Surrender to Love (Sequel to...

By foreverlovingnemi

84.5K 2.9K 608

In this story Demi must pick up the pieces after, yet another fight, turned her world upside down. Her ex boy... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 (Final Chapter)

Chapter 19

1.9K 81 26
By foreverlovingnemi


"So Chuck told you that you had to make it to the third round or you'd be sorry, didn't he?" Nick's voice was quiet as he held me in his arms.

I leaned back to look at him, his face tense. "How did you know?"

"Delta told me. He told her to kick you in the stomach if you go down in the first round. Then he wants her to punch you in the stomach in the third round because he thinks you'll be so distracted by worrying about the baby that Delta can win & make Daddy an even richer man." Nick rolled his eyes & shook his head.

"Well, we're fucked I guess." I said then sighed as I pulled myself away from Nick.

"Demi, go down in the first round. Fuck Chuck. I really don't think Delta will kick you. I think she knows how wrong it would be."

"I don't know that for sure, Nick." I saw Joe & Jay come closer to us. "Joe... you look confused." I smiled at him. "I'm pregnant." I blurted out, then laughed when I saw Joe's face.

"Shit. You shouldn't be fighting, Demi." Joe said in a breath.

"Chuck isn't giving her a choice." Nick muttered.

"It's going to be fine. I have a feeling." I said, taking in a breath & puffing out my chest. "I am not letting them win."

"Atta girl." Jay said, with a smirk. 

"Nick, we should get back to your room so you can warm up." Joe said, putting his hand on Nick's shoulder. Nick nodded, watching me, curiously.

"I wish you would just go down in the first round like we talked about." Nick said, in a low mumble.

"I am not letting them control me. I am going to fight my hardest, Nick. Don't you worry. This fight is in the bag." I smiled, smugly & Nick sighed as he grinned. I looked at Jay. "Would you mind staying in here with me & helping me warm up?"

"Not at all." Jay said, looking touched that I had requested him for this. "OH! I almost forgot. Guess who's down in the audience cheering you on tonight?"

"Who?" I asked, excitedly.

"Lisa & Ryan." Jay answered.

"That's awesome. I'm so glad he's out & doing well."

"He's got a long road ahead of him with lots of therapy, but he's doing good." Jay nodded, his head, then looked at Nick. "I'll facetime with you, bro. Go on & do your warm ups."

"Okay, we're going." Nick came over to hug me. "Be careful, please." He said in my ear, then pulled away & left with Joe.

"Okay, Demi. Let's get you warmed up."

"Jay, I want you to help me kick her ass. Do you have any tips for me? I want to know what to do to make her go down." I asked as I put my fists up.

Jay's face got serious as he looked at me, then a huge smile took over his mouth. "Oh... I have lots of tips for you. Okay... listen to me." Jay got really intense, suddenly as he looked into my eyes. I listened to him as he told me some ways to throw a punch that did some damage. After he was done talking about it, he decided to show me. I watched him, intently, mentally taking notes. Then it 1was my turn to show him what he taught me & the look on Jay's face let me know he was impressed.  We finished up & I put my hoodie on, since I was getting cold. I did some air jabs & then hit Jay's hands a few times, while I waited to be called down.

Joe came to the room to tell me it was almost time for me to head out & I asked how Nick was holding up. "He was actually freaking out & was worried about you & since I was afraid it would fuck with his head, I got on Google, because I remembered reading something last year. Turns out I was right & this might make you feel better about your situation, too."

I scowled, then sat down on a bench to adjust my shoes. "What is it?"

Joe sat next to me & I saw the tape in his hand so I knew he was going to help me tape my hands. "Well, have you heard of Kinberly Novaes?" He asked & I shook my head. "She's a fighter from Brazil & she won a brutal title fight, back in May, of last year. She found out in August, while she was training, for another fight, that she was six months pregnant, which meant that when she won that title, in that fight, she was actually twelve weeks pregnant." Joe smiled like he was so proud of himself for finding out this information.

"Really? And the baby was okay?" I asked, sitting up straight.

"She gave birth in November to a healthy baby boy." Joe replied with his nose in the air.

"Wow. That does make me feel better." I smiled, then sat up & gave Joe one of my hands. "Let's do this. Let's get me ready to go kick some ass." I nearly shouted, then gasped, "Wait!" I pulled out my phone & held it up to take a picture of me making a tough face. I smiled as I sent it to Nick, with a text that read, 'I am so ready to kick Delta's ass. Good luck in your fight!' I put my hand out toward Joe again & nodded so he knew I was ready to have him tape me.

