
By iamjanessaelliot

202K 7K 991

Sequel to Heart Under Construction. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 5
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 7

5.3K 231 43
By iamjanessaelliot

Part 1.

Alisha POV

I breathed out as my hands and muscles cramped around my arms.

I was holding myself... Together.

I couldn't afford to fall apart because I had to be strong for the both of us.

It feels like everything was moving in slow motion.

I tapped my leg without even realizing how viciously my nerves moved as I looked at the clock.

The loud sound of the little red line on the clock ticking.... to the loud squeaking of the nurses shoes... to the buzzing of the bright white hallway lights.

Ky has been in surgery for two hours but it feels like years.

Shay and I already called everybody that needed to be informed and they were all here... I just couldn't see anything but Ky or his surgeons right now because at this very exact second...

Nobody else mattered.

I just wish I could've been able to tell him that I was in love with him. He always and already knew that I loved him... Just not the way I grew to.

One of Ky's surgeons, Dr. Wyatt, was coming out to give us a update while we waited anxiously when Monè suddenly came through the door.

She seemed like she wasn't in any rush emotionally because her face was blank but she physically was speed walking.

I'm surprised I even realized it was her.

I was just so numb.

Nothing else could effect me in any worse way than what just happened did.

I breathed out stressfully as my nerves continued to radiate out of my body when the surgeon approached us.

I studied him.


... I looked at him for any sign or disappointment or sorrow and he didn't have that.

I mean I knew professionals were trained to not show emotion but this was different.

As we waited for him, I felt the comforting presence of Carter, Shay and Ky's mother. Everybody else was still on their way.

Dr. Hendon approached us also as we stood with anticipation.

I bit my lip hard at the strong, undeniable feeling of reality as they stood infront of us.

"I would like to inform Mehki Harris's family of the multiple emergency surgeries...." Dr. Hendon paused for a second.

"He is doing just fine" They both spoke the words that I would forever be thankful for.

I felt hot tears running down my face as I came to terms with the fact that he was actually okay.

I heard Carter thanking god outloud, along with sniffles from Shay, Coree and Ky's mother.

"Although, he is in very critical condition right now. Starting from top to bottom... We had to stabilize his beaten up neck with a brace, repair his wrist that suffered 2nd and 3rd degree burns, repair every tendon in his left shoulder that he used to get out of the car with. We had to secure his multiple rib fractures and left sided abdomen damage from the impact, which he also had a gashed incision that required 11 stitches..." He paused for a second.

"We also ran some tests and he will have effects of the chemical air explosion he became victim to. The effects won't last that long... After the car tumbled, the roof caved in on him, he will need physical therapy or his lower back will curl up permanently overtime. From the impact of the car smashing perfectly into the drivers side, he had his entire left leg crushed" Dr. Wyatt read charts briefly as his voice got serious.

"He won't be able to walk for a while. He will need his family and friends to do everything for him... So a big support system will be almost mandatory because I'm gonna be honest with you... This road will not be easy for him or anybody else. He has some major injuries that will take weeks upon months to recover from but he can do it. Everything else is minor things" Dr. Hendon spoke seriously and sincerely.

"He appeared to have cuts, scrapes and glass all over him which is understandable. He also has swelling and bruising that will subside throughout the process of recovery. Their are other things but I don't want to overload any of you" The surgeons continued.

This was so real 😔

I felt him reread the clipboard through my peripheral vision of my welled up eyes.

"Even through all of that... He still is the healthiest, strongest patient we've had with situations like these. With accidents even somewhat like his, patients don't make it past the 30 minute surgery mark" he paused before he continued. "I mean everything in this situation isn't adding up. For one, he was supposed to get a dangerous virus and infection from the trench water being in his open wounds but he didn't and that's just ONE of the features. It's astounding to the whole medical team what he survived. You guys must really be proud, you have a big fighter on your hands that won't give up for anything" Dr. Hendon exclaimed as he cleared his throat with a small chuckle while Dr. Wyatt agreed, pleased.

"He truly is a miracle... I don't know what your religious beliefs are but I know for a fact that he had a guardian angel watching over him" he spoke genuinely.

I could tell by the way he spoke that he was smiling.

"You will be able to see him in about two hours. My medical staff is finishing his procedures right now and than I will take you to his room" I spoke.

We all outbursts in 'thank you's', hugs and questions.

I stood there... Quiet. I needed to absorb everything.

I realized that after they spoke, for some reason... I couldn't look neither of them in the eyes.

I felt like since I didn't tell Ky I was in love with him, I felt like I didn't have enough in myself to do that... As if I didn't deserve it.

I looked at the design of the hospital tile as I listened closely to every word that they just said.

I breathed out as I knew for a fact that the man I was so disgustingly in love with.... Was okay.

I walked away, telling everybody I needed a minute as I began thanking God over and over and over until it was time to see him.

I began breathing hard, knowing I was going to have to wait until after Ky's mom seen him.

It was just extra time to let my nerves skyrocket and I didn't need that right now.

"It's okay sissy" I heard Shay's soft voice say to me as I felt myself being held with genuine care while we stood infront of room C89.

I couldn't help but lose myself in her arms.

I planned on keeping it together as long as I could until I saw him atleast but now.... I couldn't handle it.

"Shhhh... It's okay" She said as she rubbed my back soothingly to calm my violent hiccuping down.

I felt like I was crying for years when Ky's mother walked out while sniffing.

I looked up at her and she gave me a reassuring look that encouraged me to know that everything really was okay...

