just couldn't get it in the right direction that I wanted it to go in.

I honestly didn't know who to have save Louis? I was thinking either another gang, Niall (who wouldn't secretly been working for The Submissive Protection Services) or Zayn. No one wanted Liam to save him, understandable.

Btw this does not mean Louis forgives Liam, but it's understandable that he misses him and wants to be with him. Get me?

Your opinions on how this chapter turned out?

Who would've you preferred to save Louis?

How do you think Liam is going to react whenever he sees Louis again?

How should Liam try and patch things up?



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