Joe taped me up then Jay walked down to the ring with me, while Joe went back to Nick, to make sure someone was there to tape him up before Joe joined me in the ring. I was feeling nervous as I made my way to the cage, but it was an excited nervous. I loved hearing the crowd screaming & yelling for me & it got me more pumped to get in there & fight. I was trying not to think about the fact that I was pregnant. I kept thinking of the female fighter that Joe told me about, so I knew I could win this fight & my baby would be okay. As I got closer to the ring, I saw Ryan & Lisa, flashing them a smile as I walked past them. I also saw Alvey, who gave me an encouraging head nod with a wink. Joe was there, a moment later & I followed him into the ring & took my spot in the corner.

"Demi." I heard someone say my name & looked to see Alvey was standing outside the cage. "You're gonna do amazing. Your dad is looking down on you right now & he's so proud. Just trust your instinct & you're gonna win this fight!" Alvey said & I wanted to reply, but hearing him say my dad was looking down on me gave me a lump in my throat. Instead I smiled, then he walked back to his seat beside Ryan.

The moment I saw Delta, I felt my blood boil. I wanted to kick her ass so badly, just for the simple fact that she fucked Nick. Minutes before the fight started, I caught sight of Chuck's smug expression & he gave me a look that was supposed to be a reminder of what I needed to do. I didn't tell Nick that he threatened to hurt Nick if I didn't let Delta win this fight. He didn't say it in those words, but he insinuated with phrases like, 'if Delta doesn't win, I will lose a lot of money' & 'It would be a shame if Nick were to get in an accident.' I glared at Chuck, then looked away. I didn't give a shit about his threats. I was winning this. I wasn't letting him control me. I wasn't letting him get the best of me. I was going to make my dad proud. If my dad were alive, he would be kicking Chuck's ass.

The bell rang & my adrenaline kicked in. Delta & I bounced toward each other & she wasted no time in throwing a punch. It could have hit me square in the jaw, but I was quick & saw it coming so I leaned back away from it. I kept my body turned as to protect my stomach, since I didn't trust her. We danced, for a few moments, then I threw a punch & my fist made contact with her chin. The look in her eyes made me think that I pissed her off. She threw another punch & again, I leaned back to keep it from making contact. This went on for a few more minutes, then I punched her again, this time harder, making her stumble back a few feet. I saw my opportunity, so I lifted my leg & kicked her upside the head. Delta went down & I punched her a few times, before I was pulled off of her. When she got up, she went to punch me in the stomach, but I was too fast & I went around her, taking her down to the mat in a sleeper hold. I held her there until she tapped out, which she did, less than a minute later. I won that round & I went to my corner, feeling proud of myself. I saw Jay by the cage & he was holding up his phone, letting me see Nick's face watching me through facetime. I smiled & held up a gloved hand, triumphantly. I could hardly make out Nick since he was far away, but I knew he was happy.

I listened to Joe give me a pep talk as he wiped off my face & gave me some water. He told me I was doing great & asked how I was feeling. "Great." I answered, nearly shouting & he smirked.

"Go knock that bitch out." He mumbled as he leaned toward me & I nodded, cocking an eyebrow.

I heard the bell again & stood up. I saw Delta looking very worn out, but I headed toward her, anyway, fists ready. She smirked at me & suddenly, I imagined her naked underneath Nick & I felt my body tremble with anger. I hit her in the face, then gave her an uppercut & she went down. I watched her for a moment, then realized she was out cold when I heard the bell ringing, signalling a winner. The crowd was going insane & then Joe was picking me up & shaking me as Jay came running toward me, looking like he just won a fight, himself. I can't explain how it felt, winning this fight. I was in shock but so excited I couldn't contain myself. The minutes, directly, following my victory were a blur, then Jay was shoving his phone in my face & I laughed when I saw Nick yelling his praises.

"Way to go, Demi! That was fucking awesome! You were awesome!" Nick yelled into the phone & I could really only read his lips. I was being led out of the cage & as I past him, I saw Chuck's face & it sent shivers down my spine. I ignored him, then was being hugged by Alvey, Ryan & Lisa. Minutes later, I was back in my locker room, getting cleaned up. I wanted to get changed so I could get out to the ring to see Nick & Wilmer's fight.