Only one person could see him at a time right now.

Shay kissed my cheek.

"Go" she whispered with a soft, tired smile as she let go of me.

I looked behind her at Carter, who was sitting in a chair... almost for his consent to go before them.

He sniffed before he spoke.

"Go sis" he commented lowly while nodding towards the door.

I gave him a look of 'thank you', was about to go in when Monè spoke.

"Why can't I go?" She asked hurt with a squeaky voice.

I breathed out.

I was too tired and drained to respond and so was everybody else.

I just ignored her and slowly walked into the room.

I heard the sound of quiet humming machines, that must be attached to him, as I closed the door slowly and softly.

I was so scared to look up.

I breathed out a couple of times... Preparing myself to see him like this.

I found it in myself to look at him and my heart dropped below sea level as my breath went missing.

I put my hand over my mouth as tears continuously blurred my vision.

He was so hurt 😔

There were tubes and wires in every direction and possible spot.

Ky looked like a science experiment.

I slowly walked closer to him as I began to examine him more closely.

I started from the bottom of his bed to the top.

I realized that his bed was extra wide, to have room for all of his medical procedures and needs.

My bottom lip quivered at how the entire left side of his body seemed like it was in extensive and intense care.

I got closer to see all the thick bandages... bruises... cuts... And scrapes.

As I got even closer I realized he had small cuts and scrapes on his face.

His eyes were swollen and his face appeared even puffier with the neck brace on him...

He was sleeping heavily because his body needed to repair and heal itself.

I breathed out as I let my hand slowly fall away from my mouth.

Tears ran heavily all over my face.

I looked at his exposed good hand and slowly began to reach for it.

His once silky, soft skin... Was now beat up and abused.

I scrunched my eyebrows up to try to stop my tears as I hesitated to grab his hand.

As I studied it, it seemed as though it needed something to grab onto... but not just anybody....

It almost felt he knew I was there.

I slowly and cautiously placed my hand gently into his big one.

I carefully held his hand as I let myself fall apart.

This is what our relationship has become... And I had to accept that.

Needing to feel closer to him, I leaned up and placed my head carefully at the side of his head and in his pillow as I sobbed uncontrollably.

I placed my hand gently on the other side of his head.

How did we end up like this? 😔

Shay POV

*Hours Later*

It was currently almost 5 in the morning and now everybody was here.... In the waiting room.

Family and friends.

We were all emotionally drained and tired in ever type of way.

We were all waiting for him to wake up. He was supposed to have been up about 4 hours ago.

The surgeon said that that was normal because his body is so overloaded all at once that it needed a break so it could work overtime.

I breathed out as I readjusted myself and wrapped my arms around Carter before I breathed out comfortably.

I was trying not to fall asleep on him so I forced my eyes to open, only to look up at Monè. She was saying bye to everybody.

I closed my eyes and breathed out again at the sight.

Monè bitched this entire time.

I look at it like this...

It's her fault.

Real simple.

Monè was leaving and she didn't even see Ky yet.

She just kept on saying she wasn't ready and that she wanted to let everybody else go before her....

Than why you leaving bitch?

She didn't see him yet but she was gone damn near... Smh.

And she was smiling and laughing as if she wasn't bothered that my brother was in a deadly crash because of he stupidass unnecessary needs...

Of course my brother being the sweetheart that he is, he couldn't say no... It hurts me to see someone get punished for caring about other people, even when that person doesn't even care for them.

I don't have the emotional stability to be even talking right now..

I breathed out when Alisha came over and sat next to us.

She sniffed and her face was really puffy.

She was running her fingers over the x rays of Ky's body as she sat there staring at the walls...


I was about to reach over to her but I was cut off by Lyla, Ky's cousin, coming over and offering some hot chocolate and food to us.

She's such a sweetheart. She knew we all haven't eaten anything.

I gave her a small, weak smile.

"Thank you babygirl" I said to her as I took a cup of hot chocolate off the tray.

She returned my warm smile and went onto Carter and Alisha.

When she got to Alisha, Monè randomly came over.

"No thank you Ly but it's oka-" Alisha's decline was cut off by Monè as she started talking while grabbing multiple things off the tray.

"I'm just so sorry this had to happen. I don't know why this would've happened to such a good perso-" she started a emotional rant as she put on a fake sad face.

She was cut off quickly.

Monè had never really acted so 'out of character' before but I guess this was the real her.

I was about to say something but Alisha read my mind.

She stood up fast and got in her face.

"Back the fuck up! I don't know why your even in here!!.... Tryna act like you fuckin care" she looked at her up and down in disgust. "Your the reason all of this happened!" Alisha yelled to Monè while pointing to the X-rays of his foot in her hand.

His bones looked like powder.

I put my hand on Alisha's hip as Monè acted like she didn't know why she reacted like that.

"Alright than... I thought I would come out and show a little support but I guess not-" Monè tried to get our sympathy before Ky's mom cut her off.

"Leave!!" She barked at her.

She jumped at her voice and slowly began to turn around towards the exit.

Alisha breathed out and stood there for a couple more seconds before she handed Carter the X-rays and kissed my cheek.

"I have to go for a walk" she mumbled.

I knew she kissed my cheek to reassure me that she wasn't going to do anything stupid.

"Okay" I whispered back to her as she started to walk away towards the back of the hospital...

I breathed out stressfully as I laid my head back against Carter's chest.

I felt his lips against my forehead a couple times.

"It's okay" I heard his soft voice encourage me....

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