I got back out to the audience & on my way, snapped a picture of me with the cage behind me. I was so excited that I had won & was pumped, ready to watch Nick & Wilmer duke it out. I was rooting for Nick, but I was hoping they both would fight well.

I took my seat next to Alvey & he hugged me, tightly. "So proud of you, I can't even tell you. Your dad is smiling down from Heaven right now. You know this, right?" He said & I smiled as I nodded. "When Nick comes out, I'm gonna go up to the cage. I can't be in there, but I can stand on the sidelines." He winked at me, then turned to look at the fight that was going on in the ring.

"He's gonna be amazing." I said & Alvey nodded, smiling, proudly, keeping his eyes on the two guys that were in the cage, beating each other's asses.

When Nick came out, I felt my heart flutter, as I watched him strut to the ring. I was so in love with him, it was ridiculous & yet, we weren't together. I knew at that moment, I wanted to be with him. I wanted him back. When he took off his shirt, I wanted to run to him & plant a passionate kiss on his lips.

I composed myself as I watched Nick in the ring. He was talking to Joe, then his dad, when Alvey came up to the cage. Nick sat against the fence, while he waited for Wilmer to come out & I couldn't help but stare at him, honestly. He looked so confident & pumped, that I was excited for him. Alvey was smiling, making Nick smile & I was glad that they were good again. I knew how much Alvey meant to Nick & I knew how badly it affected him when they were estranged. I looked around, briefly to see if I could find Chuck, but I didn't see him anywhere. He didn't have anything invested in Nick's fight, that I knew of, so he was probably making sure Delta was okay. My gaze went back to Nick, in the ring & my heart skipped a beat when his eyes locked on mine for a moment. I saw him lick his lips then he winked at me & I smiled before he looked up at Joe.

I heard the announcer come over the loudspeaker, introducing Wilmer & then I watched him jog out to the cage. He looked excited, too & ready to fight, which made my stomach turn. I couldn't help but to remember the last time these two fought. I was hoping that Wilmer didn't hurt Nick this time. I still hadn't forgiven him, but I was at least warming up to him a little more. I wasn't sure if I could ever forgive him, but I was going to try.

I held my breath as Nick & Wilmer started fighting, then bounced up & down, often when one of them got a hit in. They were both pretty even, in the first round, then the bell rang to end it, leaving Nick the winner since he got more points with his hits. They went to their corners & got cleaned up & hydrated. Nick didn't even look tired yet, which was impressive. His dad must have known someone, because I saw him go in the ring to talk to Nick. I saw him telling Nick something & Nick nodded, knowing his dad was right about whatever he was saying.

Nick & Wilmer started fighting again & Nick looked even more pumped than he had looked before. He got several hits in, forcing Wilmer against the side of the cage as he pounded his fist into his face or stomach. I started to feel myself cringe, fearing he might really hurt Wilmer, then Wilmer fell to the mat & Nick straddled him, repeatedly hitting Wilmer's face. Finally, the ref pulled him off & the round was called, declaring Nick the winner of that round.

The third round started & I saw Wilmer's face look pretty vicious, so I knew he was out for blood. I was fearful for Nick as I watched them trade blows. I had to look away a few times, then when I looked up again, I saw Nick on the mat & Wilmer hitting him over & over in the face. I hated this, so much. My heart was beating, rapidly & my stomach was turning.

Nick somehow managed to get out from under Wilmer & started hitting him, in return. I was glad, because I hated seeing Nick get hit. I hated seeing him in pain or bleeding. I watched, holding my breath as Wilmer got hit, repeatedly, by Nick. Finally, the round was called & Wilmer was the winner. I let out a sigh, thinking it was almost over. Both of them were putting up hella fights. I was impressed with them both. As they started the fourth round, I held my hands together as I watched them both come out swinging. Nick hit Wilmer with an uppercut, then kicked him in the chest, sending him to the mat. Nick was over top of him, instantly, hitting him some more. When Wilmer was able to stand, he was very unsteady & Nick took full advantage & hit him in the side of the face. Wilmer stumbled, then fell to the floor, struggling to get up. Nick backed up, waiting for the ref to count to ten.

Wilmer didn't make it back up before the ref counted to ten & Nick was announced the winner. He took it well, jumping up on the cage to scream & yell. His dad & Jay both ran to hug him & I realized I was bawling, I was so happy. I watched them put a belt on him, then hand him another belt for the King Beast victory & I was clapping so hard, my hands started to hurt.

Nick was pretty much carried out of the cage, then was taken backstage. I couldn't wait to go back there & congratulate him, but the crowded arena was emptying out, so I had to wait a bit. I was talking with Ryan & Lisa for awhile, then we all made our way back to see Nick.

When I got to the locker room, I had to wait patiently because Nick was being interviewed by someone & then after that was finished, he was being congratulated by everyone else. Finally, the crowd started to thin out, then Nick saw me & smiled. He was all bloody & sweaty, but I didn't care, since I was so happy he had won & wasn't put in a coma. I ran to him & threw my arms around him. "Congratulations! You were so amazing!" I said into his ear.

"Thanks." He murmured as he kept hugging me. Finally, we pulled apart, then Ryan & Lisa came to give him a hug. I sat down on a bench to wait for him to finish talking to Ryan. He had to get bandaged up, after that, so I continued to wait. I was playing on my phone when he came to sit next to me, almost a half hour later, now all cleaned up. "We both kicked ass." He said with a smirk & I nodded, proudly.

"I don't even care that Chuck is gonna be pissed. I'm done with his gym anyway." I added.

"Me, too. In fact, I don't have a ride home because I gave him his car back tonight." Nick sighed.

"I guess I can give you a ride home." I smirked, leaning into his shoulder.

"Thanks." He let out a chuckle as he looked down at me.

"You ready now?"

"I have to go sign some stuff, then get my money & belt. They were putting my name on the King Beast belt. I can meet you at your car. Which lot are you parked in?"

"I'm in the VIP lot, in row S." I smiled, then stood up. "I'll go pull the car closer to the door."

"That's cool. I'll be out shortly." Nick said, standing. He gave me a hug, then smiled before I turned & headed out.

I walked out of the arena, toward my car, smiling from the adrenaline rush I still had from my win & Nick's win. I realized that I wasn't hardly hit at all, so I knew my baby was fine. That made me happier than the win, quite honestly. As I got closer to my car, I reached into my purse, fishing for my keys. I unlocked my car door & threw my bag & purse inside. Just as I was about to get in, someone grabbed me by the hair & yanked me away from the car. I couldn't see who was putting his strong arm around me, but a dark figure came out of the shadows & walked toward us. He was wearing a beanie & had a hoodie on, with the hood over his head, casting a deep shadow over his face, so I couldn't see it. I was scared now & started praying that someone was around & would see what was happening.

I went to scream, but the man who was behind me, clamped his hand over my mouth. "Scream & I stab you right here." The creep murmured into my ear as his hand patted below my belly button, then I felt something hard & assumed it was a knife.  Did he know I was pregnant? Was this random? Was this me being targeted? Shit.. Chuck. Did he do this? No. Could he be that cruel?

"Well, aren't you a sexy little thing." This man, in front of me, said in a deep, menacing voice. "I know we're only supposed to rough her up, but I didn't know she was so fucking hot. I say you push her into the backseat of her car so I can have a little fun first." The man said in a husky voice as he reached into my car to unlock the back door. He lifted his hand & I saw he had a knife, too & he pointed it at my stomach as his other hand grabbed a handful of my breast.

I still couldn't make out his face & I closed my eyes when his hand went down to between my legs. I didn't want to open my eyes until this was all over, which I prayed was soon. I prayed that they didn't hurt me. But, it seemed like the only way they weren't hurting me was if someone stopped them. I opened my eyes to look around & I started crying when I realized how dark & empty the parking lot was. I could barely make out the arena, in the distance & even if someone came out of it, they wouldn't hear or see anything all the way over here. There were no other cars around me & if they put me into my backseat, no one would see anything being done to me.

I let out a sob when the guy put the knife under my shirt & yanked to slice it open. I felt the blade on my stomach & I swallowed, trying to keep breathing as I prayed even harder for God to save us. I knew the worst was about to happen. I knew, in the pit of my stomach, that these guys were doing this on Chuck's orders. I had that sickening feeling & I also knew they probably had strict orders to make sure I was injured as much as possible in the middle of my body. I wonder if these two low lifes knew I was pregnant. I wonder if they even would care? I bet they were being paid a lot of money to do this, which seemed ironic to me since I cost Chuck so much by winning. I jumped when the man in front of me pulled open my back car door & then started chuckling as he licked his lips. "Put her in there. You can have a turn after me if you want." He said & I squeezed my eyes shut. I wanted to wake up from this nightmare, but sadly, it wasn't a dream. 

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